Alfred Hitchcock (152 page)

Read Alfred Hitchcock Online

Authors: Patrick McGilligan

socializing, 157, 243–44, 280, 371, 415, 428, 591, 696, 697

and Transatlantic, 365

travels with, 142–43, 168, 176, 193, 418, 454–55, 460, 487, 506, 528, 538–39, 599, 619, 635, 682, 729

and Universal contract, 653

as U.S. citizen, 511–12

wedding of, 89–90, 101

working without salary, 200–201, 218, 220, 236, 293, 324

and World War II, 273, 274, 323

Hitchcock, Charlie (uncle), 4, 5

Hitchcock, Ellen (aunt), 4, 5

Hitchcock, Ellen “Nellie” (sister), 38, 69, 734, 735

and Alfred’s childhood, 8, 15, 16, 17

birth of, 7

death of, 743

and father’s death, 25

visits with, 176, 349, 610

Hitchcock, Emma (aunt), 4, 5, 476, 539

Hitchcock, Emma Jane Whelan (mother), 29, 176, 195, 230, 435

and Alfred’s childhood, 9

background of, 4, 7, 8

death of, 321, 325

and World War I, 26

and World War II, 248, 263

Hitchcock, John Fitzpatrick (uncle), 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 54, 55

Hitchcock, Joseph (grandfather), 4

Hitchcock, Mary (cousin), 5

Hitchcock, Mary “Polly” (aunt), 4, 5

Hitchcock, Patricia Alma (daughter) 156
, 177, 211, 317, 318, 411, 432

acting career of, 285, 296, 364–65, 418, 430, 452–53, 454, 455, 524, 588

in America, 201, 203

birth of, 105

Epstein sculpture of, 153
, 476–77

schooling of, 176, 243, 375, 405, 418, 427

travels with, 142, 418

wedding of, 456;
see also
O’Connell, Patricia Hitchcock

Hitchcock, Teresa (cousin), 5, 176, 475, 610, 682

Hitchcock, William (father), 706, 707

and Alfred’s childhood, 7–10, 18

birth and background of, 4, 6–7

death of, 25, 26

influence of, 18

Hitchcock, William Jr. (brother), 176, 277–78

birth of, 7

and brother’s wedding, 89

childhood of, 14–15

death of, 325–26, 476

and father’s death, 25

and mother’s death, 321

work of, 14, 25

and World War II, 263

Hitchcock Murders, The
(Conrad), 10

Hitchcock and Selznick
(Leff), 240, 344, 369

Hitchcock at Work
(Krohn), 310, 541, 610–11, 613

Hitchcock Climax, 116, 138

(Truffaut), 687

Hitchcock’s Films
(Wood), 706

Hitchcock’s Notebooks
(Aulier), 679

Hitler, Adolf, 155, 208, 248, 256, 300, 323, 408

Hodges, Horace, 225

Hodiak, John, 337, 411

Hoffman, Al, 196

Hoffman, Bud, 667

Hogan, David, 412

Hogan, Michael, 229, 235

Holden, William, 451, 504–5


blacklist in, 414, 464, 526

British Lost Legion in, 233, 256, 273

censorship in,
Production Code divestiture decree on studios in, 464, 653

Hitchcocks’ move to, 233–35, 273

Hitchcocks’ visit to, 214–20

social life in, 243–45

television as threat to, 414, 464, 514

Homolka, Oscar, 187

Hope, Bob, 433, 478

Hopkins, Harry, 271

Hopper, Edward, 589

Horkan, George, 688

Hornbeck, William, 712

Hornblow, Arthur Jr., 230, 265

House of Dr. Edwardes, The
(Beeding), 344–45

House of Dr. Edwardes, The
] (film), 348–49, 354–57

Houseman, John, 292, 294–98, 302, 454, 485, 723, 747

Houston, Penelope, 675, 694

Howard, Leslie, 237

Howard-Tripp, June, 81–83, 85

Howe, Lyman, 15

Howell, Miriam, 308

HUAC (House Committee on Un-American Activities), 414, 443

Hughes, Howard, 386–87

Hulbert, Jack, 132

Hull, Henry, 337, 342

Hume, Benita, 238

Humphreys, Lord Travers, 390

Hunter, Anita, 612, 613, 617–18

Hunter, Evan, 611–14, 615–20, 623, 624–25, 628, 629, 630, 635–37, 640, 641

Hunter, Ian, 92, 95

Hunter, Jeffrey, 526

Hunter, Kim, 358

Hurley, Joseph, 586, 606

Huston, John, 305, 505, 611

Huxley, Aldous, 415

I Confess
(film), 17, 106, 402, 415, 429, 440–43, 454, 455, 456–63, 465–67, 468, 475, 479, 513, 537, 775–76

Iles, Francis, 267, 270, 278, 279, 371

Ince, Thomas, 235

Incrocci, Agenore, 654, 657, 661, 662, 667, 668, 676

Ingram, Nellie,
Hitchcock, Ellen “Nellie”

Ingram, Rex, 104, 114, 234

Innes, Hammond, 543, 548–49

Innocents, The
(film), 456

(film), 292

Irish, William, 480

Irrgarten der Leidenschaft
Pleasure Garden
] (film), 756

Irvine, Robin, 92

Irving G. Thalberg Award, 382

Famous Players-Lasky British Producers Ltd.

“It Had to Be Murder” (Irish), 480–81

Iwerks, Ub, 622, 627, 648

Jack the Ripper, 12, 14, 155, 390, 476
, 658, 677, 698

Jade, Claude, 690

Jamaica Inn
(du Maurier), 212, 611

Jamaica Inn
(film), 172, 212, 213, 217, 218, 221, 222–25, 227, 228–30, 240, 245, 391, 767

James, Henry, 456

Jannings, Emil, 63

Jasmin, Paul, 594

Jazz Singer, The
(film), 106, 111, 112, 123, 279

Jeans, Isabel, 91, 92, 285, 377

Jepson, Selwyn, 401–2, 418, 429–31, 434, 523

John Hitchcock Ltd., 13

Johnson, Joseph MacMillan, 484, 495, 496

Johnson, Lyndon B., 511, 661

Johnson, Nunnally, 328

Jolson, Al, 106

Jones, Hannah, 132

Jones, Jennifer, 344, 345, 359, 370, 392, 450, 666

Jones, Jonathan, 713

Jourdan, Louis, 391, 745

Joy, Leatrice, 234

Joyce, Alice, 61, 149

Joyce, Frank, 149, 199

Joyce-Selznick Agency, 149–50, 169, 175

Junge, Alfred, 162, 194

Juno and the Paycock
(film), 127–32, 135, 139, 140, 760

Juttke, Herbert, 135

Kael, Pauline, 694

Kahn, Florence, Lady Beerbohm, 181

Kane, Bob, 211

Kanter, Hal, 739, 741

Kantor, MacKinlay, 330, 333, 335

Kanturek, Otto, 162

Karloff, Boris, 256

Karp, Jacob H., 580

Kass, Robert, 466

Katz, James, 748

Kauffer, E. McKnight, 84

Kauffmann, Stanley, 694

Kaufman, George S., 302

Kazan, Elia, 494, 497

Kazanjian, Howard, 722

Kean, Charles, 179

Kedrova, Lila, 665, 671

Keen, Malcolm, 71, 72, 73, 81, 106

Kelleher, Brian, 525

Kelly, Gene, 407

Kelly, Grace, 620, 635, 733

Country Girl
, 517, 667

Dial M for Murder
, 470–72, 494, 517

film proposals for, 503, 516–17, 539, 609–10, 632, 644, 651

and Hitchcock tribute, 721

others compared to, 114, 642, 690

as Princess Grace of Monaco, 517, 527, 539, 610, 614, 629–30, 709, 721

Rear Window
, 471, 481, 488–89, 494, 497, 517, 634

To Catch a Thief
, 475, 491, 493–94, 496–98, 499, 500, 512, 615, 634

Kelly, Nancy, 551

Kemp, Cecil Foster, 426

Kemp, Philip, 71, 348

Kendall, Henry, 121, 143, 144–45, 183, 400

Kennaway, James, 611

Kennedy, John F., 511, 595, 624, 684, 726

Kennedy, Ludovic, 658

Kent, Barbara, 266

Keon, Barbara, 245, 379, 385, 444, 445, 446–47, 448–49, 458

Kern, Hal C, 237, 245, 282, 359, 396

Kerr, Deborah, 493

Khrushchev, Nikita, 684

Kieling, Wolfgang, 671

Kilday, Gregg, 727–28 “Killers, The” (Hemingway), 309

King, Ambrose, 19, 22

King, George, 154

Kirkbride, Ronald, 731

Kissinger, Henry, 715

Klaren, Georg C, 135

Klee, Paul, 323–24, 476

Knight, Esmond, 151

Knott, Frederick, 469

Knowles, Bernard, 172, 180, 194, 245

Konstam, Phyllis, 122
, 135, 140

Konstantin, Leopoldine, 377

Korda, Alexander, 150, 173, 212, 258, 349, 468, 470

Kove, Kenneth, 136

Krampf, Günther, 162, 348

Krasna, Norman, 276

Krohn, Bill, 289, 310, 313, 462, 476–77, 510–11, 531, 541–42, 573–74, 610–11, 613, 617, 623, 624, 686, 689, 692, 693, 694–95, 711, 730

Kruger, Otto, 302, 304–5

Krumschmidt, Eberhard, 377

Kubrick, Stanley, 658

Kuhns, J. Lary, 551, 632

Kuleshov, Lev, 75

Kupcinet, Irv, 465

La Bern, Arthur, 697–98, 700, 701, 702, 704, 708, 717

La Cava, Gregory, 377

La Couline, Father Paul, 457

Lachman, Harry, 104, 114, 143

Lacey, Catherine, 209

Lady Vanishes, The
(film), 96, 146, 196
, 205–14, 227, 230, 254, 257, 285, 400, 411, 422, 476, 524, 607, 648
, 705, 748
, 766

Laemmle, Carl Jr., 149–50

Lambray, Maureen, 721

Lancaster, Burt, 421, 478, 543

Landale, Rita, 164

Landau, Martin, 568

Landis, Jessie Royce, 491, 494, 567–68

Landru, Henri, 307

Landstone, Charles, 136–37

Lane, Priscilla, 299, 301, 303, 304

Lang, Fritz, 62, 63, 64, 97 136, 161, 162, 187, 190, 199, 222, 258, 268
, 270, 276, 323, 441, 512, 715

Langley, Bryan, 96, 148

Langlois, Henri, 513, 694, 699

Lapworth, Charles, 71, 74, 88

LaShelle, Joseph, 352

Lasky, Jesse L., 53

Lasky, Jesse L. Jr., 180

Last Days of Alfred Hitchcock, The
(Freeman), 736

Last Laugh, The
(film), 305

Latham, Louise, 641

Laughton, Charles, 212, 213, 218, 222–25, 256, 312, 391

Launder, Frank, 146, 192–93, 206–8, 227, 405

Laurents, Arthur, 403–4, 405, 406, 408, 409, 411, 413, 414, 417, 429

Laurie, John, 131, 172

Lawrence, Gertrude, 148

Lawrence, Mel, 481

Lawton, Frank, 140

Le Maire, Charles, 498

Lean, David, 44, 435, 521

Leaver, Philip, 209

Lebrecht, Norman, 374

Lee, Auriol, 285, 296

Lee, Canada, 337

Lee, Jack, 16

Leff, Leonard, 240, 241, 252, 260, 295, 344, 348–49, 356, 363, 369, 393

Legion of Decency, 466, 585, 597

Lehar, Franz, 316

Lehman, Ernest, 543, 545, 548–49, 552, 557–59, 565, 566, 570, 571–72, 573, 574, 608–9, 717–22, 723, 728, 730, 732, 733, 736

Leigh, Janet, 80, 107, 586–87, 591–94, 596–97, 606, 740, 743, 745

Leigh, Vivian, 238, 246, 250, 256

Leigh-Hunt, Barbara, 703, 707, 710

Leighton, Margaret, 422

Lejeune, C. A., 86, 169, 175, 191, 221, 327

Leni, Paul, 76

Leonard, Elmore, 731

Leopold, Nathan, 400, 420

Lerner, Sammy, 196

LeRoy, Mervyn, 161
, 234, 697

Lesser, Sol, 289

L’Estrange, David, 90, 92

Levinson, Richard, 716

Levy, Benn, 120, 125
, 148–49, 677–79, 681, 698

Lewis, Jerry, 478, 524

(film), 73, 106, 207
, 284, 322–24, 326, 328–44, 345, 346, 350–53, 354, 378, 394, 402, 431, 436, 449, 480, 527, 575, 600, 621, 656, 770–71

Linden, Margaret, 417

Lindstrom, Petter, 354, 371, 381, 429

Link, William, 716

Lion, Leon M., 139, 146–47

Lippincott, Charles, 725, 726

Lissajous spirals, 561

Litvak, Anatole, 403

Livingston, Jay, 517, 520–21, 562

Lloyd, Frank, 284, 298, 299, 301, 314, 323

Lloyd, Harold, 60, 247, 266

Lloyd, Jonathan, 125

Lloyd, Norman, 107, 302–3, 360, 363, 523, 526, 551–52, 559–60, 581, 656, 666, 683, 696, 711–12, 715, 732–34, 735, 747

Lockwood, Margaret, 209–10

Loder, John, 187, 199

Lodger, The
(Belloc Lowndes), 28, 74, 78–79, 78–80, 80, 83, 268, 269, 270

Lodger, The
(film), 11, 17, 32, 76, 78–89, 104, 106, 113, 116
, 125, 194, 268–70, 277, 284, 291–93, 307, 314, 325, 345, 400, 411, 579, 620, 698, 757

Lodger, The
(radio), 275–76

Loeb, Richard, 400, 420

Logan, Joshua, 463, 470, 480–81

Lombard, Carole, 220, 228, 244, 245, 253, 267, 268, 270, 276–78, 312, 325 “London” (film symphony), 102

Longden, John, 117, 123, 131, 132, 140

Lord Camber’s Ladies
(film), 148–49, 180, 238, 677, 763

Lord Camber’s Ladies
(Vachell), 148

Loren, Sophia, 582

Lorna Doone
(film), 383

Lorne, Marion, 99, 448

Lorre, Peter, 161–62, 166–67, 181–83, 187, 235, 522, 574, 689

Losey, Joseph, 429

Lost Weekend, The
(film), 469–70

Lothian, Lord, 273

Louise, Anita, 215, 239

Love’s Boomerang
(film), 753

Lovsky, Celia, 166

Loy, Myrna, 407

Lubitsch, Ernst, 62, 64, 279, 280, 502

Lukamoski, Georges, 630

Lukas, Paul, 209, 211

Lupino, Ida, 281, 526

Luraschi, Luigi, 486

Lynley, Carol, 614

Lyon, Ben, 542

Lyons, Leonard, 221

MacArthur, Charles, 369, 394

Macdonald, Dwight, 600

MacDonald, Philip, 235

MacDougall, Ranald, 430, 431, 432, 434

MacGowan, Kenneth, 322–24, 328–29, 331, 333, 336–37, 340, 341, 343, 351

Macguffins, 158–59, 165, 208, 221, 259, 302, 368, 369, 370–71, 374, 375, 558, 675

Mackintosh, Elizabeth, 192

MacLaine, Shirley, 504, 620

Maclean, Donald, 659, 693, 732

MacPhail, Angus, 76, 91, 92, 156–58, 160, 190, 193, 345, 346–48, 354, 508–11, 515–16, 531, 532, 533–34, 536, 541, 659, 697

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