Acting Happy (Texas Desires #2) (20 page)

She wasn’t a screamer. No, Kenzie usually had a quiet grace when coming. The only sign that she’d actually reached her orgasm was maybe a whimper and some heavy panting as her body melted into his. He slowly removed his hand, and the hand on her breast had become the arm holding her upright. He pushed himself forward, carefully laying her out across the bed. When he reared back on his heels, he looked down to see her blonde hair splayed across the bed, her face was turned to the side, lying on the mattress, and her eyes were closed. There was a smile on her lips. His cock twitched and leaked at the sight. It wouldn’t take much to get him off.

Readjusting his plan, Ty leaned across the bed and reached for a condom. With his teeth, he tore the package open. He watched Kenzie the whole time. Her breathing began to even out, the smile still in place, her eyes closed. She had to be close to sleeping.

Ty slid the thin plastic over his dick as he bent forward on one hand, using his knees to part her thighs farther.

“Kenzie, I wanna make love to you,” Ty said, resting his cock in the crease of her ass as he lowered down on top of her, using one elbow to absorb his body weight. With his other hand, he brushed the hair from her face and ear, then lowered even more, anchoring that elbow into the mattress. “Did you hear me?” he asked against her ear.

“Mmm hmm,” she whispered, and her eyes fluttered open. Ty’s hand was close to her face, and she reached out, threading her fingers with his. “You make me feel special, Ty,” she mumbled.

“You are special, angel.”

“No, not so much,” she said sleepily.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’re very special to me.” Ty moved, lifting a little, then sliding backward and digging his knees in the mattress. His dick slid off her ass, easily finding her pulsating entrance on the first try.

Kenzie tried to lift when he barely breached her opening. He placed his chest on her back to keep her down, spreading her thighs farther apart with his own. It was a glorious torture as he slipped another inch forward, then out again.

Ty leaned in, clasping her hand tighter in his, whispering close to Kenzie’s ear, “Let me do this, beautiful.”

The shiver her body gave was exactly what he wanted. He slowly pushed forward, slipping another inch inside her warm, tight confines before retreating slowly again.

“You’re driving me crazy,” she murmured, turning her face to the mattress.

“Good. Now you know how I’ve lived my life since the first moment I saw you,” Ty whispered against her ear and pressed forward again, adding another inch. He slowly pulled out, this time giving an immediate, gentle thrust back inside, relishing the feel of her stretching to fully accept his width.

Ty stopped moving, staying halfway inside her, and Kenzie tried again, lifting her ass. He’d anticipated the move. His sexy lover seemed to prefer sex hard and fast, but he wasn’t giving in this time. Ty wanted to make tender love to her more than he wanted his next breath. He adjusted his hips, slipping free, and was able to slide a hand under her body and cup her breast when she rose to meet him.

“I’m determined to make love to you, Kenzie. Do you hear me?” Ty slid forward again and leisurely slipped back inside all the way to the root. Kenzie’s breath hitched, and she lifted her head, allowing Ty to nuzzle her neck. He freed the hold he had on her hand and wedged it under her body to cup her other breast. His palms mashed and kneaded, squeezing the soft flesh as he continued the pace of moving with purpose, in and out of her body. If it were possible, she grew wetter, drenching him. Her sweet channel contracted, tightening around his cock with every single thrust.

“Oh… God… Ty,” Kenzie managed, her face buried in the bedspread.

“I’m making love to you, Kenzie.” Ty moved again, pulling out to almost his tip, only to plunge fully back inside her again. “Did you hear me?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she breathed, and he moved again.

“You’re taking all of me,” he said quietly, closing his eyes, concentrating on keeping the objective in mind. Those words were meant to mean more than just his cock. “Did you hear me, beautiful?”

“I need to move, Ty,” Kenzie said. Her hips rolled seductively, easily matching his cadence.

“Not yet,” he said, while licking at the shell of her ear. Her body jerked as his breath caressed across the wet skin. Goose bumps sprang up along her arms as she lifted them above her head, her fingertips digging into the bedspread.

“I’ve never been without a condom. You were my first. I want that again with you tonight, Kenzie,” Ty said and another much larger shiver racked across her body. “Did you hear me? I want that again with you. I want to make love to you with no barriers.”

This time he didn’t wait for an answer; he changed thing up. He rose, splaying a hand across her back, keeping her pressed to the bed while he began a faster thrust, moving determinedly in and out her.

“Oh, baby…” Ty screwed his eyes closed and used every ounce of his resolve to concentrate on telling Kenzie how bad he wanted her in his life. He had to get through this now; she’d freak if he told her any other time. “Baby…” So not what he wanted to say.

“Ty… Now.” At first, he didn’t register her hand had moved between her thighs. Not until she reared back, slamming against his body did he understand Kenzie was touching herself, fingering her clit, trying to get herself off.

No way could that happen. He jerked her arm away, pushing it above her head.

“No! No, I’m ready…” she called out, trying to move her arm. Ty dropped down fully on top of her, grabbing both arms, holding her wrist bound by his fist. His face was again buried in the fresh scent of her hair.

His hips began to sensually piston as he desperately tried to remember where he was in his thoughts. The orgasm he’d held off fought for completion as it built against his spine. Kenzie clutched at his hand, digging her fingernails into his skin.

“I’ll get you off right now if you’ll commit to me, Kenzie,” Ty said, knowing those weren’t the coaxing words he’d planned, but it was all he had. He was strung too tightly, and he tucked his free arm under her and pushed lower, teasingly staying just short of the target she wanted.

“Ty!” Kenzie called out, and without warning, drove her ass backward, slamming into him. It was the perfect move. He barely had time to touch her before his release shot from his balls and the earth shattered around him. He tumbled forward in a dead weight on top of Kenzie’s trembling body. Only the faint needling that she hadn’t agreed kept him from instantly falling asleep. He’d have to do better next time.

Chapter 20


“Oh God, I don’t feel good,” Kenzie groaned, rolling from her side to her back, flinging her arms out across the bed. Thank God the curtains were closed. No way could she handle any bright light right now. Her mouth was dry, her tongue had grown double the size, and her head pounded like crazy. She heard Ty coming into the room, and even his quiet footsteps pierced through her aching brain.

Kenzie cracked her eyelids to see him wearing athletic shorts, holding a coffee mug in his hand, looking so sexy in the morning. How could she still think he looked so good even when she felt this bad?

“Didn’t I have to choke down some really terrible hangover stuff? It didn’t work.”

“I promise you feel better than you would have,” he said, coming around to her side. He set his cup down on the nightstand while he took a seat on the edge of the bed. She closed her eyes, dropping an arm over her face and concentrated on not thinking at all until she heard the most god-awful rattling. She lifted one side of her arm to see Ty dumping a few Advil in his hand. “Here take these.”

“Advil doesn’t help swine flu,” she grumbled and dropped the arm back over her eyes again. His bark of laughter double-timed the incessant piercing of her brain at the same time his big hand came down to cover one of her breasts.

“It’s hard to watch a beautiful naked woman alone in a bed and not crawl in with her.”

Kenzie reached over with her free hand and moved his palm off her.

“I’m dying and you’re talking about sex?” she accused.

“I have a feeling anytime I’m around you I’ll want to talk sex. And I’m glad you got over the nude thing with me. I like to look at you.”

Kenzie slid her arm off her eyes, dropping it above her head. She felt like crap, and he was sitting there being all cute and sweet.

After a second more of just staring at the ceiling, she manned up, pushing herself against the headboard as gingerly as possible. She could feel her hair was a mess and couldn’t find it in her to care. Regardless of what he thought, she did consider the fact she was completely naked, showing off everything she had, but seriously, after two nights of Ty and his all-night sex quests, she had nothing he hadn’t seen and completely explored multiple times over.

“Why’d you get me drunk?” she asked, giving him a critical eye. Ty chuckled, handing over the pills, actually lifting her palm to drop them in her hand before holding out the water glass for her to take.

“Blame me all you want, but I didn’t force you to put nine Rum Runners away,” Ty said, motioning with his finger for her to take the medicine.

“You didn’t stop me either,” she said, defensively.

“No, but that’s still your fault, not mine. I didn’t, because you’re a nice drunk. It was the first time since I met you that I didn’t have to work hard for the smallest amount of attention. I like you drunk. I think I’m buying a liquor store when we get back home,” he explained.

“I’m never drinking again,” she said, placing the pills in her mouth, reaching for the water. She almost choked at the disappointment crossing his face.

“That’s very unfortunate.”

“Just depends on where you’re sitting,” she said, looking over at the nightstand for an alarm clock. “We probably need to get back.”

“Well, I guess I might have to reassess my plan to purchase liquor stores. As sweet a drunk as you are, you’re a little surly with a hangover.” Ty popped a top to a can of Sprite, handing it over to her. That was one thing that she seemed to crave. She never drank sodas, but she drank that one almost all gone.

“So what you’re really saying is that I’m probably not having any good-morning sex this morning either?” Ty asked, taking the can from her, placing it on the nightstand. Kenzie laid her head back against the headboard and closed her eyes as moments of the night before began to re-form. Seconds later, her eyes popped back open.

“We had unprotected sex by the Jeep last night,” she said, the fear of that caused her head to pound a little harder.

“We did,” Ty said casually, nodding at her.

“Ty, that’s bad!” she said, shooting forward. How could he be so lackadaisical about this? They’d had this conversation. Birth control wasn’t a hundred percent to protect them against an unexpected pregnancy. Oh God, that made her stomach roll on a whole new level and she began scooting from the bed in the other direction.

“It is,” he said finally in that same irritatingly calm tone, and all she could do was stop mid-scoot and stare at his passive expression. How did he not understand the huge repercussions? Her gaze shot to the nightstand where he’d dropped the condoms last night.

“Did we use protection at all?” she shouted.

“Yes, we did…” he said, reaching across the bed to place a hand on her thigh.

“But not every time. Ty, we have to use protection every single time,” she implored him to understand.

“Baby, you’re on the pill, and I’m clean and I know you’re clean.” All she could do was stare until she pulled away from him, rolling off the bed. Her only concern rested in pregnancy. She hadn’t even considered a sexually transmitted disease. The way her life was going, she’d have both those things to deal with from last night.

“Ty, what if I got pregnant last night?” she asked, throwing her hands in the air when he stared at her blankly. “We have to use condoms. You laid them right here for a reason!”

She flipped around, going straight to the bathroom then slamming the door behind her, disappointed again in her stupid actions. He made her lose her convictions so easily. Seriously, what the hell was wrong with her?

The self-loathing coursed through her, but the icepick piercing in her brain luckily helped keep the deep depression from escalating. She had sworn she’d never do these things again and
She was right back at it, making stupid decisions.

Kenzie grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. She tried to tell herself that Ty wasn’t anything like Jason, but then again, Jason wasn’t anything like himself by the end of their marriage. Frustrated with the whole thing, she tossed her toothbrush back in her bag and grabbed the hairbrush, yanking it through her hair as she reached over to start the shower. She ignored the rap of knuckles at the door as she tossed the brush on the sink counter and stepped into the shower, not even testing the temperature of the water.

Kenzie ducked her face under the cold spray as she felt the tears begin to form. What was wrong with her? Would her entire life be one bad decision after another until she was completely broken?

Her hands went to her face as the tears threatened to fall. Suddenly the shower curtain was yanked open and her hands went to cover her body as an irritated Ty stood there glaring at her.

“You’re gonna have to tell me what’s going on with you,” he demanded.

“Nothing’s going on with me except I just put myself at risk,” she said, shaking her head. Did he not just hear anything she said?

“At risk of what, Kenzie? I just told you I’m clean. The likelihood of you being pregnant is so small it’s not even worth considering, but hell, you have to remember the things I said to you last night. I’d take care of you. You have to know that,” Ty said, and she could only stare at him because he’d clearly lost his mind. They’d known each other such a short time.

Reasonable people had reasonable protected sex every single day. It wasn’t that hard a concept.

“Dammit, Kenzie, risk of what? What are you keeping from me?” Ty asked again. She could see he was doing everything in his power to keep his patience. Fortunately, that did settle her down some. By now, Jason would have had her knocked out, sprawled against the bathtub for questioning anything he did in the first place.

On that thought, Kenzie reached for the faucet, turning the water off. She wasn’t going to continue this conversation standing in the shower.

“Ty, we could get pregnant—” she started and reached for a towel. He cut her off on both things. He got a towel, handing it to her while not allowing her to finish her statement.

“Then we’ll deal with that, Kenzie. Can’t you see I’m really, really very into you?” he said, reaching for another towel as she dried herself with the one she had. It was those little things that kept making her forget her head. He paid enough attention to already know she used two towels.

“Ty, come on. Get serious. All I really know is that you’re a movie star that’s slumming it with me.” Of course she’d known that from the beginning, but saying the words out loud just seemed to give this moment a little more credibility.

“You’re a hardheaded thing, but you’re gonna learn that I’m not like what you’re running from. You can trust me, Kenzie,” Ty said, taking her in his arms. She initially stiffened and rejected the comfort he offered, but there didn’t seem to be anything that put this man off. Still, she paused until the reassurance of being touched made her lay her cheek on his chest. They stood there for a long while with her just listening to the beat of his heart.

“I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise.”

“I don’t want to have this conversation here. I need to be at home,” she said, somewhat resigned to her fate, moving from his arms. Ty stayed close, hovering.

“Okay, that’s fine. Anywhere you want just as long as you tell me.”

Kenzie had nothing to say to that. She wanted to be home, because when Ty realized she was right, he absolutely couldn’t have his name attached to hers, she wouldn’t have to drive an hour and a half back with him doing the whole it’s-not-you-it’s-me thing.

“I need to get dressed,” she said, going for the closet.

“You can trust me. I can help.” Of course he’d follow. She ignored him, pulling her bag out and placing it on the bed. The anxiety of dressing in front of him was silly but back in full force nevertheless. She dug for her jeans, a shirt, and clean underwear before looking up at him and just paused. He finally took the hint and left her side, going to the closet himself.

“I’m into you, Kenzie. I am. It’s strong. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone. Please be in this with me,” he said, and turned away from her in the closet door, dropping his shorts, and of course, he had nothing on underneath. Luckily, he lifted a leg and shrugged on some underwear, covering himself up. She turned away and dressed, letting the dread fill her. Even with all the self-talking she had done, trying to keep everything in perspective, she found she wasn’t quite ready for whatever this was between them to end, and without question, it was definitely about to end.

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