A Touch of Fae (12 page)

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Authors: J.M. Madden

Tags: #Romance

A low
hum of attraction had been steadily building inside her since she had ridden on his lap in the car. Even after being thoroughly fucked by Rory, gentle Alessandro had tugged at her heart. And libido. Watching him flirt with Madelyn had actually increased the attraction, because she knew that even though he acted as if Madelyn meant something, she knew for a fact she didn’t. Violet knew Alessandro would be going home with her, not Madelyn.

As his lips angled over hers and his tongue requested entrance, Violet realized that Alessandro appealed to her as much as Rory did in a much different way. The tug of attraction between she and Rory
to be met,
to be satisfied. The attraction to Alessandro was a want rather than a need, although equally as strong.

Violet reached up and cupped his cheeks in her hands as they kissed. He tasted of fresh mint. One of Alessandro’s hands settled at the nape of her neck while the other squeezed at her hip. Violet groaned into his mouth as she felt his erection growing against her belly. Releasing his stubbled cheeks, her hands settled on his narrow hips, tugging him into her. Alessandro gasped and ground himself convulsively against her, turning her to lean against the wall beside the doorway.

Violet actually worried he was going to bruise her pelvic bone as he ground himself into her. “Gently,” she gasped.

Alessandro let up the pressure immediately but she could tell it was a struggle. Pulling away just a bit he began unsnapping her jeans. Stopping altogether, he pulled back to look around.

“Whose Jeep?” he asked, tugging on her hand and leading her across the garage bay.

“Uh,” Violet’s brain was blank for several seconds. “Chad Chambers. Head gasket leak.”

Pulling her around the front of the open CJ7, he asked her, “Is he nice, Mr. Chambers?”

“Uh yeah, I guess so.”

“Good,” he told her, “then he won’t mind me borrowing his jeep seat for a few minutes, huh?”

Violet choked on a laugh, almost tripping on the air hose bundle on the floor. No, Chad Chambers wouldn’t mind his jeep seeing a little action. It certainly wouldn’t be the first it had seen.

When he got around to the open passenger side Alessandro hopped up into the seat. Pulling the lever on the side, he tilted the seat back then began shimmying out of his pants. Violet could not help but stare as his erect, hairless cock bounced into view.

“Mmmm…” she moaned, mouth watering.

Alessandro tossed his nice pants into the driver’s side seat and smiled at her. “I wanted to strip you down in the Ferrari as soon as you came out of the woods, but I controlled myself.”

“Well, now you don’t have to,” she told him softly.

Reaching forward, she ran her thumb over the very tip of his cock. It flexed away from her almost violently. Violet laughed, capturing it between her palms. Unable to help herself, she leaned forward to take it into her mouth. It jumped in her hand and stiffened even further, if that was possible. Flicking her tongue over the tip, she tasted saltiness that told her exactly how excited Alessandro was.

Fisting her hand, she tugged at the base of him in time to the sweeps she was doing with her mouth. Alessandro groaned, spread his legs even more and rested his hand on the back of her head. Violet felt her own moisture begin to flow. It seemed like the attraction was always there, but the fact that she could get him so worked up was what she needed to get herself worked up.

Switching hands, she used her right to caress his balls. The skin over them was drawn tight, and she flicked the ridges with her thumbnail. Her tongue was still busy massaging the crown.

—ahh, yeah.”

A rebellious urge hit Violet and it took her a moment to process. Alessandro probably liked it from behind if he was with Rory. She wondered what he’d do if she let her finger wander.

Not giving herself a second chance to think, she let her right middle finger glide down his sack, across his perineum and between the cheeks of his ass. Alessandro stilled, as if waiting to see what she would do. Pressing forward, she found the pucker of his ass.

Alessandro was pretty vocal during lovemaking, moaning and whispering, but for the first time all teasing and guiding stopped. Looking up, she saw his eyes were clenched tightly shut and his lips were drawn back away from his teeth. Violet would have thought he was in pain if it weren’t for the increased flow of liquid from the tip of his cock. Swooping in again, she enveloped the head with her mouth, licking away all moisture and started tugging with her left hand again. With her right, she bumped the tip of her finger against his hole, not quite slipping in but pressing firmly.

Alessandro’s legs began to flex and twitch in time to her mouth moving up and down on his cock. The crotch of her pants was soaked. His passion and enjoyment was in turn exciting her. Pressing with her right middle finger, she let the tip slide in past the tight ring of muscle.

Immediately Alessandro’s fisted hand pulled her head away. Violet removed her hands as well because she wasn’t sure exactly what was going on. Panting into the silence, she waited.

Alessandro’s pretty hazel eyes opened but they were fierce.

“Take your pants off,” he ordered her, turning her to face away. Violet heard a condom wrapper rip and her pussy clenched.

Violet complied, and as soon as she set them out of harm’s way on a toolbox he wrapped a hard arm around her waist. Pulling her backwards he lifted her up onto his lap, facing forward, his legs outside of hers. Lifting her up by the hips, Alessandro forced his erection forward into her sopping heat, slamming her hips back down onto his lap.

Violet cried out because it was exactly what she had been waiting for. He glided easily between her lips and she was momentarily embarrassed. She tended to get pretty wet when she was this turned on. Alessandro didn’t seem to mind, though. He began mumbling to her in Italian. Violet thought it was the sexiest thing she had ever heard. She had no idea what he was saying, but it was still sexy.

Pulling her back against his strong chest, Alessandro guided her feet up onto the dash. Violet complied then let her legs fall open. Cool air hit her pussy and she thought she was going to come just from the brush of air on her exposed skin. Her clit flexed.

Alessandro seemed to feel her need because he let go of her right hip and reached forward to glide his finger in her moisture. Slipping down, he swooped up cream and dragged it to the top of her slit. Violet’s hips lifted, trying to make his finger touch her clit but he pulled away.

“Patience, patience,” he murmured.

She was surprised at the growl she heard coming out of her throat. Reaching forward herself, she reached for her own satisfaction but he smacked her hand away. Instead of being angry Violet felt her desire ratchet up. Reaching back, she looped her arms behind his neck.

She panted as he circled her vulva, sometimes slipping into her vagina beside his own dick. Tugging her shirt up with his other hand, he pushed the cups of her bra beneath her breasts then circled her puckered areolas with his wet fingers. Violet clenched her teeth as he went from first one nipple to the next, teasing her, taunting her, until she didn’t think she could take any more.

Underneath her Alessandro continued to flex his hips, gliding himself strongly up into her. Violet knew she could hang on just a few more minutes and her body would find its own release, but she couldn’t help but be impatient. Letting her legs fall together, she focused on tilting her hips down so that Alessandro’s upward glide would slide along her clit.

He let her get away with it for a few seconds before pulling her knees apart again. With his long middle finger he played in her moisture a little more before finally sliding up to circle her clit.

The touch was electrifying. Just that little, tiny, glancing brush almost set her off.

Moaning, she pleaded for more, but he went back to making large loops around her vulva. Then suddenly he was all over her clit, flicking it back and forth and tightening his large circles directly over top of it. Violet tried to warn him that she was about to come but he seemed to know and completely stopped all movement.

Violet screamed out in frustration, quivering on the edge of release.

Her body was clenched and needy and she thought maybe she could make herself come simply by her own flexing. But it would be a letdown.

Panting, she forced herself to wait for whatever he was going to do.

Alessandro seemed to know how frustrated she was because he nibbled gently at her neck, murmuring to her. Running her hand up again, Violet buried her fingers in his curls. With her other hand she reached down and clutched at his hip, squeezing. Surging up into her, he clamped his hands on her hips, holding her still.

“Forward, lean forward,” he whispered.

Violet did as she was told, resting her arms on the dash in front of her then resting her forehead against her arms. Alessandro began swiveling beneath her in a circular motion. Gasping in surprise, she moved in counterpoint, bouncing up and down. His hands on her hips began encouraging rather than restricting and Violet took advantage of it. Moving faster, she raced into what felt good, knowing that he would not be far behind her.

One of his big hands glided down her spine, resting on the globe of her right cheek. Guiding her gently, he made minor modifications to her movements. Violet felt his thumb slipping down her crack and a thrill coursed through her. When the tip of his thumb teased her bouncing ass, she was amazed at how good it felt. Nobody had ever done that to her before. Reaching forward just a bit, he bathed his thumb in her moisture then returned to tease her again. When he slipped in to the knuckle she came.

Alessandro slammed her through that ceiling to oblivion and he was milliseconds behind her.

Violet couldn’t
scream. In that moment she had no control over her body. Alessandro convulsed beneath her, almost dumping her out of the Jeep. He wrapped a straining arm around her, holding her to him. Violet spasmed until she didn’t think her muscles could clench any tighter.

The aftershocks eventually receded but her heart continued to pound. She allowed Alessandro to tug her back against him. She closed her eyes as he kissed her temple, then her cheek. His lips met hers in a gentle acknowledgment of how spectacular they had been together.

Violet snuggled in against his neck. He smelled so darn good. Sweaty and messy as she knew they were, she didn’t mind cuddling with him. Alessandro was like a boyfriend she had been with for years, comfortable and fun, and incredible when it came to sex.

“Thank you, Alessandro,” she whispered.

Mi tresora
,” he murmured back, along with several other things she didn’t understand.

She smiled at him sleepily, resting her head back on his shoulder. “Maybe someday you can tell me what you just said.”

Chuckling, he squeezed her in a hug before lifting her off him and letting her slide to the concrete. Violet braced herself on the doorframe of the Jeep, afraid her legs were going to give out. Pulling her jeans off the toolbox, she clutched them to her. There was no way they were going back on right now. Her thighs were soaked. She needed a shower desperately. Turning toward the front of the garage, she told Alessandro where she was going.

“I may join you,

“How big is your shower? I may join you as well.”

Violet’s head snapped up. She hadn’t even seen him standing there. How could a body as big as Rory’s hide in plain sight?

Leaning against the office doorjamb, he had his heavy arms crossed. It was obvious he had been there for a while because the burning need in his eyes told her he had seen everything. His bright green gaze lifted over her shoulder and connected with Alessandro. Violet fought the urge to jump up and draw his gaze back to hers. What was up with that? Was she that needy anymore that they couldn’t even look at each other without her wanting to be a part of it?

Deliberately she lowered her gaze and sidled past him. She thought since he was looking at Alessandro she would maybe be able to sneak past his notice, but a hard hand clamped on her forearm. Reluctantly, not knowing what to expect, she looked up.

The gratitude in his bright green gaze took her by surprise. She paused for just a moment before turning away and heading for the stairs. Honestly, she was feeling guilty. Yeah, she’d told Rory she would go talk to Alessandro, but at some point she had completely forgotten Rory and gone with her own feelings. She hadn’t slept with Alessandro because she was trying to gain his trust, but because he appealed to her as a woman. They each appealed to her in different ways, and it was a little confusing.

Jogging up the stairs she headed to the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes on the way. Pushing a black overnight bag out of the way of the door, she snicked the lock in place. Instantly, some intangible tension eased her shoulders. That tiny little stand of independence and seclusion really eased her mind. She shook her head at herself.

“Damn girl, you have been alone too long.”

Resting her clothes on the corner of the counter, she pushed back a masculine stick of deodorant. Then she found herself lifting it to her nose and inhaling. Desire curled through her belly as she smelled Rory. Disgusted with herself, she tossed the bar on top of the overnight bag. She was being overwhelmed and she was doing nothing to protect herself.

The hot water felt wonderful. Running her hands through her hair over and over again, she took longer than she should. Shivering, she stepped out and wiped the mirror with the corner of the towel.

The color was completely gone from around her eye. Even the cut was gone. Lifting her hand, she saw there was still a faint line where the fan blade had cut into her, but it was nothing like it had been. When she flexed it there was no pain.

Gathering her dirty clothes she stepped out of the bathroom. Rory was at the tall wooden shelf in the corner of her room looking down at something in his hand. She couldn’t see exactly what he was holding but his head was cocked to the side as if he couldn’t understand something. Tossing her clothes into the dirty laundry basket she stepped up beside him.

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