Angel Blackwood (49 page)

Read Angel Blackwood Online

Authors: Sophie Summers

Tags: #witch and werewolf, #werewolf and human, #werewolf alpha male, #werewolf alpha mate, #angst romance, #twins and one woman, #abuse abusive emotional, #witch and love, #werewolf alpha male romance

happen! I know I did wrong, but I’m
gonna make it right! She’s my fucking mate too!”

“Neither of you will be alive
to complete the mating bond if you don’t explain yourselves right
now!” The sound of Alpha Johnny’s voice over the sound of the crowd
muttering and the boys punches causes complete silence. Tyler has
his hand in the air ready to land one on his brother and Talon has
Tyler’s clean shirt scrunched up in his hand. Both stop and gape at
the Alpha, who stands a few metres away looking as if he’s about to
join in on the fight.

Jacob moves away the crowd
before pulling Tyler off his brother. Both boys stand, unable meet
the Alpha’s eyes.

“You are her mates? Both of
you?” Alpha says, crossing his arms over his chest.

Both men nod their heads.

“Words. I need words,” Alpha

“Yes Alpha. She’s our mate,”
Tyler says.

“How long have you known?”

“Since the night she came back
from Point Bright. The night she shifted for the first time,” Talon

“Why am I only learning about
this now? Clearly the mating bond hasn’t been completed yet?” Alpha
shifts on his feet, I know the answers he’s getting is only stoking
his inner rage. He’s going to blow soon and only the Fates can help
them then.

The twins take longer to
respond than is acceptable. As the Alpha takes a step menacingly
forward, the truth starts bubbling out of each of the twins mouths
at the same time.

Talon says, “I wanted to make
her pay for what she put us through. I was angry, Alpha. God. I
hate myself for wasting time when I could have spent it loving

Tyler says, “I was confused. I
didn’t know if we were right together. I wanted to reject her, I
thought I loved Kate. I didn’t realise the extent of all the
secrets Angel was keeping from us.”

The Alpha’s eyes widen and his
hands drop to his sides, shaking with rage. He calls for Jacob and
two other guards. “Lock them in the cells downstairs before I put
my hands on them and rip them apart!” He roars, turning around to
avoid looking at the twins as the guards pull them away.

Chapter 2


It’s been three
weeks. Three long, torturous weeks down in these cells. Alpha was
nice enough to give us one of the better cells, so we have bed
mats, a toilet, along with a lone shower in the corner of the cell
and a guard that brings food for us regularly too. Our uncle, is
disappointed with us just as much as Alpha Johnny. Neither want to
see or speak to us for fear of lashing
out and doing something they’ll regret; I don’t blame
them. I knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time before
everything was put out there, now it’s time for our punishment.
This is it.

I was forced to share
this cell with Tyler. At first we were at each other’s throats, but
as the hours and days passed, we kinda patched things up. I still
don’t believe he deserves Angel, but then again I don’t think any
man will be good enough for her, including me. I miss her soft
touches and the way she smells. I miss her sassy attitude… fuck it,
I just miss everything about her. I sit for hours on end, wishing I
could take back every single nasty thing I’ve said to her. If I
could rewind back to the night I found out she was my mate, I’d
show her how much I loved her every second of every day. I’d never
let her think she wasn’t wanted. She was always wanted, I was just
being a childish prick looking for revenge.

No one will tell us about her
progress. I wonder if she’s woken up yet, if she’s asked about us.
The Alpha must know how hard this is for us, not being able to see
her or touch her is far worse punishment than being locked up in
this dark basement.

I look across the room to see
Tyler laying on his side facing the wall, his food sitting on the
small wooden table untouched. He lies shirtless. He’s lost a lot of
weight these few weeks, he’s never been a scrawny guy so looking at
him this way has me worried. His ribs are starting to stand out
now, he doesn’t want to eat and he stopped talking last week
sometime. He’s taking this hard. He doesn’t even have the strength
to hold his thoughts anymore, I hear them all the time. He’s still
blaming himself, going over every horrible thing he’s ever done to
her, always blaming himself. I haven’t told him that I can hear
what he’s thinking, I don’t think he has the energy to care either

“Ty, man. Eat something… just a
bite. You’ll feel better, it will give you energy. You could do
some push ups with me or something. It helps, I promise.” It
actually does as well. It’s the only way to keep myself from going
crazy in this little cell. I do squats, push ups, even fucking
jumping jacks to work up a sweat and get to the point of exhaustion
where I can just flop down and pass out.

He just shakes his head.

A few hours go by and I’ve
pushed my body to exhaustion once again, even with the limited
amount of working out I can manage in here. I lay on the hard mat
and look at the cement ceiling. I wonder if the Alpha will ever
trust us again. I’m afraid he’ll sends us away, away from Angel. I
don’t think I can survive living without her. These last few weeks
without her have almost killed me. I know I have to earn his trust
again, make him believe that I will do everything in my power to be
the man Angel needs. I fear he doesn’t think we’ll be able to hold
the Alpha position with Angel as our Luna. I know once we are mated
to Angel, Alpha Johnny will then need to prepare to hand down his
role as Alpha. I just don’t know whether he’ll see us worthy of
that honour.

I hear a female voice, “Shh… I
know what I’m doing, Nixon. I’ll be fine. Just make sure Axel keeps
the guards busy! Oh no you don’t. Don’t look at me that way, Nixon.
Go… I’ll be quick.” The voice is a whisper, but I can hear her so
clearly. Tyler continues to lay there, his hearing obviously
stunted in his weak state.

Phoenix suddenly appears from
behind the shadows, rushing over to our cell.

I stand up up. Hearing
footsteps, Tyler looks behind him. When he sees Phoenix he jumps
up, reaching out the of the cell for her. She takes a weary step

“How is she? Is she okay?
Please tell me she’s okay,” he rambles out, his voice thick.
Phoenix walks closer and she looks him over, a sad expression
crosses her face as she steps closer to us. Reaching out, she takes
Tyler’s hand.

“You look terrible, Tyler. You
have to eat something. You’ve lost too much weight,” she says
softly, before looking at me.

“Make him eat something, Talon.
Even if you have to shove it down his throat. Angel wouldn’t want
to see him this way.” She lets go of Tyler’s hand, but he reaches
out and grabs her again, pulling her closer to the cell.

“So she is okay? You need to
tell her I’m sorry. Please…” I watch as he begs, tears falling down
his face. He sniffs and looks away, taking a few seconds to compose
himself before continuing, “…please Phoenix, tell her I’m sorry and
that I love her.”

Phoenix tilts her head to the
side, I can tell she’s trying to keep herself from crying. Her
voice comes out rough as she says, “Angel hasn’t woken up yet,

Both my brother and I gasp. The
air leaves my lungs and I’m left gasping for it as I hunch over.
Tyler comes to my side trying to get me to breath.

“Do you think she will ever
wake up?” I ask, still hunched over and looking up at her.

Her posture straightens and her
gaze is intense as she looks at me, “I’m gonna make sure she does.
I came down to fill you in on her progress. I know the others have
been forbidden to tell you anything, but I’m not part of this pack
and I know Angel wouldn’t want you locked up like this.”

She looks behind her at the
staircase. “I have to go.”

She looks at Tyler, then back
to me, “Make him eat something. You know Angel would blame herself
if she saw him this way,” Then she’s gone.

Tyler doesn’t waste another
second. He reaches the table, eats the sandwich that was laid out
for him along with the entire jug of water.



I rush out from the basement
and come face to face with an annoyed Nixon. Over these past few
weeks I’ve spent more and more time around him, seeing as I’ve
spend most of my time up in Angel’s room trying to figure out ways
to get her to wake up. I’m learning more and more about him and his
every expression, I can actually read him nowadays. Before, I was
just scared of him one hundred percent of the time, now… not so
much. He gets annoyed really quickly and I don’t know what I’m
doing wrong most of the time, but I like spending time with him
even if the feelings not mutual. Nixon is moody most of the time,
but when Axel is around he gets all protective over me; secretly I
like it, the fact that he isn’t bad to look at either is just a
bonus. I look down feeling the heat in my cheeks.

“Nah uh... what was that,
little witch? What were you just thinking about?” Goosebumps break
out all over my body when I feel his rough hands lifting my chin. I
look into his intense eyes, he’s never touched me before, he always
keeps his distance.

“Nothing,” I whisper, frowning.
I pull away from him. “And stop calling me that… I don’t go around
calling you big wolf, do I?” He looks amused, it infuriates me. I
walk past him and he follows.

“You can if you like… I won’t
mind.” He sounds as if he’s about to laugh.

“I’m more than just a witch you
know, and I’m sure there’s more to you than just being a wolf.” I
stomp my way into the main house and up the stairs towards Angel’s
room. Nixon doesn’t give me a chance to even open her door. He
suddenly pulls me back and into the room two doors across from

It’s a storage closet and it’s
pitch black aside from the light coming from the top and bottom of
the doors. I hear the sound of something being pulled and then a
dull light shines bright enough for me to take in my surroundings.
It is indeed a storage closet filled with bedding and linen. The
smell of clean sheets and softener is my absolute favourite smell,
it reminds me of mama and a time when I was a little girl whose
mother still wanted her. I can’t resist reaching out and leaning
over smelling the fresh scent. When I feel his body flush up
against my back, I stand upright, the fleeting memory of my mom
drifts away and I remember where I am and with whom.

“Why are we here?” I say. I use
all the confidence I can muster, even though I’m shaking in my
boots right now; I won’t be letting him know that though.

“I’m a wolf and
just a
, there’s nothing more to
it,” he spits the words out, making me flinch and back away further
until my back hits the wall. He stalks over me with his taller,
bulkier form. I turn my head when he invades my space. His eyes are
much darker now, the muscles in his neck straining as he leans down
and runs his nose along my shoulder then up my neck.

He always did smell good but
here, now… with this closeness, I want nothing more than to lean
into his warmth, breathing him in just like he’s doing to me.

So I do. His elbows and hands
are flat on the wall behind me. He’s so tall he has to bend his
neck and hunch down to get his nose to reach my neck. His biceps
are a few inches away on either side of my head as his body cages
me in. I lean forward bringing my nose to his chest, breathing in
his soapy scent.

“You like the way I
smell, little witch?” He says tenderly. His voice so deep, I have
butterflies in my stomach. “…because I like the way you smell.” My
knees go weak and I have to reach out and grab each of his arms to
hold me upright. Nixon doesn’t move, he just stares at me with dark
hungry eyes.

“What are we doing here,
Nixon?” I whisper, and he drops his eyes to look at my mouth.

“I don’t know,” he mutters. He
blinks a few times then lifts his eyes to mine. His eyebrows move
as if he’s thinking hard about something, then he moves his arms a
little and steps away. I stand there transfixed.

He turns and mutters something
close to, “I really shouldn’t do this…” before turning around and
stepping forward with purpose and confidence. “I can’t resist you

His lips find mine. I gasp when
his hands lift me up and push my back against the wall. Our faces
are level now, as I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him as
close as possible. He’s so big, everywhere my hands land is hard
and muscular. This is the second time I’ve ever been kissed. I
don’t know what the heck I’m doing, so I’m a little nervous when
his tongue finds mine. I follow his lead and he seems to be
enjoying it because he starts making growling sounds. I let out a
moan when he pushes his lower body into mine, turning a little
needy when I reach out and let my hand move through his hair. He
tugs on my lips and its harsh, but doesn’t hurt. Nixon is pure man,
there’s nothing boyish in him. The way he holds me, kisses me and
even the way his tongue takes control of my mouth showing me his
dominance tells me this; I can’t get enough. My first kiss wasn’t
anything like this. I don’t think I even remember much about that
kiss… this one, however, I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

Nixon’s lips break away from
mine. I turn my head and take in deep breaths, trying to calm my
racing heart. Nixon doesn’t stop though, he starts kissing down my
neck and sucking on my earlobe. I make a squealing sound because it
tickles and he lets out a deep laugh. The sound alone has me
squeezing my legs tighter around him. Don’t think I’ve ever heard
the sound of his laugh.

His one hand rests on my hip
and the other tugs on the side of my hair, making sure he has
access to my neck as his kissing turns wild and needy. I feel his
tongue and the pinch where he starts sucking on my skin. He’s
rubbing his body against mine and the hand on my waist starts
squeezing really tightly. I try to pull at the hand that is in my
hair, but he only pulls tighter. I feel a sharp pain on my neck and
then warmth. Nixon lets out a gasp and as he pulls away I see his
extended canines. My eyes widen. I lift my hand and touch the spot
where I feel warmth. Lifting it up to eye level I see blood.

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