Angel Blackwood (20 page)

Read Angel Blackwood Online

Authors: Sophie Summers

Tags: #witch and werewolf, #werewolf and human, #werewolf alpha male, #werewolf alpha mate, #angst romance, #twins and one woman, #abuse abusive emotional, #witch and love, #werewolf alpha male romance

“Come back here, Lexi!
Now!” Jax bellows, a few feet away from me making sure not to

“Not gonna
happen, sorry. I’m not gonna stand there one more minute and talk
when you continuously overlook Drake’s behaviour. I know I
shouldn’t have kept shit from you, I get it okay? I kept a lot of
shit from a lot of people… don’t think you’re special. At the time,
I thought it would be best if I kept it to myself, so much was
going on and I didn’t understand most of it myself. I didn’t know
who to trust with my secrets, so I didn’t tell anyone, but that
excuse the way Drake treated me.”

I try to calm
my voice just in case my father has men on night patrol
who might be close by.

“You knew he
wasn’t stable! We all told you to look out for him!
w many times did we warn
you?” He says irritably.

I let out a
frustrated laugh. “Unstable? He’s
Jax! Fucking
lost-his-marbles crazy!” I use my index finger and twirl it around
next to my right ear expressively, emphasising crazy. “And you
as your Beta! You’re an even bigger fool than I
am, Jax.”

I turn around and he lets out a
low growl.

I’m pushing my
luck… I know it, but I don’t care. I’m questioning his ability as
Alpha with regards to picking leaders of his pack. I know he’s
trying his hardest not to run into my territory to put me in my
Secretly, I’m loving pushing his
buttons. The frustration as he tries to restrain himself against
the words I throw at him rolls of him in waves.
I’m testing the restraint he has and he knows

“Get back
, Alexia! Now!” He roars,
but I ignore him as I continue my way through the

“We need to talk! I swear
to the Fates, if you leave things this way you will regret it! I’ll
come after you!” His voice echoes through the trees, but I continue
making my way back to my pack house.

Chapter 11

I’m still
so I don’t change out
of Jax’s hoodie until I’m inside. I make my way to the laundry room
under the staircase as soon as I enter the house, quickly stripping
the jacket off before making sure there is enough softener and
detergent in the machine to remove his scent. I look around the
room searching for something to wear, but I can’t find anything.
Everything was taken to the bedrooms this morning, so I open the
dryer finding it filled with clean warm towels and wrap one around
my body.

Opening the door slowly,
I stick my head out to see if anyone’s around; luckily I don’t find
anyone. Tiptoeing my way up the stairs, I make sure to keep the
towel wrapped around my body tightly. I let out a deep breath when
I make it to my bedroom without coming face to face with anybody
whilst only covered in a towel. I head straight to the bathroom
making sure to lock the door behind me as well as the one on the
twins side. First, I brush my teeth thoroughly and scrub my

I can’t believe I kissed him. I
know I shouldn’t be feeling guilty, it’s not as if the twins are
being faithful to me.

A smile forms
on my lips and I press the tips of my fingers to them remembering
the kiss. I remember all the ti
mes we came close to kissing, how bad I’d wanted to kiss
him, even though I always felt tremendously guilty every time we’d
spend time together.

g on the door causes me
to jump.

” I curse,
quickly opening the shower door. It’s freezing cold, but I need to
get Jax’s scent off me.

“Angel, open
this door,
” Tyler yells,
banging against the wood.

ounding on the other door
that leads to the twins’ room makes me quicken my movements. I
squeeze almost an entire bottle of body wash all over me, scrubbing
ferociously. I need to get his scent off me.

“Open this door,
right-fucking-now!” Talon roars, making me cringe.

I squeal when they both
suddenly barge into the bathroom, pieces of wood flying everywhere,
even over the shower door and onto the tiled floor. I grab the
towel hanging over the rail, wrapping it around me quickly, and
making sure its high enough to hide everything.

“What the hell is wrong
with you two? Who are you looking for?” I yell, wringing my hair
out and using another towel to dry it as I climb out of the shower.
I’m trying my hardest to play it cool, as if I’ve done nothing
wrong, even though it feels as if my heart is about to beat right
out of my chest. I just hope they can’t hear my wolf yelling at me
for my stupidity.

Tyler slams the shower
door open and looks inside. I grab his hand and pull him away.
“What are you doing? Are you trying to break every door in the
house? Stop it!” I glare.

“Where is he?” Talon
says, lifting his head smelling the air. I turn around and head for
my room shaking my head.

“He’s hiding inside the
cabinet under the basin,” I say sarcastically, as I head for my

Big hands on
either side of my shoulders spin me around and I’m faced
with a very angry Tyler.

“Now is
the time to fuck with me, Angel.”

I wriggle out of his grasp
making sure to keep one hand holding the towel tightly.

…” I emphasise the word. “…is not the time to manhandle me.
I’m sick and tired of you putting your hands on me.”

I turn around
and fall smack bang
Talon’s hard chest. I look up at him and he has an odd smirk on his

applies to you to,” I say cautiously,
confused by his change in demeanour.

I’m afraid that if they
stand too close to me, they may well smell Jax’s scent from where
he kissed my neck; I hope I scrubbed thoroughly. I move to the
dresser, closer to my perfume just in case. I reach out to take the
perfume and notice the boys are ultra-quiet now, I’m pretty sure
they know something’s up.

“You guys didn’t answer
my question. Who are you looking for?” I pick up the bottle of
perfume casually and I’m just about to spray it onto my neck when
strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me up.

“Talon!” I yell.

still has a face of stone, and is now
showing no emotion whatsoever. He reaches over and takes the
perfume out of my grasp.

“What are you
doing?” I shriek
, as Talon
throws me onto my bed. I grab hold of the towel I have wrapped
around me, it has loosened somewhat but nothing is on display.
They’re making me really nervous.

I try to lift myself off
the bed, but Talon’s body covers mine and soon I’m forced to lay
flat on the bed with his large frame covering my own. He looks down
at me and the corner of his lips lift as he notices the effect his
body has on mine.

I gulp looking up at him.

et off me,” I say in a soft

” He shakes his
head. He’s so close that I can smell his minty breath. “Not until
you’ve answered our questions.”

I pull the towel higher
over my breasts. Holding the material tightly in my grasp. His eyes
look down to my hands and a grin forms. He leans down until his
cheek is almost touching mine, I almost sigh thinking that he’s
going to nuzzle me. Instead he whispers in his deep husky voice,
“Who were you with?”

The fucker is
playing me
, playing with my
emotions; he knows exactly what he’s doing to me and the effect he
has. He sees how badly I want him and he’s using it to his
advantage. He thinks I’ll just spill my guts as soon as he gets all
sweet and gentle.

I don’t think so.

I turn my head away from

You think this
is some game?” I spit out
avoiding his eyes as I look across the room at my closet door. His
body stills on top of me, then slowly but surely he moves off of

“I told you, I don’t know
what you’re talking about.” I slide my body off the bed and move to
my closet, but Tyler’s body blocks me from opening the closet

“Please get out of my
way. I’d like to get dressed.” I keep my tone even and attempt to
open the door again, but he slams his palm next to my head
ultimately slamming the door closed.

“Brother, we tried things
your way and it didn’t work, now we do it my way.” Tyler uses that
tone I hate so much and I immediately feel anxious.

“Stop it,
you’re scaring her,
” Talon
says, from somewhere behind Tyler’s tall form. I turn to face
Tyler, looking into his black eyes.

” I say, trying to keep
the fear out of my tone.

His hands curl
around my upper arms
and he
squeezes extremely tight, I cry out and hear Talon’s

He growls, “Where were

I clench my eyes shut,
forcing the tingling sensation to remain within me.

“I went for a run in the
woods.” The words quickly tumble out of my mouth.

“Whose scent did we
follow to your room?” He asks, still squeezing me.

“I don’t know!
I don’t know!
” I grind out,
trying to keep my anger at bay.

become such a good liar.
What the hell is happening to me? His hold tightens and a certain
flashback of the night Drake pushed me up against the door for the
first time appears in my head. The fear I felt back then confirms
all my suspicions about Tyler; he’s just the same.

The realization of that breaks
me and I can’t control the tears this time.

, Ty. You’re hurting

I feel the tears fall and
can’t bare to look at his black eyes right now.

I was doing
good. I was
finally getting
over my fear of black eyes and I think Tyler’s just fucked that all
up for me in a matter of seconds.

His hands are suddenly gone and
I open my eyes to find Talon pushing against Tyler’s chest.

“Don’t you see what
you’re doing? You’re hurting her, you’re hurting our mate!” Talon
tries to get Tyler’s wolf to see clearly. As if realisation
suddenly hits, Tyler’s eyes clear and they find mine.

o,” he says, out of breath
and watching my trembling form. He takes a step towards me and I
take a fearful step back, bumping my back into the door of the
closet. My body trembles in fear and the tears continue to fall as
I hiccup and snivel; I can’t hold that shit in any longer. I’ve
never been more afraid of Tyler in my life, and this makes me look
at things in a whole new perspective.


He sounds as if he’s in
pain. He takes another step closer and this time I cower onto the
floor shielding myself, turning my face away from him.

lease, just go,” I say,
trying to catch my breath.

It’s quiet for
a moment, then
he speaks and
it sounds as if he’s having difficulty breathing.

“I’m so sorry,”
e says softly, and then I
hear his footsteps as he leaves.

I look up through teary
eyes to find Talon walking towards me. I curl into myself as much
as I can.

“Leave… leave
me alone,
” I tell

“I’m so sorry, Angel. It
wasn’t meant...”

I interrupt him.

“Don’t! Don’t do that!
You’re not sorry. Don’t stand there and fucking lie to me. If it
was your intention to push me away, you’ve succeeded. Both of you
have!” I shout, making him visibly flinch.

He raises his hand to
touch me and I move away from him, he lowers it again and lets out
a pained breath.

“We never
wanted to hurt you,
” he

“That’s all you two have
been doing,” I whisper back.

“Please… I can’t leave you like

He reaches out to touch my

Please…just go!
” I’m almost to
the point of begging, I don’t even care how pathetic I sound right
now. I just want to be left alone.

hear him let out a deep breath and
then finally he stands up and moves to leave, walking through the
bathroom and into his room. I wipe the tears away with the back of
my hand, then move to lift myself up. I find a pair of panties and
a big t-shirt, then climb into bed under all the blankets as I cry
myself to sleep wishing I had that sweet sweet Tyler I once knew
holding me tight.

I don’t like this scary
version of Tyler very much. He’s making me reconsider everything I
thought I knew about him.


I pace the
bedroom. M
y wolf won’t shut up
about the way we’ve treated Angel. We’re both to blame and we know
it. Nothing can take the image of her petrified face out of my

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