Addicted (23 page)

Read Addicted Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

The walk to
town would take about half an hour, which wouldn't be easy in my
unfamiliar stilettos. My heart palpitating, I didn't know that I
could wait that long for my fix. The situation was ridiculous,
there I was, a sexy slut dying to suck a man's knob and swallow his
spunk, and there wasn't a man in sight! I stopped, grinning as I
noticed a young man working in his garden. He'd do nicely, I mused,
leaning on the wall.

"Hi," I
smiled. "Nice day, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is,"
he replied, walking across the grass to the wall. "I haven't seen
you around here before."

"No, I've only
just arrived. I'm looking for somewhere to stay; do you know
whether anyone locally has rooms to let?"

"I'll ask my
wife, she has a friend who owns a boarding house. I'll get her to
give her a ring," he replied, heading for the house.

I turned and walked home as he entered his house. Of all the
luck, his bloody wife
be in! It was proving impossible to find a man,
and I wasn't sure how long I could last without spunk. Doctor
bloody Harvey was evidently useless; I'd ring him when I got home
and tell him so.

Opening my
front door, I bounded upstairs and slipped out of my slaggish
clothes. Looking down at my stretched nipples, the gold rings, I
grinned. I was pleased that I'd had my brown teats pierced, abused
my tits. Unclipping the chain from the rings, I gasped, the
sensations permeated my breasts, tightening my vagina around the
stone. My body abused, desecrated, I dressed as Helen, wondering
why I couldn't find a man. No Geoff, no Tony, and Stephen hadn't

Making coffee,
I tried to fight off my terrible symptoms, but it wasn't possible.
Gary? No, I couldn't! I'd vowed never to return to his prison cell
and I wasn't going to break that vow. Taking my coffee out into the
garden, dusk rapidly falling, I began to panic. I'd not be able to
sleep without my fix, I'd not be able to work or do anything!

Gulping down
my coffee, I became frantic for a fix and returned to the house. I
couldn't get Gary out of my mind, his penis, his sperm-laden balls.
Grabbing the phone in my weakness, I dialled his number, praying
that he was in. This was to prove my biggest mistake yet, I knew as
he answered his phone.


"Come round
now!" he interrupted me. There was aggression in his voice. "I'm
fed up with you messing around like this, get yourself round here

"Gary, I..."
He slammed the phone down. Bastard!

No doubt he
was in the prison cell, preparing for my visit, my sexual abuse.
He'd added a few extra novelties to his sex room, he'd said. What
other horrendous things could he have added? My mind ached with
worry, reeled in my ever-rising panic. I had to go and visit the
pervert, I had no choice.

Walking down
the lane in the dark, my palms wet, my heart racing, I sighed. I
shouldn't be doing this, I knew, but I had no will power.
Desperately trying to fight my craving as I reached Gary's house, I
prayed to God that he'd allow me my fix before using and abusing
me. That was a condition, I decided, ringing the bell - no fix, no
abuse. Was I in a position to make conditions?

"Ah, Helen,"
he said, opening the door. "I'm not at all pleased with you!"

"Aren't you?"
I replied mechanically. I felt weak, numb.

"Unless you
want Tony to discover your sordid past, your illegitimate child,
you'd better shape up, my girl. I'm not going to have you come here
whenever you want to, you'll come here when I say so. Get

Entering the
hall as Gary closed the front door, my stomach churning, I knew
that it was too late to turn back. But I'd insist on swallowing
Gary's sperm before he began his sexual abuse, his anal abuse.
Leading me into the prison cell, he grinned, pointing to a long
wooden pole standing erect on the floor. A massive flesh-coloured
dildo attached to the top of the pole, I guessed that I had stand
with the phallus embedded deep within my cunt, or deep within

"OK, whore,
strip off!" Gary ordered me, closing and locking the door. "Unless
you do everything I say, I'll reveal one or two of your secrets to

"I'm not doing
anything until you give me your sperm," I replied firmly,

"No, that's
not the way it's going to be."

"OK, no sperm,
no sex."

"I'll tell
Tony that..."

"I don't care
what you tell Tony, you'll do it my way or there'll be no sex at

Rubbing his
chin and staring into my eyes, he was obviously contemplating my
words. I wasn't sure what game I was playing, having him believe
that I used to be a prostitute and that I had a child. But whatever
the game, I wouldn't enjoy it until I'd swallowed his spunk.

"Strip off and
you can have my sperm after I've..."

"I'll have it
before I do anything," I broke in.

"No, you
won't. I have all night, Helen - how long can you survive without


"OK, we'll see
how long it takes before you're begging me to come in your

slipping out of the room, he closed and locked the door, leaving me
to crave once again - torturing me. I knew he'd be watching me on
his TV, I also realized that I'd eventually succumb as I gazed at
the intercom. He had all night, but I couldn't last for another
minute without the drug. Slipping out of my clothes, I looked
around, wondering where he wanted me. Cuffed to the rings in the
wall again? Sprawled across the table? Standing over the pole with
the dildo up my cunt?

As Gary opened
the door and gazed at me, my nakedness, I folded my arms,
concealing the gold rings adorning my firm breasts. He turned his
head and looked at the wooden pole, the massive pink dildo.

"First of all,
I want you to stand over the pole with the dildo up your cunt," he

"I have to do
something first," I replied sheepishly.

"Such as?"

Squatting, I
parted my fleshy pussy lips and squeezed my vaginal muscles. "I
have to take something out of my vagina, a stone."

"Your tits
look great, Helen," he smiled, focusing on the gold rings. "What's
a stone doing in your cunt?"

"I felt sexy,"
I replied as the wet stone slipped out and dropped to the

"You're not
the Helen I once knew."

"You never
knew me, did you?"

"No, obviously

Standing with
my feet wide apart, I eased the rubbery dildo deep into my vagina,
my cunny lips taut around the broad shaft as the rounded head
pressed against my cervix. My clitoris exposed, I remained in the
degrading position while Gary took several photographs of the
dildo, my stretched cunt lips. What did he intend to do to me? I
wondered as he moved to a cupboard in the corner of the room. What
devilish plans had he made?

towards me with two long thin chains, he reached up to the ceiling
and fixed the ends to two metal rings. They were for my nipples, I
concluded, the chains hanging down by my breasts. I shouldn't have
told him that I'd had my nipples pierced when he'd phoned - another

"Just the
right length," he grinned, yanking my breasts up and clipping the
ends of the chains to the gold rings. "When you told me that you'd
had your nipples pierced, I thought about chains..."

"I need sperm,

"Yes, later.
Now, the idea is that when I fuck your arsehole, your body will
jolt and your nipples will be pulled. What do you think?"

"I don't want
anal sex, Gary. I don't like it."

"I don't care
what you like or don't like. You're a slut, here for my pleasure,
to please me."

"No, I'm not!
I'm here to offer you sex in exchange for your sperm."

"You are
offering me sex, your arsehole."

"Not that sort
of sex."

"Let's not
enter into futile discussions, Helen. You're here to be whipped and
fucked, arse-fucked. If you don't like it, then I'll allow you to
go. It's entirely up to you, so what's it to be?"

Gary obviously
wasn't going to force himself upon me; it was up to me whether or
not I allowed him to have anal sex with me in exchange for sperm.
I'd already fallen to such dreadful depths of sexual depravity, so
why not allow him to enter my bottom-hole, fuck my arse?

"All right," I
finally conceded. "Just get it over with, take whatever you want
and then give me what I want."

"It's quite an
incredible situation," he began, standing behind me and tugging his
trousers down. "You need sperm, I need sex... I also have several
things on you, your sordid past, your child, dirty videos... We
have quite a relationship, Helen - quite a relationship. Things are
turning our very well, don't you agree?"

As he parted
my tensed buttocks and pressed his solid knob against my tightly
closed anal entrance, I grimaced. I hadn't wanted this again.
Perverted sex, lewd sex, debauchery, yes - but not this. As his
knob penetrated me, stretched me open and slipped past my sphincter
muscles into the heat of my rectal duct, I wondered where it would
all end. What would happen with Tony and me? When he discovered my
pierced nipples, how would he react?

"Ah, yes!"
Gary gasped as his shaft drove deep into my bottom-hole. "God,
Helen, you have a beautiful arsehole!"

"Just get on
with it!" I sobbed, my body jolting as he began his debased
thrusting. My nipples painfully yanked by the tight chains, my long
blonde hair cascading over my flushing face, I bit my lip, praying
for him to finish the disgusting job and give me my fix.

My vagina
bloated by the pink dildo, Gary's solid penis driving into my anal
sheath, my nipples sore and aching, I'd fallen to the bottom of the
pit of corruption. I could fall no further, could I? At least Phil,
Gary's perverted accomplice, hadn't turned up to defile me.

"Here it
comes!" Gary cried triumphantly as his cock swelled within my
aching rectum. "God, I'm coming!" His sperm lubricating the debased
fucking, his lower belly slapping my buttocks, he pumped out his
spunk, filling my bowels. As my vagina tightening around the
phallus, I hung my head, aware of my rising libido, the incredible
sensations my crudely fucked arsehole was bringing me.

Arse-fuck. The
word haunted me, excited me, although I didn't want it to. I tried
to deny the pleasure I was receiving, the amazing sensations
emanating from my abused body. I'd paint the scene, I decided as he
made his last thrusts, draining his swinging balls. I'd paint a
girl with a cock fucking her arsehole and another massive penis
thrusting into her virginal cunt.

"Christ, I
needed that!" Gary breathed, slipping his cock out of my aching
bottom. My anal ring closed, sealing in his spunk. "You like it up
your arse, don't you?"

"No, I don't,"
I replied, wondering whether I did. "You've had what you wanted;
now give me what I want."

Tugging his
trousers up, he left the room to answer the phone. Was it Phil? Or
another friend Gary would invite round to use and abuse me?
Unclipping the chains from my sore nipples, I stood on my toes,
easing the phallus out of my vagina. I'd dress and then suck Gary
off, drink his sperm. The abuse was over; all I wanted now was

"Sorry about
that," he smiled. "Now, where were we?"

"Where are my
clothes?" I asked, looking round the room.

"I've hidden


"Just for fun.
The phone call... I have to go out for a while; will you still be
here when I get back?"


"I know what
you want, Helen. Will you still be here?"

"Gary, please!
This isn't fair!"

fair. Right, I must dash, I'll see you later. I'll only be a couple
of hours."

"A couple of

"Sorry, it
can't be helped."

As the front
door slammed shut, I wondered what to do. I couldn't survive for
two minutes longer, let alone two hours! My only chance was David.
Leaving the house, I stole along the lane, thanking God for the
dark shrouding my naked body. The breeze between my wet buttocks
cooled me, dried me as I walked towards my house, the marital home.
My mind reeling, tears ran down my cheeks as I grabbed the key from
beneath the mat and let myself in.

What had I
done? I'd been arse-fucked, and received nothing in return. Sadness
touched me. Gary was a bastard, I concluded as I dialled David's
number. There was no reply. My hands trembling, I replaced the
receiver, wondering what to do. The gin bottle might help. Yes,
drink myself stupid and pass out. Tomorrow, I'd go to the common
and grab the first man I came across, suck out his spunk and get my

Grabbing the
bottle from the kitchen cupboard, I entered my studio and reclined
on the Chesterfield. The taste of juniper refreshing my mouth, I
contemplated my life, the amazing transformation I'd been through.
What next? My transformation wasn't complete, I knew. What
frightening depths of sexual depravity would I sink to next?





I woke from an
alcohol-induced sleep in a terrible state. Naked, gin-soaked,
groggy, I opened my eyes and tried to focus on the four red letters
on the wall. Fuck. That's how I felt, fuck. At least the gin had
taken me through the night, guided me through the frightening
darkness of my craving, but now I had the day to endure. I screamed

"Sperm," I
breathed, dragging myself off the Chesterfield and teetering on my
sagging legs. "God, please give me sperm!" The front doorbell
ringing, I grabbed my smock and tugged it over my head as I
staggered down the hall. I couldn't go on like this, living my life
like a dream, a nightmare.

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