Aiden's Betrayal (3 page)

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Authors: CT Nicholson

His hands sent a shiver up her spine as he lowered them from the small of her back to her ass. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as his fingers massaged her way too big butt.

No one ever touched her that way and she couldn't help her shock that she actually liked it. He was a complete stranger and she really didn't care as long as he kept going. It would be even better if he'd do more than squeeze her ass.

She needed to say something. The silence left her mind to think terrible things that she shouldn't be.
Come on, Elle, ask him something.

His head lowered until she felt his warm breath against her ear then the tip of his tongue traced her ear from the top to the bottom. She pressed her thighs together when he bit her earlobe. The pleasure-pain caused her stomach muscles to tighten and her nails dug into his back.

He groaned and she loosened her hold. She hurt him! “I'm sorry.”

His body shook and it took her a moment to realize he was laughing. When she looked up into his face, he smiled at her.

“What's so funny?” Maybe it was all just a practical joke played on her. She remembered when the most popular boy in school asked her out to prom and when she got there, he was with another girl. Surely people weren't still so cruel at their age. She still pulled away as her memory caused her to be skeptical.

He stopped smiling.
“Don't leave. I laughed because you thought you hurt me when really you just turned me on even more. Why do you look so hurt?”

She almost cried when he pulled her back against him.
“I've had no luck with men and you're too good to be true. Men like you don't want women like me.”

When she tried to look away he grabbed her chin to force her to look into his serious gaze.
“What do you mean women like you?”

Over-weight.” She wanted to leave and hide away to where no one could see her.

His hand tightened on her chin a little painfully as his eyes narrowed and his lips flattened.

She angered him but didn't understand why.

I don't know who told you that you're over-weight but they lied.” His hand let go of her chin to caress down her neck. He used both hands to cup her full breasts. “You're beautiful in every way possible. I haven't wanted a woman in years until you.”

She gasped when he squeezed her breasts before moving down to her stomach. Everywhere his hands went his eyes followed. She watched how his eyes darkened and his pupils dilated. He didn't lie to her. His eyes
showed her that much.

You're so soft.” His voice sounded rougher than before. “Please don't go. I wouldn't survive if you leave now.”

She started to speak until the music ended to be replaced by the DJ. She looked at the singer as he left the stage and headed toward her and Aiden. He was beautiful for a man. Not feminine, just pure perfection other than his piercings and choice of attire. Elle looked back at Aiden and smiled. He was definitely all male and not beautiful, just handsome.

A cleared throat caught her attention and she realized the singer stopped right beside her and Aiden.

Aiden, who is this lovely woman you're keeping warm for me?”

Elle couldn't take her eyes from the singer. She craved for him to keep speaking or for him to sing.
“I'm Elle.”

Dance with me, Elle.” She took a step away from Aiden when the singer held his hand out to her and his angelic voice ensnared her. For some reason she couldn't stop from moving toward him.

A strong grip grabbed her arm and she jerked her head away from the singer to look back at Aiden. All thoughts of the other man
vanished when Aiden's silver gaze held hers. He turned away and she noticed his face hardened and his cold glare would've surely killed someone if looks could kill.

Jaxon, she's with me and I think you should change the tone of your voice before you lose it completely.” Aiden pulled Elle closer to him.

smiled big and Elle swore she saw two sharp teeth and she froze. She blinked and the two teeth were normal again. The drinks must still be working on her.

What kind of tone do you mean, Aiden?” The teasing note in his voice didn't seem to hold her attention as it had before.

Elle looked at Aiden again and tried to understand their hidden conversation. What kind of voice was he using?

“We'll see you later. I think you have some women waiting for your attention.” Aiden jerked his head in the direction of the crowd of women waiting behind Jaxon. Before Jaxon could even say goodbye, she was pulled tight into his hold and carried away to a more secluded area of the club.

They weren't completely alone and she wasn't sure if that was good or not.
“He seemed nice.”

Aiden grunted and she smiled.

“Is that a hint of jealousy I hear?” Maybe she was being too presumptuous but it sure seemed like he wanted her far away from the good-looking singer.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
“I'm not jealous.”

Laughter burst from her before she could stop it. Maybe she was going crazy or was just dreaming. There was no way the gorgeous man in front of her could be jealous of another guy talking to her.
“I've never had a man to care enough to be jealous.”

You've got one now.”

The serious tone and growl in his voice caused the tiny hairs on her arms and neck to stand straight up. She had a feeling she stepped into deep trouble but she couldn't force herself to step away from him.

Chapter Four


Anya couldn't take her eyes from Nicolas as they swayed to the music. His large hands were hot against her back as he moved them down to her ass. There was no way in hell she'd deny his touch.

You want to get out of here?” She needed more than a dance.

He smiled and she bit her lip at the wicked gleam in his silver eyes.
“I don't care as long as I can taste you.”

No man ever gave her
goose bumps like Nicolas did. She was almost speechless. Almost. “I won't stop you. But first I need to freshen up.”

A growl rumbled through his chest and she couldn't speak.
“Don't you worry your gorgeous self. I'll be right back.”

Anya took off to the bathroom. Nicolas was so handsome and she couldn't wait to end up in bed with him.
Or the backseat of his car. Whichever came first. The line to the bathroom was so long Anya decided to knock on the men's door. She pushed it open and peeked in. “Hello?”

No one answered. She looked around and waved
her fingers at a woman who waited in the women's line. “I just need the mirror.”

The smell was horrendous but she just needed to check her make-up and then she could escape the death hole.

The scrape of a boot sounded and she started to cry out when she saw a large man behind her until she saw his silver eyes. “Nicolas?”

Don't move. I won't hurt you.” Her attacker hoisted her up against his body.

She wanted to move but couldn't seem to do so.
Anya was going to die and Elle would stand over her grave saying 'I told you so.'


Nicolas waited for Anya to come back. He was growing soft. After years of enjoying women, he never tried to get to know them but Anya was different. She was honest and so sexy. After five minutes, Nicolas headed toward the bathroom and scanned the line of women waiting. None of them were Anya.

He waited for the women in t
he bathroom to exit. Five came out and still no Anya. A redhead stepped out and fell against him.

She smiled and batted her lashes at him.
“Hey, sexy.”

Nicolas didn't smile back.
“Did you see a tall blonde in there?”

There's only two stalls working and neither of the women who went in were blonde. There was a blonde looking in the mirror when I came out.” The female didn't move away from him.

Thanks.” He went to step away until the bathroom door swung open.

That's the blonde I saw. Is that your girlfriend?” Her bottom lip poked out.

The blond was short and looked nothing like Anya. Nicolas was pissed.
“No. Would you like to join me?”

She beamed.
“I'm into anything you want to do.”

He had her across the room in moments and ready to take him.
Anya left but he still needed a female to relieve him.

Not giving a shit
who stood around them, Nicolas held the girl against the wall with her skirt pushed up around her waist. Her slick pussy encased his cock as he pumped in and out. Her teeth stayed locked into his neck to keep from screaming, her heels dug into his ass, and sharp nails scratched his shoulders as she held on for dear life.

the leggy blonde who took off to the bathroom and never came back tormented his thoughts.
When was the last time a girl ditched him? Never!
His teeth shot out from his gums.

The redhead released his neck and kissed his chin before trying to connect her lips with his. Nicolas jerked his head away and started pounding into her harder. He never kissed a
nyone and he wouldn't start with her. Maybe he would've kissed Anya.

threw her head back in her third release, leaving her neck wide open for him. Damn, he should have eaten before going on patrol. He licked the artery filled with his main life source. He shouldn't drink from the girl and he expected Aiden would be pissed if he caught him but the sight of her vein throbbing was too tempting and he was too hungry.

Without waiting
any longer he struck hard and fast. She screamed as another orgasm racked her body and her pussy clutched him deep inside as he slammed in one last time.

She smelled of sweat, perfume, smoke, and pot. Good thing marijuana didn't affect him.

Finally the blood flowing down his throat turned his thoughts into another direction and his release pushed her over once again. Damn, she tasted good. She’d contaminated her blood with alcohol, but that never bothered him.

Then the leggy blonde popped back in his head and his cock perked right back up. His hips started to move on their own as he kept drinking. They came at the same time and he realized her body started to slump in his arms.

Damn it!
He pulled back after sealing the small pinpricks. Dark eyes looked into his with a satisfied smile plastered on her face.

Her face looked pale
from blood loss. Keeping her focus on his eyes, he spoke to her for the first time. “Go home, drink some orange juice, and get some sleep. Nothing else.”

Go home, drink some orange juice and get some sleep. Nothing else.” She repeated his words as he dropped her to the ground and helped her arrange the tiny skirt she wore.

He zipped himself up as he watched her walk toward the club door.

Looking for Aiden, his jaw nearly hit the floor when he found his cousin dancing extremely close with a female. Well shit! He’d started to believe Aiden would never take a woman again since Luciana.

onight it seemed Nicolas would have to have his own back. And he didn’t mind one bit as long as Aiden finally got some. Maybe sex would get the stick out of his ass.

A familiar scent itched at his nose but he couldn’t seem to find
it as he wandered outside of the club in search of the owner of the smell. Leaving Aiden, he found another scent, this one the stench that could only belong to a rogue. He rubbed his hands together in excitement before grabbing his sword hidden beneath his leather coat and heading into the alley behind the club.

Nicolas grimaced when he saw the decaying face of the rogue. He never understood why vampires would choose to look that way. Just don't kill humans and you could stay handsome like
himself. Oh well, not his problem. “Was you ready to die? You seemed to have drawn me back here for a reason.”

The rogue snarled at him and then laughed. Blackened blood leaked down his jaw as he kept laughing.
“I'm not alone.”

Nicolas prepared for a mass attack but nothing happened. The rogue seemed to be just as surprised. He even backed away.

“Looks like your friends left you to die.” Nicolas walked toward the rogue and wasn't surprised when the decaying freak jumped at him with his hands swinging.

The rogue had sharp claws and even managed to scratch Nicolas' hand before the sword swung easily through the rogue's neck.

Easy kill. Nicolas didn't even break a sweat. He sniffed the air and the familiar smell from the club lingered. He followed to find out what or who it was.

Chapter Five


She watched as Nicolas screwed the drunk against the wall. He fed from the human and it was working out perfectly. Retaliation against Nicolas was her only concern and the stupid female would be a key source in her plan.

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