Alien Attachments (12 page)

Read Alien Attachments Online

Authors: Sabine Priestley

Tags: #Space, #Alien, #978-1-61650-566-0, #romance, #Futuristic

“What are you thinking?” Ian knew Armond was lost in a world he’d never understand. When his uncle Mordo suggested Armond for the post of EP, he’d mentioned the man had “a relationship” with the Portal Masters. Ian had never heard of such a thing and didn’t think it important. He was starting to think otherwise.

“I’m thinking I need to talk with your uncle.” Armond stood and handed the device to Ian.

When Ria returned with the humans, Ian went over to seal the tunnel entrance behind them. The Papallo’s hurried in first, followed by Ria and Jared. Dani tripped over nothing and dropped one of the backpacks she carried.

“That’s sensitive equipment.” Ian reached for the bags. He plucked one off the ground and took another slung over Dani’s shoulder. “Next time, someone else carry the bags,” he called out to the others.

“That was uncalled for,” Dani said in a low voice.

A pang of guilt stabbed him. Being an asshole was turning out to be more difficult than he thought.

Ria went over to help but halted when a red beam, about the diameter of a softball, sliced off Marco’s hand.

Rage distorted his face as he bellowed. Blood spurted from his severed wrist. He grabbed the stump and squeezed. A final burst of blood spattered his dark hair and face and he roared in pain.

More beams entered the room, moving erratically. Ria jumped to Marco’s side and pulled him out of harms way. The Italian couple huddled behind Armond and the group backed up toward the fireplace. Ian and Dani stood separated from the others, and the portal. Marco let out a half groan and half growl.

The images on Ian’s phone told the story. “Frack.”

Dozens of Torogs streamed in through the front entrance. The leads carried powerful lasers, which they kept trained on the open door as they scuttled toward the library. The angle of the hall prevented them from seeing inside the room. Marco’s hand had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it could have been his body. They only had seconds.

Ian grabbed Dani by the arm and backed up toward the tunnel. He shouted to his team, “Go! Bring help.”

Dani struggled to free her arm, but he held his grip and pulled her back into the tunnel.

Ria danced around, looking for a way through the lasers. “No! We’re not leaving you.” The beams blasted into the side of the fireplace, not yet at the portal but getting closer.

Ian saw the pain and conflict on their faces. “That’s an order. Move it.”

Jared and Ria steadied Marco, and the trio disappeared into the portal.

Armond took hold of the Papallos. “We’ll be back. Stay out of sight.”

The Torogs made it to the doorway and Ian waved his hand, closing the tunnel door.

“They saw us,” Dani said, yanking her arm free from his grasp and stumbling backward.

“I know. Come on, we need to get back to the bar so we can get to another portal. And try not to fall down.”

“Oh you’re just hysterical. You know what? You can go shove—” A deafening explosion rang out and echoed from the far end of the tunnel. The sound of crashing boulders followed. “Ian, they sealed the tunnel.”

Another explosion hit, this time from the library. He grabbed her again and propelled her toward the store room. They tumbled inside, barely avoiding the boulders now falling from the ceiling. Ian shut the door. The noise reverberated at a painful decibel. Every sound echoed through the tunnel.

“Ian? What are we going to do?” Her voice shook, and she was clearly fighting panic.

“This room is reinforced but it won’t withstand what they’re throwing at it. Even if the others get help, they won’t be able to get to us.”

“So, what? We’re dead?” She leaned against the back wall and pulled at her hair.

Ian had an idea. A really bad idea. Her psi was nearly as strong as his, maybe stronger. They were deeply compatible, and if they connected on that level, they may end up fully bonded. At very least, it would further the process.

Explosions rocked the ground like a war zone outside the small room. Another blast and the door bulged inward.

Ian had no choice. “There’s only one chance and I need your help.” He took a deep breath and tried to ignore the noise outside the room. “I need to use your psi. We have to bring the portal to us.”

Dani let out a strangled laugh. “Did you hit your head? I’m human remember? I don’t have the voodoo.”

Ian grabbed her upper arms. She struggled but there was no where to go. He squeezed tighter. “I didn’t hit my head, listen to me. When I healed you, in the pool, something happened.”

“Yeah? Something happened last night too, as I recall.”

“I’m sorry. Dani, you possess massively powerful psi. Armond and Ria have both sensed it. And last night…” Guilt stabbed him when he saw the look in her eyes. “I had to work to keep the connection closed. But you felt it. I know you did. The pleasure, remember?” Her smell intoxicated him. This was the last thing he should be doing. It was also the only thing that could save them.

Another blast. Dani screamed and the door fell in from the top, pushing him toward her. They crouched down, Dani’s knees between his.

“Stay with me, Dani. We have to do this.”

She cringed when another blast shook the room. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I remember the feeling. You do that to me. When you’re not being a jerk.”

He wiped the tears from her face.

Another blast, and she shut her eyes and covered her ears.

“I’m doing what I have to, Dani.” He took her face in his hands. “Look at me, please.”

She sobbed, anger and fear showing in her eyes.

“I don’t expect you to understand. But you have to trust me now. We have one chance of getting out of here alive and I need your help.”

She pushed his hands away and rubbed her face. “Tell me what to do.”

“You don’t have to do anything, just let me in. We know you can because you’ve already done it, right? The pleasure?”

“I guess. I don’t know. Oh God, I’m scared, Ian. I hate being scared. It pisses me off.”

“You’re beautiful when you’re angry, luv

He smiled at her then. She gave him a determined smile back. The door collapsed, bending from the top. He inched forward on his knees, moving away from the door now pressed against his back. Their heads were nearly touching as the space shrank.

“Close your eyes and try to keep your mind clear.” He gently caressed her shoulders and reached out to her. Once again the sheer force of her psi astounded him. He grabbed hold this time instead of backing away. The instant they connected, his psi and body erupted in euphoric emotion.

“That’s right. You okay?”
Ian said telepathically.

“What happened? Are we dead?”

“Not yet. Just stay with me. It’s time to work.”

He tried not to let her feel his fear as the door forced him closer. Ian reached out with his psi and sensed the walls around them. He pressed farther and found the portal. He tugged. Nothing happened. He tried again. Still nothing. Dani’s psi was here but not helping.


“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t use your psi, I can feel it, but—”

Another blast pushed him against her and Dani screamed, “Here!”

That did it. He had it. He pulled with every ounce of strength.

“It’s working, Dani.”
Dizzy, his arms and legs shook. The door pinned them against the wall, his face now next to hers. Another blast and they’d be dead, their bodies smashed. His strength slipped and he knew they were done when another presence entered his mind.


his uncle responded. “
You can do it Ian. Just a little farther…”
He knew his uncle’s confusion when it touched Dani’s psi.
“There’s two of you? Interesting. Pull Ian. Armond and I are doing all we can from here.”

Ian sensed the portal, so close, but not enough.

His uncle’s voice exploded in his head.
Another blast sent the door slamming into his back and he sunk into darkness.



Chapter 9


Dani couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. Something pressed down on her. Raised voices, frightened, all talking at once, but nothing made sense. A male voice boomed nearby, sending a stabbing pain through her head. Just as she slid toward unconsciousness, the weight lifted and her body reflexively inhaled, air filled her lungs to capacity.

“Check for broken bones.”

“Get the carrier.”

“They will pay for this.”

Angry, worried voices swirled around her. She opened her eyes only to find it impossible to focus.

Slowly, her memory filtered back. Cat Island, the attack in Como, Ian, the storeroom

Unable to focus, Dani flexed her fingers. She touched something soft and plush.

We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. We made it. I’m on Sandaria.
The thought swam about her head, increasing her nausea. She opened her eyes again. Better. Something on a flat surface floated out of the room.
Ian. Please let him be alive.
She closed her eyes against the pain throbbing in her head.

“It’s unclear…should have killed them….”

The loud voice penetrated the fog. “How could you possibly want her to stay? Get her out of here.”

“Rucon.” A woman’s voice. “She saved his life. Our son would be dead if not for her.”

“None of this would have happened were it not for her,” the man growled back.

“We don’t know that. Without her, Ian could not have moved that portal. Even with Mordo and Armond’s help. We must honor that, regardless of the consequences. I am sorry, my love.”

Their son?
She didn’t know who the others were and didn’t care as the voices faded to nothing.

* * * *

A quiet conversation drifted into her consciousness.

“I heard he hasn’t moved a muscle, but he’s breathing.” It was a high pitched voice, like a young child.

“Correct.” This voice sounded deeper and scratchy. Unlike the other, it held confidence.

An old maid and a mouse.
Dani groaned, even the thought hurt.

“At least this one is making noises. Have you ever heard of anyone severing their psi like that?” the mouse asked.

There was a long pause before the elder woman answered. “It’s very rare Koora, and it can be deadly. So, mind your tongue and pray to our Mother Goddess for the boy.”

Dani wondered if they were talking about Ian. She hardly thought of him as a boy. She opened her eyes and blinked while the room swam into focus. The walls were a soft white with thick blue curtains drawn closed. She lay nestled in a four-poster bed with impossibly soft sheets and a thick comforter.

“Well, well. Look who’s awake.” The old maid turned out to be a short brunette, dressed all in white, a rough voice belying a more youthful appearance. Next to her stood a slightly taller, much younger woman wearing a blue uniform. Her sand-colored hair needed brushing.
Must be the mouse.

“Where—” Dani coughed, her throat burned.

“Here, here now. Don’t try to talk just yet.” The woman in white fluffed her pillows and helped her sit up a little before handing her a drink with a clear straw. “You’re weak. A few more days and you’ll be good as new.”

Dani swallowed gratefully. The liquid tasted like diluted grape juice and soothed the burn as it went down.

“I’m Healer Kane,” the woman said. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you. This is Koora.” The brown-eyed mouse smiled at her. “Her Ladyship has assigned her to you while you’re here. If there’s anything you need, ask her. Are you hungry?”

Dani nodded. “Where’s Ian? And the rest? Are they okay?” Her voice came out scratchy and rough.

The two women exchanged a look.

Healer Kane sent Koora off to get some soup before answering. “Ian’s alive for now. We’re doing all we can for him. Moving a portal all by himself is an unheard-of feat.” She fluffed Dani’s pillow some more and straightened out the covers. “His uncle tried to help, but still. If you believe in the Goddess, or any other deity, it wouldn’t hurt to pray. The others are fine. They’ve been asking about you.”

Dani thought back to Lago Como, being attacked, the sim room. Making love—or had it been only sex? He’d been a real jerk ever since then. Except when he used her to save their lives. Maybe she was just an object to him. “How’s Marco? Is he going to be all right?”

“That flirt? He’s fine. It’ll take a lot more than a missing limb to slow down that boy.”

Relieved, Dani closed her eyes as her thoughts drifted back to the store room where they nearly died.
He said I have psi.
And he was right. Somehow, in that closet, she’d thrown it at him.
How can I throw something that has no form?
Dani opened her eyes when Koora returned with soup. The smell made her mouth water. Koora set the tray on the side table and helped her sit up more fully. Unfortunately, this caused the pounding in her head to start up again so she pressed her palm to her forehead and waited for the pain to subside.

Healer Kane reached into a small bag sitting on the side table. “Just relax dear, this will help your head.” The woman pressed a small pen-like device to Dani’s arm. The pain instantly decreased, but she was woozy.

“That will help you sleep as well after you’ve eaten something,” Kane said. “Sleep is the best thing for you right now.”

Koora situated the tray on her lap. Dani took a whiff of the warm soup before tasting it. “Umm, that’s good. What is it?” It tasted like chicken soup only different.

“That would be Cook’s famous vegetable soup,” Koora said. “It’s good, yeah? Course, I don’t suppose you’ve ever seen a lot of the vegetables in there, being as you’re a human and all.” She said the word human with something resembling awe.

Dani paused with the spoon halfway to her lips.

“That’s enough Koora,” Healer Kane said. “Don’t worry dear, nothing in the soup is going to harm you. Quite the opposite.”

Dani finished the bite. “Can I see Ian?”

“Gods, no. Nothing personal, but he’s gravely ill. And he is the Cavacent heir after all.” Healer Kane gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I have received a request, however, for an audience with you. Most unusual.” The healer appraised Dani as though trying to figure out a puzzle. “It’s his lordship’s brother, Ian’s uncle, Mordo. He’s a very powerful man. Don’t know what he’d want with you. Perhaps tomorrow you’ll be up for a visit?”

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