Read A WILDer Kind of Love Online

Authors: Angel Payne

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Military

A WILDer Kind of Love (22 page)

“Soaked,” she sighed. “Drenched.”

He twisted his hand, working a third finger into her clenched tunnel. “How about now?”

“Shit!” She dug her nails into the back of his hand. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to—”

He stopped her with a brutal kiss. When he tore away, her skin was abraded from the furnace of his breath, the burn from his beard. “I empathize,” he grated.

That much was blatant. Sheathed only in his soft leathers, his erection hammered at her stomach, a ridge of demand. His whole body was bound by the tension unique to sexual denial, every muscle quivering, every breath dense.

His hand unwrapped from hers. Grabbed the wad of her panties. Lobbed it off to the side, swooshing into a stone trashcan carved with hieroglyphics.

Great. She’d hooked up with a Dom who could really take it to the net—with her brand-new panties.

No time to bitch about it now—not when her go-to guy had pulled his other hand free and hiked both her legs around his waist again. He wrapped his arms to her back, enfolding her torso against him now. She ducked her head into his chest, trying to ignore the visibility of her ass now that the panties were officially ditched, but that was silly. It’d only be an issue if he turned around—

Just like he did now.


She should’ve known Sexy would feel her ripple of tension—and counter it with another infusion of his velvet voice as he carried her across the living room. “Hang on tight, kink monkey. I have plans that don’t involve anyone looking at you but me.”

“There are other people here?”

She meant it. Every word. Just like before, he’d read her mind, her needs, and her fantasies, then knew what she needed to hear and feel in order to forget the world beyond their bubble once again. He was inside her, everywhere…filled her far beyond those fingers of physical temptation. Yet she craved to give him more, to accept more from him in return. She didn’t care if there were five people watching them, or five thousand. She’d be just as oblivious to what they saw or didn’t see, felt or didn’t feel.

For now, all that mattered was the man who wanted her again so badly, he’d rearranged a week of his life for her. Who ducked his head close, making her feel protected and precious as he carried her past the conversations of the living rooms, through a world that meant nothing to her right now—toward the world she’d come here to discover once again.

A world that terrified her as much as tantalized her. Where she was told she wouldn’t be played easy this time. Where her limits would be stretched. Where her body would be tested, probably marked—before he made her forget that body altogether.

She trembled just from the thought. The
thought. Sub space. It was the kink magic unicorn, mostly a dream more than reality. To believe the mastery of a Dom could really infuse a submissive with enough awesome biochemical ju-ju to take their mind to another plane of consciousness…it seemed like a scene out of
Twilight Zone
. Or
Naked Lunch

It didn’t matter. In so many senses, she was already flying. The knowledge of what she’d already shared with this man, along with his promise that everything tonight would be even more intense, already had her pulse speeding, her heart thundering, her body trembling. None of it was relieved when Sexy made a turn, and the clamor of the common social areas was replaced by the muted dimness of the hallway to the private playrooms.

She clung to him tighter. His approving rumble vibrated in response, audible to nobody but her. Not that there was anyone around to notice. Besides the low-key EDM soundtrack emanating from ceiling speakers, the only evidence of other people in this part of Catacomb were the smacks, cracks, screams, and moans filtering from the already-occupied rooms. The sounds gripped Tess more viscerally than they had on Friday night, reminding her of what agony
ecstasy awaited her so soon now. Hiding their effects on her body was impossible; the griffin still had her legs fully parted, her naked cleft pressed against his expensive leathers. She was floating…

And then maybe not.

He stopped in front of the door engraved with a rearing cobra.
She remembered this one from Friday night, and was happy they’d bypassed it then. A shiver claimed her as he lowered then pulled the key out of his pocket. The tremor was just the start. Aroused fire and terrified ice battled for control of her bloodstream. “Fight or flight” got morphed into “submit or sprint.” She honestly didn’t know what to do. What lie beyond the door, and what she’d experience there, were as unfathomable as the cobra’s black irises—
a position she was used to being in. She liked plans. Structure. Knowing the path ahead and preparing herself for it.


happening right now.

And she’d rarely been more scared because of it.

Or felt more alive.

Embrace that part. Concentrate on

The masked demigod next to her didn’t make a single part of the task easy. She looked up to find Sexy right there, studying her with steady cobalt eyes. She quaked all over again as he tilted his head, almost as if taking inventory of her—with a blatant overlay of sexual intent.

An electrical charge. That was what his focus felt like. She sizzled from the jolt of it, burning up from the inside out. Her breaths came faster. Her pussy dripped wetter.

All before he leaned in and kissed her again.


If his mouth was the devil’s own tool when he took her hard and fast, it was hell’s calling card with this slow and sensual shit. The electricity in her veins turned to pure lightning bolts, driving her hands to his nape, trying to pull his mouth in deeper. The maddening man just grabbed her wrists and pushed them around to her back, locking them there as he took his sweet, slow time with every inch of her moaning, sighing mouth.

When he finally dragged away, there was a little grin on his face. Tess seriously wanted to slap the expression off him, but couldn’t. He was so damn sexy like this, all Dommed-out in arrogance and swagger, seeming to just
how desperately she’d dreamed of a man who’d adore her snark but push past it to the other person waiting underneath…the submissive Odette, still so unsure of her value as a female; the blank space who craved to be filled; the hungry desire in search of service.

He got it. All of it. He just…did. She knew it, even if she wasn’t able to gaze into his shadowed eyes and see it there. It was more than what she could just observe in him, anyway. It was what she felt from him—and yeah, even that cocky grin was part of it. So the guy could keep it—for now.

Like he’s going to let you have any choice in that, sister.

Like she even
to have a choice…

He tugged her face a little higher by cupping both her cheeks. “You are so goddamn beautiful like this.”

She crunched her brows. “As opposed to what?”

He blinked, seeming flustered for a moment, before stammering, “Well…”

“Wait.” Comprehension set in. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, come
The skirt from Friday wasn’t

Why did he look relieved instead of peeved? “Fine. I’ll let you hang on to that one, red.”

He kept smirking. She kept scowling. That’d been too easy. What was going on? What kind of a mind fuck was he setting her up for?

She slanted a knowing smile. Maybe she should get ahead on this one. “But you like this skirt better.”

“Won’t argue with you on that one, either.”

So much for getting ahead. He tumbled her back into aroused mush with his gruffer take on that, the disk turning his growl into a verbal vibrator. Tess bit her lip, trying to regulate her shaky breath, along with the new flow of arousal in her core. The effort was fruitless once he skated his hands down to her waist again—by way of a direct route over her breasts.

“You know…it’s because of you, right?” she rasped.


“The reason I’m ‘so damn beautiful.’” She air-quoted for emphasis. “
…make me this way. Here,”—she gestured at the walls—“I can become a different person. A person I really like. And you helped her to be free.” She dropped her arms behind her back, turning her face fully back up to him. “She likes you too, Sir.” Soft smile. “She likes what
like to do to her.”

He swallowed hard. His jaw clenched. “Does she remember what I said on the phone yesterday? About what I want to do to her tonight?”

She nodded with slow solemnity. “You’re not going to play easy. You’re going to push.”

He pulled in a long breath through his nose. “That is so fucking right.”

Before she blinked again, he pulled her body in tighter than ever. His heat engulfed her like the blue flames in his eyes, searing his message in. She swayed a little but he caught her with a fierce grip. She had no doubt he’d do it again, even if she was tumbling over the side of a cliff.

“Oh,” she sighed.

The griffin responded with a low growl. “Tell me you want this, little rose.”

“Yes.” She gasped. “Oh yes, Sir.”

“Tell me you understand that I’m going to push your limits, but that if you even whisper your safe word, everything stops and we talk.”

“Yes. Ohhh!” She dug her teeth into her lip, coinciding with how the man pushed his thigh forward, making her damn-near ride it here in the hallway. She forced herself to keep looking at him, even as her sex swelled and her thighs trembled.

,” she finally got out. “I understand. I say the safe word and you stop.”
But Dear God, don’t stop now…

“So you’re ready?”

“Fuck!” she snapped, glad that he didn’t turn his little smile into a laugh. The sexy bite he gave his own lower lip was tantalizing enough. “Dammit.
. I’m ready, okay?”

“Good.” So damn calm. So in control. So silken smooth as he slid a step back from her. That still gave him plenty of access for his next action: reaching to yank hard at the ends of the laces on her bodice, making her dress pop open enough to bare her breasts. His urbane demeanor did nothing to prepare her for the double pinches he gave her nipples, causing her to yelp and glare up again.

His grin was gone. His face was framed in lines that hadn’t been there before. Strict angles. Inscrutable authority. Complete domination.

“Now you’ll strip.” His voice was low and firm, a man expecting to be heeded. “Leave your clothes out here. They’ll be taken care of. Join me inside with your body fully naked, your mind fully clear—and your will ready to serve mine.”

Chapter Nine

ow was this

Dan did his best to figure out the anomaly, without ruining it.

He wasn’t supposed to walk
the dungeon feeling this good. Every one of his nerve endings wasn’t supposed to feel like an earthquake had struck. Every drop of his blood wasn’t supposed to be transformed into solar flares. Every muscle in his body wasn’t supposed to be infused with magma, already threatening to blow the doors off his mind.

This was crazy. Unreal. Beautiful—yet disturbing. This was all shit for
the scene, the high he got after she got hers. Yeah, but he’d never
a session by making out with the most gorgeous subbie in the world, in the middle of a club’s public room—then continued it with her in the play room hall, where she stripped naked for him, so ready to be commanded to more.

incredible girl, ready to bow to

If he’d harbored any doubt about doing this with her for a second time, it rapidly faded to nothing.

Then disappeared completely—as soon as he turned at the sound of her reentering the room.

Holy. Fuck.

He shoved his tongue against the roof of his mouth to keep the damn thing from falling on the floor.
You’ve seen her nude before, numb nuts. Remember? Less than a week ago? Just down the hall?

He grunted the inner voice into silence. Nothing, not even his own brain, was going to steal the power of this moment. The breath he held as she stepped through the portal, the light from the hallway silhouetting her sleek curves. The same breath, released in a hot rush as she closed the door, quickly licking her lips. Sucking the air back in as she approached on bare feet, toenails pink as the flush across her skin, gaze darting over the equipment he could choose from to bind her body for his use tonight. Vertical stretch rack. Suspended fucking swing. Leather-bound whipping bench with an optional stockade. Full-body pin cage.

Her eyes flared while gazing at that last one. He hid his responding grin. Watching her get thrown off her game…it was a fucking turn-on, especially because he saw how aroused
got from it, too. Such a contrast to the little laser beam he knew from the office.

Such a beautiful difference.

Such a perfect little subbie.

He was going to take her deep tonight. So much farther. Every gorgeous green glint in her eyes showed him how much she needed it. And fuck, did
need it.

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