Already His (The Caversham Chronicles - Book Two) (11 page)

“Not if the man you choose is a bad gambler, or a man already mortgaged to his teeth to the cent-per-centers,” he hissed.

Finished with his vituperative warning, he lingered where he stood, so close to her his nearness caused her pulse to gallop unchecked. Elise trembled. In anger? Or excitement?

“Have you ever been kissed, Elise?” His voice sounded raspy as he whispered next to her ear.

She couldn’t trust herself to speak, afraid she might say something to break the moment’s magic. He had to know she’d never been so intimate with a man. Kissed? She’d long prayed for the day he gave her her first kiss.

“I thought not,” he said raggedly, lifting his gaze from her lips to meet hers. “I shouldn’t do this.” His lips were so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek. “But I can’t help myself.”

Michael’s lips grazed hers, lightly at first, then more firm. He slanted his mouth on hers, moving over her softness. One hand on either side of her head, effectively pinning her beneath him, he coaxed her with the gentle touch of his tongue, to open for him, and she did, not knowing the impact her sweet innocence had on him.

All at once, he wanted to both give and take. He wanted to plunder and conquer, while pleasuring and loving. He wanted to mark her as his, yet at the same time encourage her adventurous soul.

He lifted his mouth to take a steadying breath. Mistake. Reality slammed into him when she uttered one word.


He stared at her, with what he was sure must have been a look of complete and unequivocal amazement. Why was he doing this? Virginal misses fresh-to-market were to be avoided at all costs. And most especially
virginal miss! Good God, she was Ren’s sister. The termagant whose infatuation of him these many years had been the bane of his youth.

She must have mistaken his expression because she ducked under his arm and started to run. He caught her easily, turning her to face him, and for the first time since her father and stepmother died, he thought he saw a tear perched on the hellion’s lower lash, and he was the cause for it. He’d upset her when that was not his intent.

God help him, he didn’t even know what his intent was.

“I’m sorry for that,” she whispered, her eyes downcast. “I am trying to change. Every moment of every day I have to remind myself that I must behave like the lady everyone wants me to be rather than the person I am.”

“It’s I who must apologize. I knew better and yet I still kissed you.”

She lifted her head, and her eyes widened as realization dawned on her and she laughed heartily. Quickly catching herself before others began to stare at them, she dropped her voice. “By God, you’re right!” she whispered, “I’m
the one at fault. It is
who knew I was untried, and
kissed me anyway. That being the case, I must thank you for that first lesson. Now I shall have to practice my new skill often so as to become more proficient because you obviously found me lacking.” Slipping from his grasp, she strode into ball room just as the dance ended, looking to all who watched like a couple finishing a dance.

When they reached her group of friends, Michael leaned toward her and whispered for only her ears, “You were not... lacking, I promise.” He looked around to see if anyone paid them any attention, when he thought it clear, he whispered in her ear, “Practice with anyone but me, and I shall have to take you over my knee, little minx.” With that warning made clear to her, he quit the room and rejoined the men below. He suddenly felt like throwing some darts.

Michael didn’t understand what was happening between them, or why he’d done what he had. He only knew that kissing Elise felt right. And it scared the wits out of him.


er Grace would later impart to her husband in the privacy of their bedchamber, that his sister had a wonderful time dancing with many
. When he asked if she thought there might be anyone who met the criteria he set for a possible suitor to his sister, the duchess replied, her brown eyes dancing with merriment, “I believe so. Yes.”

Of course when asked who the man was, the duchess apologized to her husband, explaining she feared revealing his name might jinx a possible budding romance.





he next morning, Michael strode up the steps of Caversham House with renewed determination, especially since crossing paths with Sinclair on the footpath in front of the duke’s residence. Last evening he’d decided to use every resource at his disposal to prevent the likes of him ever winning Elise’s hand. Admittedly, he hadn’t known the man until two nights ago, though the name had sounded familiar. His initial feelings of unease grew into deep concern once he remembered where he’d heard of Sinclair.

Now, with the information he had, he was sure Ren would see the risk of allowing the degenerate anywhere near her.

Niles took his hat and cloak, Michael thanked him, then inquired, “Is His Grace in his office?” At the servant’s nod, he said, “I’ll see myself in.”

He found his friend seated behind his desk, chin resting on his twined fingers, contemplating some matter of grave import. If it was what Michael thought, he thanked the heavens he’d arrived when he did.

Ren’s gray-eyed gaze looked weary. “Did you see who just left?”

Lips tight, he gave his friend a curt nod. “May I ask what he wanted?”

“Permission to court my sister.”

He gave a sardonic little laugh before replying. “Then you might be interested in what I’ve learned about the man.”

“I know he’s in debt up to his ears and needs to wed an heiress. He confessed as much only a moment ago. But he’s smitten with her he says, and is under the impression that Elise is agreeable to his suit. Because I’ve told her I would consider a love match, provided it were with the right man, I feel obligated to find out what her feelings are regarding Sinclair.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That I would think on it. In the meantime, he plans to return later today to take her for a ride in the park.” Ren leaned back in his chair, throwing his booted feet onto the corner of his desk. “So, what did you learn?”

“After you hear what I’m about to tell you,” Michael began, “you’ll not allow Sinclair anywhere near her.” He brought a chair to the side of the desk and sat. “As you’ve said, he’s in debt to the usual tradesmen, has no land of his own, and has quite a few vowels with some pretty disreputable money-lenders. But that’s not the worst of it.”

His friend’s gray eyes turned cold, as he grew alert to another possible threat. “Go on.”

“Have you ever heard of
Dominatus Rex

The duke quirked a brow filled with serious concern. “No. What about it?”

“They’re a group of men, mostly younger sons, from some of the best families.” He shook his head in dismay, remembering how revolted he was when he’d first read the reports from the investigations of previous cases in which these men were involved. He knew Ren would want to keep his sister safe from them. Hell,
would do whatever was necessary to keep her safe from their kind.

Michael continued. “They are young men with all the benefits of a gentile upbringing. Yet they practice cruelty on young women to achieve sexual gratification. Their most obvious crime is rape, but they do not exclude torture. Their preferred victims are virgins, and it is not unusual that the girls are shared among the guests at weeks-long elaborate orgies held in the country. It is important to note that the girls they choose are never willing, to these degenerates it’s the fight that arouses them. So they seek strong-willed, independent-minded young women.”

Ren removed his feet from his desk and sat upright. “Is Sinclair affiliated with them in any way?”

“He’s a member. But I don’t consider that the worst part.”

His friend shot out of his chair. “Not the worst part!” Ren began to pace the room. “Tell me everything you know about him.”

“There was a case a couple of years ago—you may have been away at the time—where Sinclair was betrothed to the eldest daughter of a well-off merchant, the contracts were signed, the dowry had been settled on him, and it looked like the happy couple were about to wed. The date was set, they’d started reading the banns and such.” Michael rose and poured himself a cup of coffee as he watched his friend wear a path in the carpet. The attorney in him took over, speaking dispassionately of the facts, yet angered that nothing could be done to the guilty party.

“Here’s where the story gets strange. A colleague of mine was contacted by the father of the bride-to-be a week before the wedding. He wanted Sinclair investigated because his daughter started behaving oddly. Where initially the young lady had not feared Sinclair, and was a happy, blushing bride-to-be, she now deeply feared her betrothed. She begged her father not to be forced to marry Sinclair. Upon questioning the young lady, my colleague discovered Sinclair had violated the girl terribly. It seemed that after using her for his own pleasure, Sinclair had ordered the young lady to pleasure his friends as well, while he watched. He threatened to take the lady’s younger sister and use her in a similar fashion in order to gain the bride-to-be’s continued cooperation.

“When Sinclair got wind of the investigation, he arranged to have witnesses walk in on his bride-to-be and another man. He said the girl lied about his part in the tale she told. Sinclair then cried off the marriage and by law was allowed to keep the girl’s quite sizable dowry.”

“The bloody cur,” Ren swore.

“With men such as he, pleasure comes from the domination—taking away the independence and spirit of the woman. I’m sure that’s what attracted him to Elise in the first place. Lord knows she’s got both in abundance. His need for funds and her considerable dowry and inheritance make her an even more appealing target.”

While he sipped his coffee, Michael swore to himself that he would not allow Sinclair or any of his ilk near Elise, whether his own relationship with her went anywhere or not. She was special to him, even if only as Ren’s sister, though last night’s kiss had perhaps upset what was an amiable relationship with Elise in his mind. Now there were a myriad of confusing emotions running through his head regarding this little minx, but he couldn’t focus on any of them until the threat from Sinclair was resolved.

“He obviously went through those funds quick enough.” Ren paused at the window, staring onto the street. “He must need to refill his coffers. I’ll be damned if he’ll do so at my sister’s expense. I don’t want him near her, Michael, and shall tell him as much. If he so much as comes into the same room as she, he’ll find himself considering one-way passage to Australia.”

“I knew you’d feel the same as I do. Now we have to convince your sister that she’s not to encourage him in any way.”

“I hope Sinclair isn’t who Lia meant when she said Elise might have someone in mind already.”

Michael’s eyes grew wide. “She said that? Really?”

His friend nodded, causing an odd sinking sensation in Michael’s gut.

“If it is, and Elise knew we’d had him investigated, then warned him off her.... She’d be so vexed, it would set her mettle up and she’d probably go against my wishes just to be contrary,” Ren said. “No, this is best handled without her knowledge. I’ll take care of him when he returns this afternoon for his drive in the park with Elise.” His friend resumed his pacing. “I’ll need your help getting her out of the house so they don’t cross paths.”

Michael tried to think of an excuse to make her want to leave with him, since he didn’t think she would after having promised to ride with Sinclair.

Michael had an idea. There was a task he could use her help with—something no woman could resist. With that in mind, Michael said, “I’ll beg her assistance in selecting a gift for Mother’s birthday. It’s in ten days and I haven’t got a present for her yet. So I will take her shopping.”

“Once you have her out of the house,” Ren said, “make sure you don’t get back until well past the hour she agreed to meet Sinclair.”

Michael nodded. This was the opportunity he’d needed. Taking Elise shopping would give them time alone so he could apologize for his behavior the night before.


lise lifted the cashmere shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders before checking her appearance in the mirror. Tucking a short lock behind her ear, she left her room to see what Michael wanted. Part of her hoped he wouldn’t mention the kiss because she really didn’t want to be reminded that she was awkward and inexperienced. Of course, the bigger part of her wanted him to kiss her again and teach her everything she needed to know to please him.

She nodded to the footman as he opened the door to the drawing room. Michael stood by the window, staring out onto the street below. The olive nankeen breeches fit his powerful legs as though they’d been painted on him. His dark blue coat, which sported the black velvet armband, fit in much the same arousing fashion. She’d always thought him handsome, but he seemed even more so lately. His dark brown hair feathered back off his face, as though he’d just run his hands through it. He met her gaze and smiled.

“Good morning, my lord.” She tried to force herself not to smile, to no avail. She adored being near him. Smiles rose of their own accord. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

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