Read After Forever Online

Authors: Krystal McLaughlin

Tags: #anthology, #magic, #teen, #ya, #fairytale, #indie

After Forever (15 page)

“Orlie…” I stopped when his pacing

“We should talk to my mum,” he suddenly

“Your mum?” I asked, surprised.

The next day I practically ran home from
school. I was relieved it was only a block away. Mum was at work so
I dumped my bag on the couch and flew up to my room. I was anxious
and excited about seeing Orlie’s mum, Faith, but I was frightened.
We were about to tell her that her husband was a murderer.

I had just pulled my shoes and socks off
when I was joined by Orlie. He appeared in my room without a sound
and I gave a startled gasp. He grinned, amused.

“I need to get you a bell,” I joked, pulling
out a pair of black-and-silver board shorts and a thin-strapped,
black singlet.

“What for?” Orlie sat on the bed, admiring
me in my school uniform. “I do enjoy seeing you in a short, pleated
skirt.” His eyes glinted as his tongue ran across his bottom

I teasingly lifted the hem of my skirt up a
little more, showing off my leg, and then poked my tongue out at
him. I heard Orlie groan while I balled my clothing up in my arms.
“I’ll be back.”

“Hurry back,” Orlie said, chuckling.

I pulled off my uniform, throwing it into
the dirty clothes basket, and tugged on my boardies and singlet. I
readjusted my bra then went back to Orlie. “Are we going to talk to
your mum now?” I asked, pulling my hair out of its ponytail. I felt
Orlie watching me as I shook my hair out around my shoulders.


I ran my fingers through my sun-colored
hair. “What about your dad?” I saw his eyes narrow.

“My father is on a business trip. He’ll be
back tomorrow.” Orlie stood up and came over to me. His hands slid
onto my shoulders and I felt his fingers in my hair. His eyes
captured mine and I felt myself move closer to him. Orlie saw what
I was about to do so he rested his forehead against mine. I sighed
as my body screamed out for something more. A little voice in my
head cursed at me when I stepped back.

“We should get going.” I went to leave my
room, but his strong arms circled my waist. I looked up allowing
Orlie to gently kiss the corner of my mouth.

“Hold on tight,” he whispered so softly it
sounded like a breeze in the trees. He guided my arms up to his
shoulders so I clamped my hands around his neck and moved closer to
him; our bodies pressed together. I could smell his musky scent.
“Close your eyes.” his hands slid around me, resting on my lower
back. My body gave a small shudder.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to move.
When I felt his mouth against my forehead, I smiled. “Open your
eyes,” he murmured against my skin.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw his black
t-shirt stretched over a hard, chiseled chest. Moving my gaze
sideways I notice that we’re now standing in Orlie’s bedroom.

“How did you do that?” I asked, stunned.

A grin spread across his delicious lips.
“It’s our ability. All you have to do is concentrate on where you
want to go and you’ll appear there with no sound.”

“I can do that too?” my excited voice went
up a notch as Orlie stroked my hair. “I’ll have to try that out.”
the room grew silent as the upcoming situation settled on our
shoulders. “What about Aurie?” I lowered my voice as Orlie’s eyes
turned sad.

“She’s not here…” he said flatly. “I don’t
want her involved.” He dropped his arms and turned towards the
window; his back facing me. “I don’t want you or mum involved,
either.” He shook his head angrily.

I went over to him, running my hands up his
back. I felt that his muscles were tense under his shirt. “I know
you’re protective, and if I could deal with this on my own, I
would, but I need you, Orlando.”

Orlie faced me, his body slightly relaxing.
He stroked my cheek. “I like hearing you say my name,” he said, his
thumb brushing over my lips. I smiled then hugged him tightly. His
arms wrapped around me and he kissed my head.

Following Orlie into the kitchen I saw Faith
busying herself with menial tasks. When she saw us, a bright smile
spread across her mouth. I saw her eyes flick down to my hand that
was laced with her son’s.

“Hello, Cali! I didn’t know you were
visiting.” She wiped her hands on a tea towel.

“I asked her to come over,” Orlie said.
“Mum, can we talk to you about something?” I gently squeezed his

Faith’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, sounds serious.”
She ran a hand over her hair. “Cali, would you like a drink? I have
some cookies which I managed to save from Orlie who was demolishing

I tried to smile, but it was grim. “No,
thank you.”

Faith came around the bench and gestured to
the table. “Sit down kids.” She was suddenly worried. I pulled out
a chair and sat down. Orlie took the chair at the head of the table
and his mother sat opposite me. Her caramel eyes never left her
son’s face.

I rested my arms on the polished rosewood
table and waited for someone to break the growing silence. After a
moment, Faith finally spoke. “What’s going on?”

Orlie cleared his throat. “Mum…have you ever
wondered how dad got that gold star on the back of his neck?” Faith
glanced at me before shifting back to her son.

“He doesn’t like talking about it, but I
know Benedict has his demons.” She looked at her hands before
facing me. “What has he done?”

I glanced at Orlie who was watching his
mother. “My dad was murdered when I was a little girl.” I felt
tears stinging my eyes.

“What was his name?” Faith asked as Orlie
reached out, holding my hand.

“It was Dharkar Blithe,” I answered in a
small voice.

Faith gasped. “Oh, dear!”

“Did you know him?” Orlie asked, looking at
his mother.

Faith covered her mouth with a hand before
lowering it. “I-I grew up with Dharkar,” she said solemnly. “He
lived next door to my parents. Dharkar told me about our world.” A
sad smile curved her lips. “He was a good friend to me.”

“I thought Gran and Pa taught you about us.”
Orlie was shocked and I saw interest light his eyes.

“My parents wanted me to ‘live’ as humans
did. I went to school and acted like mortals. Dharkar was the first
person to acknowledge what I was. I could be my true self with
him.” she looked at me. “He met your mum in our senior year.”

“Really?” I asked, perking up.

“Anna was a cheerleader and piqued your
dad’s interest as she walked past him in the hall.” I grinned,
absorbing Faith’s words. Mum rarely spoke about my dad.

“What happened to Dharkar?” Faith asked
quietly. I spent the next half hour filling her in on the memory
that had hit me yesterday. As I spoke, I saw Faith’s eyes grow sad
as I talked about her husband taking the life of an old friend.

“He used a Falling Star to murder Dharkar?”
Faith asked when I had stopped talking. I nodded.

“That explains the star-mark on his neck,”
Orlie mumbled. “Dad killed him because he fell in love with a
mortal. He has to be dealt with.” He said ‘dad’ like it tasted
sour. “He’s a murderer.”

Faith slowly nodded while staring at her
folded hands. “I want you two to stay out of this.” She looked up
and her eyes were full of anger.

“Mum…” Orlie started, but stopped when Faith
glared at him. I saw Orlie flinch from her razor-sharp gaze.

I reached across the table, taking her hands
in mine. “Faith, I know Dharkar was your friend, but he was my dad.
I want to help in revenging my father’s death, and I’m not taking
no for an answer.” I squeezed her fingers. After a moment she

“If Cali’s helping then so ‘em I,” Orlie
said firmly. Faith sighed taking in her son’s serious

“Alright, but please be careful.” As Faith
spoke her eyes moved from me to Orlie. We both nodded.

A few days later…

Sitting on the window seat I twirled my pen
while my math book lay open in my lap. I was staring at the sky
which was a kaleidoscope of baby blue, pastel pink, blazing red and
golden yellow. It would soon be dark and as the time ticked by I
grew more and more nervous about confronting Benedict.

A knock on the door made me jump. “Cali, I’m
going to work now.” Mum’s head poked around the door. “Sorry, did I
startle you?”

“Yeah, I guess I was focused on my math.” I
held up the book making mum smile. “When do you finish

“It’s a late one, so don’t wait up. Love

“Love you too.” I listened to mum go
downstairs and a few minutes later I heard the car pull out into
the road. I tried finishing my homework, but I was soon distracted
when I felt someone watching me. Turning to the window opposite
mine, I saw a dark silhouette being framed by the curtains.

“Is it time?” I asked, closing the math

“Yes. Do you want me to come over?” Orlie

“Nope.” I stood up and moved to the middle
of my room. I closed my eyes and thought about standing in Orlie’s
bedroom. When I felt his hands on my waist I knew it had

“I’m impressed,” he whispered in my ear.
“That was your first time and you executed it so well.”

“Thanks,” I said looking up into his
handsome face. I saw that his eyes were full of concern. I hugged
him tightly. “Are we doing the right thing?” I asked against his

Orlie’s arms held me protectively against
him. “Yes.”

We headed downstairs and found Faith
standing at the sink, gazing out the window. The sky had grown
black and was dotted with small twinkling stars.

“Mum?” Orlie said. Faith turned toward us
and managed a tiny smile.

“Hello, Cali.” She took a deep breath then
slowly let it out. “Have you had dinner, dear?”

I glanced at Orlie who was watching his mum,
frowning. “I’m okay, Faith, thanks,” I replied so she nodded.

“Mum, can we talk?” Orlie asked, moving over
to his mum who looked rattled. “Let’s go into the living room.” he
placed his hands on his mother’s shoulders and started to guide her
out of the kitchen. “We’ll be back,” he said to me over his

I sat at the table in the quiet kitchen and
tapped my fingers on the smooth, polished wood. I was taking in the
dark-stained cupboards and stainless steel refrigerator when I was
joined by Benedict who looked surprised to see me.

“Cali, I didn’t know you were visiting.” He
had a coffee mug in his hand and a paper folded under his arm.

“I just got here,” I said watching him
closely as he placed the mug in the sink. I bit my lip as rage
boiled inside me. I was facing the man who had made me fatherless
for the last sixteen years. “I remember what you did.” I said the
words before I could stop myself.

Benedict looked at me, confused, before a
dark cloud crossed his expression. “You accused me of murdering
your father.” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Dharkar Blithe
was a criminal.”

“A criminal?” I said outraged. “What was his

“Falling in love with a mortal. He broke a
law and Dharkar needed to be punished.” Benedict looked amused as I
gravitated towards him.

“Why did you kill him? If he needed to be
punished then you should’ve thrown him in prison.”

Benedict sighed, irritably. “I’m not wasting
my time with this.” he went to walk past me, but I shoved him into
the stove. I heard his head hit he range hood as his eyes turned
dark with anger. He grabbed my arms and shook me, hard. “How dare
you!” he roared in my face. “I did our world a favor by
exterminating that piece of trash.” He shook me again. “You should
be begging me to let you live…you’re not even a full-blood.” Tears
fell out of my eyes and this made Benedict sneer.

“Let. Her. Go!” Orlie snarled from behind
his father. Benedict tightened his grip on my arms, making me cry
out, and then he threw me to the floor. I hit my shoulder on the
cupboard door and jarred my wrist trying to break my fall.

“What did you say to me, boy?” Benedict
growled. I lay at his feet in a heap. “She’s nothing but an
abomination.” He pointed a finger at me.

“Calista’s my soulmate,” Orlie fired back.
He knelt beside me as his father chuckled menacingly, looming over

?” Benedict spat. “You
are but a boy. Don’t tie yourself to a

Orlie glared at his father while helping me
to sit up on the floor. “Don’t call her that.” he wiped a tear from
my cheek then pulled me to my feet. I noticed when he put himself
between me and his furious father.

A nasty smirk appeared on the silver-haired
man’s lips. “Are you standing up to me, Orlando?”

Orlie straightened his back while looking
his dad in the eye. “Yes, I am. Cali is special to me and I won’t
to talk badly about her.”

A silent minute passed before Benedict
shifted his gaze to me. “You told him! You little bit-” he lunged
past Orlie, reaching out for me. I jerked back as Orlie pushed him
back. Benedict growled. “She’s a half-blood and needs to be killed!
Nightfallers should reign the world!” His voice boomed in the

“You’re a murderer!” I yelled over Orlie’s
shoulder. I cringed when Benedict’s black gaze bored into me.
Before I knew what was happening, Benedict’s arm shot out, aiming
for my throat. Just as fast, Orlie batted his father’s arm away
causing Benedict’s body to shake with rage.

The air crackled with tension as the men
stared each other down. I thought it would go on forever, but
again, Benedict’s arm shot out and his hand clamped around Orlie’s
throat. Orlie sputtered and gurgled while his hands clawed at his
father’s firm grip. I watched, frozen, as Benedict pulled his son
towards him and pressed his lips to Orlie’s crimson mouth.

The kiss lasted no more than two seconds and
when Benedict released his grip, Orlie’s body crumpled to the
floor. My body shook with fear as Benedict moved to loom over me.
Before I could protect myself, Faith appeared behind her husband. I
saw something odd clutched in her hand then realized what it was as
she raised her arm and plunged it into Benedict’s back.

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