Read Alexander Hamilton Online
Authors: Ron Chernow
Tags: #Statesmen - United States, #History, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #General, #United States, #Personal Memoirs, #Hamilton, #Historical, #United States - Politics and Government - 1783-1809, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #Biography, #Alexander
Rush’s correspondence with
Boudinot, Elisha
Boxwood Hall
boycott of British goods
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
Braddock, Edward
Bradford, William
Bradhurst, Samuel
Brandywine Creek, Battle of (1777)
Brissot de Warville, J. P.
Brooklyn, Battle of (1776)
Brooks, John
Brown, Andrew
Brown, Moses
Browne, Joseph
Bunker (Breed’s) Hill, Battle of (1775)
Burgoyne, John (Gentleman Johnny)
Burke, Aedanus
Burke, Edmund
Burr, Aaron, Jr.
AH compared with
AH’s duel with
AH’s feud with,
Hamilton-Burr duel
AH’s first contact with
AH’s rivalry with
ambition of
in American Revolution
army appointment considered for
background of
bribery charges against
Church’s duel with
debts of
divorce of education of
in election of 1789
in election of 1792
in election of 1796
in election of 1800
in election of 1801
in election of 1804
electoral tie of 1801 and
French Revolution and
inauguration of
intrigue and secrecy of
Jay Treaty and
Jefferson’s relationship with
as lawyer
libel suit of
Manhattan Company and
marriages of
Monroe’s correspondence with
Monroe’s relationship with
in New York Assembly
as New York attorney general
opportunism of
Philip Schuyler defeated by
political affiliation of
political comeback attempt of
as political outcast
public debt bill and
reading of
Reynolds affair and
slavery and
on Stirling
Troup’s friendship with
as vice president
Washington’s relationship with
womanizing and sexual escapades of
Burr, Aaron, Sr.
Burr, Esther Edwards
Burr, Theodosia,
Alston, Theodosia Burr Burr, Theodosia Prevost
Burwell, William A.
Butler, Pierce
Cabot, George
Cadwalader, John
Caesar, Julius
Callender, James Thomson
in Pamphlet Wars
Campfield, Jabez
Capet, Louis,
Louis XVI, king of France
capital, U.S., selection of location for
West Indies;
specific islands
Carlisle, Pa.
carriage tax
Carrington, Edward
Carroll, Charles
central banks
Adams’s views on
AH’s views on
functions of
see also
Bank of England; Bank of the United
Ceracchi, Giuseppe
Chamber of Commerce, New York City
Chambers, David
Chappell, Alonzo
Charleston, Battle of (1780)
Charleston, S.C.
Chase, Samuel
impeachment of
Chastellux, marquis de
Chatterton’s Hill
Cheetham, James
election of 1804 and
child labor
Christian Constitutional Society
Church, Angelica Schuyler
AH’s affectionate relationship with
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s death and
death of
Eliza’s correspondence with
Eliza’s relationship with
in Europe
French aristocracy and
Jefferson’s correspondence with
Jefferson’s relationship with
marriage of
men enchanted by
on Philip Hamilton’s funeral
portrait of
slavery and
U.S. visits of
Church, Catherine
Church, John Barker
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s death and
AH’s loan from death of dueling of
in Europe
Hamilton-Burr duel and
Manhattan Company and
slavery and
Church, Philip
Church of England (Anglicanism)
Citation Act (1782)
Civil War, U.S.
Claypoole’s American Daily Advertiser
Clement, Maria,
Reynolds, Maria
Clingman, Jacob
Clinton, Cornelia,
Genêt, Cornelia Clinton
Clinton, De Witt
Clinton, George
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s feud with
background of
as brigadier general
Constitutional Convention and
as deterrent to national unity
in election of 1792
Clinton, George (
in election of 1800
in election of 1801
on Hamilton-Burr duel
King’s candidacy and
as New York governor
New York Ratifying Convention and
Philip Schuyler’s feud with
as presidential candidate
retirement of
as vice presidential candidate
Clinton, Sir Henry
AH’s alleged secret letter to
Clossy, Samuel
Coast Guard, U.S.
Cobb, David
Cobbett, William
Cochran, Gertrude Schuyler
Cochran, John
Coercive (Intolerable) Acts (1774)
coffee, taxes on
Coke, Sir Edward
Colbert, Louis
Colden, Cadwallader
Coleman, William
College of New Jersey
see also
College of Physicians
Columbia College
Columbia University Press
Committee of Public Safety, French
committees of correspondence
Common Council, New York City
Common Sense
Concord, Mass.
Confiscation Act (1779)
Congress, U.S.
Adams’s speeches to
Alien and Sedition Acts and
in Germantown
Jefferson’s relationship with
military approved by
in New York City
petitions to
in Philadelphia
Republican majority in
“scrippomania” and
slavery and
tax-levying powers of
treasury secretary reports to
war powers of
Washington’s annual address to
see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
American Revolution in
Connecticut Compromise
Constitution, New York
Constitution, U.S.
AH’s concessions and
amendments to
broad interpretation of
central bank and change of government seat and
“common defence and general welfare” clause of
explication of,
see Federalist Papers, The
“God” omitted from
Jay Treaty and
Jefferson’s vacillations about
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and
“necessary and proper” clause of
New York battle over
preamble to
presidential electors in
ratification process for
strict construction of
Constitutional Convention
AH at
AH’s calls for
AH’s June 18 speech at
AH’s June 29 speech at
breakup of New York delegation to
Committee of Style and Arrangement at
Connecticut Compromise at
description of delegates to
end of
lawyers at
New Jersey Plan at
road to
secrecy of
slavery and
Virginia Plan at
Continental Army
AH as Washington’s adjutant in
“camp ladies” of
disorder and morale problems in
duels in
fear of Newburgh mutiny in
Gates-Washington rivalry in
Lafayette’s rise in
in New Jersey
Northern Department of
passwords in
Pennsylvania mutineers in
pensions in
refurbishment of
reorganization of retreats of
social life of
Southern Army
state militias vs.
Steuben’s stewardship of
supply problems in
Washington made head of
Washington’s farewell to
Continental Association
Continental Congress
Second (Confederation),
Second Continental
“Continentalist, The”(Hamilton)
Conway, Thomas
Conway Cabal
Cooper, Charles D.
Cooper, Myles
mob action against
Copley, John Singleton
Cornwallis, Lord
Yorktown siege and
corporations, creation of
Cosway, Maria
Cosway, Richard
Coxe, Tench
central bank and
public, AH’s report on
Croswell, Harry
Croucher, Richard
Cruger, Henry, Jr.
Cruger, Henry, Sr.
Cruger, John
Cruger, Nicholas
Cruger, Tileman
dollar as
minting of coins and
paper money
Custis, Martha Dandridge,
Washington, Martha
Dandridge Custis
Customs Service, U.S.
Dallas, Alexander J.
Dana, Francis
Danish West India and Guinea Company
Danish West Indies
see also
St. Croix
Danton, Georges Jacques
Davie, William
Davis, Matthew
Dawson, Henry
Day, Thomas
Dayton, Jonathan
Deas, William
AH’s alleged buying back of
English public
of farmers
foreign loans in repayment of
public, retirement of
of states
see also specific people
Dechman, James
Declaration of Independence
slavery and
Declaration of the Rights of Man, French
“Defence, The” (Livingston, Livingston, and Hamilton)
Defoe, Daniel
de Haert, Balthazar
de la Tour du Pin, Madame
Delaware River
AH’s fears about
American Revolution and
Montesquieu’s theory of
“Democratic” (“Republican”) societies
Denmark, colonialism of,
St. Croix
de Nully, Bertram Pieter
De Peyster’s Point, N.Y.
d’Estaing, Jean Baptiste