All Good Things Exposed (19 page)

Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

He reached out, caught my jaw in his hand and tilted my lips to his. In an explosion of warmth, his tongue danced with mine, making me feel sleepy and sated. God, I loved this man. How could I ever think I would be able to survive without him? He was like water and whiskey. He was an essential addiction.

Jace pulled away. "You're tired."

I nodded on a sigh. "I am."

He looked regretful. "Sleep, Angel. I have some work I've got to finish before I leave."

I frowned. "I have to get back to the café."

"No, you don't." He shook his head. "Franco will close the shop."

"Franco will not close tonight, Jace. He opened."

"I spoke with him already and he assured me he would close." Jace said matter of fact. I knew immediately I was not going to like this.

"You paid him off didn't you?" I accused. "You offered my staff money to close for me."

"I did."

"He took it!" I gasped. I'll fire his ass as soon as I get back!

"No." Jace shook his head, his eyes narrowed. "He didn't take it, but he agreed to do you a favor."

"Oh," I frowned. "You realize there was no need to do that. I have a girl on nights who has a key."

"I didn't realize." Jace admitted. "Regardless, Franco will be there." He turned to leave me alone but paused, turning back. "Interesting character he is."

"If you're insinuating that he's gay, I think he is bisexual."

Jace gave a small grimace. "To each their own."

"He's a good person. The ladies adore him." I said with a smile. It was the truth. Franco was a tenacious flirt and the ladies reveled in the attention.

"And you?"

"I like him." I shrugged. "I hired him."

"Do you flirt with him?" Jace asked and my eyes widened.

"Goodness no." I scowled. "That would be so inappropriate!"

"Good." His tone was clipped as he spun around.

I wasn't ready for him to leave and I said the first thing that came to my mind. "Why do you have a bedroom in your office?"

Jace stopped beneath the threshold of the door and turned to face me with an inquisitive look on his face. "I practically live here, Olivia. My work is my life. The only times I am away from the office is when I'm with you. It's just easier having a place to sleep where my work is."

I realized just then how very sad Jace's life is. He spends his time working for a company he clearly has no passion in and for what? He doesn't need the money. Surely if he sold the company he would have enough to live his life doing whatever it was he desired. I remembered him mentioning architecture at some point. Why didn't he do that instead? Why was he allowing his life to be so completely consumed by something he didn't want?

"Jace," I sighed his name and he cocked his head, clearly confused. "Is this all you want from life?" I could have sworn my heart was breaking in my chest as I imagined him growing older like this. It freaking hurt. He deserved the world and had it at his fingertips - so why wasn't he taking it in his fist and treasuring it?

"Don't, Olivia." He scowled. "Don't look at me with pity." He strode quickly across the room to sit on the bed facing me. I could practically taste his scent as I stared into his hard, wounded eyes. "This is my life. You're the only thing I have to look forward to in the mornings. I didn't know happiness before you, but I still have responsibilities."

"I know, but Jace, you could lessen your workload."

He shook his head. "I can't."

"You can." I stated stubbornly. "Get an assistant."


I groaned deep in my throat. "Why not?"

"Because I don't trust people."

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

His eyes glimmered with mirth. "Are you asking for a job, Angel?" he didn't leave me room to deny him. "You're hired."

"Jace," I scolded. "I'm not working for you. I was trying to prove that you could trust people if you only allowed yourself the chance."

"Not in this office." He shook his head and stood.

I sighed on a huff and flopped dramatically back to the bed. I was exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally. This crazy, neurotically possessive man was not only the meaning to my life, but also the devastation to my mind. Surely, if I didn't crumble on my own, he would break me. But I needed him regardless. I knew I always would.


I sat at my desk and looked to the door of the bedroom once again. What had I been thinking when I demanded she come here? I could barely get my work done just thinking about her prancing her sexy ass around the city - and now that sexy ass was in the room next to me…naked. How the hell had I expected myself to concentrate?

I sighed, rubbed my brow and tried to focus on the plans for the hotel development in Italy. Caleb had finally emailed me the documents. It had only taken him forty-eight hours. The lazy bastard.

After going through every document Caleb sent me, I powered off my laptop and gathered Olivia's clothing from the floor. The sky was dark and I knew Olivia had to be more tired than I thought for her to sleep this long without interruption. I entered the bedroom and my heart fluttered at the sight of her. She was so beautiful and all mine. I'd claimed every inch of her body and now I wanted her life. I wanted to be the center of her existence. Fuck, I was twisted. But I wanted it. I needed it. I needed her to need me. The thought of her waking up every morning to me inside her was euphoric. The thought of closing my eyes beside her to rest each night was a image I never imagined I would ever be so lucky as to behold. I could only hope I never fucked it up. I could only hope she never ran from me again.

I closed the distance between us and sat beside her on the bed. She was on her back, the blankets up around her neck. Slowly, I pulled them down to display her bared chest. As though possessed by some unknown force to touch her, I reached out and ran my fingers over her breasts. Her nipples pebbled instantly and she moaned, shifting in her sleep. Her breasts pressed into my hands and I smiled as I watched her face. Sleep released its hold on her and she opened beautiful sleepy brown orbs.

"Hey," she spoke quietly. It soothed me. Everything about her soothed me.

"You slept for a long time." I stated and she raised her brows.

"Really? What time is it?"

"It's late. The sky is dark."

She rubbed her forehead. "Wow, I must have been exhausted. Look what you do to me."

If this was what I did to her, I'd die a happy man. She stretched and snuggled back into the bed. "I like what I do to you."

"You do?" She asked breathily. My cock twitched and I cursed. I wasn't going there right now. For the rest of the night I wanted to hold her, talk with her and hear her laugh. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know everything.

"I do." I smiled. "Are you ready to go home?"

Her easy smile pulled into a frown. "We're leaving?"

"You wanted to stay?"

"Not really," she sighed. "I'm just feeling insanely lazy at the moment and the thought of dressing myself is not one bit appealing."

I laughed a full belly laugh at her words. God, she was cute. She was sexy and cute. She was perfect. And I was a fucking mess. "Stand up." I commanded, pulling her lace panties from the pile of clothing I'd collected. She wiggled off the edge of the bed, watching me cautiously. I knelt before her, picking each ankle up before slipping her feet through the holes of her panties. I slid them slowly up her stockings before settling them against her hips. I plucked the bra from the pile, sliding her arms through the straps before clasping it against her back. Next, I moved to the sweater dress she'd been wearing. "Lift your arms." She did and I pulled it over her head, smoothing it over her tiny frame.

She cocked her head and looked at me with an unsure smile I wanted to kiss from her face. "You dressed me."

"I did."

"I've never had anyone dress me before." She whispered breathily. Her voice croaked and I felt my lips tip in a frown. Had I upset her?

"Are you all right?" I asked seriously, catching her face between my hands.

She shook her head. "I'm fine," she waved her hand as she went to make the bed. "I'm tired."

I reached for her wrist. "Olivia, what's wrong?"

She sighed heavily. "Nothing, Jace. Please let go of my wrist."

"No. Not until you tell me the truth. Something is bothering you and I want to know what it is." Damn it! This woman was going to be the fucking death of me. How did she expect me to take her half-hearted assurances at face value? Jeez, she looked pale and sad. There was no way I was just letting this go. She was crazy if she thought I wouldn't press.

"Jace, please."

"Olivia," I warned, tugging her wrist and forcing her to face me.

Her eyes were sad and her bottom lip trembled. "Jace, what are we doing? I mean really doing?"

My blood turned cold. Was I ready for this talk? "We're seeing each other."

"But are we just seeing each other or are we
each other?" She asked. Her eyes were pleading with me for answers and damn it if I didn't want to give them to her. But I didn't have them! I didn't know what this was between us any better then she knew.

"I want you to be mine." I said. I knew it wasn't an answer, but it was all I had. It was the truth.

"What does that mean?"

"I want you now and I want you in the future - with me."

Her eyes widened. "With you?"

"Always." I whispered. The word felt hard and heavy as I pulled it from my throat. But I meant it. I wanted this woman with me always. I would do anything and everything for her. I wanted to bind her to me so she could never ever run from me again. I wanted her bound to me in a way she could never escape from no matter which of my past demons decided to show their faces.

She didn't say anything. She just stood, her gaze frozen on me. "Olivia, say something."

"I don't know what to say." She whispered shakily.

"Say you'll always be here with me." I stepped closer to her. We were a breath away. I could feel her heat emanating from her body. It made me feel warm and welcomed. "Say you'll never leave me."

Her eyes misted a shiny sheen and my heart clenched. She lifted her hand to my face, pressing her palm against the side of my face, her fingers delving into my hair around the back of my neck as she pulled my head down to hers. Her lips were soft and shaky as she pressed them against mine. Her kiss was not the consuming kind where flames of passion licked your soul. It was gentle and caressing. And it touched my heart, claiming my soul.

"I love you, Jace." She spoke the words against my lips and everything within me shattered. Every defense I'd ever built up against these weak emotions spiraled down around me and I let her in. I wanted her in. I let her take my heart in her palm and I fucking prayed she held it with care. I kissed her harder, delving my hands into her long chocolate hair and holding her to me. My heart raced in my chest as she kissed me back. She didn't demand I reciprocate her words she just kissed me. She let me process her declaration because she knew it was what I needed. I needed time to understand this. I needed time to accept what I already knew. I knew she loved me and I knew without a doubt that I loved her too. More than my own life.

I would make her mine if it was the last thing I ever did.



Chapter 15

Jace didn't speak the words. But he didn't have to. I could feel it. I could feel his love for me pouring through his kiss. It filled me. I didn't need words. Not until he was ready. I didn't want him to feel pressured. I wanted him to love me in his own time and if he needed more then I would wait. I could wait for him for all of eternity. Because I loved him and he knew.

The thought was shocking. I couldn't believe I spoke the words and he wasn't running for the hills. Why wasn't he running from me?

Jace pulled away. "You are a beautiful woman, Angel. And you are mine."

"Yes, Jace." I nodded assuring. "I am yours. Entirely."

"And I'm so grateful for that." He smiled, his hand still cradling the back of my neck. "But now that I have you I hope you know I will never let you go."

"I never want you to let me go." I looked deeply into his eyes. "I love you."

"Come." He ran his hand from my neck to my hand where he linked his fingers with mine. "I'm taking you home."


I followed Jace from the bedroom feeling completely content and elated by my confession of love for this man. He swiped my purse from a chair and handed it to me. I took it with an eye roll. I would have forgotten the damned thing if it hadn't been for him.

"Thank you,"

"Oh," Jace's hand dived into his pocket and he pulled out a card. He handed it to me. "I almost forgot."

I took the card with a frown, studying it. "Wow," my picture looked horrible. I was visibly pale and very wide-eyed. I wasn't even smiling.

"Nice picture." Jace said as he looked at the card.

The scowl that found its way on my face rivaled the scowl in the picture. "Thanks."

Jace laughed. "Were you really so excited to see me?"

"It wasn't that."

He cocked his head. "What was it then?"

"Something Caleb said?"

"Ah yes," he nodded. "Caleb was with you."

"He signed for the card." I pulled out my wallet and shoved the horrendous piece of plastic into an open nook.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing." I sealed my lips point-fully and Jace raised a brow as though to accept my challenge. I wasn't challenging him. I just wasn't going anywhere near the whole 'Mrs. Rush' comment. Nope. No way!

"Olivia." Jace warned.

"You can bully me all you want Mr. Rush. You aren't getting this out of me. Go harass your friend!" I turned on my heel and marched to the door. Jace's hands around my wasit halted me immediately.

"I never bully you."

"Bullshit." I barked.

"That language is unbecoming on you." He growled.

"I don't care." I said indignantly.

He huffed a sigh. "Please," he tightened his hold on me. "Will you drop the language?"

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