Read All This Time Online

Authors: Marie Wathen

All This Time (6 page)


off the excessive pink lipstick, I adjust my white, fitted button down top and
smooth my hands over the front of my gray pencil skirt. Glancing around the immaculate
bathroom at all the early Italian decor, I’m surprised that a guy like Blues
didn’t pick a more sterile look in here. It’s very…inviting. However, since it
turns out the door fate chose led into a large bedroom instead of another guest
bath, I suppose a more personal touch is expected in the en suite. I finger out
the tangles in my hair, which is hanging down the middle of my back and in need
of a trim, twirl around on my three inch black department store pumps and reach
for the doorknob ready to rejoin the group. Before I have a chance to pull, the
door pushes open and in stalks the king of the castle, himself.

are you doing?” Blues growls lowly, entering the room and dominating the space
with his large frame. He runs a hand through his unruly, sexy hair, brushing it
away from his eyes. This close to him, I notice that his fitted, black long
sleeve shirt, rolled three-quarters up his forearms, and faded denim jeans are
designer and form against his faultless body, marvelously. His posture is
impeccable and his teeth are shiner than they should be for a smoker.
So damn unfair
Realizing, I have yet to answer his
question, I take a significant step back while placing both hands on my hips
and straightening my spine to match his daunting stance.

thought about starting a softball game,” I smirk like a true smartass, “but
that would mean sharing this room with ten other people and I think I might be
a little selfish with it.”

by my dig he prowls closer with a pissed off look in his seriously beautiful
blue eyes, making the hackles on the back of my neck raise. I take another
significant step back, bumping my ass painfully into the counter behind me.

are you here?” He glares at me with strange interest and I shift from my normal
personality to that of the peasant he expects me to be.

sorry,” I whisper, averting my eyes to the floor. “Natalie took the front
bathroom. I was looking for the second one and I didn’t realize this was
someone’s bedroom until I was already inside,” I sigh and pout, “I really
needed to go.”

large feet move forward another couple of steps and I wait for him to growl at
me, again. Instead, he places a hand under my chin, lifting my face up to meet
his. The shock from his affectionate touch grips me, making my head feel like
someone switched on a carousel. I look up into probing blue eyes and swallow
hard, staving off the swirly feeling that buds low within my stomach. They
narrow in on mine penetratingly, like he’s expecting for the windows to my soul
to open up, revealing everything about me to him, a total stranger and one of
the most powerful drug cartel members in the south.

are you?” Although Blues has tamped down his callous tone to some extent, it
still feels like his annoyance is a weighty force pushing hard against my chest
and I really wish I had the space to step back again.

taking a hold of his large hand, I remove it from my face then use a more stern
tone, “Rad’s girlfriend.” Stepping around him, I rush away, leaving the suddenly
too crowded bathroom and heading quickly toward the closed bedroom door.

don’t see it,” he demands, halting me in my tracks. I turn around slowly,
finding him standing directly behind me and gasp at his closeness.

I stammer. Damn, his imposing stature is intimidating up close. “You don’t have
to see it.”

he smirks purposely, “Why don’t you tell me the truth, huh?”

I’m all his alright.” Blues twitches an eyebrow, clearly not buying my story.
Rather than jumping him like a starving alley-cat after finding a freshly
tossed box of leftover Chinese food, I control my wacked libido and say with a
breathy voice, “Rad won me fair and square in a card game after pulverizing my
ex-boyfriend a couple of months ago.” Going in for the kill, I throw in
twirling a strand of hair around my finger, strategically placed in front of my
boobs, and flashing my sweet smile, accentuating the dimple in my right cheek.
His eyes jump between the provocative actions erratically, clearly unable to
chose the more important of the two.

the pure blue shade flashes angrily to a navy just before he rushes forward,
grabbing my teasing hand in one of his, and wrapping his other thick hand
around the front of my neck. Forcing me backward and making my ass bump the
door behind me, Blues pins me with his hips while lifting my face up to his. My
pulse jumps crazily, a wild mix of excitement and fear throbs through my whole
body as his heat and size engulfs me. He lowers his face to mine and the hand
fiercely holding my neck slides up, clasping like a vice around my jaw.
Simultaneously, I’m turned on by the sex-god and scared to death that he knows
the truth about me.

lie to me,” he growls directly into my face, his warm breath brushing across my

in a deep breath, but before I can respond he
covers my mouth with his. His swollen lips crush down on me so hard I wouldn’t
be surprised if it leaves a bruise. I should scream, push him away and slap him
hard for such a brutal attack, but instead I close my eyes and melt. Right here
on the spot, Blues gives me the hottest kiss I’ve ever experienced in my life.
His tongue swipes out, licking the seam between my lips as he eases off the
pressure of our connection and I find that I wished he wouldn’t have done that.

my free hand, I grab the back of his head and force him against me again. He
steps closer, placing both feet outside of mine and drops his hold on both my
hand and jaw. Hot fingers dig under the edge of my loose hanging shirt and he
grips my hips viciously. If he wasn’t pushing all of his body weight on me
before, he most certainly is now. His erection pressing into my stomach causes
my clit to pulse wantonly. I part my mouth accepting his demanding tongue and
bliss consumes me. He tastes like smoke and spicy whiskey; a combination that
would normally turn me off, since I loathe smoking. At the moment, I couldn’t
care less if he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day as long as he kisses me like
this before taking me to his bed every night.

low and deep moan rumbles from his chest. I pop my eyes open to see him staring
back at me, but he keeps kissing me. With our gazes totally locked on each
other, we continue this passionate assault. My free hand joins the other and I
dig my nails desperately into his soft, dark hair, holding onto him, like we’re
standing on a beach, and the waves are threatening to steal him away. My mind
goes crazy, seeing the desire building and flowing out from his scorching
sapphire eyes. He slides both hands down the sides of my thighs, and when he
reaches the hem of my skirt he lifts it up to my hips. I gasp from the shock of
him doing something so audacious, but he doesn’t break our kiss. Not giving a
damn about it, his hands snatch the sides of my lacy thong, shredding it in one
swift movement.

about now, you’re probably thinking that I’m some sort of slut allowing Blues
to take me, here in the middle of his house filled with guests, especially
while I’m working an undercover job that will end with him going to prison for
a very long time. Well, I too wish that I had the ability of cognitive thought
at this precise moment. But there is none. My mind fades as he lifts my body so
that I’m straddling his thigh. I feel his hands leave my hip then hear the
downward tug of the zipper on his blue jeans.

our kiss, Blues jams his face into the crook of my neck, kissing me and
scraping his teeth along my sensitive skin.
Oh god
. Both of his hands
slide up and squeeze the hell out of my breasts, pinching my nipples through
the fabric of my shirt and bra, forcing out a heavy moan.

need to fuck you hard, Angel,” he growls breathlessly against my ear, biting
down painfully on my earlobe. He moves one hand away from my pebbled nipple and
I whimper in protest. He groans, moving his mouth back to mine as his hand
slips between my parted legs.

need me to fuck you, too,” he points out, finding my desire hot and wet after
thrusting a thick finger deep inside my slit causing me to release another
needy whimper. He kisses me hard, twirling his tongue around mine and then
pulling out slightly to slide it along the edge of my bottom teeth.

me,” Blues demands, drowning another finger knowingly inside my slick pussy. At
this point he doesn’t need my verbal permission. He can tell by my kiss and
what he feels in his hands that I’ll take whatever he wants to give me, but I
answer him anyway.

I let loose a savagely needy moan, throwing my head back, closing my eyes and
writhing on his hand, wanting the abrasiveness of his palm on my swelling clit
so badly. “Fuck me, Ethan.”

entire body goes rigid, halting all pleasurable actions. Opening my eyes and
looking at his, I see a different kind of darkening there.

say my name,” he demands crossly, his jaw clenching viciously and his stare
piercing me wildly. My heart jumps up into my throat, preventing me from
speaking so I nod slowly, still watching the darkness rolling in his beautiful
eyes. He removes his fingers and puts his hands on my hips helping me off his
thigh. Disappointment rushes along every cell in my body as he steps away from


confused about why saying Ethan’s name is a total turn off for him, I slide my skirt
down my hips and reach down for the scrap piece of pink lace that used to be my
thong. After avoiding eye contact for a couple of moments, I glance up at him,
noticing that he is watching my every move. Physically, he’s only a couple of
feet away from me, but in his mind, I think he’s probably in the room where he
left his girlfriend. Whatever his problem is I don’t need to understand it, I
just need to leave.

he commands as I reach for the doorknob.

I can turn around, Blues presses his heated body against my back, one hand
landing on my right hip and the other reaching up, moving away the hair draping
over my left shoulder.

need you,” he begs, placing soft, warm kisses along my hair line at the back of
my neck. His hard cock pushes against my backside and I press back onto it
instinctively. Fingers tickle down my ribs slowly. Both hands move to the
zipper on the top of my skirt and then
against my back. “Tell me to stop, or I’m going to fuck you against the goddamn
door, Angel.”

surprised that a man in his position would give a damn about someone’s
willingness to participate in anything, I drop my hands from the door and yank
the hindering zipper down for him. I hear the sound of a wrapper being ripped
open and then notice his jeans drop to the floor, pooling next to my skirt.
After slipping on a condom, he moves his legs between mine quickly and then
wraps his left arm around my waist. With ease, Blues raises my body off the
floor, and then steps back enough to tilt my chest against the door, drawing my
ass back against him. He presses the pulsing head of his dick right into the
center of me and then pauses.

me you want this,” he growls deep. His mouth brushing against my neck sends
shivers down my spine and my center clenches tightly begging for him to thrust
hard into me, but I pause too.

I don’t want it,” I reply, shaking my head. “I
you to fuck

pushes so fast and hard into me I feel a scream ripping from my chest, but his
hand swiftly covers my mouth preventing the noise from leaving this room. He
drops it to my side and pumps into me twice before stopping. His fingers
piercing the flesh on either side of my hips slide up my ribs and move to cup
my swollen breasts.

you’re clenching the hell out of my dick,” he moans, reaching up for my chin
and turning it so he can kiss me. My manicured fingernails scrape against the
wooden door needing something…anything solid to hold onto. He grinds his hips
forcing his erection deeper into me and I can feel that I’m about two seconds
away from climaxing. His filthy mouth, our chosen position, and the thoughts of
getting caught, have my body so wound up, I don’t think I can hold off much

need…” I moan softly while pushing down against him.

wraps both arms around me and pulls my body off the door. Still tightly joined
together, he spins around, carrying me a few feet over to the large four-poster
bed. He lays me face down gently while kicking off his shoes and the jeans that
are bunching around his ankles.

me what you need,” he urges, thrusting once slowly into my wet center. “Do you
want to come, Sweetness?”

I groan loudly, my face buried into the thick comforter. I absolutely more than
want to come, I need it badly.

pounds into me twice and my world begins to split apart from the need to come
before he stills again and asks, “Do you want to come now?”
Fucking torture

shake my head passionately and groan out another no. He withdraws from me and
flips me over, tossing me like I weigh nothing into the center of the bed. He
snatches his shirt off then climbs on with me. Neon color glowing from a
charging station and clock sitting on the nightstand are the only lighting in
the otherwise pitch black room. I don’t need to see Blues’ nude to know that he
is an art sculptor’s wet dream. I can tell through the tailored clothing he’s
wearing that he works hard on his physique. To most women a man like Blues
would intimidate them with his amazing body, but I also work my body until it
is dead in the gym. Still, Blues is way different than just your average
muscle-head so a little bit of apprehension is justifiable. I crawl backward a
few inches, but he grabs my ankle and stops me.

do you think you’re going?”

edges all the way up my body, sinks between my legs and brings his face up. My
hands reach for him greedily. I run my fingers through his hair and guide his
mouth down to mine. Blues kisses me so sweetly and slowly, something happens at
this exact moment, I feel a strange lurching deep inside my chest. It’s an odd
sensation. I can’t really put my finger on it, but when I open my eyes again,
finding him staring at me I feel it a second time. He pulls his lips away from
me, but not his eyes.

he whispers, bringing his right hand up to my face and digging his fingers into
my hair. Tilting my head back he kisses me softly again. A snapping sound, like
a rubber band stretched too tightly on a mechanical device is released and one
rapid fire shot echoes in my mind alerting me that this is wrong and must stop.

his thumb over my bottom lip Blues states, “God, you are perfect.”

I hiss back. Anger rises in my stomach replacing the near euphoric state he had
me in only moments before, causing me to growl when I demand, “Fuck me.”

with both hands framing my face and his eyes latched onto mine, he forces his
cock fully into me. I slam my arms down on the bed, wrap my legs around his
waist, drawing him in deeper and he growls as I thrust upward. Breaking eye
contact finally, his eyes roll back behind his closed lids and he bites down
hard on his lip, suppressing another loud moan the best he can. His rhythm is
chaotic. There is no more taunting with the driving force that Blues is fucking
me with now, and that’s the way I need it.

baby, I’m close,” he groans, dropping his head and laying it against my chest.
Sliding both arms underneath mine, he runs his hands under my back and grips
them over the top of my shoulders. The force of him pulling me down to him
while diving over and over into me surges my build up from a flicker to
catastrophic, and within seconds I explode into ruins.

yes…” I groan through my shattering.

covers my mouth with his, stealing away the last of my moans. Forcing himself
down into me once more, he reaches his own disaster and growls his pleased
state against my lips. Holding onto me tightly, Blues lowers his face into my
hair and pants raggedly.

Baby, that was so good.”

hands snake around his shoulders and I wrap my arms around his neck, securely
holding onto the last moments I have with him. That freaking unfamiliar feeling
nuzzles its way back into my chest and this time I can tell that it’s in the
vicinity of my heart.

to go
! I release the death grip my legs have on his waist and push against
his shoulders so that I can shift out from underneath him. Scooting off the
edge of the bed, I find my skirt and rush into the bathroom, locking the door
behind me. Within two minutes I am back to looking like I did upon arriving at
Blues’ house, all except for the rose color blossoming along my neck and chest
from my orgasm. Allowing myself a little time for the tell-tale sign to go
away, I stare into the mirror and frown at what I’ve permitted.

was a mistake of epic proportions. Fucking Blues jeopardizes this whole damn
mission and I honestly can’t believe that I gave into him so easily. One night
stands are cool, but this one could possibly be the worst, forcing me to do the
ultimate walk of shame, all the way up to my Captain’s office. A soft knock on
the door draws me away from my perils and I reach for the doorknob. Hesitating
briefly, part of me hopes that Blues left and it’s Natalie looking for me, but
the other part, the masochist in me, wishes that it is Blues’ standing on the
other side. Either way I will be disappointed. I pull open the door and get my
hopes dash, finding Blues glowering as he leans against the door frame.

reaches down, taking my hand into his while his other hand snakes around my
neck, and I cling to his rumpled shirt. Dipping down, his lips move slowly over
mine, sipping and teasing over and over. It’s another one of those slow kisses,
and this time I break the trance that he was pulling me into with its

Blues warns. Unlike all the other times before his storm filled eyes don’t look
into mine, instead he fixates on my lips. He inhales a long breath, releases it
and then growls low, “Get the fuck out of my world.”

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