Read American History Revised Online

Authors: Jr. Seymour Morris

American History Revised (86 page)

Dark Side of a Liberal President

Thomas F. Gosset,
, pp. 277–80; Larry Tye,
Rising from the Rails
, p. 76; Harold Evans,
The American Century
, p. 192.

A Gift to the Moon

Dan van der Vat,
The Grand Scuttle
, pp. 214–15; David Bodanis,
E = mc
, pp. 293–94;

Fierce Opposition to the ERA

Elyce J. Rotella, “The Equal Rights Amendment—Yes, But
in Donald N. McCloskey,
Second Thoughts
, pp. 72–75.

A Hidden Motive …

Winston Churchill from Maj. Gen. J. W. C. Fuller,
, vol. 3, p. 324; Cambridge, Massachusetts, ordinance from Richard J. Barnet,
The Rockets’ Red Glare
, p. 293; General Sherrill from Arthur D. Morse,
While Six Million Died
, p. 182; Lord Halifax from Helene Keyssar and Vladimir Pozner,
Remembering War
, p. 3.

Tougher Peace Terms …

Andrew Roberts,
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900
, pp. 380–81; Martin Lorenz-Meyer,
, pp. 89–92, 278; Gerhard L. Weinberg,
A World at Arms
, pp. 897, 899–900; Eisenhower and demilitarization from Edward N. Peterson,
The American Occupation of Germany
, pp. 138, 154; chemical weapons from Peter Elphick,
, p. 408; Japan from John Dower,
Embracing Defeat
, pp. 74–78, 82–84, 115–118, 525.

When the Depression Finally Ended

Country recovery statistics from Thomas Fleming,
The New Dealers’ War
, p. 63; David Brinkley,
Washington Goes to War
, p. 105; “Dr. Win the War” from Richard J. Barnet,
The Rockets’ Red Glare
, p. 219; 15 million jobs lost from John Lukacs,
Outgrowing Democracy
, p. 399; Samuelson and Curti from Robert Sobel,
The Great Boom
, pp. 28–31; Thomas J. DiLorenzo,
How Capitalism Saved America
, p. 184.

Probably America’s Most Successful War

Robert Leckie,
The Wars of America
, vol. 2, pp. 934–35.

The Thirty-Eight Witnesses Who Weren’t

Martin Gansberg, “37 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call,”
New York Times
, March 27, 1964; A. M. Rosenthal,
Thirty-Eight Witnesses
, McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 23–24, 44, 51–52; Joseph De May,
; Jim Rasenberger, “Kitty, 40 Years Later,”
New York Times
, Feb. 8, 2004; Matthew Engel, “The Error of His Wars,”
Financial Times
(London), May 19, 2007; Rachel Manning, Mark Levine, and Alan Collins, “The Kitty Genovese Murder and the Social Psychology of Helping: The Parable of the 38 Witnesses,”
American Psychologist
62, no. 4 (Sept. 2007): 555–62.

The Day Israel Attacked America

James Scott,
The Attack on the Liberty
, p. 163–67, 210–14, 221, 228–29, 253, 274–80;
; Moorer, Rusk, Helms, and Clifford quotes from
/; James Bamford,
Body of Secrets
, p. 202–204; Nicholas Kralev, “Israel Blamed for USS Liberty Attack,”
Washington Times
, Feb. 13, 2004; William F. Buckley from
National Review
, June 27, 1967; for the “deliberate attack” view, see James M. Ennes Jr. (one of the surviving sailors),
Assault on the Liberty;
for the “mistaken identity/tragic error” view, see A. Jay Cristol,
The Liberty Incident.

Irresponsible Investigation …

Ramsey report, Brent Staples, journalists, and David Belin from Mel Ayton,
The JFK Assassination
, pp. 57–58, 70, 106–107, 211, 238, 253, 256;
show and Steve Barber from Gerald Posner,
Case Closed
, pp. 239–42; “one minute to midnight” from Michael Holland, “The Docudrama That Is
; Ramsey Report (National Academy of Sciences) executive summary from
; Michael O’Dell study from
/; addition of “allegedly” on building plaque from Henry R. May,

Four Presidential Elections …

Nader from Jeff Greenfield,
“Oh Waiter! One Order of Crow!,”
p. 305; Jefferson from Bruce Ackerman and David Fontana, “How Jefferson Counted Himself In,”
The Atlantic Monthly
, March 2004, pp. 84–95; Van Rensselaer from Steve Tally,
Bland Ambition
, p. 56; Tilden from Dee Brown,
The Year of the Century: 1876
, pp. 288–336; see Lloyd Robinson,
The Stolen Election;
present-day electoral college calculations by the author.

: Lightning Strikes Twice: It Happened Again

Walter H. Bock, “A Powerful System for Using Historical Examples,”
book review of Richard E. Neustadt,
Thinking in Time: the Uses of History for Decision Makers;
Kissinger from Barbara Tuchman,
Practicing History
, pp. 104, 108; Alice Roosevelt Longworth’s voodoo doll from Kathleen Dalton,
Theodore Roosevelt
, p. 357; H. D. S. Greenway, “Heeding British Ghosts,”
International Herald Tribune
, June 7, 2006, p. 9; Fort Sumter and volunteers from Louis Menand,
The Metaphysical Club
, pp. 250, 31–32; Wilson from John Dos Passos,
Mr. Wilson’s War
, p. 114; Lincoln from Patrick J. Buchanan,
The Death of the West
, p. 175; “Forget the past” proverb
from John S. Friedman,
The Secret Histories
, p. 94; Sir John Templeton from
, Feb. 2, 2007, p. 19.

Forty Percent of the Nation’s Banks …

Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, “Martin Van Buren: The American Gladstone,” footnote 16,
; Milton Friedman,
A Program for Monetary Stability
, p. 10; Major L. Wilson,
The Presidency of Martin Van Buren
, pp. 44–46, 49, 133; see James C. Curtis,
The Fox at Bay
, pp. 64–103; real estate valuations from “Panic of 1837,” Wikipedia.

On to Baghdad!

Howard W. Simpson,
Invisible Armies
, pp. 195–97.

A Prima Donna General

Harold Holzer,
Dear Mr. Lincoln
, p. 44; Taft from Harold Evans,
The American Century
, p. 114.

Raising Taxes …

Lewis H. Kimmel,
Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy, 1789–1958
, p. 17.

Jinxed Building

Charles Lachman,
The Last Lincolns
, pp. 288–89.

Worse than Katrina

Erik Larsen,
Isaac’s Storm
, pp. 13, 67, 195; “Hurricane that Wrecked Galveston Was Deadliest in U.S. History,” CNN, Sept. 8, 2000.

Dumping Foreign-Made Cars …

James J. Flink,
The Automobile Age
, p. 19.

The Automobile …

1911 car picture from Ford Motor Company ad in the
New York Times
, March 1, 1993; mpg statistics from Clyde Prestowitz,
Rogue Nation
, p. 34.

Reappearance of the Laffer Curve

Charles Adams,
For Good and Evil
, pp. 380–81, 431.

Defying World Opinion

Henri Keyzer Andre (with Hy Steirman),
Age of Heroes
, pp. 120–21.

Not Vietnam

War in Siberia from Benjamin D. Rhodes,
The Anglo-American Winter War in Siberia
, p. 124; Wilson’s “irony of fate” from Gary A. Donaldson,
America at War Since 1945
, pp. 96–97; Wilson’s “sweep back a great sea” from Carol Wilcox Melton,
Between War and Peace
, p. 134; Wilson’s “harder to get out than it was to get in” from Rhodes,
The Anglo-American Winter War
, p. 99; unpopular War of 1812 from T. Harry Williams,
The History of American Wars
, p. 93, 103, 105; Civil War drug abuse and Philippines from Richard Severo and Lewis Milford,
The Wages of War
, pp. 137–38 and 213, 215, 218, 227; Mark Twain, “To the Person Sitting in Darkness,”
North American Review
, Feb. 1901; FDR from David Fromkin,
In the Time of the Americans
, pp. 345–47; British and the American Revolution from Barbara W. Tuchman,
The First Salute
, pp. 196–97, 232–34. King George III, William Pitt, and Charles Fox from Charles Mills Gayley,
Shakespeare and the Founders of Liberty in America
, pp. 198–200.

; see Daniel Yergin,
The Prize
, and William R. Childs,
The Texas Railroad Commission.

The First Japanese Attack …

“Blues ‘Seize’ Hilo in Games at Hawaii,”
New York Times
, Feb. 8, 1932, p. 3; “45 Planes Down in Hawaii Battle,”
New York Times
, Feb. 9, 1932, p. 3; Thomas Fleming,
The New Dealers’ War
, pp. 43–44, and “February 7, 1932—A Date That Would Live in Amnesia,”
American Heritage
, July/August 2001; Knox from Bruce Catton,
The War Lords of Washington
, p. 9.

Precursor to Global Warming, Man-made

Timothy Egan,
The Worst Hard Time
, pp. 8, 47, 150–53, 188, 220–21, 256; Donald Worster,
Dust Bowl
, pp. 5, 29; Georg Bergstrom,
World Food Resources
, pp. 203, 207.

The First Terrorist Attack …

Joseph E. Persico,
Roosevelt’s Secret War
, pp. 200–5; Michael Dobbs,
, pp. 146, 196, 200, 204.

Kangaroo Court of Justice

Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin,
American Prometheus
, pp. 334–37, 349, 429, 483, 487, 496, 501, 514; Priscilla J. McMillan,
The Ruin of Robert J. Oppenheimer
, pp. 10, 187, 193, 196–99, 208.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Fred Kaplan, “Was Bush Lying about WMD?”
, June 27, 2003; Fred Kaplan,
The Wizards of Armageddon
, pp. 255, 289; McNamara from
; see Christopher A. Preble,
John F. Kennedy and the Missile Gap.

Potential Impeachment …

James Bamford,
Body of Secrets
, pp. 51–60.

Beware of Ice …

submarine from Ace Collins,
Tragedies of American History
, p. 206;
spacecraft from Christopher Burns,
Deadly Decisions
, pp. 44, 47, 55.

Poor Planning …

Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn,
102 Minutes
, pp. 40, 51, 54, 110, 223; Ludovico De Luigi,
Viaggiatore dell’Arte
, pp. 26–27.


Pattern recognition from Charles Murray,
Real Education
, p. 119; “I propose a simple curriculum” from Peter Peterson,
Running on Empty
, p. 223; Reagan from Patrick J. Buchanan,
The Death of the West
, p. 147.


uthor’s note: For those of you who may be interested in reading further, let me share with you my favorites. In boldface, I have identified some thirty books that I found particularly stimulating and provocative.

Abulafia, David.
The Discovery of Mankind: Atlantic Encounters in the Age of Columbus.
Yale University Press, 2008.

Ackerman, Carl W.
George Eastman.
Houghton Mifflin, 1930.

Ackerman, Kenneth J.
Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield.
Carroll & Graf, 2003.

Adams, Charles.
For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization.
Madison, 1993.

Adams, Samuel B.
Mr. Kaiser Goes to Washington.
University of North Carolina Press, 1997.

Adams, William Howard.
Jefferson’s Monticello.
Cross River Press, 1983.

Adler, Bill.
500 Great Facts About America.
Avon Books, 1992.

Agawa, Hiroyuki.
The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy.
Tokyo: Kodansha, 1980.

Alden, John R.
George Washington.
Louisiana State University Press, 1996.

Alexander, Bevin.
How America Got It Right.
Crown, 2005.

How the South Could Have Won the Civil War: The Fatal Errors That Led to Confederate Defeat.
Crown, 2007.

Allison, Robert J.
The Boston Tea Party.
Commonwealth Editions, 2007.

Alperovitz, Gar.
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb.
HarperCollins, 1995.

Ambrose, Stephen E.
Personal Reflections of an Historian.
Simon & Schuster, 2002.

Anderson, Fred, and Andrew Cayton.
The Dominion of War.
Viking, 2004.

Anderson, Jervis.
A. Philip Randolph: A Biographical Portrait.
University of California Press, 1972.

Andrews, Wayne.
The Vanderbilt Legend: The Story of the Vanderbilt Family.
Harcourt Brace, 1941.

Anthony, Carl S.
Nellie Taft: The Unconventional First Lady of the Ragtime Era.
William Morrow, 2005.

Armbruster, Maxim E.
The Presidents of the United States.
6th edition. Horizon Press, 1975.

Ashby, LeRoy.
With Amusement for All: A History of American Popular Culture Since 1830.
University Press of Kentucky, 2006.

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