Angels Blood (35 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Raz stood tall and proud, the kingdom had come and his heart was filled with hope again.

As the lead ships entered the bay in single file they peeled off in line abreast, three wide and sailed south in the bay before pulling down their sails and laying anchor.  Quite a number of them stayed beyond the bay in the ocean.  They were taking up patrol of the seas there. It was a wonderful sight to watch as his town became a busy setting for what would quickly become a major strategic port of the Kingdom’s Navy.

A long boat approached the jetty and tied off. A tall figure pulled himself up onto the jetty and looked around spying the smoking ruins in the town. The man’s adjutant was talking to the officer of the watch who pointed out Raz.  They then approached him. The officer stood before Raz and saluted. 

Good afternoon my Lord.  My name is Admiral Marcos of the Kingdom fleet in command of its southern fleet interests at the behest of the Grand Admiral, the Prince Alard, son of King Arrick the direct descendant of the great King Carlos himself.”

Raz wondered, this guy is stiffer than Captain Koberg!

Greetings Admiral Marcos you are most welcome in the Port City of Volarus.  My name is Lord Raz supreme commander of the Kingdom’s southern forces.”

Raz’s declaration was almost an anticlimax.

I thank you Lord Raz for welcoming me, I am sorry we couldn’t have been here a little sooner but we ran into 14 Isogorrean warships and I had to dispatch them before coming along.” Marcos looked around once more, “It seems we arrived a little late to stop them from mauling you.”

Raz was a little rankled at that. 

Well they left sixteen of their own at the bottom of this harbor so it wasn’t entirely one sided, we did however lose seven ships.”

Marcos was surprised. 

Sixteen you say? And only for the loss of seven of your own, you have done well my lord, I do apologize for my remarks.”

So Admiral Marcos, do you have orders from the King for me?”

I have that and much more.”

Turning to his aid, Marcos motioned for a heavily lacquered box to be brought forward.  Raz could see that it had the King’s coat of arms on the lid. The aid presented it to Raz by showing it to him and opening the lid.  Inside was a scroll and a ring for Raz to wear, also a seal stamp bearing the King’s coat of arms and a scepter for royal duties.

These items are for you to carry out your duties to the King and allow you to speak in his absence as the King’s voice for the good of the Kingdom. The scroll will include a personal message from the King as well as your royal duties and responsibilities.”

I thank you Admiral Marcos I will take these back to the hall and peruse the scroll at the earliest possible moment.  In the meantime, you should tell me of what resources I have been given and also in what capacity you operate with me. But before all that please allow me to escort you back to the hall where I shall have refreshments provided and a place for us to get down to business.  Please walk with me.”

Admiral Marcos nodded and fell in beside Raz as he made his way back to the hall.

At the conference table a platter of seafood and a carafe of wine was provided of which both took a sparing amount.

So Admiral Marcos, tell me what supplies have been given to me.”

I have with me fifteen cargo ships carrying a multitude of supplies. Prince Alard was able to inform us of what supplies you received initially so we have focused more on produce and materials other than heavy weaponry and lumber.  You still have an abundant source of lumber?”

Raz nodded. 

To which we have supplied a dozen physicians and staff, as well as all the medical supplies that will be needed by them. We are supplying the tools and equipment necessary for ships repairs and shipbuilding.  We have also supplied an ample number of men skilled in this field.  Do you have any slipways?”

Raz shook his head. 

Unfortunately no, I have managed to identify a few areas just at the southern end of the town bordering on the swampy lands and initially cleared some area there but I had been focusing on training men for combat.”

Well you now have the tools and some men for that.  We also took the liberty of preparing a secondary fleet of men and equipment that will arrive here in two weeks.  They are solely concerned with the building of defense walls at the bay’s entrance. We envision that this project alone will take at least six months to complete but we expect to have defensive positions in place that will be able to used within two months.”

Raz nodded, quite happy to let this windbag continue on.

We have supplied a shipload of Kingdom uniforms for all of your men.  I understand you have had to convert Isogorrean uniforms to local use.  Obviously that simply would not do.”

Raz shook his head, this man was hand picked by Prince Alard? In actuality Raz wouldn’t have been so surprised if he knew the man was the best compromise that Alard could accept after the court of the King got involved in picking a southern Admiral.  In fact the man was promoted to the position when he was appointed, this was his first fleet command.

Please bear in mind my Lord, the King places great faith in you by giving you all these resources.  He seriously hopes you are up to the task.  I find it a little surprising that they have given so much faith based on reputation alone. I hope you don’t take offense.”

Raz was seethed inside at that but kept a calm demeanor. 

None taken at all my good man. I understand the situation perfectly.”

Trumped up ass. He had better be a more superior naval commander than he was statesman.

Also I would like to request that Captain Koberg be returned to my command to see out duties as a part of my southern fleet.”

Raz looked him hard in the eye. 

No Admiral that will not do.” 

But my Lord I have command of the southern fleet.  He is a Kingdom officer and as such falls under my jurisdiction.  He is here at the behest of the King. May I be so forward as to say my Lord.  I am the one here that knows naval craft and as such would be the one most knowledgeable as to how to use naval resources.”

Raz was seeing red and with a rising voice addressed this overdressed arrogant upstart. 

I will have you know, I was sailing ships before you were a wet dream of your fathers. And let it also be known that I was Captain of many ships and even commanded a flotilla of my own in past years to great effect! I will not have you stand here and continue to pass derisive comments against me and think that I will sit here quietly!”

Raz was angry and getting angrier but he was doing his best to keep himself in check.  He stood and looked at Marcos with hard eyes set in a stony face. 

Captain Koberg remains under my command at the direct orders of Prince Alard and until the Prince orders otherwise that shall remain as it is.  I will not have him running about wasting his talents on patrol duty here in the harbor.  In fact, I intend to give him greater resources now that you are here to allow him even greater freedom to carry the fight to the Isogorreans. And also let it be known that as Supreme commander of the southern forces of the Kingdom that means you fall directly under my command and direction. Do you understand Admiral Marcos?”

The man swallowed slowly and quietly replied, his eyes wide, 

Yes my Lord.”

Good!” Raz responded, beaming now,  “You are dismissed Admiral, please have your assistant talk to my adjutant about arranging quarters, I have work to do. Good afternoon.”

The Admiral stood. 

Good afternoon sir.”

The Admiral turned and left the room. Raz watched on, ‘What an ass.’  He sat back down and opened the Lacquered box.  In it he found the items as described, but down at the bottom was a folded parchment with the Prince’s  seal in wax on it.  Removing it he broke the seal and unfolded it.


Lord Raz:


I hope that this letter finds you in good stead.  I have managed to organize a sizable contingent to assist you in your endeavors there in the south.  I am also campaigning for more too.  I know you will be able to put it all to good use.

I must apologize for the man who would have presented this box to you.  He was not exactly what I wanted but the King made the final decision.  You will probably have worked out very quickly by now he is a pompous git, but let me assure you he does have good tactical abilities. Also this is a promotion for him and he will try to throw his weight around.  Don’t hesitate in giving him some stick, he will need to learn his place.’

Raz thought for a moment, ‘I should have kicked him up his royal behind on the way out.’  He returned to reading the letter:


Right now I envisage the naval activities being crucial to our ability to defeat their armies on the land and as such I reaffirm my orders to you to continue with your campaign of harassment of their supply lines.

Yours sincerely,

Prince  Alard

Grand Admiral of the Kingdom fleet.

Raz sat back, well.  His port was saved and for that he was glad, but now it started hitting home just how much he was in debt for what had been done for him.  He was tied in even tighter with the Kingdom now than he could ever have imagined and he had originally wanted to be able to keep them at arm’s length when he started this project three years ago. 

Well one just had to make the best of a situation eh? It wasn’t perfect but as sure as the sun shone on the waters it was a lot better than the place laying in rack and ruin.

It was two days later when Captain Koberg returned.  Announced to the hall, he stood just inside the doorway waiting for Raz to signal him in.   Raz waved and he approached the Commander. 

What is it Captain?”

The Captain produced a scroll from within a long narrow box he had under his arm. 

I found this in the captains quarters of one of the captured cargo vessels. I felt you needed to see this immediately.” 

Raz took the offered document with a questioning look, he broke the seal and opened it on the table. It was in a foreign language but he recognized it, he also recognized to whom it was addressed. Koberg was trying to look at it discreetly himself.  Raz looked up and saw him.  

It’s in Svalbardian and it’s addressed to their King, a King Olav. Beyond that I do not know the contents of it. What ever it is it suggests there is some sort of communication going on between Isogorr and Svalbard. Or maybe this is an attempt at first contact, I cannot say.”

Koberg added his bit. 

It may be that I have an answer to that my Lord, if you would follow me outside I will show you.”

Raz got up and followed the captain; was he getting a flair for drama? Out in the street were four wagons lined up, each wagon carried a single but very large chest measuring five foot long, two and a half foot wide and just as high.

It took eight men to maneuver each chest on the back of each wagon my Lord, with that amount of weight, I believe it can only suggest one thing but I haven’t opened them or made any suggestions to anybody for obvious reasons.”

Raz knew what he meant, there would be a lot of people here who would like a crack at what was probably residing in those chests.  There was nothing for it, they would have to confirm their suspicions. 

Have one chest removed and taken into the hall.”

The Captain turned and pointed to some men who moved forward and manhandled the chest onto the ground, there were four steel rings mounted on each side for just this activity.  The men took a breath, then lifted and moved the chest up the stairs and into the hall with Raz and Koberg following behind. Once inside it was placed in the middle of the floor and Raz dismissed the men. Raz nodded towards the chest. 

Well Captain, if you would like to do the honors.”

Koberg stepped forward and slid his dagger into the eyelet of where the Padlock was fixed and began working and twisting at it until after a bit of effort the padlock fell free to the ground with a clunk. He then turned to Raz. 

Go on Captain stop drawing it out.”

At Raz's encouragement he swung the lid wide open with a single movement and stood back.  Raz had been holding his breath and now he pursed his lips and let out a low whistle,


The chest gleamed in the semi dark room, filled to the top with gold pieces. Raz stood there staring, it was more gold than he had ever seen in his entire life, even Koberg’s eyes widened a little at the sight.

That sure is a lot of gold isn’t it?”

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