Angel on Fire (23 page)

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Authors: Jacquie Johnson


As he lay there lost in thought, Angela dragged her eyes open, and Chase found himself lost in a pool of deep blue framed by long, black lashes.  “Don’t go,” she
her voice husky with sleep.  With that plea, Chase conceded defeat and lowered his head, placing a light kiss on her soft lips before tracing the crease ever so gently with his tongue.  When her lips parted of their own accord, his tongue delved between them, touching and tasting before tangling with her own.  Shifting slightly, he tilted her head to gain better access to her mouth and control the kiss while threading his fingers through her hair. 


Angela gasped when he flipped them, using his body to hold hers in place, his forearms effortlessly supporting his weight.  She entangled her own fingers in his thick, wavy hair, trying to pull his mouth back to hers.  Angela whimpered as his mouth bypassed her lips to place open mouth kisses along her neck.  Her eyes fluttered closed, and she bit her lower lip as he nuzzled her collarbone.  


“Angel, look at me,” he demanded, his voice like soft velvet, and her eyes flickered open, unseeing but filled with passion.  As she watched, his mouth traveled over her face, pressing light kisses along her forehead, cheeks, and jaw line before descending lower to tease her collarbone.  His hands caressed the silky skin beneath the t-shirt until he could wait no longer.  He pulled away from her body long enough to yank the shirt over her head before lowering his mouth to her pert, pink tipped breasts. 


Angela gasped as Chase continued trailing kisses across her soft skin.  Instinctively, she arched her back.  Whispered words and hushed pleas turned to groans and moans as their bodies began an intimate dance.   


Hours later, Angela lay in Chase’s arms, her head pillowed on his arm, her butt snug against his groin.  Chase’s eyes caressed her naked form as he tried to summon up some regret for what had happened.  Instead, all he felt was a warm glow and an overwhelming desire to repeat the experience on a regular, if not hourly, basis. 


He was in deep shit.  The big, badass military trained operative had lost his heart to a beautiful but innocent woman who would only be destroyed by his world.  Now the big question was
what was he going to do about it?


“Deep thoughts?”
  Angela nestled closer to him, snaking a leg between his. 


“Hmm,” he evaded, tracing patterns along her hipbone. 


She rolled so she could look up at him, her eyes filled with concern.  “Do you regret it?”  Her voice trembled slightly, and her teeth captured her lower lip as she waited for his response. 


“No,” he admitted.  “I don’t know what to do about you though.”  When he paused, she started to pull away but he tightened his grip, holding her in place as he gathered his thoughts.  “I’ve had lots of women, Angel, but I’ve never felt like this about any of them.”  Dropping a kiss on the side of her head, he blew out a breath.  “We have a lot to deal with right now, so can we table this discussion for the time being?”  When she opened her mouth to object, he stopped her with a kiss.  “I’m not avoiding the subject,” he insisted.  “I just don’t know how to handle this.  I didn’t expect it.  Until I met you, I never thought I’d want a relationship with a woman.” 


She stared into his apprehensive eyes for a few minutes before acquiescing.  “Okay.  What now?”


“Let’s grab a shower and then head toward Cat’s house."  Despite his words, Chase continued to cradle Angela in his arms, enjoying the quiet intimacy. 


After a few more kisses, he shifted and rose fluidly from the bed, taking her with him.  “I’ll be back in a minute,” he excused himself as he left the bathroom to give her some privacy. 


Angela bit her lip as Chase pulled back the curtain and stepped into the shower.  He choked back a laugh as her eyes followed the water down his hard chest to his abs.  “Babe, stop staring or this shower is going to turn into something else.”


Her blue eyes darkened, and her lips curved upwards.  “What if I wanted to do more than conserve water?”  Stepping closer, she rubbed her breasts against his chest and kissed him hard.  Chase’s lightning reflexes sprang into action and within seconds, he was poised at her entrance with her legs wrapped firmly around his waist as his mouth devoured hers.  Chase sheathed himself inside her body with one firm stroke, and Angela leaned back against the cool tile.  Chase placed one hand beside her head while sliding the other between their bodies to arouse her more.  A few strokes later, her body quivered as she slid over the edge.  With a groan, he slammed into her one final time as he came.  They washed quickly as their bodies calmed, and then Chase slipped out of the shower while Angela shampooed her wet, tangled locks.


Chase had dressed by the time Angela entered the bedroom, trying to detangle the mop of curls on her head.  After she winced a second time, he removed the wide toothed comb from her hand and eased her onto the floor at the foot of the bed.  Taking a seat behind her, he pulled the comb through her hair slowly, removing the snarls with painstaking care.  Angela purred, relaxing against his legs.  Chase couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face despite his feeling that combing a woman’s hair made him less of a badass.  Of course, it was well worth it when Angela jumped up and planted a loud smacking kiss on his lips once he set the brush aside. 


“Thank you.” She buried her face in the side of his neck before placing a light kiss alongside his ear.  When she stepped back, she gifted him with a beautiful smile. 


Fifteen minutes later, Chase drove around the square and parked on the street near Cat’s house.  He cast a wary eye around the area, looking for anyone or anything that seemed unusual.  Nothing appeared out of place so he let Angela lead him to the front door of the Queen Anne style green house with red accents.  She knocked and, when no one came to the door, leaned her ear against the wooden panel, listening for any sounds.  Sighing, she removed her phone from her purse and dialed both of Cat’s numbers again.  She could hear the phones ringing inside the home and shot Chase a worried glance. 


“Do you have a key?” Chase asked, glancing around.  He didn’t like Angela being out in the open like this. 


Angela shook her head.  “No.  There’s never been a need.” 


“All right, let’s grab some breakfast and come back.  Is there some place close by?”  Angela nodded and reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together. 


“Cat should be working, Chase.  I’m really worried,” Angela fretted as they walked toward the small Greek restaurant positioned kitty-corner from the ornate red brick historic courthouse.  He acknowledged her admission with a slight incline of his head as he opened the door. 
“Table for two, please.”
 He assessed the room for any danger.  “That booth over there would be perfect,” he prompted, and the hostess led them in that direction, her hips swaying.  Despite her lascivious smile, Chase ignored the young woman, focusing on seating Angela instead.  Eventually, the woman dropped the menus on the table and flounced away. 


“Guess she’s not used to being ignored,” Angela whispered, a hint of laughter in her voice. 


Chase shrugged and snapped open his menu.  A minute later, he set it aside and turned his attention to the other patrons. 


“Recognize anyone?” Chase asked in an undertone as he gazed watchfully out of the window.  A group of young moms caught his attention when they entered, chattering away.  Once settled with coffee, their conversation turned to local events.  A red-haired woman interrupted, her voice carrying across the room.  “Did anyone else notice that a man moved in with our resident therapist last week?”


Steam practically radiated from Angela, and she tensed at the women’s gossip.  Chase reached across the table and laid his hand on top of hers.  With a barely noticeable shake of his head, he encouraged her to remain silent as they listened.


,” a blonde woman smiled, “how scandalous.”


“You have got to be kidding me,” the older woman interjected rolling her eyes.  “The woman is healthy and good looking.  What did you all think? 
That just because she is single, she was celibate?
  Good for her, in my opinion.  I can’t imagine what she must think of men as a whole with the kind of counseling she does.” 


Angela ground her teeth in frustration as the women speculated about Cat’s relationship with the man.  Her nose twitched as she wondered who Cat might have been seeing.  Last time they had talked, about a month ago, Cat had sworn off men again, claiming they just weren’t worth the effort. 


“Any idea
the guy is?” Chase interrupted her thoughts.  Angela shook her head, her dark curls swirling around her face. 


“No,” she conceded, feeling guilty that she hadn’t talked to Cat recently.  “Cat wasn’t seeing anyone that I know of.  In fact,” her expressive eyes sparkled as she recalled their last conversation and she bounced up and down on the vinyl bench.  “Last time we spoke she said she was never going on a date again.  She went on a blind date with a dentist.  He was supposed to be this up and coming hotshot.  Real smart and polished.  Instead of wining and dining Cat, he spent the entire date texting with his mom.”  Angela giggled a bit too loudly and instinctively covered her mouth with her hand to conceal her mirth.  “Before that, it was a divorced stockbroker who spent the entire date talking about his ex-wife.  But the one that takes the cake is the lawyer whose pants split during dessert.  When they stood up to leave, Cat had to follow his bare ass out to the car.  Apparently, he didn’t believe in underwear.”


Chase grinned even as Angela noted that his gaze traveled around the restaurant before returning to her. 


“Angel?”  He interrupted her train of thought and motioned to her still untouched plate.  “You need to eat, babe.  We’ll go for a walk next, okay?”  His warm green eyes offered the reassurance he couldn’t provide verbally.  After breakfast, they would return to Cat’s house and see if they could piece together what had happened and where Cat might be. 


Twenty minutes later, Chase and Angela strolled around the square, playing the part of curious tourists, enjoying the quaint shops that lined the red brick sidewalks.  Proprietors called out friendly hellos or offered affable nods as they wandered in and out of several stores.  Chase engaged in a few brief conversations about the town architecture and the history of the picturesque village.  Angela guessed that he was taking extra time to ensure they weren’t being followed or watched before he used his skills to access Cat’s house. 


They meandered down a side street, a cool breeze caressing their skin as softly as a feather.  When they reached Cat’s house, Angela stumbled in surprise.  A boy of about ten pushed an ancient lawnmower across the small front yard.  “Timmy,” Angela informed Chase in a hushed whisper.  “Cat hired him to cut the lawn last summer too.  His mom is one of her pro bono clients, and they’ve had a hard time making ends meet.  They won’t take charity so Cat pays Timmy to help around the house.” 


“She sounds like a good person,” Chase responded, keeping his eyes on the young boy dressed in worn denim cut-offs and a sweat stained t-shirt. 


“She is,” Angela agreed as they crossed the street, walked one block and turned the corner, wandering back toward the other side of Cat’s house.  As they neared the detached garage, Angela tugged on Chase’s hand and slowed.  Chase spun her around and pulled her against his chest, creating the illusion of a couple in an intimate embrace, as Angela whispered that she wanted to peek into the garage. 


“Hold on,” Chase whispered as he nibbled on her ear. 


She opened her mouth to argue when Timmy pushed the mower around the corner and carefully unlocked the garage door.  With an audible groan, he struggled to lift the heavy wooden door.  Seizing the opportunity, Chase set Angela aside and stepped forward.  “Need a hand?” he offered while keeping his distance so as not to frighten the boy. 

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