A Taste for Blood (The Godhunter, Book 6) (6 page)

So what are you saying?” She was starting to look worried.

I'm saying that I support your decision,” I smiled grimly, “but I also support the right of the rest of the Froekn to choose their own path. Change can come quickly but acceptance takes more time. The wolves have had this kind of isolation for so long, it can be hard to adapt and I don't think they
completely. I think a happy medium needs to be found, where they retain their culture while being open to being a part of others.”

Why do you keep referring to the Froekn as
?” She frowned. “You're a part of us.”

Yes, I am,” I sighed, “now. I wasn't raised the way you were though. I have no claim to your culture and I think it would be arrogant and dictatorial of me to force my views on the Froekn. I don't judge you as they may because my way of thinking is completely different and I refuse to judge
for whatever their response may be, for the same reason.”

So we're on our own,” her shoulders sagged.

No,” I hit her sagging shoulder. “I told you I'm with you. I will stand up for you and do everything I can to ensure your safety but I'm not going to use you two as poster children for the way the Froekn should be. You will hopefully be an accepted exception to the norm and if another Froekn decides they want to marry outside the wolves, then you will know that you've paved the way for them.”

But they probably won't,” she chewed at her lip.

Probably not, from what I know of the family...
family,” I chuckled. “You've probably got a lot of tussles to look forward to and Fallon will probably have to fend off a few wolf attacks as well but I really don't think they'll try to do serious damage to either of you. I think it'll be akin to joining a fraternity and getting hazed, just with more teeth and claws.”

You're probably right,” her face was settling into grim but determined lines.

Fallon can handle himself,” I mused and looked her over. “I'm pretty sure you can too.”

Vervain,” she growled.

Oh, now I'm Vervain,” I laughed and she huffed. “Don't stress about this, enjoy your happiness but be prepared for the fallout.”

We will,” she sat back and took a sip of her wine. “Just one more thing... Rouva.”


Will you be my maid of honor?”

I think I can handle that.”


Chapter Ten


There was a party in full swing when I finally made it back to Pride Palace. Loud music, pizza boxes, and drunk lions filled the common room. Fallon was in the middle of it all, looking smugly satisfied as he took a drink from his beer. I shook my head as I surveyed the Intare.

Having fun?” I called and the music instantly went down a few notches, replaced with slurred salutations. “I guess you've all heard the happy news. I wanted to address this when you all were alert but it looks like I'm going to have to be the one to sober you all up.”

Why?” Fallon got to his feet, steady and ready. “What's happened? Samantha...”

Is fine,” I waved him back down and he fell into his chair with relief. “Happier than I've ever seen her. What we need to talk about are the possible reactions Fallon is going to experience.”

Those wolves try anything and I'll...” Adrian swayed to his feet.

You'll sit the fuck down,” I growled and he sat, looking shocked, as most of the Intare suddenly did.

You've all forgotten something very important,” I walked further into the room, kicking empty pizza boxes out of my way as I went. “The Froekn are my family too. They're Samantha's family and so will be Fallon's family and by extension, all of yours as well.”

I let that sink in a bit before I continued.

“If this marriage is going to work,” I eyed my rowdy boys, “all of you will have to remember that and make an effort to act accordingly.”

What's that supposed to mean?” Lucian said from Fallon's left.

It means, that if Fallon has trouble with some Froekn, you let
deal with it.” I glared at their suddenly sullen faces. “No retribution unless I okay it. They're probably going to give him a hard time but I doubt it will be more than Fallon can handle. You have to allow him to show them that he
handle it, that he's strong enough to be part of their family.”

Of course he's strong,” Darius gave me a smirk, “he's Intare.”

Yeah, yeah,” I held up my hands when they all started cheering to the wonderfulness of themselves. “We are lions, hear us roar. I get it but here's the thing: they don't. The Froekn have been assassins for years and before that, they were hunted. The wolves are bad-ass and they know it. You guys may be able to turn into lions but so what? You're not trained fighters, you haven't killed for a living. You are not the same.”

Well shite, Tima,” Jared's Irish accent turned the curse into something foreign. “I never thought I'd hear you tell us we're not as good as someone else.”

You can't be the best at everything,” I shrugged. “I love you all but one thing I've learned from my years of fighting gods, is that you have to know yourself. You have to know your limits, your capabilities, and what you're willing to stress either for. You are all amazing men and strong lions but Fallon's marriage is about to bind him to people whose lives have been, for the most part, about killing.”

You're bound to one of them,” Adrian pointed out. “Why is it any different.”

You know why,” I raised my brow at him and he looked away submissively. “I was bound to Trevor without my knowledge, with no premeditation. Also, the little fact that he's their Prince changes things too but you forget, or maybe all of you don't know this, I had to fight to be Trevor's mate.”

A chorus of confusion greeted that statement.

“That she did,” Trevor came into the room, followed closely by Kirill. “TryggulfR, UnnúlfR, and then Fenrir himself.”

Yeah and let me tell you,” I said after I smiled at Trevor, “they were all trying really hard to kill me.”

The only reason you're not facing the same test,” Trevor came up and kissed my cheek before looking back at Fallon, “is because of Vervain. Dad knows she wouldn't stand for it or you'd already be in the arena.”

Pit,” I corrected.

It's a fighting arena,” he frowned at me.

It's a big pit with a tunnel at both ends,” I raised a brow. “Loki has a fighting arena, you guys have a fighting pit. Just accept the truth and move on.”

Fine,” he growled and turned back to my lions. “Many of the Froekn are upset that Fallon will not be tested. They may see fit to test you on their own. It may have been better to have you fight in the... pit.”

Yeah, at least then it would be done with,” I nodded in agreement.

Then set it up,” Fallon waved his hand like he was talking about a picnic.

Truly?” Trevor narrowed his gaze on him. “You understand that you'll be facing three opponents, one after the other, all by yourself?”

If it'll keep the peace,” Fallon shrugged, “I'm all for it. Like you said, better to get it done with.”

I think it may be good for both the Froekn and the Intare,” Trevor mused.

One condition,” I held up a hand, “it's not to the death. A death on either side may turn this into war, which is the opposite of what I want.”

I'll talk to Dad,” he turned to go and I grabbed his arm.

talk to him,” I gave a quick glance to the Intare while we walked out. “Try not to tear down the palace while we're gone.”












Chapter Eleven


Fenrir's tracing room hadn't changed. It still looked like Mozart's sitting room. If Mozart had a thing for wolves.

The wallpaper was gilded, along with the delicate furniture and every other wooden curlicue they could put a brush to, and there was a huge glass display cabinet filled with wolf statues of every kind you can imagine. There was even a piano in a corner, or more precisely, a fortepiano. It was old and delicate like everything else in the room. 

We left the room quickly though, so I didn't have a lot of time to peruse all the collectibles. Down a few corridors and through a door, we found Fenrir, sitting on a massive, fur-covered couch with a portable DVD player on his lap. He was so intent on whatever he was watching, he didn't hear us walk in.

Father?” Trevor frowned at the strange display.

Fenrir jumped guiltily and looked over at us with wide eyes. “Trevor, Vervain,” he put the player to the side and stood to greet us.

“Whatchu doin?” I said in a teasing tone.

Ty bought me this device which I can use to watch movies that are stored on these discs,” he held up a box set of DVDs.

Rome, season one,” I read the title. “Great show, I was sorry it was canceled after the second season.”

Canceled?” Fenrir looked anxious.

Yeah they stopped making it,” I shrugged. “I love that guy Titus Pullo, he's my favorite but then I think Ray Stevenson, the actor who plays him, is hot.”

You like the big warriors, eh?” Fenrir waggled an eyebrow at me.

Yeah, they're alright,” I smiled back and smiled wider when I finally got a good look at his T-shirt, which announced:
Dances with Werewolves.
“I like your shirt.”

Oh,” he smiled and held it out straight. I think it was the first time I'd seen him in a T-shirt. “I like it as well. It was a gift from Samantha, in gratitude for giving my consent to her nuptials.”

What's this show about exactly?” Trevor walked over and picked up the player, frowning at the screen which was still playing the show and losing us a perfect opportunity to bring up Sam and Fallon.

Um,” I glanced at Fenrir and then back to Trevor, “Rome.”

Yes, I caught that,” Trevor grimaced and tossed the player to the couch.

Be careful with that,” Fenrir growled.

Got you hooked on movies, huh?” I laughed. Fenrir hadn't even seen a TV until he came over to my house for a visit.

Yes,” he waved us over to the couch and we all took seats. “They are very entertaining and now that there's less to do, I have free time to fill.”

Less people to kill, you mean?” I laughed. “Don't worry, I have enemies popping up daily, you can help me kill them.”

Really?” Fenrir's face was absurdly hopeful.

Sure, anytime,” I shrugged. “Have at it.”

Excellent,” he had a new gleam in his eyes. “I've still been unable to locate Demeter. It's been years since I've had this much trouble hunting someone.”

I'm sure Demeter will surface on her own,” I grimaced. I wasn't looking forward to dealing with Persephone's wayward mother again. I'd prefer it if she just stayed missing. “But we're here to talk to you about a different fight.”

A new fight?” Fenrir sat up straighter. “For me?”

Hopefully not,” I frowned. Fallon wouldn't stand a chance against Fenrir. “Fallon has offered to undergo a test like I did, to prove his worth to the Froekn.”

The boy offered, eh?” Fenrir's eyebrow went up. “Maybe Samantha hasn't made such a bad choice after all.”

Fallon's a good man. He stood by me from the beginning and I'm sure he'll show Samantha the same kind of loyalty.”

You don't have to sell him to me,” Fenrir held up a hand. “I've already agreed to the match. He showed enough balls to come speak to me by himself. That in itself says a lot.”

I know but I've been told your acceptance hinged on my approval,” I leaned forward. “I love you, you must know that. We have a bond that's different from the one I share with Trevor but it's still about love. I would never turn on you because you saw things differently and I want you to know that I honor the Froekn and hold their beliefs in high regard.”

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