aHunter4Rescue (aHunter4Hire) (15 page)

hidden and on the move is the same no matter what planet you are on.” Ardal sat
beside her. “Instinct and training will keep us alive.”

you done this for long?”

I could walk.”
Ardal wet a small piece of cloth and
held it to her neck. “This will cool you down. We will camp soon.”

it a bit early?”

looked up at the sun. “I want to travel at night.”

Fiona sighed. “You can see in the dark.”

smiled. “This planet has given my senses an edge, but I do not have night
vision. There are no clouds so this evening should be as bright as last night.”

looked up. He was right about the clear sky. Still, night was cold and the
animals were out then. A shiver of dread ran up her back. What if they came
across a pack of wolves?

are wolves?”

head swung back to Ardal. “How did you do that?”

did nothing.” Ardal’s eyes glanced away from her.

it was clear. These men had abilities that she could only guess at. She’d made
the mistake of underestimating them. They looked human so she’d thought of them
as being the same as her. That was obviously not the case.

can hear our thoughts.” Fiona jumped up waving her hands about her head. “No
wonder you don’t need a phone. You have built in antennae just like the old movies
of little green men from Mars.”


Chapter 13

considered not answering, but that was cowardly. He was a well-decorated
warrior; an elite Hunter. He had no need to hide or pretend. His word was
respected. Why then did he have a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach?

voice reverberated in his head. He was experiencing every emotion she felt.
Fear, anger, curiosity, and uncertainty all surged through Fiona. He did not
understand some of her words, but the meaning was clear. She thought he had a
mechanical instrument that allowed him to hear thoughts.

are wrong.” Ardal kept his voice quiet. She was already overexcited. Calm and
direct honesty was what she needed right now. “I am only beginning to understand
your thoughts. I started sensing your emotions when I first saw you.”

you do this everywhere you go?”

Ardal took her arm and eased her back down. “Since arriving on your planet we
have been experiencing many strange things.”

do I know that you’re telling me the truth?”

Hunter does not lie.”

part of your Sacred Code I suppose?” Fiona crossed her arms. “I knew you were
keeping things from me.”

have not told you any falsehoods.” Ardal leaned close. “My secrets will be yours.”

was not strictly true. He was forbidden from telling all. Even a commander such
as himself could not reveal that he was able to communicate with his men by
mind connection. No one other than a Hunter knew that.

did you know that I was thinking about wolves?”

is part of the bonding.” Ardal kept his voice devoid of emotion.

eyes widened and she put up her hand defensively. “I don’t want any man hearing
my thoughts.”

you can close them to me.” A sharp pain twisted in his chest at the thought of
her denying him this most intimate of communication. Even if they never took
the step that would make them mates, legend said that bonded pairs kept their
channel of connection open.

sure that I can do that?”

Ardal cleared his throat. “You should know that it would make it impossible for
me to know when you were in danger, though.”

tilted her head. “Is that why you can connect to me? You’re worried about my

In our culture we have legends of two people connecting in such a way. We call
it bonding. Up until we landed on your planet, I thought that it was a myth.”

you’ve never experienced this before.”

shook his head. “No.”

the others know what I think and feel?” Fiona’s hands flitted restlessly on her

shook his head. “It is only between the pair bond.”

suppose it gives us an advantage. If I was in trouble then you’d know it.”
Fiona hands twisted together. “Still, I don’t like it. I should have traveled

helped us at great danger to yourself. You are my responsibility and I will
protect you.”

appreciate you trying.” Fiona raised her hand to his cheek and stroked down the
stubble of his beard. Her fingers lingered at the corner of his mouth and she
shook her head. He sensed that she was going to argue.

turned and kissed her fingers. A piercing bolt of desire raced through his body
knocking the air from his lungs. Never had he experienced such a thing. Only
Fiona’s sharply inhaled breath told him that she felt it too.

is insane,” she whispered. “What was that?”

bond is strengthening.” Ardal’s voice was hoarse.

touch had a power that he had never felt before. It was stronger than any
natural force or weapon. Fiona’s tongue flicked over her lower lip and for the
first time in his life he wondered how a woman would taste. Not just any woman,
though. Fiona was the only one he wanted.

pulled her close and with his free hand brushed her hair from her face. By
Cygnus, she was beautiful. He glanced down at her lips and was lost. Lowering
his head, he captured her mouth. Thoughts scattered as sensation took over. His
tongue glided over her lips. He licked and nibbled until she sighed and opened
for him.

thrust into the warm, moist haven she offered. His body hardened and control
was forgotten as he delved deeper, skimming his tongue against hers, soothing
and sliding until bliss spread over him. A surge of longing and need shot
through him and concentrated in his groin.

scent filled his nostrils and the pounding of her heart was music to his ears.
His hands roamed her back, but her shirt blocked a total bonding. With shaking
fingers he pulled the cotton fabric from her jeans and then buried his hand beneath
it. He connected with the silky smoothness of her skin and his body sizzled
with intense yearning.

had he felt such pleasure. It was overwhelming. Fiona seemed to be experiencing
the same because her body moved against him with frantic impatience. Desire,
hunger, concern, and reverence all battled inside of him. Fiona was his pair
bond. She deserved better than a hurried mating. He had to end this now.

groan of conscious escaped him and he pulled away. He had to do what was best
for Fiona. She needed time; time to trust him and time to commit to him. She
looked up at him, her eyes glazed with passion. His breathing was too rapid to
speak. He rested his forehead against hers and tried to recover. His body
shook, his groin ached, and his brain refused to focus, but he had his answer.

tasted of heaven.

Fiona moved away.

should not have touched you.”

took me by surprise.” Fiona tucked her shirt back into her jeans.”

believe it’s rare to have such a powerful connection.”

thing.” Fiona shook her head. “I’m not sure a person could handle that much
intensity for long.”

stood. He was acting like a raw recruit. He had allowed his attraction to Fiona
override his judgement. His only excuse was a lack of experience with bonding.
In the future, he would guard against temptation.

need to move. Once you are safe, then the need to connect will not be so

probably it.” Fiona seemed glad to accept his explanation. She jumped up and
waited for him to lead the way.

have not explained wolves.”

animals, sort of like dogs. They hunt in packs and some people think that they
will attack for no reason.”

one in your head.”

looked at him blankly for a second and then nodded her head. She didn’t disappoint.
Within seconds an image of an animal with long fur and brilliant eyes appeared
in his mind. Soon there were others and they all moved together.

creature will not be a problem.” Ardal started to walk. “I have seen similar
beasts on other planets. Usually only hunger will bring them close.”

hope so,” Fiona muttered as she fell into step behind him.

kept to the woods, skirting close to the edge so that the highway was in site.
He didn’t want to deviate too far from civilization. His goal was to commandeer
a vehicle and finish the journey. He knew Fiona was unused to this much
walking. Soon, she would be unable to move.

mile later, they were rewarded by the appearance of a small gas station. It had
a restaurant attached and Fiona looked at it with longing.

might get help there.” Her voice was eager.

will know we walked.” Ardal frowned. There did not seem to be any means of
leaving the place either. Only one car stood in front of the building. “It will
be noticed if we borrow that one.”

tell them that ours broke down.” Fiona was almost hopping with excitement.
“They might know how we can get another, or if a bus stops nearby.”

is a bus?”

long vehicle that drives people to places for money.” Fiona started to walk out
of the woods. “They’re not the most comfortable, but it’s better than walking.
I doubt the police will look for us in one.”

could not deny her enthusiasm. Staying hidden was the safest route, but Fiona
could not walk much further. It was against his training to risk being seen,
but he needed to consider Fiona. If there was a problem, he would deal with it.

nodded. “Stay close to me,” he cautioned before starting across the highway.

bell jingled when they entered the restaurant. Ardal looked around the nearly
deserted place. There were only four other people in the room. One was behind a
counter and the other three were seated together at a table in the corner. He noticed
the same sign as the other restaurant which had indicated a washroom. At least
Fiona would not have to use a bush this time.

where ever you want folks.” The man behind the counter pointed to the empty
tables. “You’re lucky to beat the rush hour.”

other people started to laugh. He walked to a table near the far end. He sat
with his back against the wall. Fiona started to follow him but changed her
mind when she saw the washroom sign. He hid his smile. It was a simple thing,
yet he knew that she was pleased.

eyes narrowed as he noticed the three diners who were men, watching Fiona walk
away. Their eyes followed her every move and he could sense that it made her
uncomfortable. He clenched his hands. It was wrong that she felt threatened by
these strangers.

man from the counter came over with glasses of water and menus.
“You folks traveling far?”

nodded and reached for the menu. “Our vehicle broke down a few miles back.”

explains the little lady’s forlorn look.” The man shook his head. “The sooner
she rests, the better it’ll be for you.”

men from the other table started laughing. Ardal frowned. He glanced at them.
They grinned back and nodded. One of them raised a glass in his direction.

sense in angering them unnecessarily.”

for yourself.” A second man poked the first. “A bit of spark and fury makes for
a more interesting life.”

first man started laughing. “That’s why you’re on your third wife, Ralph.”

I never said it was perfect, but at least I’ve got sparks in bed.”

like a woman that keeps the peace.” The third man took a sip of coffee.
“Then gives me a piece later.”

men were still laughing when Fiona came out of the washroom. She gave them a
quick glance and then rushed over to Ardal. He sensed her panic and took her
hand as she sat down. She smiled. He made no attempt to read her thoughts. He
would wait until she was comfortable with the pair bonding.

men make me nervous.” Fiona leaned close to him. “Did you ask the owner about a
vehicle yet?”

handed her a menu. “Are you hungry?”

sighed and took the menu. “Who knows when we’ll be able to sit down for a

pushed away from the table. “I will speak to the man now about a vehicle.”

put her hand on his. “Wait.”

he could say anything the man from the counter returned. Fiona ordered for both
of them before asking for a vehicle.

much around here.” The man scratched his head. “Closest place to rent would be
North Bay.”

Ardal’s voice was sharper than he had intended.

a couple of hours away at least.”

sighed. “Does the bus come through here?”

as clockwork.”
The man motioned to the counter. “I’ll
have to phone ahead for you if you want to pick it up. They don’t usually stop.”

gave the man a bright smile. “Could you do that, please?”

man seemed to be at a loss of words at first and then nodded.
“Right away.
It’ll be at least an hour before it comes by.”

watched the man walk away and felt a flicker of sympathy. He knew how
devastating Fiona’s smile could be. “Do we have enough money?”

nodded. “The first rule of life on the run is to have a substantial emergency
kit with enough cash.”


hiding has to have something ready in case they have to leave in a hurry.”
Fiona took a sip of water. “You never know when you’ll have to take off.”

when aliens will crash in your field?” Ardal couldn’t resist the tease and was
rewarded with a smile. The knot of anxiety he felt over her eased. She would be

ate their meal in silence. No words were needed. The bus had been notified and
would make the stop to pick them up. All was settled for now. They had just
finished their coffee when Ardal sensed Fiona stiffen beside him. He looked up
and saw her look of horror. She was staring out the window. He followed her
eyes and understood.

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