Amy Valenti - Not Your Damn Submissive (Denial #1) (4 page)

This wasn
’t the local scene, though, and she wasn’t bratting out for attention. I’d seen genuine unease in her eyes this morning, on the living room set. If not for the lust and curiosity she’d failed to hide, I would have kept my distance from her. But although she’d been wary, she was a born submissive and she obviously yearned to yield to a Dom on some level. I wanted to be that Dom with an almost gut-wrenching intensity.

I reached my trailer before my hard-on becam
e noticeable and shut myself gratefully into the private space. My first instinct was to take my cock in hand and give myself some relief, but I resisted. It might be hoping for too much, too soon, but I wanted to give Kat the opportunity to serve my needs before I sated them myself.


* * * *




Caroline found me hiding out where I usually worked. “Hey, girl! Callum Connors wants you in his trailer. He looked kind of pissed off that he couldn’t find you.”

I groaned.

She chewed her gum and regarded me quizzically.
“Half the world would be thrilled to be his assistant. Is it true he personally requested you? Why would he do that if you’re on Cynthia’s team?”

I don’t know,” I said shortly, and got up from my stool.

She didn
’t take the hint that I didn’t want to talk. “Well, if you don’t like being his assistant, put in a good word for me, okay? I’d love to assist him in any way he likes, if you know what I mean…”

If I
’d thought there was any way Callum would let it happen, I’d have jumped on the idea. As things stood, I wasn’t optimistic. “I’ll head over there now. Thanks, Caroline.”

Leaving her behind, I practically stomped out to where the cast had their trailers, hoping I wasn
’t going to be sent out to get lunch for him and Jacie to eat between the sheets.
Why would he request you as an assistant if he planned to fuck Jacie?
my logical mind reasoned with the rest of me.

Maybe it had been a whim he
’d regretted later, when things with Jacie had gotten steamy. Maybe I was about to be dismissed. But somehow I didn’t think so—he’d struck me as the type who had a reason for everything he did, and who didn’t make decisions lightly.

Yeah, because you know him so well.

Each trailer had a name on the door, and I passed Jacie Smith’s and Paul King’s before coming to a stop outside the one with ‘Callum Connors’ emblazoned on it. Butterflies careened through my stomach, and I took a deep breath, reminding myself of my earlier resolve to treat him in a purely professional manner, the way any decent assistant would treat their boss.

Then I knocked.

“That better be you, Kat.” His voice held a steely note.

It is,” I called back.

Get in here and shut the door behind you.”

Wincing at his harsh order, I did as he
’d said, not taking my eyes from floor level. Once the door was shut, I turned around. “I’m sorry I didn’t stick around for the rest of the morning—”

At least you realise you’ve done something wrong,” he interrupted, not allowing me to get around to an excuse. “Sit down.”

Confused by the way he
’d cut me off, I looked up for the first time since I’d entered the trailer.

That was a mistake.

His shirt was still partially unbuttoned from the scene he’d just filmed, and the effect was breathtaking. No—coupled with his deep blue eyes fixed on me, the effect was damn near orgasmic. I concentrated on the floor again in a hurry.
Just don’t look at him and you’ll be fine.


As if his speaking my name was some kind of pre-programmed trigger ingrained into my psyche, I raised my ey
es to his again.

Sit down.” Was it just me, or did he seem amused? I’d disobeyed his instruction to stay nearby; shouldn’t he be mad at me?

A glint of disapproval crept into his eyes. I dropped into the seat he
’d pointed to immediately, as though my body cared what he thought of me more than I did.

Good. Now, we have some time to kill. I’m not filming again until Jacie’s available, and from what Darren said, that’ll be after three. I want to get to know you a little better in the meantime.”

Anger spiked through me at the casual way he was monopolising my time.
“If you don’t need me until three, Mr. Connors, I’d like to be on my way. I had my own plans for lunch and I’ll have to spend enough time around you over the next couple of weeks as it is.”

Little Miss Badass is back, I see.” He sat opposite me, his knees almost touching mine—the trailer wasn’t tiny, but it was fairly narrow in places. “Wanna tell me what’s on your mind?”

If I say it bluntly enough, will you please fire me and let me get back to my vacation?” The words were out of my mouth before I realised I wanted to say them.

I know you’re not happy about the way I arranged this without consulting you.”

Because if you’d consulted me, I would have said no.” Vaguely aware that I was doing the exact opposite of what I’d decided before coming in here, I let my annoyance show. “And you knew that. So you went to Darren instead of respecting my wishes.”

That all depends on the wishes you’re talking about. I saw some pretty damn explicit wishes written all over your face earlier today, and those are the ones I chose to respect.” His voice was low and measured, a direct contrast to my anger.

Why me?” I asked, despairing of being able to get through to him. “Why can’t you go respect
wishes? Unless you’re blind, you saw exactly what she wants from you while you were filming earlier. And I saw you giving her the exact same looks back.”

That’s called acting. You may have heard I do it for a living.” Far from losing his cool, he seemed to be enjoying himself. “I don’t have to want someone to act as though I do.”

It stung to have him admit that outright.
“Then why act that way with me? Were you just rehearsing your tall, dark and dominant routine? Or do you just hit on every woman you’re alone with for more than five seconds?” I got up to leave, my emotions spinning.

He sighed, as though he
’d known this would be a conversation we’d have to have. “With you, it’s no act. When you saw me interacting with Jacie, you saw me pretending she was you.”

So badly, I wanted to believe him, but
… “I can’t trust you.”

If I didn
’t get out of here I was either going to slap him or kneel at his feet, and both extremes seemed equally tantalising. I took a step toward the door.

Don’t you dare walk away from me, Kat.”

I couldn
’t see his face—he was behind me—but the sheer command in his tone sent goosebumps rippling over my skin and brought me up short. I wanted to get away from him, but I wanted to obey him even more.

You might want to let me go, or I’m going to say and do a lot of stuff I’ll regret.” Like sleeping with him.
No! Like kneeing him in the balls.
If it came down to it, I would.

Yeah, right
, my inner critic snarked.
As if you’d dare!

I didn’t stop you. You stopped yourself. You could have walked straight out of here, but you didn’t. Why?”

I spun and found him standing closer than I
’d expected. Taking a step back, I folded my arms across my chest. “Let me guess. You’re such an awesome Dom that you can make any woman stop in her tracks just because you want her to.”

Despite the heavy sarcasm in my voice, he read the truth behind the words.
“Not any woman. Just you.”

I rolled my eyes.
“Okay then, if you have such magical Dom powers, then why am I standing here arguing with your arrogant ass instead of taking my pants off?”

Callum raised an eyebrow.
“You want me to prove my dominance to you? Is that it?” He crossed the distance between us, his expression growing dark with predatory lust. “You want me to put you over my knee and spank your ass? Because that’s what I’ve been dying to do since you sassed me this morning, Little Miss Badass.”

A shiver ran down my spine. Hi
s husky voice was irresistible and his proximity made it hard to think. In the back of my mind, a seed of panic tried to sprout, but Callum’s eyes held me spellbound, somehow keeping me from freaking out.

I’m not hearing no,” he said, as though giving me a last chance to stop him.

Instead of a frantic denial, I found myself provoking him.
“You wouldn’t dare.”

Why the heck was I challenging him? My eyes widened and fear began to bloom, but then he pinned me back against the wall, kissing me heatedly as he unb
uttoned my jeans and yanked down the zipper. Before I could react—push him away, kiss him back, anything—he grabbed me by the hair, painfully dragging me across the trailer to the seating area. Within an instant, I was face down over his lap, my palms flat on the floor, supporting myself so that my head didn’t hit the carpet.

And my jeans and panties were around my ankles.

Disoriented and breathless, I struggled, and he trapped my legs in between his knees, holding me in place with deceptive strength. “Am I starting to convince you?” he asked, his voice steady. He obviously hadn’t even broken a sweat.

I don’t… I can’t…” Even as I whispered the words, my body betrayed me, heat surging into my pussy. Frantically, I reached for memories of ten years ago to reawaken my fear, but they were hazy and indistinct compared to the present moment: his steady breaths and my shaky ones, the warmth of his body, the solidness of his cock against the side of my hip…

Fuck you!” I cried, renewing my attempts to get free, but God, it was so liberating to have the decision out of my hands. To know that no matter how much I fought him, he was the one in control. The truth made tears spring to my eyes—I needed this. I couldn’t bear the thought of him just letting me get up and walk away. If I had to make the decision myself, I wouldn’t be able to allow myself this freedom to just…want.

Callum slapped his hand down on my ass, shocking the fight out of me. It only stung mildly, just a token spank to get my
attention, but it made me freeze mid-struggle. Another spank followed it, on the opposite ass cheek, harder.

I grabbed his ankle with one hand and braced myself against the floor with the other, readying myself.

The next few spanks were delivered quickly and efficiently, each sending tingles of pain radiating out from the point of impact, each just a little more intense than the last. I gasped through the sensation, my pussy clenching every time he slapped his hand down. It didn’t feel like punishment. He wasn’t hurting me more than I could take, wasn’t trying to make me scream and beg for him to stop. He was strong enough to make me pass out from the pain if that had been what he wanted, but this was just measured, rhythmic…sexy.

’d lost count of how many times he’d hit me—ten, twelve, twenty?—when Callum slipped his hand between my legs, a low growl of appreciation coming from him as he found my pussy hot and slippery with my juices. A breathless sob left me at his confident caress, the pleasure his touch stirred up too much to bear. If I let him continue to do this, I’d come all over his fingers.

Remind me why that
’s a bad thing?

Every time his fingers brushed my clit, I arched against him, seeking more friction. I could smell my own arousal and from the
way his hard-on dug into my thigh, so could he.

Oh, you love this, don’t you?”

Yes. But it
’s wrong. I shouldn’t like it. I don’t.

My body betrayed me as he slid a finger inside my pussy. Moaning, I tilted my hips back to give him better access, making hi
m chuckle.

You don’t deserve to get off yet. You’ve said a lot of things you need to apologise for before that happens.”

It was as though he
’d hit the unmute button on my personal remote control. Seething at his nerve, I protested, “I don’t need to apologise to you!”

withdrew his finger, but immediately pushed it back in with a second. I arched and panted, desperate for him to finger-fuck me, but instead, he kept that hand still and squeezed my warm, slightly sore ass cheeks with the other.

e spanked me again, my body’s involuntary jolt pushing his fingers deeper inside me.

So far, you’ve insulted my lifestyle, called me an asshole, called me arrogant…and out-and-out lied to me about how much you want me. Do I need to continue?” The spanks rained down steadily, his voice holding a disapproval that made my eyes well up with tears again.

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