An Indecent Awakening (18 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

“And my ass?” Stacy whispered urgently, suddenly taking it all more seriously than maybe it should have been taken, but unable to stop herself. She glanced quickly from Ben to Derek and back.

Ben’s brow creased lightly. “Do you mean, does Derek have to text me for permission if he wants to fuck your ass?”

Stacy nodded. “I mean, it’s kind of hot, isn’t it?”

Derek nodded. “Oh, yes. But, you know, maybe it would be hot if I told you that I was going to fuck you up your backside even though I
text Ben for permission, too.”

“Oh,” Stacy said, a little breathless all of a sudden. “Oh.” She tried to keep the smile off her face for a few moments, wanting to play innocent Amy whose bottom had just been appropriated by a man who told her in no uncertain terms that he had exclusive—though occasionally transferable—rights to her anus.

She looked up at Derek, then at Ben, and then at Derek again. The smile broke out. “Maybe?” she whispered.

Then she thought of what she had written in the little diary.


Mrs. Jerue makes Amy eat her pussy, which is very hairy, unlike Amy’s own smooth little pussy. At the same time, Mr. Weathers, Amy’s basketball coach, comes into Amy’s room, and lubes her anus up. Amy knows that her guardian must have told Mr. Weathers to do that. She’s never had her bottom fucked before, and she’s very scared, but Mr. Weathers doesn’t care; he just puts his cock in and uses her tight little anus to make himself feel good.

Two by two, all the men and women come into Amy’s little room and fuck her just as they please. Three of the women put on strap-on dildos, and make Amy suck the dildos before they fuck her with them, just like a man would. That makes Amy feel very ashamed, but she has to let them, because her guardian said so.

Then they carry Amy out into the living room, and they put her on the couch with her pretty red-haired French teacher Miss Martin, who’s not much older than Amy and whose pussy is nice and smooth just like Amy’s, next to her. The men and the women with the strap-ons fuck Amy and Miss Martin side by side. They tell Amy and Miss Martin that they have to kiss each other while they’re getting fucked, so they do, even though neither of them has ever kissed a girl before.

Afterwards, Amy’s guardian asks Amy if she had a good time.


“Yes,” Stacy told Derek. “Oh, yes.”



The End

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