Alora: The Portal (37 page)

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Authors: Tamie Dearen

~ Glossary ~


People in Tenavae

Alleraen (AL-er-ayn)
Brother of Vindrake, son of Vinnasae.

Alora (uh-LOR-uh)
Daughter of Wendelle and Vindrake, raised by Charles and Lena Whitford as their niece.

Arista (uh-RIS-tuh)
Daughter of Plaegus and Chandrae, sister of Jireo.

Bardamen (BAR-duh-min)
Stone Clan shaman, son of Nordamen.

Barlokaen (BAR-loh-kayn)
Water clan warrior.

Bastaeno (bas-TAY-noh)
Craedenza archivist.

Chaleah (chu-LEE-uh)
Stone Clan judge.

Craeven (KRAY-vin)
Water Clan weapons master.

Daegreth (DAY-greth)
Water Clan honor guard.

Darielle (DAIR-ee-el)
Stone Clan chief of farsight.

Ellavae (EL-uh-vay)
Wife of Morander, last known soulmate couple.

Empusa (em-PEW-suh)
Water Clan shaman.

Faestus (FAY-stuhs)
Grandfather of Markaeus and Haegen.

Faelen (FAY-lin)
Stone Clan peddler.

Graely (GRAY-lee)
Stone Clan leader, husband of Denalae, father of Kaevin.

Haegen (HAY-gehn)
Brother of Markaeus, grandson of Faestus.

Jireo (JEER-ee-oh)
Son of Plaegus and Chandrae, best friend of Kaevin, brother of Arista.

Judaene (jew-DAYN)
Water Clan honor guard.

Kaevin (KAY-vin)
Son of Graely.

Laethan (LAY-thuhn)
Stone clan chief healer.

Leethiell (LEE-thee-el)
Water Clan shaman.

Malphas (MAL-fuhs)
Water Clan shaman.

Meravelle (MAIR-uh-vel)
Granddaughter of Bastaeno.

Morander (mor-AN-der)
Husband of Ellavae, last known soulmate couple.

Morvaen (mor-VAYN)
Stone Clan weapons master.

Nordamen (NOR-duh-min)
Stone Clan chief shaman, father of Bardamen.

Raelene (ray-LEEN)
Past Stone Clan bearer, mother of Wendelle, grandmother of Alora.

Staefer (STAY-fer), Faelowe (FAY-loh ) and Harmaele (har-MAYL)
Three Water Clan warriors, captured in battle, who spent months in the Stone Clan healing house before being released to return to Vindrake.

Valor (VAL-or)
Deceased Stone Clan chief of discernment.

Vindrake (vin-DRAYK)
Stone clan leader, son of Vinnasae .

Wendelle (win-DEL)
Daughter of Raelene, mother of Alora.

Zaester (ZAY-ster)
Water Clan warrior.


People in Montana

Beth Steel
Daughter of Janice, best friend of Alora.

Brian Franks
Husband of Karen, father of Wesley.

Charles Whitford
Husband of Lena, foster-uncle of Alora.

Dr. “Doc“ A. J. Sanders
Physician, friend of Charles Whitford.

Janice Steel
Mother of Beth.

Karen Franks
Wife of Brian, mother of Wesley.

Lena Whitford
Wife of Charles, foster-aunt of Alora, deceased.

Wesley Franks
Son of Brian and Karen.



Craedenza (Cray-DEHN-zuh)
Collected archives of recorded histories and writings from all of Tenavae.

Glaenshire (GLAYN-shire)
All Clan city housing the Craedenza.

Laegenshire (LAY-gehn-shire)
Seat of power for Stone Clan.

Tenavae (TEN-uh-vay)
Territory where Alora was born, in an alternate realm.

Portshire (PORT-shire)
Seat of power for Water Clan.



Air Clan
Smallest clan, whose people draw their power from air, are marked by gray eye color, and are located in the northern canyonlands of Tenavae.

Forest Clan
Third largest clan, whose people draw their power from vegetation, are marked by green eye color, and are located south of the Sunder Mountain Range.

Stone Clan
Second largest clan, whose people draw their power from stone and mineral, are marked by deep green eye color, and are located in central Tenavae, with the western border partially delineated by the Bron River.

Sun Clan
Small nomadic clan whose people draw their power from the sun, are marked by brown eye color, and are located in the desert land in the far east of Tenavae.

Water Clan
Largest clan, whose people draw their power from water, are marked by blue eye color, and are located in a wide band along the southern and western rocky coastline of Tenavae, with the eastern border partially delineated by the Bron River.


Other Tenavae Terms

Bond forced upon Water Clan citizens, allowing Vindrake to control their actions.

Magickal indication of Vindrake’s bloodbond.

Fist-sized fruit that grows on a vine; sour green fruit ripens to sweet red fruit.

Oath of fealty:
Pledge spoken by one receiving Vindrake’s bloodbond.

Smooth black stone imbued with magick properties. One gifted in
can see through the eyes of one who wears the
and send a predetermined impression to the wearer.

A male and female who are magickally bonded. The soulmate bond cannot be applied by choice, but rather happens without warning when the soulmates touch for the first time. The bond, which usually occurs when the couple has at least twenty-two years, enhances their gifting, but requires contact on a daily basis to sustain the bond. If the bond is not maintained by daily contact, the couple will experience separation sickness, eventually leading to death.

A multifaceted stone present at birth in the navel of those gifted as

Winged monster with thick scaly hide, clawed feet, and razor-sharp teeth, created by Vindrake, utilizing the life force of a sacrificed person. The creature seeks out human flesh, but does not attack those protected with Vindrake’s



Magick is real in the realm of Tenavae and every citizen develops "gifts," magickally enhanced senses and abilities. Minor gifts appear between the ages of twelve and sixteen. At least one major gift develops at the age of sixteen. Gifts practical to survival are more common than others, and all gifts, major and minor, vary in strength from one person to another.


Major Gifts

Allows the gifted to maneuver with extraordinary skill and balance.

Endows the gifted with
the ability to transport people and things from one place to another. Unique to the
is a magickal jewel that makes transportation possible, the

Endows the gifted with the ability to detect the presence and proximity of those with malevolent intent.

Allows telepathy with one likewise gifted in
, vision through
, and reading memories.

Allows the gifted to detect spoken falsehood and restricts the gifted to speaking truth.

Imbues the gifted with the ability to decipher and comprehend writings and speech in other languages.

Imbues the gifted with the ability to manipulate the elements.

Imbues the gifted with extraordinary strength.

Endows the gifted with the ability to wield weapons with exacting precision.

Imbues the gifted with an extraordinary ability to learn, understand, and reason.


Minor Gifts

Allows the gifted to find hidden doorways and portals, and to open and close locks, doors, and portals.

Allows the gifted to understand and communicate with horses in addition to extraordinary riding skills.

Allows the gifted to speak to and understand animals.

Allows the gifted to predict the weather; requires a time of training with the weather guild.

Water Source:
Allows the gifted to reliably locate a source of water, whether it be a spring, river, or underground stream.

Allows the gifted to sense orientation, memorize maps, and follow direction without error.



About the Author


Tamie Dearen lives with her very romantic husband of thirty-three years. She has two beautiful daughters, two amazing son-in-loves, and one awesome grandson. She plays piano, flute, harmonica, keyboards, and guitar and loves composing and art. And she hates housework. She has been a dentist in private practice for thirty years. Tamie stays busy playing keyboards on her church’s praise team and teaching graduate students each week. In her spare time, she writes books.
Contact Tamie on her
( for news of the latest releases and monthly prize drawings.


Books by Tamie Dearen


The Best Girls Series

Sweet Romance


The Best is Yet to Come
(Free Prequel)

Her Best Match

Best Dating Rules

Best Laid Plans

Best Foot Forward


Christian Romance

Noelle’s Golden Christmas


The Alora Series



Alora: The Wander-Jewel

Alora: The Portal



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Table of Contents




~ Prologue ~

~ 1 ~

~ 2 ~

~ 3 ~

~ 4 ~

~ 5 ~

~ 6 ~

~ 7 ~

~ 8 ~

~ 9 ~

~ 10 ~

~ 11 ~

~ 12 ~

~ 13 ~

~ 14 ~

~ 15 ~

~ 16 ~

~ 17 ~

~ 18 ~

~ 19 ~

~ 20 ~

~ 21 ~

~ 22 ~

~ Epilogue ~

~ Glossary ~

About the Author

Table of Contents

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