A Touch of Fae (3 page)

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Authors: J.M. Madden

Tags: #Romance

Alessandro had finally engulfed the head of Rory’s cock in his mouth and bobbed up and down slowly. Each time he went down he worked his lips a little farther. They were already stretched as wide as they could go she could tell, but he kept trying.

Pulling away suddenly for a breath of air, he sat back on his haunches. When he grinned Violet was sure he was laughing at how flushed and sweaty she knew her face had to be. But it couldn’t be helped. She was seriously turned on. Almost on the verge of panting even.

Rory was breathing deeply, still with his head tilted back. He was just rolling his head forward when Alessandro fisted him again and swooped in with his lips. A rough rumble filled the shop and Violet realized it was Rory groaning. The sound was so…visceral, so primal. Without meaning to Violet found herself just a couple of feet away from the two men.

Alessandro rolled his dark hazel eyes up to her, smiling around the cock in his mouth. His eyes danced. Somehow Violet knew he was inviting her to share.

It was an invitation she could no longer refuse.

Reaching out, she ran her blunt tipped finger down the cobbled contours of Rory’s clenched stomach. The skin fluttered under her touch and Violet realized he was ticklish there. It seemed incongruous that a man this massively built was ticklish. Dragging her fingers farther, she followed the crease of his hip down to the nest of dark auburn hair surrounding his cock. There were little whorls of hair here where several combined into one heavier curl. Straightening them gently, she twirled her fingers in the springy cloud before inching them down slowly to cup his scrotum. Alessandro was still working his dick. Violet tried to squeeze in time to his thrusting mouth but she became too distracted. Her mouth watered at the thought of teasing them with her mouth.

She could no longer deny herself.

Alessandro pulled off Rory’s dick when she dropped down beside him. Apparently the need was written all over her face because he shifted to the side, allowing her room to maneuver. He smiled encouragingly even as he ran a hand down Rory’s thigh.

“Don’t worry,
. You will be taken care of. Just enjoy yourself. Pleasure yourself.”

Violet took him at his word and swooped down onto the cock still glistening from his mouth. The wonderful burst of flavors on her tongue made her squirm. There was the salty sweet taste that must be Rory and a slightly minty taste that must have been from Alessandro’s mouth. Violet pulled back for a moment and swallowed, savoring the flavors, licking her lips.

Peripherally she was aware of Alessandro tugging at her overalls but she did not allow his movements to interfere with hers. Shifting forward again, she began nibbling her way down Rory’s impressive length. He was as hard as the oak counter he still leaned against. Reaching the softly ruched skin of his scrotum she stretched out her tongue. With the first wet touch his testicles began drawing up closer to his body. Angling her head, Violet carefully tugged on one, drawing it away from his body. She felt a vibration through her lips and realized he was groaning.

Reaching down, she was surprised to find her overalls gone and her jeans unsnapped. Unzipping them all the way she plunged her left hand inside her soaked cotton panties and into the wetness beyond. Her fingers slipped easily inside even as she reared back and once again took Rory’s heavy cock into her mouth. He had dried in the few moments she had been away and Violet licked up and down, making him twitch. Compressing her lips, she came down hard on the head of his penis. The tightness was supposed to simulate the tightness of a woman and it apparently worked. A heavy hand came down on her head, holding her mouth in place. Violet fought not to breathe as he pushed himself beyond her tongue, hitting the back of her throat and holding her there for several long seconds. Violet’s finger worked furiously on her clit. She was more aroused right now than she could ever remember being. Climax danced just a few seconds away when he released her and let her take a breath. Gasping, Violet forced her finger to still. This was going to be an easy come and she wanted to put it off for a bit.

Once she’d restored her oxygen level she set to work on his dick again. Using her hand to make up the distance her mouth could not she bobbed and squeezed. Despite his incredible size and reserve the heavy muscles in his thighs began to twitch. His hips began moving involuntarily in time to her movements and she knew orgasm was not far away for him.

Rory was also aware of that fact. He pulled out of her mouth.

“Shit,” he mumbled, wiping a hand across his sweating brow. The anonymous shades were still in place and Violet thought it was sexy as hell she didn’t even know what his eyes looked like. From the position of his head she knew he was looking at her, but she had no idea what he was thinking. Tilting his head up, she knew he looked at Alessandro.

The Italian was standing directly behind her and Violet was surprised to see he was completely dressed. An erection strained his pleated slacks but he was still composed. A spew of Italian flew from his mouth to the giant, with the big man tersely nodding once.

, we would retire to a…uh, more hospitable environment for our pleasure. Upstairs, perhaps?”

Immediately a brilliant wash of color flooded her face, making her feel faint. Mortification overwhelmed every other feeling. Of course, how could she forget? She was on the floor of a dirty garage office. She would have continued if they had let her with no regrets.

The tangle of clothing around her legs gave her an excuse to look away from the two men. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rory tuck himself into his slacks and she felt regret. She knew she should use this interruption to put a halt to the crazy series of events that had taken place but she didn’t want to.

Did she dare take them upstairs?

For several prolonged moments she debated what to do. Her head was trying to tell her what was practical and should be done. But her body was positively throbbing, demanding satisfaction. It had been four years since her need had almost been completely quenched.

But that had been one night.

Straightening, she looked from one man to the other, weighing her options.

“Follow me,” she said quietly.

Chapter Two

ircling the counter,
she went through the stairway door across the room. Years ago the upstairs room had been parts storage. When Grandad died, she had run herself ragged running from the shop to her house in Whalen, almost an hour away. So she converted the space into a small apartment. It wasn’t incredibly big, but she had spent the money to make it comfortable. The living room had a plush couch and recliner and the kitchen had every cooking device she could imagine using. Passing through the two, she headed straight to the back and her bedroom. Without giving herself time to think, she stripped off her heavy boots and overalls, tossing them in the corner. When she looked up, Alessandro and Rory were both standing just inside the door, watching. Once again Violet felt heat spread over her face. They probably thought she was easy or something.

“I don’t normally do this,” she found herself saying.

With a gentle smile Alessandro stepped forward with his hands out. Violet clutched his when he was close enough. Why did she feel like she knew him?

“We do no’ think you are like this all the time,
. We know you are a good girl. But you are in a backwoods town with little to choose from, no?”

Violet agreed by nodding her head, reassured that they did not think she was a harlot.

“It’s been four years,” she found herself telling him, “since that night with Jack.”

,” Alessandro wrapped her in his strong arms and Violet found herself resting her head against his chest. “There have been no other men since then?”

Violet rocked her head back and forth against his chest. There had been dates of course, but no actual sleeping together. Even the dating had dwindled to nothing recently because she always found the men lacking.

Several times she had gone up to the bars in Lexington to try to expand her horizons, but she always chickened out when it came to getting down and dirty. She had felt like she was cheating when she went out.

She wasn’t going to chicken out this time. She had been waiting for these men to come back for several long, dry years.

Alessandro must have felt her determination because he tipped her chin up with his finger and brought his mouth down to hers. Violet closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation. The man was an expert kisser, nibbling here, tugging there. Once again she felt the fire in her belly begin to build. Clasping her head in his hand, he tipped her face to the side and invaded her mouth with his tongue. Shock roared through Violet at the way he manipulated her own body and she gave herself up to him. Happily. Enthusiastically.

For several long minutes all he did was kiss her. And it was enough for Violet. It was good to slow down a bit. He worked his way down her neck then nibbled across her collar bone, causing goosebumps to race across her skin. Violet gasped as his finger slipped under the collar of her V-neck t-shirt, toying with the cup of her bra. With gritty determination she made herself stand still, though her body was screaming at her to make him touch her nipple.
Shift just a bit.

But he didn’t. Drawing his finger away, he pulled back enough to smile down into her face.

. You enchant me. I wish we had known what was going to happen, because we would have been more prepared. Wine, roses, jewelry—something, to try to compare to you.”

Violet felt warmth wash over her that had nothing to do with sex. When was the last time a man had told her anything like that? If ever?

Four years ago when Jack had told her he had to leave and had asked her to leave with him. He had been very careful to clarify that he couldn’t be counted on for a long-term relationship but he knew others that could.

Grandad had been sick at the time and she was in the process of taking over the shop. There had been no way on earth she could have left him in a nursing home. Jack had seemed to understand that.

It didn’t mean she didn’t regret telling him no.

Looking at the man before her she felt a dangerous tug on her lonely heart.

Beyond Alessandro’s shoulder Rory stood patiently waiting, leaning against the doorjamb. He had tucked himself inside his zipped pants but the shirt still hung open. The amber shades were still in place though the room was dim. It made her wonder how he was able to see.

Her attention was drawn back to Alessandro as he ran his hand down her arm. “You are thinking too hard,
. Don’t do that,” he teased.

Violet felt an answering smile tug at her lips. How could she deny this tease anything?

With a sigh she leaned in for a kiss. The Italian was happy to oblige her, cupping her head in both his hands. Violet shuddered as she felt the passion roll through her.

Feeling a presence behind her, she was not surprised when she felt heavy hands rest on her shoulders. Rory. Turning slightly, she tried to look up into his eyes but they were still shaded. Alessandro turned her face back to his, demanding her attention. Violet moaned as he nibbled his way to the sensitive spot behind her ear. Goosebumps washed over her skin and she shivered. Reaching out, she shaped her hands over his sides, intrigued at the muscles she found there. She’d never been with anybody as muscular as these two. There was no give to them at all. Running her hand down to circle his waistband, she slid her fingers gently inside, feeling the warmer skin beneath. When she reached the button of his slacks, he paused as if waiting to see what she would do.

Leaning forward, Violet breathed against his neck. His skin smelled fresh and clean, almost like sun-warmed cotton. Flicking out her tongue, she decided that cotton was too tame for what she tasted. Sun warmed wine, maybe. Delicious either way. Clasping his neck in one hand, she ran her fingers over the hair of his nape as she kissed her way down his jaw. The slightest hint of stubble abraded her tongue.

It was sexy as hell.

The fingers of her left hand moved of their own volition, first tugging his belt open, then the button and finally the zipper. When her hand brushed the silk-covered bulge she revealed, Alessandro groaned out loud. Rory’s hands tightened on her shoulders and she knew he had liked the sound. Reaching her hand inside his fly she squeezed gently. The silk of Alessandro’s boxers was deceptive. It almost felt like she touched skin, the material was so thin. Moving her hand down, she clasped as much as she could and squeezed gently.

Alessandro exploded. His mouth crashed down onto hers and he shoved her back with his body into Rory. For Violet it was like hitting a brick wall. Literally she was between a rock and a hard place. But it was perfect. Goosebumps rushed over her skin and she could feel moisture sliding down her thighs.

One of Rory’s big hands began tugging at the waistband of her jeans. He popped the button free at her waist and smoothed the denim wide to accommodate his hand. Swirling lightly with his fingers, he eased his palm down to cover her rounded lower stomach, tugging her back against him. The pressure there was incredibly sexy and Violet found herself squirming.

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