Always the Baker, Finally the Bride (29 page)

Read Always the Baker, Finally the Bride Online

Authors: Sandra D. Bricker

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

“Call your doctor, then I’ll tell you all about how she’s going to make your life much easier.”

Emma opened one eye, and Fee pasted a huge mock-smile on her face.


Reluctantly she picked up the phone and dialed.

“Stephanie? It’s Emma Travis. Is Dr. Mathis still around?”

“She’s with her last patient of the day, Emma. Is there something I can help you with?”

“I have an appointment with her tomorrow, so she may want to just wait until then. She put me on those blood pressure
pills when I saw her last, but my reading is . . .” Looking at the face of the cuff, she read, “164 over 99.”


“High, right?”

“Yes, that’s high. Let me talk to her, and I’ll call you back. Are you at home?”

“No. You can call my cell.”

“Okay. Give me half an hour.”

“Thanks, Steph.”

Emma hung up the phone and glared at Fee. “Happy?”


“Tell me about Sharona.”

“She’s top of her class at the institute, set to graduate in a couple of weeks. She excels in piping, fondant, and sculpting. Her sugar flowers are almost better than mine . . .”


“I said ‘almost.’ ”

“Right. I got that.”

“And we have a good working chemistry. I think the three of us could be a really good team, Emma.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to her. Will you set it up?”

“She’s in tomorrow morning to help with the tearoom menu. We’ve got a group of twenty coming in at two o’clock.”

“Did I know that?”


“Oh, good. Hey, while I’m thinking of it, Audrey has referred us to someone handling a big fashion deal in Atlanta in the fall.” Emma checked the notepad next to her phone. “Valerie Platt.”

“I’ll be on the lookout.”

“Speaking of which, did you know Audrey has a new assistant?”

“Billie. I had breakfast with her and Kat yesterday.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. She’s cool.”

“How do you have time to have breakfast with people? It took me two days to schedule an argument with Jackson.”

Fee cackled as she got up and headed for the door. “Last chance. Get you something to eat?”

“No. I’m fine.”

“Wait for that call back from your doctor.”

“Have you always been this much of a nag?”

“No. It’s something new I’m trying.”

“Well, I don’t like it.”

“Yes, you do. You just won’t realize it until it wears on you a little more.”

It looked to Emma like she might be the last to arrive at her own bridal shower, but her appointment with Dr. Mathis had taken far longer than she’d anticipated. They’d gone over the results of the labs, talked about adding a few supplements to her diet, and discussed possible nutritionists.

She pulled up in front of Andy and Sherilyn’s house, hugging the curb while trying not to drive too far into the grass. Several other cars already filled the driveway and lined the street beyond the mailbox. As she climbed out of her Mini Cooper and grabbed the knapsack and purse from the floor, she spotted Andy making his way across the lawn wearing a funny pink bulging sack strapped across his chest.

“Is that my little Isabel in there?” she called with a grin as they closed the gap between them.

“Either that, or I need to go on a diet,” he retorted, patting the sack where Isabel’s diapered fanny pressed against it.

“That’s a good look for you,” she said with a nod toward the duck-covered diaper bag hanging from his shoulder. “Can I take a peek at her? I’ll be quiet about it.”

“Of course. And no need to be quiet. This little one could sleep through a Def Leppard concert.”

“Tested that out, have you?”

Andy chuckled. “We’re still on Seger. Working our way up the decibels.”

Emma tickled Isabel’s cheek with one finger and cooed at the sleeping baby. “She’s beautiful, Andy.”

“She’s all Sherilyn.”

Her heart squeezed a little at the genuine love Andy had for her best friend, and she clicked her tongue and smiled. “Has the party started yet?” she asked, and she tossed her knapsack over one shoulder.

“Has it ever. Go on in.”

Emma adjusted the strap slipping from Andy’s shoulder. “Are you running away from home for the night?”

“Giving my mother a little face time with her granddaughter.”

“Send my best.”

“Will do. Have fun.”

Emma made her way to the front door and turned the knob. The moment it opened, Sherilyn stood there beaming at her.

“The bride is here,” she called out over her shoulder before moving in for an enthusiastic embrace. “Let the slumber-shower commence.”

“I love your husband,” Emma said as Sherilyn placed a gawdy plastic tiara made out of rhinestones and pink feathers on her head.

“And now I love Jackson again, too.”

Emma clucked at the joke. Jackson had returned to Sherilyn’s good graces with the about-face on the sale of The Tanglewood. He could rest easy now, and all was right with the world.

Greetings crashed into and over one another as Emma stepped out into the great room, where most of her favorite females had gathered in her honor. Her mother and Aunt Sophie; Jackson’s sisters Madeline, Georgiann, and Norma; Pearl and Fee; Audrey and Kat; and . . .


“Hey, Emma!”

“What in the world . . . ?”

“Fee asked me.”

“And your foster family was good with it?”


Fee shrugged casually. “I thought the kid could use a break from civilization.”

Sherilyn laughed as she chided, “Are you saying we’re uncivilized, Fee?”

“Yeah. A little.”

A line of women took turns hugging Emma as she moved inside, dropped her bags, and sat down on the sofa next to Hildie.

“How’s it going for you?” she asked, placing an arm around the girl’s shoulder.


“Do you like your new school?”

“It’s okay.”

“Made any new friends? And
do not
say they’re

Hildie giggled. “There’s this one kid who’s pretty cool. Her name is Bethany, and she’s pretty good at skateboarding.”

“Yes, and what about the family where you’re staying? Are they
, too?”

“They’re all right. I mean, they sort of have the family thing down already, so it’s like I’m trying to jam my squareness into their roundness, you know?”

“I think I do,” Emma replied, grinning at Fee over Hildie’s shoulder. “But give it some time. They’re going to fall in love with you eventually, just like we did.”

“Yeah, that’s what Fee said.”

“Dude,” Fee added, ruffling Hildie’s curly hair. “You’ve got lovable written all over you.”

“Yeah,” Hildie cracked. “I know.”

Sherilyn cranked up the stereo on her way toward Emma, shaking her hips as she lip-synched along with Bob Seger’s song, “Her Strut.”

“Really?” Emma said dryly as Sherilyn danced in front of her. “This is what’s ahead of me tonight?”

“We’ve already laid down the law,” Norma announced. “Some of us have brought alternative music for after the shower, when the wusses in the room leave us behind and the slumber portion commences.”

“My sister just called me a wuss,” Georgiann remarked, and Avery touched her hand.

“It’s all right. The non-wusses have to stay in sleeping bags while the wiser ones of us go home and sleep in our own beds.”

“What is a wuss, anyway?” Sophie asked, and Emma laughed.

“It’s a very, very wise person, Aunt Soph.”

“Anyway, we’ve got a wide variety of music,” Norma said. “From Brandon Heath . . .”

“I love Brandon Heath!” Kat exclaimed.

“. . . to Casting Crowns . . .”

“My contribution,” Pearl chimed in.

“. . . and I think Fee brought some classic oldies, right?”

Emma knew Fee’s musical tastes well. They’d spent many a late night in their kitchen, bopping around to the likes of the Kinks, the Temptations, and the Four Tops while finishing off a wedding cake or a selection of delectables for the tearoom.

“Excellent!” she said, and Emma jumped to her feet as she and Fee exchanged their traditional “secret handshake”: Tap-tap of their fists, then both palms upright . . . two slaps given . . . two more slaps returned . . . a couple of quick hip bumps . . . and “Hoo-yeah!” in unison.

“Hey!” Hildie piped up. “I want to learn that. Do it again!”

Sherilyn shook her head at them. “While these two initiate Hildie into their secret club, I’ll just tell you all about the food. There’s every snack known to mankind spread out on the table. There’s a giant lasagna in the oven whenever we’re ready, and some garlic knots and salad. And Fee has made a very appealing assortment of cupcakes that she has arranged into a cake.”

“You did?” Emma asked her. “When?”

“Let’s just say I am sleep deprived, so nobody keep me awake with snoring tonight . . .” And nearly the whole group joined Fee in the chorus. “. . . 

“What?” Norma cried. “I do
not snore

Pearl bent double with laughter, and Norma smacked her arm.

“So, let’s get some drinks and some snacks, and open some presents!” Sherilyn suggested. As they all moved into action, Sherilyn leaned close to Emma and softly told her, “I love this part.”

“The gifts? Yes, I know.”

“Grab a snack. I got you some of the crackers you like with those light cheese wedges.”

“Thanks. What are you having?”

“What do you think? There are chocolate chip cookies on that table.”

“Ah. Well, that answers that.”

“Emma, I think your purse is ringing,” Hildie announced before stuffing an entire cookie into her mouth.

Emma pulled her cell phone from the front pocket of her bag and opened it, grinning.

“Did you call to check on me?” she asked Jackson.

“I wanted to hit you before all of that estrogen left you crazy and curled up in a ball in the corner,” he teased. “Are you having a good time?”

“I got here late,” she whispered, turning away from the group. “But it would appear that they started without me.”

“I’m sure you’ll catch up any minute. How did your appointment go?”

“Good. I have the name of a nutritionist to work with. The labs were good, but my glucose is a mess. We’ve increased the blood pressure meds for just a few months, but she thinks I may live. At least through the wedding.”

“Good to know.”

“I was just headed to the snack table,” she said on a chuckle as Sherilyn tugged on her arm. “It looks as if the Falcons will be stopping by. There’s enough food to feed every one of them! What about you? What are you having for dinner?”

“Chinese. Sean’s coming over.”

“Oh, sure. Chinese? Talk about someone collapsing in a corner at the end of the night. Estrogen’s got nothing on Chinese takeout, Jackson.”

“Yeah. But in a good way,” Jackson retorted. Emma laughed, and Jackson softened as he said, “I love you.”

“I love you, too. I have to work tomorrow, but I’ll see you tomorrow night.”



“Relax tonight. Have a good time.”

“With my girls around me? Of course.”

Jackson chuckled. “G’night.”


What’s that?”

Emma looked up at Hildie, standing over her and staring down at the paper towel laid out on the tabletop.

“Oh. I was inspired.”

“To draw a cake?” Hildie asked her. “When there’s cupcakes and cookies all over the place?”

“Yeah. Crazy, right?”


“Well, I’ve been a little cake-challenged lately, and the wedding is almost here and I haven’t been able to settle on one design. I spoke to my fiancé earlier, and I was thinking how easy it is to be with him, and . . .” She quickly scribbled the words
Pure and Uncomplicated
underneath the paper towel drawing before finishing with “. . . he inspired this.”

“Looks weird.”

Emma looked up at her and raised one eyebrow. “What do you mean? It does?”

“Well, yeah. Is that a tree growing up the side?”

She took a second look at the cake and grimaced. “No,” she defended. “It’s a . . . branch. You know, like—” Cutting herself
off, she sighed and leaned back in the dining chair. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

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