A Sweet and Spicy Kind Of Love (14 page)


Julian shook his head and laughed with delight “You surely are one of a kind Molly Makepeace. Never let anyone tell you any different.”


Molly nodded, but felt a lump in her throat that she couldn’t dislodge. She wanted to say so many things, but none of them came. When she couldn’t get the words out, she simply hugged him and sobbed on his chest.


Julian smiled and kissed Molly’s head “I do love you my red head girl. I am so sorry that it took so long to figure that out.”


At his words, Molly cried even harder and Julian sighed “This is not a funeral you know. It’s a declaration of love and a proposal of marriage. I should think you would be happier not sad.”


Yolanda returned and caught the last part of Julian’s words.  “Marriage? Oh my goodness did he actually propose?” she cried for joy as she flung herself at them both. She made such a scandal that the staff along with Rose came crashing into the room to see what was wrong.


Yolanda responded before Julian could get a word in edgewise “He proposed! Can you believe it? He actually proposed. Molly is getting her man and it only took one hundred years! This is fabulous, fascinating, oh my, words actually fail me.”


Julian sputtered in disbelief. Words would never fail Yolanda as far as he was concerned. She seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of things to say.


“You won’t mind her exuberant personality, will you?”


At Molly’s soft words, Julian leaned closer “What did you say my dear?”


“You won’t mind Yolanda, will you? She really is the best of friend and the only one that remained true after so many years.”


Julian shook his head “Your friends are my friends and that’s that. Except for a certain person named Ethan Brommel. I don’t ever want to see him again.”


Molly smiled “Don’t worry. I don’t think you will, but please do not doubt my loyalty to you. You are and always have been, the only man in the world for me. I have the years and the scars to prove it.”


Julian’s gaze was regretful “Forgive me Molly. I did not realize I hurt you so.”


She raised her hands to his lips “Shhh, that is in the past and this is the future. That is all that matters and that is all that will matter. Now let’s tell our parents.”


There was no need to bother. Yolanda had already found Lionel and Belinda and broken the news. When they both showed up to kiss Julian and Molly, Yolanda was busy instructing the servants on the best way to prepare a wedding menu. “It has to be a grand, spectacular event. Call the televisions stations, the press, the marines, and the navy. Call everybody. My baby girlfriend is getting married!”


Molly laughed with delight and urged Yolanda to take things slow. “Would you please relax? Let’s take it one step at a time. Now that I have the man of my dreams, I don’t wish to scare him away. Gently, my darling. Gently.”


“I don’t think she knows the meaning of that word. That’s just the way she is… naturally.” Julian’s amused comment did not sit well with Yolanda. Sticking out her tongue she refused to look at him.


Molly gasped “Yolanda, please behave.”


Yolanda smiled sheepishly as she replied “Well all right, but promise me one thing both of you, please?”


Molly and Julian held hands as they nodded.


“Molly, I want to be your maid of honor when you tie the knot with Julian, if it’s all right with Mr. High & Mighty of course. And you know I have to be the baby’s fairy godmother, all right? Nothing else will do.”


Molly embraced Yolanda tightly and Julian embraced them both, as she whispered “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
















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