After Midnight (13 page)

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Authors: Chelsea James

As soon as we were sure she had gone to sleep, being careful not to wake her, Claire and I fucked each other stupid until the sun came up.
We were Miss Johnson's slaves all Saturday and Sunday. It was just like being on punishment back at boarding school, except for the relentless fucking.
Reporting promptly at nine in our neat uniforms, with perfect hair and makeup, we spent all day cooking, cleaning, and doing any other menial task Miss Johnson could think of.
Of course, she'd always stand behind us with a cane or a strap in her hand, ready to punish us for any slight misdeed, and we always did our best to make sure she had plenty of reasons to do so.
Only in the evening did Miss Johnson relax and unwind. Taking off her knickers, she forced us to take turns, one licking out her pussy as she watched TV or listened to music while the other stood holding her drink tray and feeling Miss Johnson's hand up her skirt.
She stripped and bathed us together both nights, paying close attention to our tits and pussies and turning a blind eye when we felt each other up. She would then towel us dry, slip us into the two, long, girlie white nighties she had brought especially to
make us feel like schoolgirls, before brushing our hair and tucking us both into Claire's double bed, before getting ready for bed herself and going to sleep in the guest room.
We were all far too horny to sleep, however, so each night at about three A.M. she would perform a dorm check, and woe befall us if we were doing anything we shouldn't be.
Dressed in a sexy black nightie, dressing gown, and slippers, Miss Johnson quietly crept into our dorm room, flashlight in hand, and reached up underneath our bedclothes to check the state of our pussies, which were dripping, our having fucked each other stupid since “lights out.”
Claire and I pretended to be asleep the whole time as, throwing off the bedclothes, she knelt between us and slipped her fingers one by one up our juicy cunts.
“Wake up, darlings,” she whispered. “Auntie Paula wants to talk to you.”
I thought my look of shock and surprise was really rather well acted as I woke up to “suddenly” find my teacher on my bed with her fist inside my pussy, but Claire insisted that I hammed it up far too much.
Once we were awake, Miss Johnson proceeded to make sure we wouldn't be up to any more filthy behavior by making sure we had come at least five times so that we were either satisfied or just too knackered to do anything when she left.
I still vividly remember lying on the bed as Miss Johnson sat on my face, her thighs holding me securely, and urged me to lick harder. At the same time I heard her hand slap against soft flesh and Claire whimper with pain and delight.
At the end of Sunday's dorm inspection, she gave us each a good hard fucking with the flashlight, slapping our asses and shouting at us to “take it like a woman” until we collapsed on the bed weeping tears of exhaustion and relief.
It was absolutely wonderful, but we knew the following day would be her last.
On Monday morning we arrived promptly for inspection to find her standing with her car keys in her hand. She had decided we were going into the city for the day, and there was nothing we could do to change her mind.
Claire told me later that my jaw dropped so far that Miss Johnson could have fit the car in my open mouth. Going out in public in a tiny pleated skirt, white knickers, and kneesocks? She had to be joking! Then Miss Johnson said something about it being all right as it was a bank holiday and there were bound to be fewer people around. The next thing I knew, Claire and I were in the backseat of her car being driven to the shopping mall in Newcastle, a place I'd never been before nor have I been since.
For the rest of the day we were dragged around all the shops that were open. But while Miss Johnson seemed very relaxed, I spent most of the time pulling my skirt hem down as far as I could and feeling people's stares all over me.
It was obvious Claire felt the same, but we were betting Miss Johnson would have no problem making a scene, or perhaps even punishing us in public, so we kept up the act.
Miss Johnson had it all worked out. If anyone asked—and a few did—she was a teacher from a boarding school outside town and as a reward for our good conduct she was taking us shopping.
It was the most humiliating experience of my life, but I can't help getting wet thinking about it. I was dripping like a tap then too, and when we stopped at the big seating area surrounded by cafés and restaurants, I'm sure I must have left a puddle on the plastic seat.
Miss Johnson had all the money—we didn't even have any
pockets—so she went over and ordered a coffee and Garibaldi for herself, and two Pepsis and sticky buns for us.
When I had finished, with the icing from my bun all over my fingers, she took me by the hand and walked me to the toilet, complaining for all to hear about what a mess I was and how she couldn't take me anywhere, before pushing me into a stall, pulling off my knickers, sitting me down on the toilet, and giving me the deepest, most satisfying fist fuck of my life.
Lifting her skirt to reveal that she didn't have any knickers on either, Miss Johnson pushed my face into her cunt and ordered me to eat her out. The danger of getting caught made it so good you wouldn't believe it.
Having smartened back up, I was led back out and made to sit alone while she obliged Claire in the same way. Then we walked to the parking garage where Miss Johnson said her good-byes.
She had packed her bags the night before and discreetly placed them in the trunk. Only when she got in the car and started the engine did reality kick in.
She was going to drive off without us!
“How the fuck are we going to get home?” I screamed after her.
“Hitchhike!” she yelled out the window. That was the last word she ever said to me, because to this day I haven't seen her since.
For the next hour, with no money, no cell phone, and no way of getting home, Claire and I hung around the parking garage not knowing what the hell to do. When a nice older woman came and asked if we were all right, convinced we were lost schoolgirls, we both played along and did our best not to touch each other's pussies as she kindly drove us home.
Despite being left in the garage like that, however, we were
both so horny when we got back to Claire's house that we spent the rest of the day in her bed reliving the whole experience. Even though I don't see Claire anymore, I think about this little adventure often, and it makes me wet every time.
Daisy Lopez
anna hang out at my place after work?” Talia asked.
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” I replied, handing a cute guy his change. He smiled at me, sort of stroked my fingers as I dumped the coins into his hand.
Talia rolled her eyes and shouted, “Next!”
I'd been working at the gas station/restaurant for about a month, and despite our obvious differences, Talia and I had really hit it off. She's a funky sort of Goth/punk girl, skinny, with long, straight black hair and real pale skin. She has a stud in her nose and a broken-heart tattoo on her left shoulder. Her dark eyes are rimmed with enough liner to make Ashlee Simpson jealous. I'm a bit of a girlie girl, petite, with shoulder-length blonde hair, green eyes, and what my mom calls “an utterly adorable smile.”
Talia normally worked the front cash register and pumped gas while I waited tables in the restaurant. I was earning extra
spending money for college in the fall. Talia was working full-time to support herself.
“What's the address again?” I asked, when we'd hopped in my car at quitting time. The gas station was way on the outskirts of town. Talia normally took the bus to and from work.
“Just drive, Daisy,” she said. “I'll steer you in the right direction.”
I giggled. My dad would've had a fit if he'd seen me hanging around with a girl like Talia. I started the car up, and she punched on the radio. Hilary Duff came tinkling over the speakers.
Talia stuck a finger in her throat and pretended to barf. “You listen to this shit?”
Blushing, I checked both ways for traffic before pulling out onto the highway. “Uh…sometimes,” I mumbled, as Talia laughed.
She fiddled around with the radio until she got a heavy-metal station then amped it up so loud I thought my head would explode. It didn't, and half an hour later I pulled up in front of a row of townhouses in a kind of crummy area of town. “Looks nice,” I said.
“Looks like shit,” Talia said. She pointed a purple fingernail at the last townhouse in line. “I live in number six.”
I glanced around at the rusty cars lining the street and the group of skuzzy guys hanging around the convenience store on the corner. “Um, maybe I'd better be getting home, Talia. I have to—”
“C'mon,” she interrupted, turning off the car and pulling the key out of the ignition. “Don't go chickenshit on me. There's some stuff I wanna show you.”
I followed her into the house. It wasn't too bad, I guess, but it was awfully small. “Are your parents at work?” I asked.
Talia tossed me my car keys, then shut and bolted the door.
“I just live with my mom. She's at work, yeah. She's got the night shift at the hospital. Want a beer?”
I shook my head, and Talia grinned. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a bedroom. “There's some stuff I wanna show you,” she said again.
I sat on the edge of the bed while she pulled a box out from underneath it—a box full of magazines. She threw one at me. “Take a look at that shit,” she said.
I caught the magazine and stared at the glossy front cover. It showed a photo of two naked women, a blonde and a brunette, their tongues touching and their big boobs pressed together. The magazine was called
Lesbian Lickers
“Uh…huh,” I said, feeling kind of scared. I put the magazine down next to me.
“Weird, huh?” Talia said, plopping onto the bed and picking up the dirty magazine. “Think maybe my mom has gone lezzy or somethin'? She hasn't had a date with a guy since Dad dumped her, like, two years ago.”
Talia scooched closer, and her leg touched mine. We were still both in our uniforms—mine a tan blouse and skirt, Talia's a blouse and pair of jeans. She flipped the magazine open. The dark-haired woman was licking and sucking and biting the blonde's big pink nipples in a series of pictures on one page, sticking her tongue right in the other woman's spread-open pink cunny on the next. My face got all red and my hands damp.
“Crazy, huh?” Talia said. “And take a look at this.”
She dropped the open magazine in my lap and clicked on the TV that stood in a corner of the room, the DVD player on top of it. The screen filled up with a naked blonde and brunette. Yup, the same two from the magazine. The blonde was sprawled out on her back on a bed, the brunette working a pink dildo in and out of her cunt.
“My mom's gotta be a lez, huh, Daisy?” Talia said.
I swallowed real hard, my eyes shifting back and forth between the magazine and the TV. I hadn't seen so much porno since Mom and I spring-cleaned my older brother's room one time. “Um, I—I don't know,” I mumbled. “Maybe your mother is just, you know, curious or whatever—experimenting.” I sounded really dumb, but that's what you sound like when you're tongue's all thick and stuff.
Talia laughed. “C'mon, Dais, she's forty-five, for Christ's sake. She's not eighteen like you and me.”
I was shaking a little, feeling the warmth of Talia's leg against my bare skin, feasting my eyes on all that porno, listening to all the rude things the brunette woman was saying to the blonde. I just about jumped out of my skin when Talia suddenly put her arm around my shoulder.
She stared into my eyes and breathed, “You ever get curious, Daisy?”
I gulped. Talia rubbed my bare arm and my body got all hot and tingly, a little lightning bolt shooting through my pussy. “Um, uh, well, I—”
She kissed me, all soft and warm and a little wet, right on the lips. I felt like I was melting. When she pulled her head back, I sat there like a love-struck dweeb, my eyes and mouth half-open.
Talia laughed, like it didn't mean anything. She pushed me away and jumped to her feet. “Take a look at this other shit I found,” she said.
I almost fell off the bed, but I held on to the magazine. Talia rummaged around in the closet and dragged out another box. I kept one eye on her and one on the TV. The blonde was squeezing her big boobs and twisting her head from side to side, thrashing around on the bed and moaning and groaning while her girlfriend pumped her with the pink dildo and licked at her clit.
Talia pulled a pink dildo out of the box and waved it under my nose.
“There's all kinds of dildos and vibrators and junk like that in here,” she said.
I nodded vaguely. Talia dropped onto the bed and playfully pushed the tip of the dildo against my lips. I opened up my big mouth and kind of sucked on the pink plastic. And that changed everything. Suddenly everything got all serious. I got real scared then—scared and excited, actually—realizing what I'd done, what I'd never done before.
I mean, I'd practice-kissed with a couple of girlfriends before—you know, getting ready for the big moment with boys—but that was all just giggly, girlie, innocent stuff. I'd never, ever gone seriously lezzy with a girl before. Never even really thought about it. But now, with those two beautiful women going at it right in front of me, and with beautiful Talia breathing down my neck, I wanted to experiment—right now!

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