Abuse: The Complete Trilogy (78 page)

Chapter 48.

“Life is more
fun if you play games.”

― Roald



I collapse on
top of Grant’s solid chest, absorbed by delicious, orgasmic convulsions. My
heart thuds in my chest. I’m so buzzed with euphoric pleasure, I can’t imagine
coming down from this high.

It takes me a
few minutes to catch my breath, much less return to reality.

“You are
going to kill me,” I finally pant.

“That was…
incredible,” he sighs, nuzzling into my neck.

“Tell me about

It feels so good
to be on top of him. He feels bigger this way. Deeper. There’s a delicious
pressure on my core as his cock, still hard, continues to pulse. I love to ride
him while watching his reactions, the sensual tension and strain on his face,
the way he looks when he’s wracked by profound pleasure.

“Hey, I didn’t
give you permission to come that time.” he grumbles this complaint in my ear,
while he soothingly trails his callused palms up and down my back.

I laugh and
raise my head. “The second I felt you beginning to go over, I figured that was
my cue. It’s super-hot when we come together. Did you want to climax by

“No, not

“Ha. Thought

He smiles at me.
I smile back.

We really are
tragic as a couple. Sensible adults would probably give us both a wide berth.
This sweeping, all-encompassing love we have for each other is difficult to
hide. It’s almost embarrassing. But it isn’t.

“Mmm. Ready to
go again?” I ask.

He laughs, an
expansive, lighthearted sound that makes my breath catch and my heart fill with
joy. “Sure, why not?”

Grant and I have
decided to spend the day together, naked. It’s a little vacation time for both
of us. Consequently, we got up, ate a big breakfast and came back to bed. We
did the same thing at lunch. We wrestle, we watch TV, we make love and tickle
each other. We eat popcorn, cuddle and giggle.

With Briley no
longer with us, all constraint is gone. We’ve made love in every room in the
house. Thinking back, I smile as I recall how we christened each surface, the
rugs, walls, tables, chairs and couches. Now I can’t walk anywhere through his
house without remembering.

In fact, I’ve
had so much sex recently, I’m having trouble walking at all.

His face
tightens for a moment, as though struck by an unpleasant thought. “Where do you
think André is?”

Grant? You ask me this? When he left with Betty Jo and he didn’t come home last

“I just can’t
understand what he could possibly see in my sister.” The tone of his voice is
angry and frustrated.

I shrug.

“Also, the idea
of him fucking her gives me the creeps. I can’t even go there.”

I stare at him.
“Why not? Neither of them is attached to anyone. It’s only sex, a mutual
pleasure both can enjoy. I honestly can’t understand what the big deal is. Two
adults spent the night together. So what? Maybe it’ll tone her innate
hatefulness down. Don’t you think the whole world would be a better place if
more people made love?”

“Love?” he
yelps, shocked by the idea. His eyes squeeze closed for a moment, while he
struggles to explain why he’s so upset. “It’s just that—” he shakes his head.
“André is someone I
while Betty Jo… isn’t.”

“OK.” I sigh.
“Do you want to talk about it?”

His eyes fly
open. “No way.”

I smile. “Good.”

I slide off of
him, offering him tissues and wiping myself. We’re back to the cuddling part of
the day. The subject of André and Grant’s sister doesn’t bother me, nor does it
interest me.

Everything André
does, he seems to do for a good reason.

I turn on the
action flick we’d both been wanting to watch, and settle down in his arms. My
pussy feels stretched and used. My clit, my neck and my nipples are pleasantly
sore—he bit them all earlier, and
it was hot as hell. But I’m not
done in the bedroom yet.

I’d like to nag
him about his secret sexual fantasies, but today isn’t a good day for that. A
large part of his mind is still distracted by André’s absence, the events of
yesterday, and the anxiety he has over his brother’s arrest.

Making him tell
me shameful secrets is something to do when he’s more settled and on top of

By the time the
movie finishes, I’ve come up with an idea. “Do you want to play a game?” I ask

Grant’s brows
furrow in a little frown, but his lips twitch in a subtle smile. “You terrify
me,” he teases. “What do you have in mind?”

I giggle.
“You’ll have to put Mr.
“I’m In Control In The Bedroom,”
away for a bit.
This game allows me to take charge, then you get to take charge, then I get to
take charge again.”

“How do you

“Oh,” I snicker.
“Everyone’s a winner in this game.”

I explain to him
the basic idea is that I try very hard to make him climax. “I can do whatever I
like, and you just have to take it. You say ‘stop,’ whenever you need to, and
then I have to stop doing whatever I’m doing—but you
must not

“That doesn’t
sound too complicated.”

“It’s pretty
straightforward,” I assure him. “After that, it’s your turn to try to get
to climax. Then
say stop if you get me too close to orgasm. Once you
do, it’s my turn to excite you again.”

“How do you win
this game?”

“Well, if I manage to make
you climax when you didn’t mean to, I win. Same for you in making me come when
I didn’t intend to.
But no cheating. When someone says ‘stop’ you have
to stop.”

“How long do we play?”

“As long as we
like, maybe an hour or two. But honestly?” I waggle my eyebrows. “I suspect
we’ll be playing games like this for the rest of our lives.”

He grins.

“The ‘Stop!
Stop!’ game is like mega-foreplay,” I add. “For the grand finale, we’ll both be
completely out of our minds. Then we can fuck each other and try to climax
together. Ready to play?”

He blows out his
breath on a sigh. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Good. I get to
start.” My grin splits my face. “You have to do what I say.”

He frowns, gives
me a dubious look. “All right.”

Grant is flat on
his back, his head on a pillow. God, the muscular taut maleness of him makes me
feel faint. He’s so strong, so accustomed to being in control. Is he really
going to let me boss him around?

“Put your hands
behind your head, you’re not allowed to touch me,” I say, watching to see how
he takes my first command. He mutters an inaudible curse, but does as I ask.

So far he’s not
having any fun, I’m going to fix that. But first, I just want to kiss him.

“Don’t move,” I
admonish. “Stay right where you are while I kiss you.”

Lord, it’s a
blast to order him around exactly the way he does to me.

I put my mouth
on his, kissing him deeply, falling into him. Man, it’s such a turn on the way
we connect. I touch, taste and tease, but only mouth on mouth. He’ll have to
wait before he gets more. Unfortunately I’ll have to wait, too.

I sigh, adoring
how good he feels beneath me.

His body
trembles—he wants to be closer, but I won’t allow it. He can’t use his strength
on me now. His thighs tighten, unconsciously his hips roll.

I pull back from
him. “Didn’t I tell you not to move?”

Eyes wide, his
generous lips part. He clears his throat. “Sorry,” he says. I snicker inside.
shoe is on the other foot now, isn’t it?

forgiven,” I murmur and return to plunder those kissable lips of his.

This is so damn
hot. My pulse pounds, I draw in shallow breaths as I push against him,
deepening the kiss. If I kept at it, simply touching him with my mouth, lips
and tongue, I swear I could climax just from a kiss.

I move back
abruptly, greedily staring at the restrained power of his rock-hard body while
I catch my breath.

“God, I love
your mouth,” I murmur.

Grant’s eyes
shine with lust, while his sensual smile melts me.

I look him up
and down. “I love the rest of you, too, but don’t think I’ll go easy on you
just because you’re sexy as hell.”

Still smiling,
he shakes his head. “I’ll consider myself warned.”

With a naughty
grin, my expression full of meaning, I lick my lips, slathering them with
moisture until I’m sure they gleam. His body tightens further, while his gaze
focuses like a laser on my lips and tongue.

He has a good
idea of exactly what I plan to do with my mouth.

I trail my
fingers up his thigh and circle his swollen cock. Already he’s hard and hot,
the skin of him soft as velvet. My eyes take in every stiff inch.

“Ready for some
serious temptation?” I ask, arching an eyebrow.

There’s a
martial look in his eye. “Go for it.”

“I’m going to
suck on this cock of yours until I get something out of it.” I squeeze his
swollen shaft while I issue this naughty, sensual threat.

His body jerks,
his breath hisses out. I’m rewarded with an agonized male groan of withheld
pleasure. His muscles strain with the urge to touch me. Ha! It’s my turn to
dominate him!

I laugh. “Do you
like the game so far?”

The poor man
glares at me, but he says nothing. He’s not used to being submissive in bed.
Not only that, Grant’s the kind of guy that always has to win. Well, that’s OK
by me.

This is a wanton
test of temptation, sensation and restraint. How could either of us lose?

His cock is red,
the veins bulge. One hand idly playing with his shaft, I begin slowly by
swirling my tongue around the head, flicking and licking the underside of his
penis, the most sensitive spot.

When he swears
under his breath, I snicker under mine. His abs stand out as his flat stomach
tightens. The erotic sound of his breath catching makes me smile.

lick down his length, my tongue tracing, my mouth nibbling. I take him inside,
swallowing him down, sucking until he moans. I sit back and grin. I’m teasing
him and he knows it.

Firm lipped,
Grant doesn’t grin back.

While still
fondling his cock, I concentrate on his heavy testicles, sucking them lightly
inside my mouth, one at a time. I haven’t done that before with him. His body
shudders. He likes it…
a lot!

My skin flushes,
my breasts ache to be touched. The fact he likes what I’m doing arouses me
further. After so many years of being shut down, he loves
burning fire begins in my core, spreading outward. I whimper when my clit
begins to throb.

Shit. I have
to stay in control. My attention has to remain on him.

How does Grant
do it? This dominance thing is harder than I thought.

Now it’s my turn
to move him around as I like. He raises his eyebrows suspiciously when I spread
his legs wide apart. I raise his balls, moisten my lips, then my tongue moves
toward the underside of his scrotum.

His body
flinches in surprise, his breath comes ragged and hard.

With one hand I
lightly masturbate his aching cock, with the other gently holding his sack. I
generously lick between his testicles and his anus, short soft licks, long
harder licks, circles and sweeps, again, again and again. All the while jerking
him off.

“For the love of
God,” he cries out.

There’s a
million, zillion nerve endings in his perineum. I’m pretty sure my hot, wet
tongue has lovingly caressed every single one.

I release his cock
and his balls, then pull back to look at him. His stunned reaction to this
erotic assault is wonderful to see. His biceps bulge as he grips the pillow
behind his head, trying
to reach for me.

I bet if I put
my finger up his ass to gently prod his prostate, he’d spray like a firehose. I’d
never do this without his permission, not with his history, but someday I plan
to get to that.

We’ll end up
together, in time.

“You like that,
do you?”


“I’ll take that
as a yes,” I snicker and begin gently nibbling and licking his perineum again.

“Wait,” he
gasps, as more pre-cum drips. His shaft pulses, I think he nearly climaxed that

I stop. “Wow,
that spot really does it for you, doesn’t it?” I say, wetting my knuckle and
stroking him there, just once more, very lightly. He grunts, a sound of agony
and pleasure because he has to hold back.

This is a little
power play, it amuses me to keep him close to orgasm.

Grant says
nothing, but his eyes positively

Jesus Christ on
a cracker! Good thing I told him to put his hands behind his head. Otherwise
he’d probably flip me over, jump on top of me, hold me down by the nape with
his teeth, and slam into me like a wild stallion.

The image makes
my entire body shiver.

I shift my
thighs together, in an effort to control my lust, I manage to chuckle. “You
were supposed to say ‘stop,’ but since you haven’t, I get to keep going. Ha,
ha! It’s still my turn to tease and torment you.”

“Fine,” he bites
the word out.

His flesh is
slick with sweat. Heat positively radiates from his skin now, while his shaft
is thick and solid in my hand. I moisten my palm and lightly masturbate him,
easing him past my wet lips and into my mouth.

His quick inhale
of breath makes my core clench. What is this deep, primal satisfaction I feel
in servicing him? I want to see him come. I want to feel him come. I want to swallow
his cum!

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