All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love) (11 page)

Zack had offered to share me with his teammate, but I'd declined like a prude. Jake was his big, buff, and incredibly hot wide receiver. Thinking back, what woman wouldn't want to be sandwiched between two sexy pro football stars? I'd declined because I thought it meant Zack didn’t give a shit about me if he could share me. I should've realized he didn't care about me because he kept fucking other women behind my back and lying about it.

Anyways, I'd turned down his offer because good girls don't screw two men at the same time, and I'd always regretted it. Now I'd probably never get the chance. Will didn't seem like the type of guy who liked to share. But...he'd clearly blown my mind several times, so maybe I was wrong. Then I couldn't help but wonder, if Will did agree to share me, who would he share me with? My thoughts instantly went to one man in particular who I knew was Will's friend, and was also single and incredibly hot. I was pretty sure he wanted me too, based on this week's escapades, but for some reason Joe was holding back and not giving in. Probably because he was Will's friend, and a decent guy that didn't want to screw around with me behind Will's back.

I turned off the faucet once the tub was full of warm water and laid my head back to relax. Damn it, now I couldn't stop thinking about being with Will
Joe. Sandwiched between them or sucking one, while getting fucked by the other. They'd tie me up and take me every which way, hard and rough. My naughty thoughts were interrupted when I heard the front door open and close, signaling Will's return.

"Lacy?" he called out from the bedroom.

"You can come in. I'm just soaking in your tub," I called back.

I heard his approaching footsteps, then gasp. "Damn, you look really good, lying naked in my tub."

I looked up and saw his eyes roaming over my body, even though bubbles covered most parts of me.

"You're distracting me. I meant to come in here and ask you how to fix a float," he said, making me laugh.

"Um, a scoop or two of sherbet then like, this much Sprite," I told him, holding my fingers up to indicate about four inches.

"Got it," he said, then he disappeared. A few minutes later he was back with two glasses, offering me one with a spoon.

"Mm, this looks delicious. Thank you," I told him as I dug into the melting ice cream goodness. The first spoonful was even better than I'd imagined. My eyes closed when I moaned in bliss.

"Good?" Will asked with an amused laugh.

"Yes," I replied. I watched him try a bite. He nodded and shrugged like it wasn't bad.

"So, Will," I started. "How do you feel about threesomes?" I asked, and he started choking on his float. He left the bathroom and returned with a glass of water he was pouring down his throat.

"I'm sorry. Did you just ask me about
?" he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he could finally speak again. 

I nodded and bit my bottom lip before spooning another amazing scoop of float into my mouth.

"Two women?" he asked with a grin, and I shook my head no. "Damn, two guys," he said, sitting down on the edge of the tub facing me. "Why do you ask?"

I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment as I studied my toes propped up on the faucet, and kept shoveling in ice cream.

"You've…done that before?" he asked quietly. I shook my head.

"So, you...want to?"

I nodded and finally looked back over at him. I was pretty sure I saw something that resembled sadness flicker across his face, then it was gone just as quickly.

"I'd like to. Just once," I admitted.  

Suddenly the image of being with Zack, Joe and Will all at the same time popped into my mind. Foursome? That was unheard of, right? Although there were three holes to be filled. Damn, when did I become a slut? Flirting with Joe all week and getting my freak on with Will was making me crazy.

"Foursome?" Will exclaimed. Shit, I must have said that out loud.

"I just wondered if there was such a thing."

"Yeah, it's called a porn gangbang," he replied, and I flushed an even brighter red.

"Back to the threesome," I started. "Would you…maybe…partake?"

He cleared his throat and looked away. "Is there another guy in particular, or just anyone will do?"

"Actually I just sort of thought of someone."

"Who?" he asked.

This time I had to look away. "Ah, Joe?"

"Joe!" Will exclaimed, then laughed. He stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "You want Joe?"

"No, I mean…yes, but just once. I don't
want him
, want him. I really like you, Will." I just wanted to fuck Joe to see what it was like to finally have him, oh, and to have two dicks in me at the same time.

"But I'm not enough for you on my own?"

I sat up in the water, making it slosh around me when I heard the hurt in his voice. "That's not it at all. It's just a fantasy, one that involves two men. You…God, sex with you is so fucking incredible, Will. Like, the best I've ever had."

"Really?" he asked with heavy disbelief.

"Yes. Having a threesome wouldn't be about anything more than the physical act of getting fucked by two guys at the same time. Being wanted by two men would be a huge turn-on. No feelings, no emotional attachments. Just a hot, sweaty night of fucking. With you in charge."

He laughed, pacing in the small space and pushing his glasses back into place. "So I'd tell…
how to fuck you, and then watch the two of you…"

I nodded enthusiastically at the mental image. "And you'd be fucking me too. Any way you wanted."

Will's hand moved down to the bulge at the zipper of his jeans. Maybe he was coming around to the idea after all.

"And afterwards?"

I shrugged. "It's over and done. Nothing changes," I responded. But then the old saying popped into my head. The one about sex changes everything. Well, it wouldn't with us. I liked Will a lot, and even if I found Joe attractive, it'd be sex, and nothing more.    

"I'll think about it," Will finally said. "But right now all I can think about is fucking you again. Just the two of us." He went over and grabbed a fluffy towel from the linen closet, then offered it to me. After I drank the remaining lime liquid from my glass I sat it on the edge of the tub to stand up, letting the water roll off of me before stepping out into Will's arms. His mouth came down, urgent and needy on mine, before he carried me back to his bed and fucked me until we both passed out just before sunrise.

Chapter Ten




It was late Saturday afternoon, and I'd invited Joe to play a few games of pool at
. Was I really going to ask him if he wanted to fuck my girlfriend? Was Lacy even my girlfriend? No, not really, so it shouldn't be such a big deal to share her, right?

"So how's life without Lacy?" Joe asked after missing his shot. "You doing okay? I bet you’ve forgotten all about her by now, right?" I knew my face was turning red, especially after remembering all the incredible rounds we'd gone last night and this morning. I became even more flustered thinking about what I was planning to ask him.

"Will? You have been avoiding her, right?
? For my career's sake and Jess's if not for your own sorry ass job!" he yelled.

"Calm down!" I told him. He flung his pool stick down on the green felt table and headed for me with clenched fists like he was going to deck me. It was a very un-Joe Cool move for the normally laid back guy.

Calm down
? Lacy told me that you two were done! We've been…damn it...I need this job! Do you know how tough the competition is in big firms?"

"Lacy wants to have a threesome if you're interested," I interrupted. That deflated his anger, just like I knew it would.

His eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out. He finally flopped down on the stool next to me, relaxing his fists.

"You know," he started with a deep exhale. "I'm tired of being a defense attorney. Criminals are dumbasses," he said, before a big grin stretched across his face.

I laughed at his immediate change of heart. "Fucking Lacy in a threesome with me is worth your career?" I asked.

"Yes," he said with an enthusiastic nod. "I might need a few beers, or a gallon of rum though."

"But you know this wouldn't mean anything else, right? Just one night ..."

One night
!" he exclaimed, jumping up off the stool so fast the wooden seat teetered on two legs before settling back down. He was also so loud heads turned our way. "Hell, I thought you meant
one time
. I am so in. Call her right now!"

"Hold on a second. You don't…you aren't going to…"

"Try and steal her from you? No. You know who I want, but how could I possibly turn down a chance at fucking a gorgeous woman like Lacy with your actual approval, and no strings attached?"

"You do realize I'll be there too, right?" I asked. Something about the way it had sounded when he said he'd have my "actual approval" rubbed me the wrong way, but I shrugged it off.

"Keep your hands and other…parts to yourself, I'll do the same, and we'll be fine," Joe said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"She told me I'd be calling the shots."

"Okay," he said with a shrug. "Your girl, so whatever you say goes. Hell, I'm in if all I get to do is sit back and watch. Participate? Fuck yes! My dick's already hard."

I sighed, wondering if I was a fucking fool to even
doing something like this. But thinking back to how excited Lacy had been talking about it last night...hell, I could do this for her. I was starting to think I'd do anything for her.

I pulled out my phone and texted Lacy, asking if she wanted to come over tonight. I left off the part about Joe joining us to surprise her. Some men give their girls flowers to make them happy, I give mine the guy she wants for a threesome.

"Wait," Joe said after I'd sent the message to her. "What about Jess?"

I looked at him, seriously confused. "I don't think Tyler would ever consider sharing his wife. He'd probably knock the shit out of you just for asking."

Joe laughed. "No, that's not what I mean. I mean, she can't afford to lose her job if you and Lacy get caught."

"Dylan offered her a job paying twice as much."

"True," Joe said, nodding in relief.

"He said he could use a corporate attorney too."      

"Awesome. So, nothing to worry about. If I get fired at least I can work for him while I try to get on with the DA's office."

"The DA's office? You want to be coworkers with the sassy prosecutor?"

"She'd just be an added benefit to prosecuting criminals for a change. It happens to also be the fastest track toward becoming a judge."

"Judge Joe Montgomery?" I asked.

"It does have a nice ring to it," he said with a smile.

"I'm sure you'd be a fair and honorable judge. Just one who likes to have kinky threesomes on the side, right?" I asked, unable to help my laugh. 

My phone beeped in my pocket with a message.
. Pulling it out, I saw her response, saying she'd be over a little after eight. Less than an hour until show time.

"One more game before we head back to my place?" I asked Joe.

"You mean…tonight...with Lacy?" he asked, running a hand almost nervously through his hair.

"If you're in."

"Damn right, I'm in. This is going to be awesome. Although it'd be more awesome if you had a pussy instead of a dick."

I couldn't help my laugh. "I was thinking the same exact thing about you."


Back at my place, Joe and I did shots of rum while watching TV. We were trying to loosen up while we waited for Lacy.

"Can I make a request for tonight?" Joe asked.

"What's that?" I asked, bracing myself.

"I'd love to lick her pussy," he said.

," I laughed in surprise. It was a hell of a wakeup call to what we were about to do. But thinking it over, it didn't bother me all that much. "That request can probably be granted. I'm pretty sure Lacy won't have any objections to it."

Finally at a quarter after eight Lacy arrived. When I opened the apartment door I thought once again that she was the most gorgeous woman I'd ever laid eyes on.

"Hey," I said, trying to keep the nervousness of what we were about to do out of my voice. It was a lot of pressure to not only have sex in front of another man, but to watch him have sex with the girl I was crazy about.   

"Hey," Lacy echoed, with a smile brighter than the sun. When she walked in she finally noticed Joe sitting on the couch.

"Joe?" she asked. She turned back to me, her unspoken question clear.

"I had to twist his arm, but he's in if you still are," I told her. Her smile only became brighter, her girlish giddiness making her look even younger. 

"Really? You sure, Joe? This won't make things…awkward for us…you know, at work?" she asked.

He shook his head, and the smile he'd had since I asked about joining us was still in place. "Nope. I've already been considering looking for a new job anyway."

"Will, are you sure you're alright with doing this?"

"Yep. Want a shot?" I asked her, holding up the glass bottle. "We might be heading a little bit toward drunk."

"Yes, I think I might need a shot," she replied. She took the bottle of rum from me and swallowed a few swigs before setting it back down on the table beside the couch. "Okay, I'm ready if you two are."

"Oh yeah," I said, taking a seat on the sofa on the opposite side of Joe. "Strip for us."


"Strip. Take off your clothes," I told her. "You said I'm in charge, right?"

She nodded and smiled while biting her bottom lip.

"You heard the man. Get naked, woman!" Joe teased.        

Lacy's hands went to the hem of her sleeveless navy blue shirt and lifted it over her head. Just seeing her in a white lacy bra had me hard. Still seeming a little nervous, her hands went behind her back to unclasp the constraining material, which thankfully fell to the floor a second later. Her tits were perfect. The perfect size, shape, and I knew from experience, perfect taste.

"I can look, right?" Joe interrupted my visual perusal.

I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary question. "Yes, Joe. You can look."

"Good, cause I was already looking," he said, flashing a smile and a wink at Lacy. 

She laughed and seemed to relax a little more. Her fingers undid her jeans and then shimmied them down her hips to the floor, pulling them off along with her sandals. Her tiny white thong that perfectly matched her bra came next, then she was standing in front of us, completely, and beautifully naked.

"Wow, Lacy," Joe muttered, and I concurred. The woman's body was more gorgeous than even the hottest
centerfold, with a face that could launch a helluva lot more than a thousand ships.

"Now what do you want me to do, Will?" she asked with her hands resting on her slender hips. My mind was totally drawing a blank, probably because all of the blood flow to my brain was suddenly rushing south.

"I just had to get you naked, but this is your fantasy, sweetheart. What do you want
to do?" I asked.

"Well," she said, running her fingers through her long strawberry blonde hair that fell in waves past her breasts. "Before the night is over, I want you to both fuck me at the same time. I'd also like to suck one of you while the other fucks me, and I don't want any of it to be gentle. I want to be restrained and I want it hard and rough. Other than that, whatever you two tell me to do, I'll do."

After her speech I was more than ready to get on with it.

"Joe, do you need condoms or can we trust you?" I asked, getting the responsible shit out of the way. "Lacy's on birth control."

"I'm good and clean. Tested in March and haven't been with anyone since. Keep your comments about my drought to yourselves."

"Lacy, do you trust us both with no condoms?" I asked her.

"Yes. And you two can trust me. I have the NuvaRing in so there's no worrying about me missing a pill."

"Good. So how about you suck me right here while Joe eats you out and then fucks you from behind? Joe?"

"Fuck yes! Lacy?" Joe asked with a smile.

We both looked at her, waiting for her consent. Her face flushed and lips parted. She finally nodded and headed for me. Going to her knees between my legs she reached to draw my zipper down with unsteady hands. Even if she was nervous, there was no hesitation.

Pulling out and gripping my cock in her fist, her mouth opened wide for me. After her lips pressed down tightly her head began to slowly bob up and down, sucking my hard, aching length.

"Fuck, Lacy," I moaned. While she worked, it was all I could do not to thrust into her mouth or force her pace. My hands automatically tangled in her hair and my balls were already drawing up when she cupped my sack in her soft palm. I took deep breaths to try and reign myself in from having something so amazing end so soon.

Joe stood up and moved closer, standing behind where Lacy leaned over my lap. He swallowed hard as he watched her suck me, staring unblinking at her like he was hypnotized. Eventually he lowered himself down to the floor. Flat on his back, like a mechanic getting ready to slide under the hood of a car, he maneuvered until his head disappeared between Lacy's spread thighs. Even though all I could see was from his waist down, I could guess what he was doing by the way Lacy's eyes flashed open. She moaned around her mouth full of my cock.

Lacy grabbed a fist full of jeans on one of my thighs as her body began to bounce on Joe's face. With each downward thrust on him she took me deeper into her warm, wet mouth, using her tongue to coat my flesh. When she became too distracted to keep up her rhythm, I took over. I was too close for her to stop now.

I pulled her head forward to the base of my cock until she almost gagged.

"You okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me and nodded frantically, then her eyes closed when she moaned again. The vibrations of that deep sound from the back of her throat hit the tip of my swollen cock before traveling all the way up my length. It was too much, too tight and too good being in her mouth. I knew I couldn't hold off much longer. Her body began to tremble right as I came down her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could, but then had to pull her mouth away to cry out. 

"Oh God!
!" she threw her head back and screamed her release to the ceiling. Her body continued grinding downward toward Joe's mouth as she shook with pleasure.

Before she could recover, Joe moved out from under her and turned around, not stopping until he knelt with the front of his body flush against her backside. I heard the sound of his zipper going down, then he shoved forward into her, hard. Lacy cried out, my legs still on either side of her body and probably in the way, but I wasn't about to move from my front row seat.

Joe's hands came around and roughly grabbed both of her breasts, squeezing them as he groaned and pounded into her.

"Fuck, you feel good," he said as his lips teased along her neck and ear. "Even better than I imagined." 

Lacy was now grasping both of my thighs, and her nails started digging in. It was pretty damn incredible to watch the pleasure register on her beautiful face while she was getting fucked. Joe slipped one of his hands down the front of her body to rub her clit.

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