Amy Valenti - Not Your Damn Submissive (Denial #1) (20 page)

“No bitching, little miss. I’m switching floggers.”

Another flogger? What was wrong wit
h that one?

I found out pretty quickly. This one was made of heavier, colder material and the
falls landed with more impact, taking the pain to a whole different place. Not more intense, exactly, but different. I gave a tiny sigh of pleasure and let Callum do his thing, drifting slightly, losing track of how long he’d been doing this, how long the clamps had been on, how long I’d been waiting for fulfilment.

This time when he stopped, I stayed quiet, hoping for another flogger change. Instead, he came up be
hind me and massaged my ass with both hands, both provoking and soothing the pain at once.

I wish you could see how beautifully red your ass is, little miss. It’s very, very tempting to just stop here and fuck you.”

I’d be okay with that, Sir.”

Really?” He was amused. “And is that because it hurts too much, or just because you want my cock?”

The cheeks on my face heated, though not enough to rival the heat in my ass cheeks.
“Because I want you, Sir.”

Well, let’s see how you react to this first.”

The mat
tress dipped to one side of me and I sensed him leaning close. “This is going to hurt. Are you ready?”

Was this a good thing or a bad thing?
“I think so, Sir.”

He encouraged me to sit back on my heels, which agitated my sore ass a little but didn
’t feel too bad. But it was when he cupped my breast in his hand and the clamp shifted that I understood.

Remember to breathe,” he said, and took off the clamp.

The pain was sudden and intense, sweeping through my nipple, concentrating there so that I winced and c
lutched at my breast instinctively. “Fuck! Did you rip it off, Sir?” Even through my discomfort, my pussy tightened with need.

Just one more,” he said, and took off the other one.

The pain in the first
immediately became a pale facsimile of the agony ripping through the second, and I cupped both breasts protectively, gasping and wriggling for stimulation against my clit. “God, that hurts.”

But you like it.” The certainty in his voice was totally hot. Was I that obvious?

I do, Sir,” I admitted in a whisper.

He tugged off my blindfold,
leaving my hair full of static and my eyes screwing up against the light. My vision came back into focus just as Callum palmed my soaking pussy and squeezed lightly.

If you continue to be a good girl for me, I might consider letting you come.” His face, as he leaned in close, was stubbled, rugged and just too sexy for me to process. His kiss was hot and hard, a sure sign that he was almost at the point where he couldn’t keep teasing me for much longer.

I wanted to wrap my ar
ms around his neck, but when the pain in my nipples subsided enough for me to release my breasts, I linked my fingers behind my back instead. He hadn’t told me I could touch him.

Callum stood up again.
“Seeing your cunt peeking out at me from between your legs made me want to fuck you from behind. Any problem with that, little miss?”

I immediately
got into the required position rather than wasting time answering. The idea of him taking me from behind was almost too hot to bear.

gave an approving growl and pressed up against my slit. Was there anything better than that pulse-pounding moment when you knew you were about to be penetrated, but not exactly when? Quivering with the suspense of it, I leaned back a little, rubbing my pussy lips over his hard shaft.

Three hard spanks on each cheek had me gasping, startled, warm pain
radiating out from the skin…and oh, God, with the plug already stretching my ass, there was no room for him as well, but he was pushing in anyway. Being filled in both holes was a totally new and almost overwhelming experience, my body stretched tight around the plug and Callum’s rigid, pulsing cock.

Oh, I can’t… I can’t…” The words were out before I could censor myself.

You know your safewords, little miss. Use them, or take it.”

His commanding tone made my pussy try to squeeze around him, but I was too full to manage and instead, a ripple of pleasure caught me off guard.
“Mmmm… Sorry, Sir. I’ll take it.”

He withdrew almost all the way, then pushed back in st
eadily, loosening up my muscles further, making it easier to accommodate him. “You’re doing well, little miss. Just breathe.”

I pushed my ass back against him, taking him all the way inside me, focusing on the
desire bubbling up within. “Sir, please. It’s been hours since you shoved that vibrator between my legs, it must have been—”

Callum increased the pace of his thrusts even as he slapped the side of my thigh in reprimand.
“And it might be hours more before I let you get off if you don’t watch your step…”

I shut my mouth quickly.

He was big, but my body was getting more accustomed to him by the second and I rocked back against him every time he thrust, grabbing hold of the bedcovers when my pussy clenched again. The smooth slide of his cock in and out of me built my pleasure a little more each time, until I was half-sobbing with need at the pounding rhythm and the ache within me.

Ask nicely, little miss.” Callum’s voice was strained, as though he was holding on by a thread.

Please let me come, Sir, please…” I wasn’t sure what I said after that. I don’t even know if I managed to form actual words, but the sentiment got through and Callum gave a low chuckle.

Go on, little miss. Show me how it’s done.”

’d thought I’d known what my orgasm would feel like, but Callum pulled the plug from my ass just as the spasms of my inner muscles began. I cried out in surprise as he pulled all the way out of my pussy and sank deep into my ass within the space of a second, setting off a whole new chain of orgasmic contractions as he pounded into me hard and fast.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…

I barely even knew where I was when the waves of pleasure faded enough that I could think. I was exhausted but sated, hot and thirs
ty but completely fulfilled. As Callum pushed hard against me and cursed, his fingers digging into my hips as he found his release, I lay there dreamily, savouring the soreness of my breasts and buttocks and the satisfied glow in my pussy and ass.

Callum pulled out of me slowly, making
me whimper at the loss of his cock, and collapsed on the bed beside me as I curled up to enjoy the afterglow.

You did so well, little miss.” He brushed a kiss over my forehead. “Give me a second and I’ll get us some water, okay?”

I wound m
y arms around him. “No… Stay here, Sir.”

He held me against him, stroking my back in a slow, rhythmic up-and-down sweep. Now that the adrenaline was fading, I was starting to feel shaky and even
slightly freaked out. “I don’t know why I feel so unstable.”

Callum nuzzled
my hair. “Subdrop. Remember?”

Now that he
’d said the word, I did remember reading about it, and things that could be done to combat it. Hugs, blankets, chocolate. All things I loved—but I didn’t want a blanket over me when I was still so overheated, and to get chocolate I’d have to stop hugging Callum, so that was out of the question. I swallowed an inexplicable lump in my throat and burrowed as close to him as I could. “Subdrop sucks.”

It’ll be over soon.” He kept stroking my back, soothing me, and after a couple of minutes he reached for a blanket. “Sit up, little miss.”

Obediently, I struggled upright, his sure touch guiding me. The fuzzy fabric settled around my shoulders and I smiled through the urge to cry, tucking it around me.
“Thanks, Sir.”

He cupp
ed my face in his hands and kissed me. “Let me get you some water and something to eat.”

I thought I could just about take him leaving my side if I had the blanket to keep me warm and enclosed.
“Chocolate’s in the cupboard over the toaster,” I said hopefully.

Callum stood up, unashamed of his nakedness.
“Be right back.”

He was a sight to behold as he walked away from the bed, his tight ass muscles flexing with each step. If I hadn
’t just been flogged and spanked and clamped and fucked senseless, I might have been ready to jump him all over again.

When he came back, the sight that greeted me was even more divine. To my knowledge, he
’d never done a nude scene, so at least the whole world had never seen how delicious he looked in all his full-frontal glory.

He cast an amused glance at me as he handed me a glass of water and put one on the nightstand for himself.
“You can’t possibly be ready to go again. What are you thinking about?”

I gulped down half the glass o
f water before replying. “Have you ever done any nude scenes, Sir?”

He grinned.
“Not as yet. Why, would you want me to?”

I opened the chocolate bar he
’d handed me and took a bite of sweet, melty, chocolaty goodness. “No. I want the sight of you naked all to myself.”

Callum wiped away a drop of water that had dripped from the glass onto my breast.
“Ditto, little miss. Unless we visit a club someday, though something tells me you won’t be ready for that for a while.”

Thinking of a roomful of naked submissives
tied and teased and flogged and fucked, I frowned. “I don’t know. Maybe I could do it…”

And if someone gets out a ball gag?” he asked quietly, taking my empty glass from me.

Oh…” He had a point. I hadn’t even considered that. “Won’t you miss it, Sir? Going to clubs?”

Callum motioned for me to eat some more chocolate.
“Maybe occasionally. But I’ve been there, done that. There’s nothing going on there that I need while I have you, and anyway, it’s probably best I stay away from that sort of place now that I’m doing this movie. The paparazzi would have a field day.”

I winced.
“No kidding.”

Callum took my empty chocolate wrapper from me as I munched on the last mouthful, already feeling more human. Pain, ple
asure and chocolate—I could live with subdrop to have more of those three things in my life.

I snuggled against him once he got settled against the pillows.
“So did it happen the way you thought?”

The scene, or the audition?”


shrugged. “I was pretty sure I knew what I was doing for the audition. It was kind of nerve-wracking, with the stakes so high, but it went off like any other audition would.”

I envied his confidence. He must be used to the process by now, but in his place I would have frozen up, been terrified.

“As for the scene…” He tilted back my head and kissed me, then smiled down into my face. “It was nerve-racking too, in its own way, but I made it through and I think my little miss did as well.”

I wriggled around so I could look at him properly.
“You were nervous? But you’ve been doing this for years!”

Not with you.” He looked serious. “And I’ve screwed up enough with you already. I wanted to make sure I didn’t do anything to scare you.”

I thought Doms were supposed to be super-confident all the time,” I teased.

That’s another form of acting.” He shrugged. “Sometimes, we’re just as out of our depth as the subs are. But that’s a trade secret. If you tell any other subs, I’ll have to punish you.”

Watching him thoughtfully, I rested my chin on my kn
ees, hugging them to my chest. “You didn’t screw up with me. I was screwed up to begin with, Sir.”

Yeah, but giving you the full-on Dom routine didn’t help at all.” He ran a hand through his already mussed hair. “I’m just lucky I didn’t give you any panic attacks at work.”

I shook my head. He really didn
’t seem to realise how safe I felt with him, even at the times when he was pushing me past what I thought I could take. “You’re more than I could have hoped for, Sir.”


* * * *


We dozed for a while after that. I must have been pretty deeply asleep at one point, because when I woke up Callum was sliding back into bed beside me and there were two mugs of coffee on the nightstand.

So are you gonna stay in New York, or move to Hollywood with me?” Callum’s voice was casual, but he was watching me carefully. This really mattered to him.

’d thought about it while he was away. “If I can find a good job in LA, I’ll move. But not before. I don’t want to be your kept woman, Sir.”

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