Alpha One: The Kronan (23 page)

Read Alpha One: The Kronan Online

Authors: Chris Burton

Alpha Retreat

Hoskins was frustrated. There were no fresh targets for either the SS charges or the battlefield nukes for over twelve hours. He could also see that the main fleet was in trouble but there was little he could do from the outside—especially since both the Viceroy and the Illustrious ship-to-ship, comms were down. It was time to take the initiative.

“Number One, would you join me in my ready room? Thanks.”

His first officer joined him straight away.

“We need to do something, perhaps in conjunction with the Sentinels to see if we can wrestle back some advantage. Any ideas?”

Commander Jacques paused before replying.

“I guess the main target will always be the Queen’s ship, with or without Morvalt onboard. We need to target their Laser Cannons, together with these new larger fighters.”

“I can’t see us making much of an impact with the latter. If we use one off cruisers in a linear pass across the top of the mother ships position, this would get us as close as we can get.”

“Fire with what? Even at relatively low velocity, all we could use are the plasma canons and they simply do not have the power.”

“No, but we could drop a shed load of Teutonic’s down on top of them. One pass by the Halo 7, for example, could release eighty missiles in one hit. That is pretty significant fire power!”

“Not sure how many would make it through their defenses. It is a good idea though, but we would need to protect the cruiser going in and coming out and we would only get two or maybe three runs before they reinforced the area. The question is who would you get to do it?”

“The Halo 7 of course.”

“It is kind of suicidal, or are you assuming that our good fortune will continue?”

“We are the fastest most powerful ship in this section of the fleet. Even if they do decide to target us, they will not make much impact in just one run.”

Hoskins could see Jacques was warming to the idea.

“We could follow up with two or three other ships. Before they know it, they could have two to three hundred missiles to deal with! Okay, it sounds like a plan and it will certainly reengage us in the battle.”

“Contact the skipper of the Bauhaus and Mercury 4. They can both dispense Teutonic’s quickly and have the speed and agility to get through it. I suggest we try two runs each, that way we can get close to your three hundred figure.”

“And after that?”

“The Kryl will be forced to adapt and target us, probably pulling a volume of ships away from the main fleet for the Sentinels to deal with us. I have spoken to the Sentinel Commander and he is awaiting our instructions. This has to work; we are running out of options.”

The Halo 7 would make the first run, quickly followed by the Bauhaus and the Mercury 4. Each would approach the Kryl fleet high, swoop down to within five hundred meters at speed to deliver their payload. The biggest risk to the Alpha cruisers would be immediately before and after the missiles were dispensed and their commanders were briefed to deliver and get out at maximum thrust. Like all battle plans, there were plenty of areas where it could go wrong, but finite planning was no longer practicable. They needed to act now.

“All Missiles tubed ready for deployment, Sir.”

“Helm, take us out to one hundred thousand meters and assume attack positioning.”

“Number One. Please ensure that the Bauhaus and the Mercury are ready to deliver as soon as we are clear.”

“In position now, Sir.”

“Commence attack.”

The Alpha Battle Cruiser gathered speed quickly as it commenced its bomb run. Hoskins held his breathe as the helm pilot adjusted the course and speed to bring the Halo 7 down toward the Kryl fleet. Timing was critical.”

“Shields to maximum. Standby!”

She came out of her downward turn just five hundred meters above the Kryl fleet with a mass of plasma cannons pummeling her shielding as she straightened and made ready. All eighty Teutonic missiles were delivered together from ten missile tubes aimed downward from either side of the Halo 7. The payload delivered, the helm pilot took the ship into a steeping upward curve at maximum thrust.

By the time, the missiles reached the first line of Kryl defense, over sixty were destroyed and Hoskins witnessed the last few absorbed in a cacophony of plasma fire. The Halo 7 was safe, but the attack failed miserably. Complete abject failure.

“Abort Bauhaus run, now!”

“It’s too late. She has committed and is releasing her payload.”

The two executive officers watched helplessly as each of the missiles disintegrated and the Bauhaus came under a barrage of fire from the defending Kryl Cruisers who surrounded her. She did not last long.

Admiral Shenke had witnessed Hoskins’ failed assault on the mother ship from his stateroom. Alpha was nearing defeat and it was time to make some difficult decisions. He summoned his Chief Advisor, Chris Willis to join him.

“Hi Chris, It’s decision time. Do we blow the whole thing to oblivion and knock out this galaxy into the next or do we sound the retreat?”

“I think you already know my opinion. The charge option could create a chain reaction, which may have major implications to our solar system. The fight may be over here, but SED and...”

“Enough. Rodriguez has
convinced me that I have to go down this route. We will start the retreat. Get coded messages to Rodriguez and Hoskins. The fleet will depart with dignity. We have fought well today.”

“Yes, we have and you will have another day, Sir.”

“Not me my friend. I still have a job to do here.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“This is my ship and my fleet and if necessary, I will be the last man standing.”

“But there is still so much that can be done. We have reduced the Kryl numbers to less than four thousand for God’s sake and we have a contingency fleet sitting out there waiting to be called.”

“A fleet which you are not supposed to know about.”

“That is hardly important right now. We need to retreat and regroup in the solar system and then join forces with SED. The battle may be lost but this is far from over and we need our best tactical man at the helm. That is you!”

Shenke said nothing, rubbing his chin, with his fingers. He needed a shave. How long had it been since he was last in his quarters?

“Okay, Chris. As always, your arguments are very persuasive. Are the ship to ship comms back up?”

“Yes, but intermittently.”

“Get me Rodriguez as soon as you can and Hoskins too. We need a holographic heart to heart.”

Three hours later, the retreat commenced.

Chapter Fifty-Eight
The Queen Expects

From her viewing window at the far end of her sanctuary, the Queen saw Alpha begin their retreat. She was joined by her Kronan who was in the process of updating his Queen.

“Now we will enter their system and take them out one by one. There will be no Alpha vessels left, by the time we reach Earth.”

“And how many of our ships will be lost in the meantime? You don’t hold much value to your fellow Kryl do you? We have lost six thousand ships since we arrived and still we have not defeated them. You seem quite pleased with yourself. I am surprised, especially since you appear to be mourning the loss of a family member.”

Morvalt looked quizzically at his Queen.

“Yes, Morvalt I know you were visiting your brother. Why would you want to visit a lower caste?”

“Because he is my brother. I cannot cut him off just because of my status. Anyway the need has gone now, his son is dead.”

“That is exactly what you should do. They are an inferior caste and are here to serve us. When you matured, you became a Kronan; you should have left your past behind you. We, the Kryl hierarchy are your family now.”

He was angry but he tried not to show it.

“They have the same blood line as me. I cannot and will not turn my back on them, especially during such a difficult time.”

“You will! Your priorities lie with me. You were pre-occupied with the lower caste and that is why we have taken so long to defeat the humans. Morvalt, do not defy me. I will know if you visit again and I will send you to the depths of hell.”

Morvalt was fearful, but defiant. She may be Queen, but he would not let go, so easily. Her powers were not that much greater than his.

The Queen smiled, revealing her graying teeth.

“Do not push me Morvalt. I can sense you are hiding something.”

“I can assure you my Queen, that all is as it should be. My priority is very clear and I am of course your servant and your chosen one.”

The Queen paused. Morvalt’s words were carefully selected. It was well known that he aspired greater power. Was he preparing to make his move?

“What progress has been made with Carter?”

“I have control of him but he has been detained by his commanders. He cannot leave the Halo 7 at present but we are monitoring and protecting his ship. I will take my cruiser to him once our invasion is underway. We will board and take him by force.”

“By now, they will be aware that you control him and that he knows where you are. Be wary, my Kronan. They will target your cruiser if they know you are aboard.”

“I relish the prospect my Queen. The humans have been formidable adversaries but we have proven our warrior qualities in defeating them each time. I will bring him to you alive and soon. Can I ask, once again, why you want me to bring him to you? It would be easy for me to enact our collective revenge.”

“No! You do not need to know why. Prepare the fleet for advancement to Earth and then bring Carter to me.”

“Yes, my Queen.”

There was hatred, briefly, as he departed. He would not allow the Queen to rule his life. He was a Kronan and the Queen’s chosen one. If she did not back down, then he would find a new Queen.

* * * *

Morvalt was now in his sanctuary. He had used his quiet time wisely and he felt less angry. The Queen had no divine right to take the throne. There were others of equal caste, who would be ready to ascend, but he was still her chosen one and he needed to remain patient.

A Kryl is born without caste. Their status within the colony defined by their blood parents. When the Kryl reaches maturity and young adulthood, their caste becomes clear, when their perceptive, cognitive and telekinetic abilities begin to flourish. The vast majority of the population remain as workers, with only a chosen few rising to other levels within the hive. There are two levels above the worker Kryl, but below the hierarchal Kryl’s. These Kryl usually fulfill the skilled functions of the hive. Above this level, there are the hierarchal Kryl, less than half a percent of the hive, of which there are six distinct levels. The highest level is the Queen, of which there can be only one, and therefore other females who attain this level of telekinetic power, are forbidden from using it and must lay in wait for the time of the old Queen’s passing. One female will ascend to the throne, having defeated all the others.

The highest male level is the Kronan where up to ten exist in a colony at a time. These are usually the leaders of the colony—the Queen’s Governors, Commanders and Advisors. Within the Kronan, as within all castes, there are variations in capability. One Kronan will usually rise to the top to become the Queen’s chosen one. When the Queen and the lead Kronan mate, the Kronan will then rank as the Queen’s equal, although her powers are always the strongest.

Morvalt had been the lead Kronan for a long time but he had not yet joined with his Queen. His time would come soon but he had to remain subservient until she was ready.

Alpha One
The Kronan
Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Nine
The Retreat

The logistical exercise of moving one hundred and fifty ships is difficult enough in peacetime, let alone in the midst of battle and with no rules governing how the enemy dealt with your maneuvers. In the absence of surrender, losses continued.

The remaining eighteen hundred Jump Ships had all returned to their births and the cruisers had regrouped in a V formation. The Viceroy and Illustrious were protected in the middle of the fleet and the Halo 7 was lodged towards the front.

* * * *

Admiral Shenke stood on the command bridge, with Commander Willis at his side.

“The Sentinels have departed, Sir. The Kryl do not appear to be following them.”

“That is because they have their sights primed firmly on us. As soon as we move, all hell is going to break loose.”

“Commander Hoskins on ship to ship, Sir.”

Shenke acknowledged. He waited for some time for transmission links to be available.

“Jonathan thanks for coming back to me. I want you to take the Halo 7 and head for home, at maximum velocity.”

“Not as part of the fleet. Can I ask why, Sir?”

Because, with Carter on board, you are potentially a liability to the fleet. I know you think the opposite, but if they want him to come to them, it is highly likely they will try to come to you. The Halo is fast, you should get home ahead of any pursuing vessels and then you are safe, at least for the time being. Koenig has other plans for you, so report to Alpha One.”

“I don’t feel very comfortable with this. We should be facing the Kryl just like everybody else.”

“As I said, Koenig has other ideas. This is not negotiable Jonathan. Get the hell out of here now.”

Shenke closed the link and starred into space before a sudden grasp of reality brought him back.

“Are we good to go?”

“Spasmodic firing to port and we are still being blasted on all sides by the Kryl fighters.”

“Looks like it’s as good as it is going to get. Take us out.”

* * * *

As Alpha’s fleet began its slow journey back to Earth, Morvalt waited patiently before responding. It was time to force their advantage, but he was still an honorable Kryl. His stature in the hierarchy called for a measured response at a time when the enemy was defeated rather than full out attack.

Two and a half thousand Kryl Cruisers began their chase three minutes after Alpha had commenced its retreat. They would catch them just as they entered their star system; their intention to stifle the life from every ship. The other fifteen hundred ships, including the Queen’s ship headed directly to Earth, where Morvalt would join them, when the fleet was destroyed. They would then join forces and commence the invasion.

This had been done before—several hundred times over the last millennia. They chose a suitable planet for its food source, invaded, fed until the supply was exhausted and then moved on. They became ruthless and exploitative, seeking out opportunities, and then taking them. They had grown, they became stronger, and yet more powerful still. That was before.

Now, things had changed. The Kryl were dying and the food sources became scarce. Not as a precursor to their dwindling numbers but as a catalyst, which simply moved to escalate the problem. Then the fissure was located, probed, and Navalion was sent to find a food source and prime the new galaxy for a Kryl invasion.

Navalion had done his job but paid the ultimate price and it was down to Morvalt to finish it. He could not save his people but he could provide relief and a delay to the onset of the advanced stages of the disease for the majority of his Kryl. All he had to do was to finish the job.

* * * *

Shenke watched as the Halo 7 detached from the fleet and swiftly accelerated to stellar speed. Less than a minute later, a solitary Kryl cruiser began its pursuit. Had Morvalt been on that ship? He did not have time to contemplate further. The Kryl commenced their assault on the fleeing Alpha fleet.

The already weakening shields of the Alpha Cruisers and frigates, forming the backbone of the fleet’s cohesion, were bombarded by a massive and sustained attack by the Kryl’s larger and venomous fighters. Their shields already weakened; they started to fall.

Shenke needed to keep his fleet together. They passed into the Kuiper Belt, affording some protection but the Kryl’s onslaught was relentless. Even now, there were two options: continue the retreat and risk the fleet breaking up before they reached the core planets or turn and face the enemy.

Shenke realized it was now or never. He needed to lead if they were going to stand any chance of getting through this and where better than the solar systems natural defense barrier. The Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud were composed of trillions of orbiting chunk of rock and ice, where radiation levels were at their highest and even the simplest electronic and biometric systems were sent into frenzy as they travelled through it. To slow down would only compound the problem and most peripheral systems would not cope.
Here we can defend ourselves
, he thought,
only plasma and laser cannon weapons would work and shields would be relatively ineffective. Here was the obvious place to make a final stand.

Morvalt’s cruiser was slowly catching the Halo 7, but the prospects of reaching her outright looked bleak. They had passed beyond the Kuiper Belt and were heading towards the core planetary rings of Earth’s solar system.
She was heading for Earth

“Give me more power. Divert all power from secondary systems and disable shields.”

The Kryl cruiser accelerated again, another burst of intense power forcing the multi-phasic star drive to work harder still. The Halo 7 would have to slow down at some stage, to commence her re-entry positioning for Earth.
He would come in fast and that would be his opportunity.

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