Across the Music (Across the Ocean Book 2) (15 page)

“Loki, stop. That hurts.” Sophie’s voice is a mixture of a few different things, and it sounds like she might be turned on a little. Loki turns his face to her ass and gives a firm yet quick bite, and she squeals loudly and laughs at the same time. It must not hurt that badly. Setting her back down on the ground, he turns on his heel and walks back over to the grill to attend to the food cooking without another word. Sometimes he is so strange. Sophie watches him walk away with an expression filled with confusion, laughter, and something else I can’t figure out.

Baldvin only laughs, grabbing a camera from his pocket to document the rest of the proceedings, I assume.

“Loki is a strange one,” he says, stating the obvious. “It’s your turn, Gunnar.” We both glance at Sophie for approval, and she just shrugs and nods, two bright red spots on her cheeks. Her mood doesn’t seem to be dampened from Loki’s behavior, and that is even hotter. She just got spanked in public, and didn’t have a meltdown or even get upset. I wonder what she’d be fine with in the bedroom.

I lean over and slide one arm behind Sophie's knees, and the other behind her back, scooping her up swiftly into my arms. She squeals in surprise at what I can only assume is how awesomely strong I am, but she moves to wrap her arms around my neck for support. I'm hyper conscious of her hand resting on the bare skin of my neck where it comes out of my shirt. Her fingertips barely graze my skin as goose bumps run down my arms and back, my feet have a little trouble finding stability, and I'm thoroughly surprised to feel the hot tub suddenly at my back.

In a split second, I realize that something has gone wrong.





My sense of balance dips dangerously to one side, leaving me to propel helplessly backwards while in Gunnar's arms, my own arms pinwheeling awkwardly and uselessly around like a mad muppet, unable to save myself from our inevitable doom.

I am fairly certain that I let out several obscenities as I begin the slow motion descent into the water in Gunnar's arms, who is completely unprepared for our fall. We topple over the edge and into the hot tub with a huge and extremely ungraceful splash.

Water sloshes heavily over the edges, the boards of the patio turning dark with it. Everyone standing near the tub quickly moves back in an effort to not be showered with the wave. The heat sends a shock through my body, overwhelming me for a moment.

My life flashes before my eyes in slow motion. Ok, no it doesn‘t. But everything slows down to a snail‘s pace while Gunnar‘s ass hits the bottom center of the tub, and we‘re both completely under the water. I hadn‘t properly held my breath before heading under water, so water goes in my mouth and my nose. His hands manage to wrap firmly around my waist while his feet push against the side of the tub to bring our heads above the water.

We‘re both choking and spluttering, out of breath and filled with adrenaline and shock. Water is running in rivulets into my eyes, down my body, and we are both trying to push the water out of our eyes. Steam is flowing heavily from our bodies and the top of the water as we struggle to stand up. Gunnar grabs my elbow to help steady me while I finally manage to stand.

Crikey dick
!" I exclaim loudly and obnoxiously to no one in particular. I glance down at myself, mortified by these events. My body is shivering from shock, even though the heat of the water has seeped into me.

We are still wearing our shoes for christsakes. We‘re standing in the tub with the water up to my hips. My clothing is now plastered to my body like a second skin, and I bet my mascara is running down my face. I am one hundred percent certain that I look like a drowned rat. Holding my arms out from my body to keep my balance, I glance up at Gunnar who has unfairly come out of this not looking the worse for wear.

The water has plastered his hair to his head, running in rivulets down his forehead to catch on his eyelashes before continuing their journey down his cheeks and over his lips. His white shirt is stuck to his chest, his tight nipples pressing against the fabric.

Every curve of muscle is clearly visible, and my eyes are struggling to not gawk openly in lust. Steam is still rising in excess from our bodies and the water, making me feel enveloped by a private and special cloud with only Gunnar and I. That doesn‘t sound bad at all.

I begin to laugh, the whole absurdity of this ordeal getting the best of me. Gunnar begins to laugh with me, a deep and rumbling sound that floods my lady parts with want. At least he sounds genuinely entertained rather than pissed off. I don't think he could be any sexier than he is at this moment, soaking wet and laughing.

"Sophie, are you ok? Sophie!" I look to my left, blinking through the water still running into my eyes. Brooke grabs my left elbow, helping me to carefully climb out of the hot tub. The worry and concern that I hear in her voice warms my heart. Gunnar releases my right elbow, much to my dismay, and someone wraps a towel around my shoulders.

"Don't you worry, little
, we're ok. It seems we're lucky enough that nobody was injured. Gunnar completely lost his balance," I glance over at him with sympathy "We're going to need a change of clothes, unfortunately."

I burst into a bunch of loony laughter, the hilarity of this situation mixing with the remaining effects of adrenaline and shock running through my body. Gunnar is watching me closely with a small smile on his face. A sharp dart of need shoots down my spine and straight between my legs, causing my laughter to die abruptly. Just one look, and the fire starts within me.

Brooke is nodding at me when I look back towards her, a playful smile on her face. I think she's trying not to laugh for fear of offending me because she doesn't understand what I'm saying. It's not the first time this has happened.

"That looked hilarious. I just have to say that. I‘m glad you‘re not hurt," She laughs, unable to contain it any longer. I bet it
quite the spectacle, I don't blame her for laughing. I wonder if anyone was able to record it.

Brooke guides me around the front of the patio and into the summerhouse with a friendly hand on my back. Everyone on the patio moves politely out of our way and resumes their partying and laughing. I hear sloshing water and know that Gunnar is out of the hot tub. He'll be not far behind me, I'm sure.

Brooke opens the door to the room I'm sharing with Loki and Gunnar, and ushers me inside. Looking me up and down with a smirk on her face, I can tell she still finds this whole situation extremely hilarious. I don‘t blame her.

Pulling my towel tighter around my body, I attempt to absorb some of the still dripping water from my body. I need to change out of my wet clothes.

"I‘m going to see if I can find something for you to change into. Is it ok if I just grab whatever from your bag?"

"Brooke, I don't care if it comes out of a bag of rubbish, as long as it will cover my lady parts."

"I‘ll help her out, Brooke."

I turn around to see Gunnar standing in the doorway without a shirt, and a towel wrapped around his hips. I begin to cough, trying to cover my slack-jawed expression and drooling under ungraceful hacking.
Classy, Sophie

His feet are bare and I can't see any pants from under the bottom of the towel. Either he is naked or in whatever he was wearing under his pants, but I can't concentrate on anything except for this fact. I think I smile, but I'm not sure that I even respond.
Wake up Sophie!

"Thank you Gunnar, I‘m sure you‘ll take real good care of her." Brooke backs away from me with a smirk, completely unphased by Gunnar's attire, or lack thereof.

My mouth goes dry as Gunnar steps further into the room to allow Brooke to pass him, his eyes on mine. Closing the door behind her, Gunnar and I are left alone.

Chapter 8






I've got Sophie exactly where I want her. She needs to take her clothes off in order to change, and I'm the one who gets to stand here and watch her. I would rub my hands together with my hardly contained glee, but I want to stay classy.

I glance around the room for her bag, and find it tucked neatly under the queen sized bed. I bend down to grab the strap, putting it on top of the bed, since Sophie is standing next to it. Sophie is quiet, and I would pay money to know what she's thinking about right now.

Unzipping the top of the bag, I cast a sneaky glance up in her direction. Her eyes are slightly unfocused, but looking at where the towel is tucked in to hold itself up at my hips. I think I know what she's thinking about now.

Pulling a basic black tank top out of the bag, I hold it between my hands, lifting my eyebrow at her in a mild suggestion.

Her gaze lifts from the shirt in my hand to meet mine. I know she understands what I want from her when she slides the towel off her shoulders and sets it on the edge of the bed beside her.

We both don't speak as she lifts the edge of her wet shirt, the fabric coming away with a sucking sound that reminds me of something dirty. My eyes can do nothing but feast on the bared flesh that becomes exposed as she slowly slides it up her stomach. My blood instantly begins to roar through my ears, and I can't break my eyes away from the freshly revealed skin.

In a matter of moments her shirt has reached bra level, and the red lace is so vibrant against her flawless skin. I could see the outline through her wet shirt, but the lace cup is far more enticing and arousing to look at without any hindrance. I can see her nipples clearly through the flimsy lace, tight and puckered.

Sophie pulls her shirt completely off, carefully setting it over the top of the water heater against the wall under the window to dry. The water is still running freely from the shirt, now dripping down the side of the heater. Standing in front of me with her arms at her sides in her bra and jeans, she's absolutely breathtaking to look at.

My hands itch to help her continue removing her clothes, and after tossing the clean shirt onto the bed, I take an involuntary step towards her, my arms outstretched in her direction.

"Sophie, I want to touch you, and I'm going to. Right now. If you have it in your mind to tell me no, do it before I get my hands on you, because I don‘t know if I can stop once I do."

She looks up at me, eyes wide with surprise at my statement. The surprise quickly fades into something I'm ecstatic to see; desire and heat. A sexy smirk lifts the side of her mouth as her whole demeanor changes.

She takes several quick steps to close the gap between us, one hand raised to touch me. Goosebumps ripple over my skin in anticipation of her touch, but I make the final step so her hand comes in contact with my stomach, her cold fingertips pressed lightly against me before she presses her hot palm flat against me. The muscles in my abdomen ripple with sensitivity and pleasure, her fingers are so soft and light against me, and the heat of her palm creates an amazing contrast with the chill of her fingertips.

A rumbling sound comes from my chest, hunger turning me into an animal. My arms reach rather roughly behind Sophie to grab her ass and pull her forward against me. The soft breathy sound she makes only pushes me further. My cock is rock hard and eager.
Must get closer
. I'm turning into a caveman.

Her arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me down the long distance to her eagerly awaiting lips. The second they collide, I lose all sense of self and pull her whole body up against me, wrapping her legs around my hips. Her arms grip me tightly, her fingers finding a firm hold in my hair.

Sophie latches on tight, her tongue sliding quickly between my lips to rub along mine. I can taste lip balm she must have applied earlier, and her own special flavor that is instantly addicting. One of my arms hooks around her waist while the other lets go in order to explore.

Drawing her lower lip between my teeth, I run my tongue along it before releasing it. The tip of my tongue drags lightly along the edge of both of her lips, teasing her. She whimpers, putty in my arms.

My free arm slides from her back up the right side of her ribs up to her lace-covered breast. The fabric is still soaking wet, and her skin is covered in goosebumps from the contrasting cold and heat of our bodies.

Cupping her breast in my hand, I can feel her hard nipple poking against my palm. Sliding my fingers and thumbs over her nipple, Sophie leans into my caress with obvious pleasure.
Fuck the lace, it's only in the way.

My hand makes its way to the clasp between her breasts, fumbling slightly in my attempts to unhook it due to impatience. Moments later the clasp is free, yet I struggle to peel the wet fabric away. Finally, success. Her skin is so creamy and free of blemishes, except for a spattering of faint freckles across her upper chest. One day I‘ll play connect the dots with my tongue, but for now, I have other plans.

Our mouths have been teasing and playing with each others hungrily, our breathing broken and panting, but I break away to trail my lips down her neck while I grind my cock against the crotch of her wet jeans through my towel. Her crossed ankles at my back hold on tighter as she begins to grind back against me.

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