A Wilde Night (Old Town Country Romance Book 3) (8 page)


Hunter pulls away from me and it’s like the spell between us is broken—at least for the moment.

Harley is glaring at us. “You need to quit making out back here and get your ass on stage right now.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”
He gives Harley a fake salute then winks at me before he heads back toward the stage area.

Harley has me blocked in and she’s not moving. She points a finger in my face instead. “Don’t you dare break his

“I won’t,” I say even though I’m not sure it’s a promise I can keep.

“He’s a good guy. He deserves someone special.” The way she is looking at me implies that she doesn’t think I’m that special.

“I know.” My voice sounds surprisingly small.

“Just so we understand each other.”

I nod. “I get it.”

“Good. Let’s go watch the second set.”




“It’s late,” I say
as I pull Katie toward my pickup. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you back to the hotel?”

She gives me a seductive little grin. “I’m sure. I want to go back to your place for a while.”

The drive back home is quiet. Katie seems a little lost in her own thoughts. I want to be with her. More than I’ve ever wanted to be with anyone in my life. But I also don’t want to start something I can’t finish. I’m not a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of guy. I’m not like Jake. I’m more like a beaver that mates for life.

“Did I tell you how much I love your house?” Katie says when I park the car.

We left the bar a little early, right after Wilde Riders finished our last set. The crowds were starting to diminish and Jake said they had enough hands to close the bar.

I open Katie’s door and help her out of my truck. I like touching her and feeling her skin against mine. I like the way we seem to fit together, our hands, our bodies, everything just works.

I lead her into an empty guest bedroom set up downstairs. It used to be my parents’ room before they died.

She glances around. “Why can’t I stay in your room?”

“I didn’t want to make any assumptions…”

She moves closer to me. When she looks up at me she has a hint of mischief in her eyes that makes me a little nervous.

“You could stay in the guestroom with me,” she suggests. There’s a hint of seductiveness in her voice.

I’m torn. A big part of me wants to be inside of her as quickly as humanly possible, but another part of me wants to be a gentleman and do the right thing. A one-
nighter is definitely not the right thing.

“Maybe I can convince you to stay with me.”

As soon as she places her hand on my chest it’s all over. All I can think about is the two of us naked in bed.

“Your heart is racing,” she observes.

I grab her hand and remove it from my chest. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Why not?”
She’s starting to blink back tears.


The last thing I want to deal with is a crying woman. It happens a lot when you’re a cop. Women crying when you pull them over. It’s not easy to give someone a ticket when they have tears streaming down their cheeks.

And it’s not easy to tell a woman “no” when she’s crying. But I have a sneaking suspicion she already knows that.

“Please stop crying,” I urge.

She sniffles a few times then makes an effort to stop the w

“Can we have a conversation about this without you crying?”

“Yes,” she mutters.

“Good. Now tell me why?”

“Why what?” She looks puzzled.

“Why you want to be with me? I’m a small town cop and you’re a celebrity. Aren’t there plenty of actors you can be with?”

She frowns. “Maybe I don’t want to be with an actor. Maybe I don’t want to be with another celebrity.”

“Maybe you should.”

She turns and walks over to the bed then plops herself down. I take that as a cue and make my way over to the bed and sit down beside her.

“Do you have any idea how good it felt not to be recognized?
To spend just one night being a normal person again? I forgot how much I missed it. My old life. Being just little Kat from P-burg.”

“And you think sleeping with me is going to keep making you feel normal?”

She shrugs.

“I told you I don’t do one night stands. I don’t use girls like that. I’m more like a beaver than a bonobo chimpanzee.”

She furrows her brow. “A beaver and a chimpanzee?”

I shake my head. “Forget it. It’s not important.” 

Her cute little crooked grin is really getting to me. “What if I want to use you?”

A girl using me for sex?
That’s a first. “Why would you want to do that?”

When her face turns somber I regret the question. “I’ve never had a chance to actually be young. I’ve been working since I was seventeen years old. I had just graduated high school when I got my first acting job and I’ve been working ever since. Do you have any idea what it’s like to have the success of
a movie worth millions of dollars resting on your shoulders? I don’t feel like my life is even my own anymore. Managers and agents tell me what to do and when to do it. They make demands about everything from the clothes I wear to my hair style. Apparently cutting your hair at the wrong time can ruin your acting career. Did you know that? Just this once I want to do something just for me. I want to do something that’s young and wild and reckless.”

“And then what?”

She looks so sad my heart is actually aching. “Then it’s back to having everyone else run my life I guess.”

Talk about a guilt trip. How could I possibl
y say no after a speech like that? It’s not like I don’t want to have sex with her. I crave it. I can feel my entire body aching to be with her. 

“Okay,” I agree before I have time to take the words back.

She raises an eyebrow. “Okay? Really?”

I nod. “You convinced me.”

Seeing the broad smile overtake her face makes my decision worth it.

“So what happens now?” s
he asks.

I can’t help but grin. “I thought you were the one who was seducing me.”

She scrunches up her nose. “I guess I’m not really good at seducing. I haven’t really had that much experience.”

“Before we get too far down the road give me just a minute, okay?”

She looks puzzled again. “Okay. Why?”

“Unless you have some condoms in your purse.”

Her eyes grow wide. “No. I guess I wasn’t really thinking about that.”

“That’s why I’m a cop. We’re always prepared.”

“I thought that was the Boy Scouts.”

“Them too,” I yell back as I head out the door.

It only takes a few moments for me to grab a box of condoms from Jake’s room. Half of his closet is filled with them. For a split second I wonder if he has them inventoried, but knowing his poor accounting skills I highly doubt it.

When I get back into the guest bedroom Katie is already in the bed under the covers. I notice her clothing is strewn on a chair in the sitting area near the window.

She gives me a sly little smile. “Hope you don’t mind that I got into bed already.”

“I thought you said you weren’t good a
t seduction.”

She must be doing something right because I can feel myself getting hard just thinking about her naked under those covers.

“I think you have entirely too many clothes on,” she teases.

I may not be the smartest guy on the planet, but I can def
initely take a hint. As I remove my T-shirt and jeans I watch Katie’s face to gauge her reaction.

When she bites her bottom lip I have a feeling that she likes what she sees. I know this is only a one night thing, but I want it to be a special one for her. Or as special as someone like me, a rookie cop from rural New Jersey with very little experience in the sex
department, can make it.

As I place the box of condoms on
the nightstand Katie opens the covers inviting me into bed with her.

I join her in bed but I don’t let her cover herself again. I want to see every part of her.

“Why don’t you let me pull the cover back over us?” She sounds a little nervous.

I shake my head.

“Turn the lights off?” she suggests.

I shake my head again.
“I need to see you, Kat.”


“But what?”

She turns away.

“Look at me…please…”

When she turns back she’s blinking back tears. I smooth them away with my thumb.

“Devon always made me turn the lights out. He said I was flabby and didn’t work out enough and he didn’t need to see it.”

I’ve never wanted to slug someone as much as I want to slug that prick. The asshole had this crazy amazing woman and he didn’t appreciate her at all.

“You’re beautiful,” I tell her. “Absolutely perfect.”

I kiss her.
A crazy amazing kiss. A kiss so charged my dick completely stands at attention.

I need to be inside of her before I explode, but I want to take my time with her. Give her everything I possibly can
to make this one perfect night.

As I run a finger down the milky white skin between her a
mple breasts she shivers in response.

I lean in and whisper in her ear. “You deserve to be wo

I take in the light scent of her shampoo —strawberry—as I kiss her neck. I’m rewarded with a low moan.

As I kiss my way down her neck and collarbone she takes in a sharp breath. I’ve always been extremely goal oriented my entire life. I knew I wanted to be a cop from the time I was in grade school and I focused everything in my life around that singular objective.

But right now—at this moment—my only goal is to please the woman with me in bed.

Kat has amazing breasts full, but still firm. I take my time licking and sucking her nipples until they’re completely erect.

When I glance up I notice that
her eyes are closed, but she has a satisfied little smile on her face so I continue my journey downward, kissing her round little stomach and hips.

Then I spread her legs and kiss my way down her inner thighs giving each one equal attention.

When I move further between her legs she flinches.

“What are you doing?” she whispers.

I frown. “What do you mean?”

Her face is flush and I’m not sure if it’s because she’s turned on or embarrassed.
Maybe a little of both.

“Are you going to put your tongue inside of me?” she asks.

I nod—vigorously.


I make my way back up the bed and lie down next to her. “Devon never went down on you?”

She looks puzzled so I elaborate. “He never put his tongue inside of you?”

She shakes her head.

I place my hand on her cheek. She feels a lot warmer than she did before. I hope that’s a good sign.

“I want to make you feel good, Kat. That’s what this is about.”

She frowns. “What about you feeling good?”

“Making you feel good makes me feel good. Trust me. Okay?”

She nods, but I can still see some hesitancy in her eyes.

I make my way back down the bed and take my place where I left off. As soon as my tongue is inside of her she takes in a sharp breath.

I take my time pleasuring her, licking and sucking her clit u
ntil her entire body tenses and she lets out a moan of delight.

Quickly I make my way back up the bed and kiss her. I want her to taste herself on my lips.  Then I pull her in close and grab her small ass, which fits perfectly in my palms. I want her to feel my desire for her. I want her to know how much I want her. How badly I want to be inside of her.

“Are you ready for me?” I whisper in her ear.

She nods, but it’s not enough. I need for her to speak the words. “Tell me what you want,” I urge.

“I want you, Hunter. I want to feel you inside of me.”

I quickly remove a condom from the box and rip the package open with my teeth. I sheath myself and then look into Kat’s lovely brown eyes—the eyes that melt my heart with a just few flutters of her thick lashes.

“I want you,” she repeats, but this time it’s more of a plea.

As I push inside of her she flinches just a bit and it shocks me. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing. It’s just…it’s been a while…a few months.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No!” She’s nearly breathless. “Keep going.”

I forge ahead, pushing deep inside of her. As I continue to thrust she relaxes a bit more.

I feel like a volcano ready to erupt, but I do my best to hold off the explosion for as long as possible.

As I push harder and deeper she takes in a sharp breath and claws at my back.
Then she clenches tightly around me and lets out a long, shuddering sigh. That’s the final breaking point and I can no longer keep the tide at bay. I completely let loose.

I hold Kat as tight as I can without crushing her, but I don’t want to ever let her go.

“How was that?” I ask as I look into her eyes. She looks sad. Not the way you want a girl to look when you’ve just made love to her for the first time.

“It was crazy amazing,” she replies then gives me a forced smile.

“Then why do you look so sad?” I brush my thumb down her cheek.

“What did you mean when you said you’re like a beaver and not a bonobo chimpanzee?”

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