Abiogenesis (23 page)

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Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor



Chapter Twenty-Two


Despite her best efforts to tamp the afterglow of their night together in consideration of Reuel’s feelings, she couldn’t think that she’d been altogether successful, but then Pierce made no effort at all to hide his satisfaction. Every time she looked at him he was grinning, and every time he happened to catch her looking at him, a dull red blush would creep up his cheeks.

Reuel spent most of the day in the fields.

For months it seesawed like that, with first one and then the other wavering from fair mood to foul. After a time, however, they managed to rub along without so much tension when both Reuel and Pierce saw that she was true to her word and lavished attention upon them in equal parts.

On the first anniversary of their contract, they decided to celebrate in the city as they had celebrated the signing. Claire, a year old and often saying some really embarrassing things, sat in her chair like a little angel and managed to draw looks of approval as well as admiration, and even, Dalia thought, just a little envy from the couples sharing the restaurant with their own infants, who were as fussy as Claire had been the first time they’d come.

They were almost through with their dinner when she realized that tonight was her night to be with Reuel. She sent him a speculative glance, wondering what she might do to make it extra special for him since it was their anniversary.

Unfortunately, nothing really enterprising came to mind. Sighing in frustration, she glanced from Reuel to Pierce, who’d been unusually quiet. He was holding Claire in his arms, stroking her soft cheek with one finger, a faint smile on his lips as he studied her sleeping face.

A rush of love for both of them filled her, and then the realization that what she really wanted was to spend the night with both of her partners.

She wasn’t entirely certain they were ready for that, but she decided, if the opportunity arose she would test the waters. It was Pierce’s night to watch the baby, but she usually went right to bed now and hardly ever woke.

When they reached the plantation, Pierce led the way upstairs and took the baby to her room. Dalia trailed along behind him, casting a provocative glance over her shoulder at Reuel as she reached the upper landing and crossed the living area to her room.

She soaked in a hot bath, feeling the strain of the day slip away and the tension of anticipation take its place. Then she bathed in soap scented with flowers. When she’d finished, she dried herself and walked naked into the bedroom. The gown she’d chosen for Reuel lay across the bed where she’d left it. Lifting it by the shoulders, she examined the material with a sense of satisfaction. It looked as if it had been fashioned of gossamer. As she turned it, light gleamed off of it like sunlight on dew.

Separating the thin fabric, she pulled it over her head and went to study the effect in the mirror critically. The dark fabric lay like a shadow over her skin. Her nipples and the dark, curling hair between her thighs were as clearly visible as if only mist preserved her from nakedness. The neckline plunged halfway to her navel. The hem stopped at the tops of her thighs. Turning, she saw it fell short of covering the cheeks of her ass by a good two inches.

She felt aroused just wearing it.

She was fairly confident Reuel would find it--interesting.

He was lounging on the couch when she reached the living area, his arms propped behind his head, his legs sprawled on the top of the low table in front the couch. He glanced at her lazily where she stood in the doorway, watching him. His eyes glittered as his gaze slid up her as sensuously as a caress.

Pushing away from the door, she walked languidly toward him. He didn’t move. He looked as if he was holding his breath. Turning when she reached him, she lifted one leg over his and straddled his lap. Sliding backwards slowly over the hard ridge beneath her buttocks, she lifted her feet and hooked her heels on the edge of the cushions, then leaned back against his chest. Lifting a hand to his cheek, she turned her face against his neck, breathing in his scent, nuzzling his ear with her nose, then tracing the swirls of his ear with the tip of her tongue.

He expelled a harsh breath and brought his arms down, dropping one on her flat belly. He slipped his other hand through the neck of her gown and strummed the edge of his thumb back and forth across her nipple until it stood erect, then pinched the erect nipple between his thumb and forefinger, plucking at it almost lazily.

Heat cascaded over Dalia’s chest and belly like warm wine, intoxicating her. She sucked his earlobe between her lips, nipping at it gently with her teeth.

Shifting slightly, he lifted his hand from her belly and curled his fingers around her cheek and the back of her neck, plucking at her lips with his own teasingly before he opened his mouth over hers.

The sound of footfalls on thick carpet penetrated the haze of passion and both stiffened as they came near, then paused abruptly. Reuel’s hand tightened on her when she would have pulled away, but she knew even without looking that Pierce had stumbled upon them.

She felt him watching.

Moist heat flooded her passage in a gush as her mind seemed to float free of her body and she found herself looking down upon the three of them; at Reuel, fondling her breast, kissing her, her legs splayed wantonly on either side of his thighs; at Pierce, mesmerized by the sight and unable to pull his gaze away.

She kissed Reuel back when he would have pulled away, slipping her tongue between his lips and exploring his mouth as he had hers. He groaned, arching his hips upward as he sucked at her tongue so that his rigid flesh dug into the cleft of her buttocks. Her short gown rode higher as he placed his feet on the floor. Slowly, he pushed her thighs apart, spreading them until the coolness of air licked along the heated, sensitive flesh of her sex and she felt the damp petals yielding gradually to the pressure of his knees against her thighs, opening like the deep pink petals of a dew laden flower.

When Reuel broke the kiss at last, he slipped his hand down her throat and beneath the neck of her gown to pluck at the nipple neglected of his attentions. Dalia moaned, arching her head against his shoulder even as she lifted heavy lids to gaze at Pierce across the room.

As if he sensed her watching him, he dragged his gaze upwards from her sex and met hers. She arched her body against the teasing torment of Reuel’s hands, beckoning him closer. He swallowed as Reuel released one nipple and slipped that hand down her belly, raking a thick index finger along her cleft, smoothing the petals of flesh wide so that cool air blew across her body’s opening.

Dalia gasped, squeezing her eyes closed as Reuel’s touch sent a sharp knife of pleasure through her, making the muscles of her channel quake and clench with anticipation. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that Pierce had moved closer, his gaze riveted to the movements of Reuel’s hand as he plucked and teased her clit, slipped his thick index finger inside of her, moving it slowly in and out before he traced her cleft again.

He shifted her on his lap, shoving his trousers down his hips far enough he could grasp his erection and free it. His cock landed, thick and heavy, against her cleft as he released his hold on it. He pressed his hand against it, rocking her hips so that his cock slid teasingly along her cleft. She moved with him for several moments. Finally, catching Pierce’s gaze, she pushed Reuel’s hand away and wrapped her fingers around his thick cock. Lifting up slightly, she pressed the rounded head inside of her. A rush of pleasure went through her. Bearing down with careful pressure, she worked his erection deeper, then lifted once more, feeling the flesh of her sex yield, and then cling to him.

Reuel groaned, and she heard Pierce swallow audibly, heard the rush of his breath. Spreading her thighs wider, she leaned forward, bracing her palms on Reuel’s knees and bearing down with slow, deliberate pressure until she felt his cock stretching her to her limits. Catching her buttocks in his hands, Reuel arched upward even as he bore down on her, sinking more deeply still. A groan of pleasure scraped along her throat. She arched her head back, feeling her breasts sway with the movement, swinging free of the gaping neck of her gown.

When she managed to open her eyes again, she saw that Pierce was absently rubbing his cock, his gaze on her swaying breasts. She lifted up, allowing Reuel’s cock to slide out of her until only the head remained inside, until Pierce could see where their bodies joined.

She licked her lips. "Let me see it," she said huskily.

Pierce’s startled gaze moved to meet hers, but after only a brief hesitation, he pushed his trousers down his hips and kicked them off, freeing his cock, massaging it. Groaning at the heat that went through her, Dalia pressed down again, forcing Reuel’s cock deeply inside of her. Again, he arched to meet her, bearing down on her buttocks harder than before. She squeezed her eyes shut, arching her head back as pleasure akin to pain tore through her.

She sensed that Pierce had moved close moments before she felt his mouth open over the tip of one undulating breast. He sucked her nipple hard, sending another harsh jolt of pleasure through her as she lifted her hips high and then pushed down again. She whimpered in pleasure, her mind black with it, her body feeling as if it was on fire as Reuel forced her into a faster rhythm, each time allowing his cock to slide almost completely from her body before driving it almost painfully deep.

And all the while, Pierce sucked first one nipple and then the other, teased them with his tongue, until she began to struggle to keep her climax at bay, striving to hold onto the pleasure just a little longer.

Just when she thought she couldn’t hold back any longer, Pierce ceased his sweet torment of her nipples. With an effort, she opened her eyes.

He was kneeling in front of her, massaging his cock. She leaned forward as Reuel began pounding into her harder and harder, reaching for his own culmination. Flicking her tongue out, she dragged it slowly over the rounded tip of his cock, licking the sensitive head with slow deliberation. He groaned, gripping her shoulder, shifting slightly closer. She opened her mouth over him, sucking the head of his cock and then running her tongue around the sensitive ridge at its base.

A jolt of heat went through her. Pierce groaned, his fingers clenching in her hair.

Lifting her hands from Reuel’s knees, she caught Pierce’s hips, pulling him toward her as she opened her mouth wide to take his erection fully inside her mouth. He shuddered, began to move his cock in and out of her mouth, matching the jolting rhythm that Reuel set as he pumped his cock into her harder and faster, and so deeply each thrust sent another shaft of mind numbing, almost painful pleasure through her until she whimpered with the effort to contain it.

His fingers clenching and unclenching on her shoulder, Pierce shook as she held his erection tightly in her mouth, resisting his thrust and retreat, sucking on him as her body hovered on the verge of release. Abruptly, Dalia felt her belly clench, spasm with the first waves of culmination. She groaned, sucking Pierce’s cock harder as it washed over her in increasingly hard waves. His cock jerked in her mouth as he reached his own crisis. Feeling his effort to withdraw, she dug her fingers into his buttocks, sucking him harder, refusing to release him as his crisis fed her own pleasure. He lost the battle, cried out hoarsely as his body convulsed in release and his hot seed spewed into her mouth. She sucked him greedily, gripping him until his body ceased to spasm in release.

With a growl of satisfaction, Reuel rammed deeply inside of her, bearing down on her hips as his orgasm spilled from him in convulsing waves.

Releasing her hold on Pierce at last, Dalia braced her shaking arms on Reuel’s knees, panting for breath. Pierce sat back, bracing his fists on the table on either side of him, his head drooping forward on his shoulders as he, too, struggled to catch his breath. "I thought you were going to kill me," he muttered hoarsely.

Gathering herself, Dalia pushed back until she was leaning against Reuel’s chest once more, caressing his cheek as she studied Pierce. "It was good for me, too," she said, stretching in satisfaction.

Pierce looked up at her a long moment and finally shook his head. Smiling faintly, he got up, snatched his trousers from the floor and departed.

Reuel grunted. "Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, keeping his voice carefully neutral.

Dalia twisted around until she was seated across his lap. "You didn’t?"

A shiver skated through him. He caressed her cheek, dropping a light kiss on her forehead and then her eyelids. "Immensely. But on my nights, I want you all to myself."

Chuckling, she looped her arms around his neck. "I’m all yours."

His eyes gleamed. Slipping one arm around her back, and one beneath her knees, he stood up and strode into his bedroom with her. "You’re incorrigible," he muttered.

She laughed. "I’m not. I’m very, very good. And that was an anniversary present, for both of you, from me, with all my love."





Dalia felt like purring with satisfaction. There were a lot of reasons for it.

The first had been her first real dinner. She’d spent most of the day in the kitchen studying a computer screen to prepare the meal she’d planned. It was nothing short of amazing that it had been successful. She’d learned to use the strange cooking machines Reuel had in his house months ago, learned to use them adequately, not well.

On her cooking days, she managed to prepare a reasonably nutritious meal that was reasonably edible, but there was no getting around the fact that both Reuel and Pierce were much better at cooking than she was.

She had something special to announce tonight, however, and she’d decided that the best way to go about it was to feed them well, then fuck them well, and then, when they were completely mellowed and putty in her hands she would make her announcement.

They were surprised when they saw she’d set the table in the formal dining room downstairs, amazed at the beauty and variety of the dishes she set on the table. But they were absolutely stunned when they discovered that the food actually tasted good, too.

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