AcQuest: A Space Opera Military Technothriller (The Quest Saga Science Fiction Adventure Series Book 3) (3 page)

So why exactly was Q worried? Well, Moon Base was devoid of any life. Its primary use was to protect the Earth in case an intergalactic attack was initiated. Hence, Aliea, whose major demographic were humans, was intent on fixing it up. Q felt it was weird that a sophisticated weapons system had crashed all on its own, but to Taylor it seemed like he was just being paranoid, and that sort of emotional state wasn’t a safe indulgence.

Q, as a mage, was influenced by his emotions. A mage could tap into his life energy and channel it, but sometimes, if his emotions were out of control, his life energy could flood out in a torrent. This causes mages to lose control and wreak havoc. In his current state of mind, Q was in a dangerously emotional condition. A small tip in the delicate scale could cause him to go on an all-out rampage.

Of course, most people couldn't see anything wrong with him, but she had been with him long enough to know when he wasn't feeling well. So she planned to cheer him up by inviting him to dinner. Hopefully it would work.

She walked toward the heart of the city of Aliea, until she was at the base of a massive tower. It blended mysteriously with the night sky and its darkness. A large circle of neon red lay on the front face of the tower; the only visible part of its existence.

The Demon Riser
, she thought.

It was the largest tower in Aliea, rising up to almost half the height of the dome that encapsulated the city. It was primarily a command center that Aliea’s executive officials used, but it also had plenty of residential sections. In fact, Taylor and the others had stayed there for a while, but in the end they decided it was more convenient to get their own places to stay. So now Q was the only one of their group who resided in the tower.

She took the elevator to the upper floors and was about to knock on his door, when she heard noises coming from the inside. She put her ear to the black metal door and strained to hear a sound. She could hear a girl’s voice loud and clear but there wasn’t a trace of Q’s. She panicked and charged into the room, “Q! Are you…” she caught her words and her face froze.

Elizabeth lay on a bed, her face pale and worn out. Q sat by her, his face lined with worry. Taylor realized that the sounds she had heard were Elizabeth’s groans of pain.

“What happened to her?” She walked up to them.

“Something big,” Q said quietly.

“Tell me,” she sat down on the bed next to Elizabeth’s

Q sighed, and then he told her. When he finished, Taylor’s face looked like she had just seen a ghost.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine” Taylor shook off the expression and shifted to Elizabeth’s side. “Why didn't you take her to the infirmary?”

Q bit his lip and hesitated, “Whoever summoned those golems was after Elizabeth,” he said. “It wouldn’t have been a good idea to take to the streets. This mage might summon another wave of golems, and I was not sure I’d be able to beat them another time.”

“Fair enough,” Taylor said. Elizabeth’s breathing was still heavy and rapid.

“I think she might have injured herself really badly,” Q told her.

“I’ll take a look at it,” she closed her eyes and put her hand on Elizabeth’s forehead. She visualized a small part of her life energy flow out from within her body. It travelled through her hand to the tips of her fingers and into Elizabeth. She imagined it wash over her bruises and heal her completely. When she opened her eyes again, Elizabeth’s bruises had disappeared and her face became calmer. Not serene, not happy, but calm. She turned towards Q, who was staring at her in awe.

“You healed her?” he asked with fascination.

“Well, not exactly,” she said. “I gave her a part of my life energy, just a tiny fraction. Her body was the one that used it to accelerate her healing.”

“Wow, didn’t know you could do that.”

“Anyway, her bruises are healed,” she said. “But I might have missed something. I’ll stay here for the night just in case.”

“Thank you,” he smiled at her.

They chatted for a while, talking about their childhood escapades, and their more recent ones as well. They kept going until both of them started yawning uncontrollably.

“I’m hitting the sack,” Taylor said. “Wake me up if anything happens.”

Q nodded back.

She looked at him for a second, realizing she had forgotten the actual reason she had come here. Honestly though, it didn't seem like she needed to do anything anyway. Q did seem worried, but Kai and Chris were definitely not the ones on his mind right now.

She fell face-first into the pillow and made herself comfortable.

Golems, huh
, she thought.

It had been years since she had seen a single proper golem, and here Q said he had seen four. It would have been impossible for a single mage to create and control four of them. Controlling a golem became tougher the further away it was to the mage, so if this mage created four of them, it was highly likely it was from inside Aliea.

She shook her head in confused frustration. There were too many theories, and not much evidence to support any of them. She laid her head on the soft, snow-white pillow, her mind still trying to calm down as she lulled herself to sleep.

Things were going to get interesting.




Q sat down next to Elizabeth and stared out the window above her headrest. The view from this high up was beautiful. The stars shone as brightly as they did a few hours ago. For no reason at all, they reminded Q of Kai and Chris. He wondered when they would come back from Moon Base.

His mind wouldn’t let him be at peace until they came back safe and sound. He drifted further and further into thought until he dozed off.

Q had a very awkward dream that night. Hundreds of images flowed through his mind. They shifted rapidly, lasting for a second at most. He hardly had anytime to register an image before it changed into the next one. After several hundred images or so, the roulette finally stopped on a blank white picture.

He felt the pure white rectangle call out to him, pull him closer and closer. He didn’t try to resist it and allowed himself to be swept away by the invisible force. Once he entered the picture, everything around him went white, like he was in a jar of breathable milk.

Do not be alarmed,
” a voice boomed.

Q looked around, but all he could see was a solid whiteness.

Do not worry. I am not an enemy,
” the voice said, in a much softer tone.

“What do you want?” he yelled, hoping the voice, wherever it was coming from, heard him.

I’ve come to send you a warning.

“A warning?”

Would you wait?! I’m on a roll here, just let me finish my monologue.

“Sorry,” Q said. He’d never met a supernatural voice with a personality before.

The danger that you will confront is delicately dangling upon the derivative decorations of a demonic dynamo, who will not defer in detonating his dire defiance to destroy.

“What in world did you just say?” Q asked, seriously confused. What was that? A riddle? A tongue twister?

The voice gave no answer. The white background retracted into a tiny spot on a dark canvas. The newfound blackness covered Q completely, suffocating him. He slowly opened his eyes. A blurry faced popped into his sight.

“Boy, were you knocked out cold,” Taylor said. “And I thought I was the tired one.”

Q rubbed his eyes. “How’s Elizabeth?” he asked.

“Fit as a laser blaster,” squeaked a voice.

Elizabeth jumped over to Q and gave him a hug, “Thank you for everything,” she smiled at him. The color had returned to her face and her eyes shone with her regular mischievousness.

Taylor started saying something but Q wasn't paying attention. He was still trying to understand what the voice had told him. What could it have meant? Of course such a dream didn’t necessarily suggest anything, the operative word being necessarily.

Elizabeth knocked on Q’s head, “Aliea to Q,” she said.

Q threw his hands up, “All right, all right!” he said.

“We’d better get ready for school,” Taylor said, lifting Elizabeth by her collar. She was freakishly strong for someone her size.

Elizabeth’s feet dangled a few inches in air. “Hey! No fair!” she complained.

Q couldn’t help laughing at the small act. He decided to get ready before Taylor confronted him as well.

He yawned all along the way to class, a sign that he really needed to catch up on his sleep. Of course, he did get plenty of time to sleep. The only problem was that half of that time was consumed by weird dreams filled with invisible voices, and dancing frogs (Don’t ask).

“You really need to sleep more,” Taylor scolded him, making Elizabeth giggle.

“Yeah, yeah,” he waved his hand as he walked beside them. He looked up at the sky, hoping the bright sunlight would drive the drowsiness out of his eyes. A small object caught his eye, slowly becoming larger and larger until it zoomed past him and towards Aliea’s hangar. Q charged behind it with amazing speed, hoping to catch it just as it landed. He was really excited.

It has to be
, he thought.

He looked around the spacecraft-filled hangar until he spotted a ship that resembled the one he had just seen. A stairwell lowered from the ship’s side, urging Q to run faster towards it. Two people climbed down the stairwell, both of them not taking notice of Q.

“Hey guys!” He yelled out.

One of them, a boy of about the same age as he, turned to Q. The boy had a roundish face and looked to be of Asian descent. His black hair was messy, like he hadn't been able to cut it in a while. He swept the long locks that fell over his eyes, trying to see who was calling out to him.

“Kai!” Q said.

“My main man Q,” Kai jumped down and gave Q a bear hug, which probably wasn't anything like a bear hug because Kai was much shorter than Q.

A girl followed after him, her curly black hair flowing in the wind. Her dark skin emanated a kind of glowing aura. Her pointy face looked calm, her black-almond eyes cold and emotionless.

“Chris!” Q hugged her as well.

“Nice to see you too, Q,” she said, her voice a monotone.

“So how was Moon Base?” he asked. “Nothing happened right? You guys are okay?”

“Yeah, we’re fine,” Kai said. “The Moon Base was pretty cool actually. The weapons back there are really something. There’s no way anyone would be able to land a hit on the Earth without taking some serious damage.”

“What was wrong with the weapons system anyway?”

“The missile’s auto-launch sequence was going haywire. It might have fired at Earth if it hadn't been fixed in time.”

That seemed really suspicious to Q. What was it that had caused those sequences to go haywire in the first place? For a weapons system that advanced and powerful, those sequences should never deter on their own.

“Noo way!” a voice yelled out.

Elizabeth ran over to Chris and Kai. Taylor took the more sophisticated ‘walk’ approach.

Everyone was all smiles and laughs. Hugs went all around as they chatted. Q felt good to have the group back together again. But they were still missing two more people.

“Oh, looks like you got here before I did,” A man walked up to Q.

It was his brother Carlos, and next to him stood small-sized Ruby. Carlos’ brown hair was neatly trimmed and his face clean shaven. He had tried growing a beard but gave up almost instantly. ‘Too much work’ he reasoned. His brown eyes looked at everyone, the wide smile on his face showing how excited he was to see everyone together again. He was Aliea’s Commander, meaning he always had a defense meeting or something else to attend. So he hardly had any time to spend with them, and he didn’t like that.

“It’s nice to see you again, Carlos,” Kai held up his hand and Carlos high-fived him.

“Glad to see you’re finally back,” Carlos said. “
had gotten a little paranoid about the trip.”

Everyone turned to Q with smiling faces.

“Hey!” he complained.

Not a minute had passed since their happy reunion, when sirens went off.

Q didn’t think much of the alarms, and neither did the others. Things like this happened all the time on Aliea. Just a few weeks ago, the Academy initiated a complete lockdown because one of the cadets had accidently launched a nuclear missile. Instead of blasting through forty feet of solid steel, like the Academy had expected it to, the missile dropped dead to the ground. Turns out the cadet had forgotten to arm the missile while he set up his station, so the missile was completely unarmed when he launched it. Go figure. One blunder corrected by another. But the point was, a lot of silly things caused complete lockdowns, so this warning was probably not life threatening.

“Commander,” a young man ran up to Carlos and whispered something in his ear.

Carlos’ expression changed. He kept glancing up at the sky throughout the conversation. He whispered something back and the man ran off, twice as fast as he had arrived.

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