Abducted (Passion in the Stars #1)


Copyright © 2013 By Eliza Daniels

This book is a work of fiction. The
names, characters, places, and incidents are products of
the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and
are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or
organizations is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any
manner whatsoever without written permission from the
author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in
critical articles and reviews.


Trisha woke-up in the middle of the night to the sound of a dog barking. She grabbed her shorts and a flannel shirt that she tied around her waist. She pulled her rifle out from behind her bed and loaded it with bullets. It was probably wolves trying to get into the barn to eat the sheep again. She'd handled them before on multiple occasions, although her family didn't have much faith in her abilities. Her Dad had only reluctantly left the farm in her hands for the week while he went on a road trip with her mother for their anniversary.

She was thankful they were gone. Since Jason had broken-up with her, she needed time alone to think. Too bad she didn't have a man keeping her bed warm and filling up the hole between her thighs. She moaned at the thought. Killing wolves would have to do as a distraction.

She remembered the time Jason had gotten her pregnant. Her father had almost forced him into a shotgun wedding, but then she had a miscarriage. She frowned.

She was twenty-three years old. Her Dad needed to learn that she was more than capable of taking care of herself. She'd done chores on the farm for years and built up muscles from hauling hay. She'd practice shooting cans in her backyard with her rifle and went hunting on a few occasions. She knew how to handle the hired hands of the house. She could even chew tobacco and spit just as well as any man! But he didn't see her as being capable of taking care of a farm or even herself. He thought she needed a man in her life to marry. She'd show him.

She caught her reflection as she passed by a mirror and stopped only for a moment to pull her messy, brown hair into a bun. Her green eyes looked wild as she gazed out the windows to try to gauge what was going on. There was a strange, iridescent glow filtering in from outside.

This could be bad. Maybe someone had broken in and brought a floodlight with them. She should call the police, but she wasn't scared.

She put down her gun to light a cigarette and then strolled outside. She'd need a smoke to handle this one.

She walked out the front door and kept her spine rigid, even though the air had a spooky, bluish glow to it. The barn looked purple in the light and the green grass appeared to have been doused in radioactive material.

She whirled around on the ball of her foot, ready to shoot, regardless of which direction these terrors were coming from. Instead, she floated into the air. She kicked and punched, but she continued to sail upwards.

She dropped her rifle and a bullet discharged with a boom into the surrounding woods. She lost her cigarette as her mouth fell open as well. "Dammit," she screamed into the night.

She looked up and had to squint against the florescent light she was floating towards. It was coming from a giant circular object floating in the sky. It had windows and looked like a spaceship!

"What the hell?" she asked before losing consciousness.


When she woke, she was surrounded by metal gadgets. She tried to sit up, but her hands were cuffed to a silver bed above her head. The walls were white and the overhead light was blinding. The room smelled of rubbing alcohol, which reminded her of a hospital or laboratory. She shuddered at the thought. Was she going to be experimented on?

A blue face appeared above her, followed by another blue face. The creatures looked humanoid. They were bald and had large eyes. Their fingers were unusually long as they stroked her face and hair.

"What is this? Where am I?" she asked, but they didn't answer her.

They looked at one another instead and made chittering noises. It took Trisha a moment to realize that this was the way they communicated.

Were these aliens? She shook her head. She didn't want to think these thoughts. The kind of people who believed they were abducted wound up in tabloids that she liked to make fun of.

One of the aliens stuck something in her mouth and it took her a moment to realize it was a thermometer. It was shaped like a triangle and had funny symbols on it. The other one took her pulse. They pulled the strange-looking thermometer out. Then together they started to pinch her skin and feel around her stomach, pressing her internal organs.

She was definitely about to be experimented on. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed several more metal gadgets on a table. That must be their tools. Hopefully, they didn't plan to slice her open and analyze her guts more closely.

She pulled on the restraints again to see how tightly they held her. There wasn't much give to them. If she could locate the lock, maybe she could pick it. She'd done it once before to break into her father's liquor cabinet.

They shone another bright light directly into her eyes. She squinted and winced. They chattered to one another in response.

They also took a hammer-like object and started whacking her body with it. She swore at them loudly and they chittered to one another some more.

She understood what they were doing now; they were testing her reactions to things. They probably wanted to better understand human behavior-what she liked and hated.

One minute, there were blue aliens standing in front of her and the next, she blinked and they looked like male body builders. Neither of them wore shirts. One had blond hair and the other had brown. They were both grinning at her with bright white teeth. They had cowboy hats on the top of their head.

Trisha shuddered. These men's bodies reminded her of the guy she had lost her virginity to. He had been a farm hand who hauled hay with nothing but jeans on. Because of this, his chest and shoulders were always tan. While she had worked with him, she got to admire every inch of his hard muscular arms and six-pack.

It was no wonder they wound up wrestling in the stables naked every day over the next few weeks. Her father had finally chased him off with his shotgun when he caught them one afternoon. He had been completely ashamed of her behavior, but she had ever regretted it.

In fact, she had spent many nights remembering the stable hand and masturbating to the thoughts of him when she was alone. Not only had he been a fine specimen, but he also knew exactly where her clitoris was located every time he touched her.

The two men stood above her on either side of the table. They reached towards each other. Their hands rested on each other's arms before reaching up to massage their shoulders. Their eyes locked. The air between them grew hot and heavy.

Trisha's breath caught in her throat. She fought against her restraints. She knew this might be some alien trick that would end poorly for her, but she might as well enjoy herself while she had the chance.

She wanted to touch them-to be a sandwich between them. She'd always had a weakness for men with those kinds of bodies. It had gotten her in trouble on multiple occasions and drew all longing for Jason out of her mind. How had these aliens known?

Before long, the blond grabbed a hold of the brunette's cheek and pulled him closer. Their full lips met in the middle over Trisha's body. Their tongues darted into each other's mouths as their kiss grew hungry. The brunette ran his hands through the blonde's hair and Trisha so badly wanted to do the same-to see if the strands felt as soft as they looked.

Trisha whimpered at the sight, but their torture of her wasn't finished yet. She saw their jeans straining against their rapidly hardening cocks. They were thick and long-bigger than any man she'd ever been with. They were the kind of men who would stretch her out to the point of almost coming just from the sensation of filling her so tightly.

She groaned and writhed against her restraints. "Please," she begged.

Her pussy was wet. She wanted one of them to fuck her so badly, but instead they fiddled with each other's pants, until their cocks sprang free. They fondled one another. She watched them take their large hands and pump each other with them.

Trisha could barely take it anymore. All she could think about was those dicks and those fingers and what exactly they could do to her. Her panties were soaked.

The brunette pushed the blond away and climbed onto the table, resting on his knees. He was hovering close to Trisha's body, but he was staring at the blond. He grabbed the blond by the hair and forced his head down, so he could push his cock into the blonde's mouth. The blond swallowed it greedily as he thrust his head up and down.

"Oh, yes!" Trisha screamed at the sight of the blonde's hot mouth taking the whole length in. His lips were so full and the act just accented their plumpness. These men were skilled and sexy.

Before the brunette had the chance to come, the blond pulled away and pulled himself onto the table as well. They both grinned down at Trisha. Her heart hammered.

They bent down and started kissing her on either side of her face. Their mouths felt like soft butterflies tickling her cheeks.

The brunette grabbed her by the neck to pull her to him and she met his kiss eagerly. Their intertwined mouths wrestled with one another. She could taste desire in his lips and it fueled her own. The skill of his tongue left her feeling like she was drunk on wine and thinking about what he would do with that mouth if it was working on her pussy. The blond kissed up and down her arm.

Soon, they switched. The blonde's mouth was just as naughty-his taste just as sinful. All she could think about was how he swallowed the brunette's cock whole and how his tongue had skillfully toyed with it. She was shocked that the brunette had been able to hold out so long-she certainly couldn't have.

The brunette stripped off her clothes, ripping the material, until she was naked. She didn't care what they did with her as long as they didn't stop.

Both the blond and brunette got back on their knees and stared at one another with one eyebrow raised and smirks on their faces. In unison, they stroked the outside of her pussy lips up and down. She bit her lip, bucked her hips, and her body surrendered to their touches. She desperately wanted them inside.

A part of her wondered if the aliens were testing her to see what aroused her. Maybe they were trying to understand human sexuality. Regardless, they were giving her the show of a lifetime. She might as well cooperate in response.

Her restraints fell off of her. She probably should have tried to run, but there was no way she wanted to miss the rest of this. She didn't care about the consequences or if the whole thing was just an illusion. The smell of her desire filled the air and it consumed her senses.

The brunette pinned her to the metallic bed. He parted her legs and positioned himself over her. He pressed the large, mushroomed tip of his cock against her entrance and held it by the base. He swirled the tip around and tortured her clitoris with its caresses.

She writhed beneath him. Her moist, parted mouth begging for unintelligible things. She thought she was going to explode from longing. She needed him inside her!

The blond had gotten off the table and was standing next to her-his cock still hard and pointed directly at her. He stroked it up and down, his face scrunching with desire for the two of them as he pleasured himself.

The brunette entered Trisha slowly. Her pussy walls convulsed against his thick cock as it slid inside her. She could feel him all over-filling her up and the sensation drove her over the edge. She cried out, not caring who heard as she climaxed, but that was nothing compared to how it felt when he was actually thrusting in and out of her. She knew she was going to be sore in the morning, even though she was slippery inside. But she wanted him to pound away inside her anyway, until she couldn't take it anymore.

Soon both of them were coming. The blond finished as well all over her chest. They cried out together In ecstasy.

The aftershocks of her orgasm and the feel of the men's come inside her body and on her chest made her shudder. She passed out with a grin on her face.

She woke a few hours later in her bed. She wore pajamas and she was drooling on her pillow. She reached down and touched her pussy, unsure if she had imagined the entire night or if it was real. Sure enough, she felt sore to the touch. Something had happened that night, but she decided it was probably best to keep that information to herself, since no one would probably believe her anyway.

She never found the ripped outfit she had worn that night. It was gone forever, but she pleasured herself to the thought of where it might be every day.

More Stories From Passion In The Stars…


Two astronauts, stranded on a shuttle, give in to their lust for each other.

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