All Fired Up (DreamMakers) (15 page)

Read All Fired Up (DreamMakers) Online

Authors: Vivian Arend,Elle Kennedy

“I really hope you’re close, because I’m fucking dying here,” he groaned.

She looked incredibly pleased with herself as she dipped her head to kiss him. “I like seeing you like this.” She nipped at his bottom lip. “You look so sexy when you’re trying not to come.”

“Yeah?” He groaned again when she rotated her hips. “Well, you look sexy when you’re
. So be a good girl and do that for me.”

Clinging to the last threads of his control, he brought her high enough his cock clung to the sweet heat of her labia before thrusting his hips up to drive them together like pistons. Faster, harder, until his name jolted past her lips on every move.

“Par-ker. Par-ker. Par-

She dug her fingertips into his shoulders, crystal eyes going soft and dreamy as she came around his cock.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Give me your pleasure. That’s what I wanted to see.”

If he could have, he would have done it all over again, and then a dozen more times, until she was limp and so sated she couldn’t walk. But with her pussy tightly fisted around him, he didn’t stand a chance. He let go of the leash he’d held, and his climax ripped free, shattering his concentration. He hauled her hips down as far as possible, buried so deep he never wanted to leave, shuddering as hot waves of pleasure rippled through him.

She dragged her nails over his shoulders and up his biceps, and another pulse hit. “

He kissed her, and her wet and eager lips met his as she stroked his upper body. Slowly coming down from the high they’d shot to. Breathing easing. Bodies tangled together intimately.

Lynn kissed his cheek, her smile bursting free along with a low laugh.

“What?” He nuzzled her neck, nowhere near done touching her for the night.

“I promised you a blowjob.”

“Ha!” His cock was still hard enough that when he rocked his hips, she sucked in air. “I’m so disappointed.
. Besides, I promised you fireworks.”

Two warm hands cupped his cheeks, turning him to meet those beautiful blue eyes. “Trust me, Parker. I saw fireworks.”


Chapter Nine



“There’s a woman here to see you.”

Didi’s voice floated from the intercom at nine o’clock Monday morning, jolting Parker out of his Lynn-centered thoughts. His preoccupation with the woman made focusing on work out of the question. He had two questionnaires he was supposed to go over, but all he’d done so far was sit in his armchair and think about Lynn.

He had to force his brain into check as he reached for the phone, but Didi spoke again before he could answer. “She says she has an appointment, but I don’t see it on my calendar.”

Parker didn’t miss the accusatory note in his receptionist’s voice, as if the woman suspected him of inviting a girl to the office for some hanky-panky. Or hiring a hooker.

He flopped into his desk chair and moved the computer mouse in order to get rid of the screen saver. A second later, he studied the online calendar, and sure enough, their morning was wide open. They had several afternoon appointments with some new potential clients, but nothing scheduled before noon.

He pressed the intercom button. “What’s her name?” he asked.

“Susanna Jones.”

Lynn’s friend. Parker wrinkled his brow, then barked a quick order at Didi. “Send her in.”

Footsteps neared the office, and he rose from his chair just as the door swung open and Suz walked inside. Her green eyes glimmered with amusement as she closed the door behind her.

“Charming secretary you’ve got there,” she cracked. “I thought she was going to frisk me.”

He smiled wryly. “We don’t have a lot of female clients. Didi probably didn’t know what to make of you.” He rounded the desk and eyed her curiously. “So what brings you here?”

“What do you think?”

Licking her lips, the curvy blonde began unbuttoning her fitted blue gingham shirt.

Parker froze.

Oh shit.

Shit, shit,
. What the hell was she doing? Had he given her the impression the night at the bar that he was interested in—?

Lynn’s friend suddenly burst out laughing. “Oh, relax, hon. I’m just messing with you. I’m here for the interview.” She quickly snapped the two buttons she’d undone back into place. “But good boy for not leering or being creepy—if you’d made a move, I would have had to tell Lynn, and trust me, she wouldn’t have liked it.” She frowned. “Though you didn’t have to look so horrified by the idea. So I guess I’m happy-insulted by your response.”

He felt as if he’d stepped onto a carousel, his mind was spinning so hard. “And I’m confused. What interview are you talking about?”

Suz’s forehead creased as she set her purse on the couch. “Dean didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what? I haven’t spoken to him since Friday.”

Now that he thought about it, he probably
have checked in with his partners this weekend, but he’d been too busy helping his folks. Parker and his dad had spent all of Saturday and most of Sunday making his sister’s bedroom livable again, a tough feat considering Patrick Wilson had decided to turn the room into a man-cave after Pepper had left for college.

With Pepper coming home soon, Parker’s dad was reluctantly forced to give up his foosball and classic Ms. Pac-Man, at least for a little while.

“And what, you don’t check your email either?”

He glanced at Suz with furrowed brows.

She rolled her eyes. “I emailed you Friday afternoon, and cc’d Dean and your other partner. Dean was the only one who got back to me.”

“Shit, I left the office early on Friday. The email must have come in after I’d gone.”

“Well, Dean and I went out for drinks last night. I told him what my editor’s looking for, and he said you guys would be interested.”

“You went out for drinks with Dean?”

“Yep.” She snickered when she saw his wary expression. “We didn’t wind up in bed, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Now she looked slightly bewildered. “Actually, I’m sort of surprised it didn’t happen. The two of us were swapping sex stories all night, and somehow never ended up writing our own. Weird, huh?”

Before Parker could answer, the intercom crackled on and Didi’s voice sounded again. “Parker, Dean’s on line one.”

“Give me a sec.” He gestured for Suz to sit, then went to answer the phone. “Hey,” he said after he’d picked up. “Guess you’re calling about this interview for the Bay City Press, huh? Apparently I never got the email.”

Dean’s irritation rippled over the line. “Fuck email. Didn’t you get my gazillion phone messages? I called you ten times last night.”

Parker pulled his phone out. Dead. Had to have died after dinner since he’d sent Lynn a few texts around then.

Still didn’t make him any less guilty of failing to be on top of the business side of life. He’d found time to contact Lynn, even from his parents’ place, and yet he’d ignored the growing number of messages filling his inbox.

Giving himself a mental slap on the wrist, Parker vowed to focus on business from this point on, then answered Dean with a genuinely remorseful, “Techno failure. Sorry.”

“Whatever,” Dean grumbled. “Look, the paper is doing a piece on unusual businesses in the Bay Area. Suz mentioned our company to the features editor, and the guy was all over it. He wants to do a profile on us and publish it in this Saturday’s issue.”

Parker had to grin. “So you scheduled an interview and didn’t bother showing up for it?”

“Again, if you checked your messages,
, you’d know that I got a call yesterday at midnight from Frank Gabbert. Major SOS—the man’s had a clothing disaster for the anniversary dinner we’re planning for him and the missus tomorrow. So now I have to spend the morning suit shopping with a middle-aged plumber.”

“Your dedication to the job is inspiring.”

“Yeah, well, it’s your turn to show some dedication. Give the interview in my place. It’ll be good publicity.”

“Yes, sir.”

It was rare for Dean to issue him orders, but he had to admit, the guy had earned it. Dean had arranged for them to be featured in a major newspaper, and was personally handling a fashion SOS? Parker ought to nominate him for sainthood.

Grinning, he disconnected the call and turned to Suz. “Dean can’t make it. Looks like it’s just you and me.”

She arched a brow. “Good. Now I can grill you about your intentions toward my best friend.”

Parker was not the least bit fazed. “Grill away.”

A moment later, he’d settled in the armchair, with Suz sitting across from him on the couch. They stared each other down for a moment, but clearly Suz hadn’t mastered her stern face, because it wasn’t long before she broke into a smile.

“I like you, Parker. I really do.”


“Lynn likes you, too. I talked to her before I left the office today, and when I asked about her Friday date, she lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.” Suz’s voice softened. “It’s good to see her happy again. The guy she was dating before was a real jerk. But she’s too nice. She always tries to see the best in people, even when there’s no best to see.”

He wanted to voice his agreement about the sheer jerk-ness of Phil Shotelle, but since he couldn’t let her know he’d met the man, he just nodded and said, “She’s amazing.”

“With that said, I need you to know something.” A deadly glint entered her green eyes. “If you hurt her, I will kick your ass. I look small and harmless, but trust me, I can do some serious damage. I grew up in a family of cops, and let’s just say I’m more than capable of defending myself—and inflicting pain on others.”

His lips twitched. “I appreciate the warning.”

Her cheerful smile returned, and she quickly reached into her bag for a digital recorder. “Okay then, how about we get started? Tell me how you came up with the idea for DreamMakers Inc.”



Lynn paced the conference room, waiting for her department head to show up for their meeting. She’d already loaded her program and today’s presentation on her laptop, and now she needed her audience to arrive. Kathy Levinson was usually a stickler for punctuality, so her tardiness made Lynn a little nervous.

Taking a breath, she sank into one of the plush chairs around the long table and tried distracting herself by thinking about her date with Parker. Hands down, it had been the best evening of her life. And not just because of the mind-blowing sex. She honestly couldn’t remember ever having so much fun with a man.

She was about to reach for her phone to shoot him a quick text to pass the time, when footsteps in the hall stopped her. Lynn quickly smoothed a hand over her hair, which she’d left down in an attempt to look more professional, and rose to her feet as the conference room door opened.

Kathy Levinson stepped inside, greeting her with a warm smile. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Lynn opened her mouth then closed it when a second person strode into the room. John Samuels, the VP of the advertising department, and none other than Phil’s boss.

“Ms. Davidson,” the man boomed, extending a hand in her direction. “Good to see you again.”

She gulped hard as she went over to shake his hand. Samuels had always intimidated the bejeezus out of her, probably because everything about him screamed
, from his salt-and-pepper hair to his tailored suits to that commanding baritone voice.

“Good to see you, too, Mr. Vice-President,” she stammered.

Mr. Vice-President? Oh man. She sounded like a total moron.

Samuels chuckled. “Please, call me John. I’m really looking forward to hearing this idea of yours.”

“I hope you don’t mind that I asked John to sit in,” Kathy spoke up. “I felt he needed to be included, especially since part of this pitch relates to advertisements.”

As the two executives sat, Lynn went to the head of the table and pulled up the first slide.

Forty minutes later, she knew she’d hit the presentation right out of the park. Kathy and John rose from their seats with enthusiasm on their faces, walked over and vigorously shook her hand, thanking her for her hard work. Kathy even winked before she slid out the door.

Lynn was just leaving the conference room when her cell phone vibrated in the front pocket of her laptop case. Reaching in, she pulled out the phone and smiled when she saw the message on the screen.

How did it go??

Happiness danced through her as she headed down the hall, texting Parker back as she walked.

So good! I think I have a real shot
. She added four exclamation marks and three smiley faces to finish off the message.

His response came as she entered her cubicle.

That’s awesome

Two seconds passed, and then another message came through.

What are you wearing?

Lynn burst out laughing as she flopped into her desk chair. The loud sound caught the attention of the woman who’d been walking by her cube, and when Lynn looked up and saw it was Dana Hastings, her amusement promptly faded.

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