A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance) (8 page)

“I’m not uptight,” she grated out. “Just not in a habit of drinking so late at night.”

“Are you always like this?”


“Living by a lot of self-imposed rules.”

“Lack of self-control is bad for business.”

“You make me sound so juvenile.”

She made an unladylike snort. “That didn’t come from me.”

“You’re drinking tonight.” He opened a bottle of champagne and poured her a full glass.

Her eyes flashed at him in defiance. “I said—”

“Chicken.” He went back to the sofa and sat down, settling her glass of champagne on the center table.

She didn’t move, but really she was overreacting. She was already home and he was only staying for a drink. It would be over in minutes. She won’t see him again after tonight and her life would be back to normal. Wes Stoner would be just a little blip in her memory.

The thought of not seeing him again made her throat constrict with this bittersweet feeling.
Oh no. Don’t even go there.

He took a sip from his glass. “This whiskey tastes just like you.”

“Excuse me?”

He patted the space beside him. “C’mon, Av, relax.” His eyes dropped to her feet strapped in a pair of 5-inch stilettos. “Your shoes must be killing you.”

Indeed, they were. She wanted so much to kick off her shoes and walk barefoot, but not with him around. Normally, she was confident in her own skin but she suddenly felt uncomfortable around him with her plunging neckline and the deep slit at the side of her gown that showed off the expanse of her left leg. Removing her shoes would be like removing a scrap of her clothing in his presence and it kind of felt intimate.

“I won’t bite.” He smiled and spread his arms on the back of the sofa and rested his head, looking up at the ceiling. He sighed as if he was truly happy to be there, relaxing with a drink.

Watching him warily, she slowly walked towards him and sat beside him, making sure there was enough distance between them.

“You have a beautiful house,” he commented softly.

“Thank you.”

He picked up her glass of champagne and handed it to her. She accepted it, their fingers brushing. As expected, fire licked her fingertips, making her drink up.

They drank in silence and she was surprised to finish first.

“I told you you needed a drink.” He stood up to refill her glass and came back shortly.

The champagne had a quick effect on her body. Warmth loosened the tension in her nerves, releasing the pressure from her tight muscles. She was actually starting to relax.

“Feeling better?”

“Ummm,” she murmured, sinking deeper into the softness of the sofa.

“It’s awfully quiet here,” he observed.

“What did you expect?”

“A horde of male groupies in their sequined skivvies?”

She couldn’t help but giggle at the image he conjured. “Hardly.”

“What, no entourage in this mansion?”

“Nope. I like my privacy. I need peace and quiet for my music.”

“You live here alone?”

“Yeah. My household staff sleep in another house at the back.”

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“No. This was built brand new for me so no ghost stories and I have a 5-man security 24-7, so…”

“Aren’t you lonely?”

His questions were becoming more and more personal, but she was answering anyway. “Why should I be?”

“This place seems too big for a single resident.”

“I like vast, open spaces. I can think better. I love my alone time.”

He nodded. “I guess I can relate. When I wanna recharge from long months of shooting, I go to my ranch in Texas Hill Country. It’s near San Antonio and Austin.”

“So you’re really from Texas?”

He tipped an imaginary hat. “Yes, ma’am. Born and bred.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “You ride horses and take care of cows in that ranch?”

“I sure do when I get the chance. I have three thoroughbreds for riding and maybe three dozen cows roaming around the area happily. I had a nice log cabin built near the river.
The Guadalupe River runs through my property and it’s really beautiful all season. I love fishing there during summer. You’ll love it there.”

You’ll love it there.
He said things like they’d known each other for years. Like they were friends. It was odd, and yet it wasn’t.

Wes Stoner was making her feel too comfortable and it was time he left.

Yet she didn’t want him to leave. Not yet.

Just a little more time…



Ava found out she and Wes
could actually talk about stuff without getting on each other’s nerves. He could be funny too. Like hilarious.

She knew from his guest appearances on TV shows that he was fond of imitating famous personalities. His impersonation of Sylvester Stallone and
Arnold Schwarzenegger
had her clutching her middle and laughing her ass off. He got their accents down pat!

His voice was so flexible. No wonder he could do any accent. He was really gifted, a true thespian. If he didn’t look too masculine and built like a poster boy for gym rats, he could be a great stand-up comedian. As it was, his gorgeousness was distracting and she found herself staring at every splendid part of him as he stood in front of her doing a perfect Vito Corleone in the Godfather.

Her second drink turned into a third and a fourth. He happily refilled her glass for her. She was enjoying the view of his spectacular ass as he walked to the bar. She had totally loosened up around him and she didn’t know how he did it.

Her body was throbbing incessantly again with a certain ache. It was stronger now, intensified by his nearness. Or maybe it was the drink. Or the laughter he’d elicited from her.

Maybe she should stop drinking, stop enjoying his company too much. But it felt good to have him around. She’d spent one too many solitary nights in this mansion she’d bought after she broke up with Tyrone and she was enjoying someone’s presence here for the first time in years, more than she’d expected to.

“Here, let me…”

The next thing she knew, he was bending and lifting her legs so that her feet were resting on his lap. His fingers gently unstrapped her stilettos from her ankles.

Then he was massaging her tired feet.

Ohhhhh god….

She sat there, her back resting against the arm of the sofa as her feet got special treatment from his nimble hands. No, she shouldn’t allow him to do this. He had no business touching her feet. She wanted to kick him, but her body won’t obey her mind. His warm hands felt too good on her feet, his strong fingers rubbing away the aches caused by her high heels with surprising expertise.

The ache in her core seemed to have magnified ten times.

Wes Stoner was massaging her feet and her core was churning with the sweetest ache that was almost unbearable now.



“You should leave,” she
told him without conviction,
trying to hold back her moans.

“Haven’t finished my drink.”

“I’m already into my fourth glass and you haven’t finished your first.”

“Is that my fault?”

“No…but…” He pressed his thumb at the center of her left foot. It felt like an explosion of sublime sensations that radiated throughout her body. “Ohhhh god, that feels good…” she purred in pleasure.

He smiled. “You still want me to leave?”


He pulled at her toes one by one, then rubbed the tight, little nerves in between them. She squirmed, feeling more liquid fire gush between her legs. She should stop him. Make him leave before she totally lost her mind. But maybe she’d already lost her mind. She hadn’t felt this good in a long time…or never…and she knew it was only going to get better.


“Hmm?” Her name sounded like a caress rolling from his lips. She liked the sound of her name on his lips. She could imagine him uttering her name again and again while he—

“Why did you choose me?”

“I didn’t…”

“Yes, you did. You chose me. I wanna know why.”

His eyes speared her like laser and even though she wanted to deny it, she couldn’t bring herself to fabricate. Not while he was making her feel so damn good. “I thought you’d be perfect as my Heartbreaker.”

“So why did you change your mind?”

She bit her lower lip. His fingers were circling her ankle now, sending licks of fire through the expanse of her legs, straight between them, bombarding that area. The heat whirled there, causing her nipples to throb, too and her skin to break out in sweat. “Because of how you make me feel…”

His fingers crept up, drawing lazy circles on her calves. “How do I make you feel?”

Her entire body was tight with tension, needy to be petted further. She wanted him to rub her in places where she was itching and craving to be filled and stroked to assuage this need inside her right now that was bordering on pain. It pounded with the beating of her heart, pulsed with the rush of her blood in her veins and the she could hardly breathe as she lay there in suspended longing.

“Tell me. How do I make you feel, baby?” His fingers were now tickling the back of her knees.
It was all she could do not to grab his hand and put it between her legs where she badly needed his attention. For the first time in her life she wanted a man’s touch in her most intimate places like a wanton.

“Hot. You make me feel so hot.” There was no hesitation, only honesty. She wanted him to know how he was making her feel. It was turning her on like she can never believe. Her body was as tight as a drawn out bow-string ready to be released. She wanted release from this ache. She wanted to touch herself and make herself come. Right there in front of him.

He growled,
a primal sound coming from deep in his throat. He moved fluidly and then he was between her spread legs, a huge beast crouching above her, his face inches from hers, his warm breath blowing on her lips. She licked her lips in anticipation, her pussy pulsing with her every breath.

“How hot, my Empress?”

“Oh Wes…” she moaned his name, her hands touching his chest. Even against his vest, he felt hot…and hard…and he smelled so good…his woodsy cologne invading her nostrils coupled with his own unique scent, a scent that she craved to inhale deeper into her lungs.

“Are you wet?”

She whimpered. She’d never been this intimate with a man before. She’d never permitted any man to put her in this position. But the man with her now was making her break all her self-imposed rules. Wes asking if she was wet aroused her further her panties must be an embarrassing mess now.

“You make me hot, too. Feel.”

He ground his hips between her legs. The shock of it made her gasp.

“Feel that, sweetheart? I’m so hard for you I hurt.”

Knowing he felt the same totally severed the remaining threads of her resistance.

Oh my lord, he felt incredible against her cleft. The hard, thick ridge of his cock rubbing against the plump softness of her pussy made her sigh in relief and whimper with more need.

“Wes…” she uttered, desperate for more.

He started humping her and she went wild, grinding her pelvis back, her entire body ablaze with a hunger that demanded immediate satisfaction now. Right now, or she would go mad!
It was the most exciting and frustrating thing, to feel him with all their clothes on, making her desperate to be skin to skin with him.

She wanted nothing between them. She wanted to feel all of him against her, inside her.
“Wesley, please…!”

His lips caressed her neck and she almost came when he licked her earlobe. And he wasn’t even touching her for real yet. Not where she wanted to be touched so badly. “Oh god, Wes, I want you!”

“Yeah? How do you want me, babe?”

His lips hovered over hers and she could smell the whiskey in his breath and she couldn’t help it. She licked his lips, sucking on them.

He inhaled sharply. Then his lips slammed against hers, completely taking her breath away. She’d been kissed before, both on and off cam, but they were nothing like this. Wes’ lips felt like branding iron on hers, so hot and demanding.
His tongue snaked in, strong and sure, thrusting in and out, sending sharper signals of need straight to her core, making her pussy walls clench in emptiness. She’d been empty for so long. She wanted to be filled. By this man.

She finally wanted a man inside of her, to make her feel like a real woman in the most elemental union designed by nature.

Her hands slipped through his hair, gripping fistfuls, bringing his face harder against her face as their lips and tongues clashed and parried.

“I want you,” she said in between their kisses. “I want you in every way. Please, please, Wes, Take me. Take me!”

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