Angels Blood (67 page)

Read Angels Blood Online

Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

I am not going to give you a direct order officially, do you know what it is I am asking of you?” The Captain replied after a short pause.

Find the staircase.” The Prince nodded.

You are dismissed Captain. Keep me informed of developments on a regular basis.”

He stood to attention and saluted.  The Prince handed him the old book before he left.

Sliding under the covers next to Dark, Wollfen noticed she was naked, had she been expecting to do something? He was a little sorry he had come back late now, the opportunity might not present itself again for quite awhile. Lying in bed he lifted the covers again to look at his lover. Her nude body was very attractive in spite of the scars and he never tired of looking at her. He knew she liked being looked at too. He lifted the covers a bit more.  Night’s arm was draped over from behind and he wondered if she was similarly dressed.  No, she had a nightdress on.  He wasn’t threatened by how close Night and Dark were but he would have been upset if they had been doing something on the sly.

The next morning while it was still a black sky, the five of them could be found next to a manhole near the main outer wall.  They had lifted the cover back and smelt the air. It appeared to be clean, that was a small mercy and they were grateful for it. None of them looked forward to having to travel through the sewer pipe, at least it wouldn’t be too far since they had managed to find this hole so close to where they wanted to get out.

The five of them lowered into the hole and they stood there in the pitch black of that pipe not being able to see a thing. Wollfen took out his teleportation crystal and it cast a tiny eerie glow. Dark looked down and saw that the water that flowed through had frozen over the top, she tested the strength of it by tapping with the heel of her boot and it cracked at the middle, she turned back to the others who were watching her progress.

We should be fine as long as we stick to the edge, no wandering out into the middle otherwise you will punch through and have a boot full of raw sewage.”

They all nodded in understanding. Dark took the lead and moved slowly along making sure her footfalls were not too heavy on the ice. They got about eighty yards and found the intersection they were expecting.  She turned right, this would take them through and under the outer wall. They walked about another seventy yards and Dark held up her hand.

Wollfen behind stopped and looked at her, she gestured to the crystal in his hand and whispered. 

You can put that away, only thirty yards to the opening.”

He slipped it into a jacket pocket and buttoned it shut.  Dark moved even more slowly forward.  Wollfen could see the palest of light ahead of them as they approached the opening. Luckily for them it was not snowing and they would  be able to scan the surroundings.  The only problem was it also meant the Isogorreans would be able to see too.

The opening to the culvert was heavily covered in reeds and Dark had to push quite forcefully to be able to squeeze out.  She was making more noise than she wanted to but it couldn’t be helped. At least the enemy was four hundred yards distant. It took about ten minutes for the five to wriggle out and lay amongst the reeds.

Wollfen scanned the panorama before him.  It certainly looked different down here compared to his inspection from the top of the wall the day before.  He realized there was a rise to the ground in front of them and it blocked the view of the Isogorrean forces for about two hundred yards, well that got them halfway at least.  The problem would be getting across the last two hundred without being seen. 

He wished it were snowing again. Wollfen looked up at the sky, there was no moon and some cloud but not enough that could close in, they were going to be stuck. Nevertheless he motioned them forward hoping that something would present itself once they got nearer. So for the next ten minutes they crawled on their bellies on that cold frozen ground. Stopping he lay there looking again.  Then he noted with interest,  Wollfen hadn’t really been able to pick it from up on the high wall but down here he could see that the ground was a lot more undulating past the first minor rise they were on. He pulled back, turned to the others and whispering he filled them in.

This is dicey going, the ground past here is wavy. We can move forward and stop again at each rise, the only problem is we will be exposed for that short time going over, it is going to be risky. I can only hope their sentries have been on watch a long time and are half asleep.”

For the next hour the five of them navigated those rises edging closer and closer to the Isogorrean embankment.  So far so good and soon they were close enough that they only need reach the embankment itself with their next effort. The tension in all of them was high,  their nerves were stretched to their limits. If they were found now they couldn’t retreat fast enough before being cut down and they certainly couldn’t fight the numbers of men here either. 

They had reached the point of no return. Light would come in the next hour and all would be revealed. Dark signaled and moved up, slowly and steadily so as to not catch any sentry’s eye with sudden movement. She lay against the embankment under a pole sticking out at an angle, its tip sharpened to a point. These defensive poles lined the entire embankment right around the whole city.

One by one each of the group moved and lay against the embankment until they were all there. Wollfen got close to Dark’s ear and he whispered very carefully to her. 

Take out the nearest sentry and take his place using his helmet, grab a handful of pebbles and hit us each time it is clear for one of us to come over.”

He felt her nod and then after a second she went over. Wollfen sat there for the next thirty minutes and the time dragged on, was she okay? Had something happened? It was totally quiet so he didn’t really think so but sitting there without hearing anything played on his mind.

A few pebbles hit him in the head. He moved without hesitation. Moving up and easing himself over the top then crouching, moved to the line of tents and took up a place between two, there he waited. Two minutes later Night joined him and she crouched beside him in silence scanning about her. It took only another five minutes for them all to get over and Dark took up a position at the front of them again. They set off slowly but steadily moving between the tents in a line headed directly towards the trees.

Dark was watching the opening of the tents for any signs someone might come out as she passed each one, she didn’t want anybody giving her a nasty surprise. She managed to get them about three hundred yards through the tent lines when a flap opened and a man came out undoing his pants. Dark was up in a flash with her dagger out, she lifted hard from her low position and plunged the dagger upwards and deep into the man’s upper stomach.  He tried crying out, but his diaphragm had been punctured by the dagger. Dark clutched his head to her chest as she pushed hard again one more time with the dagger. Holding the man up, she then twisted it and Dark felt him shudder. She felt Wollfen grab him and they eased the man to the ground so as not to make any noise.  They pulled him to the side of the tent and without hesitation Dark continued on her way.  She felt the warmth of the man’s blood on her shirt and pants, stopping a moment to look down, Dark noticed it was glinting as she moved.

Once in the trees Wollfen stood up and looked about.  They had managed to carry out the first part of their plan, get to the trees.  Now the second part might prove to be just as tricky.  They had to find horses somewhere in the Isogorrean camp and return to it, remove them and lead them out without anyone noticing. They had a lot of luck already and Wollfen wondered how much longer it could continue? Fortune favors the bold? He certainly hoped so.

Wollfen sent Dark out on a scout to one side and he sent Night in the other direction. One of them would manage to find horses at least, the others in their party sat and waited. There was maybe only another fifteen or twenty minutes of darkness to be had and they were cutting it fine. Ten minutes later Night returned. 

A corral of horses exists right near our side back this way five minutes along. Wollfen nodded and signaled for them to move out, he stayed and waited for Dark’s return.  It was another five minutes before he caught sight of her; she had more blood on her too.  She whispered into his ear. 

Sorry got caught up with another two soldiers along the way. I didn’t find any horses.”

He nodded and signaled her to follow, they moved off back into the trees and made good time.

Dark and Wollfen could make out the others on horseback and waiting when they arrived.  Night held out the reins of the remaining two horses to them.  They accepted, mounted without a word and Wollfen signalled for them to move out. The group moved slowly at first and as they retreated from the Isogorrean encampment he noticed the sky was getting lighter.  They couldn’t have timed it better. After about twenty minutes of slow riding and carefully watching for Isogorrean patrols Wollfen spoke up,

Alright people, lets put some distance between us and them, lets ride!” He snapped his reins and set off at a gallop with Dark beside him. They would do this off and on for the next half-day. Hopefully the Isogorreans wouldn’t spend too much time going after them once they saw the horses gone.





It was late afternoon when Wollfen put his hand up for them to stop.   They had been riding as hard as the horses could take it alternating from fast to slow all day and now all of them were feeling it.  They needed a short break to stretch their legs and work out the stiffness of being in the saddle so long. Wollfen’s inner thighs were raw from the ride.  He had been in a saddle only a short time when they traveled east from Port Volarus then it was  almost seven months since originally being captured in Port Cholandra and he was paying the price.

They all dismounted, tethering the horses to the closest trees and began wandering about surveying their surroundings. It was a low valley typical of the area.  Many pine trees and shrubs covered the landscape.  There was a breeze too, which made things a bit chilly for them but the riding had kept them warm. Wollfen signaled Vaughn to trace back a bit and keep watch.  There was no telling how long any Isogorrean posse might follow them for, if they could still follow the group’s trail.

Wollfen walked off into the trees to relieve himself and he found he was looking at a frozen stream when he stopped.  He stood there taking care of  business while looking up and down the still waterway surveying for anything out of the ordinary. After he finished Wollfen continued to stand there looking about.  It was quite a picturesque scene; he didn’t get much time to appreciate the beauty of nature. Dark showed up beside him and slid her hand under his arm.

It's quite pretty isn’t it?” Wollfen remarked.

Dark was looking over it all too. 

Yes, it will be nice one day, just you and me to be able to have the time to relax and take in sights like this.”

Yes, one day it will happen.”

Dark gave him a squeeze for that.  Then she noticed something out of the ordinary. 

There’s a lump there in the snow near the waters edge.”

Wollfen looked at it more closely, at a cursory glance it wasn’t anything of interest.  He looked around the rest of the panorama for similarities but there were none.

He walked over to it with Dark in tow and rubbed his hand over the object to reveal what it was. It turned out to be a dead bear cub curled up and frozen. Dark bent down letting out a mournful moan, she began caressing the head of it.

Poor thing succumbed to the cold.”

Wollfen stood there watching on. Dark could still surprise him.  Here was a woman who had no qualms about taking the life of another in the most gruesome ways. But find a dead animal and her heart melted, her compassion  flowing. Dark spoke while still stroking and looking at the cub. 

We need to bury him.” Wollfen protested, 

My dear, the ground is frozen, it would take us hours to dig a hole in this.” Dark shook her head. 

We have to do something.”

She turned and looked up at him with sad eyes.  He sighed, 

I’ll see what I can do.”

He wasn’t going to waste his time trying to dig a hole, it would have been a futile exercise.  He walked about a bit in the trees trying to find a likely hollow or maybe even a small cave.  Over the next rise he found a promising spot.  It was rather rocky here and he decided that a cairn would do the trick. Walking back to Dark he found all the others had gathered to look at the fallen cub. 

I have found a rocky area over the rise, we can take it there and put him to rest.” Dark nodded.

Let’s take him now.”

The three men moved into position and freed the body from the ground where it was frozen.  They grabbed and slipped as the cub was lifted, it wasn’t very heavy but simply awkward as he was in a ball.  They moved slowly over the rise juggling and grunting as they went. Once they got the cub into position all five began covering it in rocks.  It wasn’t long before the cub could no longer be seen. Dark turned to them and spoke a simple thank you. Normally Wollfen wouldn’t have wasted his time but they had a highly stressful day with the escape and this little act of mercy helped to relieve it somewhat, it did all of them a little good.

Time we moved on.  I want to put another few hours on the trail before we stop for the night.”

They moved back to the horses and mounted up, then continued on quietly. Wollfen noticed Dark had become more subdued. He was patient enough to know that she would speak up when ready though. It was about another hour into the ride when she did. 

I haven’t ever really had a problem with death you know, I have always known it was a transition.” Wollfen watched on quietly not interrupting. “I don’t know why, but seeing that bear cub lying there dead has had an affect. You know, it was only just starting out on its life journey and that has been cut short. That happens to people too.  I think that’s a part of why I got so upset, that realization. It’s not something I think about.  Well before I died I didn’t.  Now it's something I am more conscious of. It also reminded me of my children cut down by the orcs, I hate those things so much.”

Wollfen nodded in reply, there wasn’t anything needed from him other than to listen and he was content to do so.

It was fully night when Wollfen called for a halt. They didn’t risk a fire being less than a day’s ride from the Isogorrean army so they bedded down and contented themselves with beef jerky for a meal. Wollfen ordered a sentry to rotate every two hours and they all quietly went about their business. Lying down under their heavy blankets, Dark snuggled into him with Night behind her for warmth and they were asleep within minutes.

Burkhard was alone and muttering about being single. Right now he wanted to be in the warm arms of the scullery maid he had met back in Kassandrea. Vaughn was out on watch.  In two hours he would rouse Burkhard to take over.

Three days later they came across a burnt out farm. Wollfen ordered the five to fan out and inspect the area.  There was no telling how long it had been since it had happened. Wollfen went to the remains of the cabin and got off his horse.  With the snow covering everything, the blackened ends of the framework stood out in stark contrast. Dark was looking over at the remains of the well. Wollfen bent down in the snow brushing it aside looking for clues as to who had been here and what might have happened.


They all turned and made their way over to Night.  She was clearing snow off something lying out in the open.  It became apparent that it was a body. As Wollfen helped clear the snow cover he realized what he was looking at and he turned to Dark.

You might want to go for a walk; you don’t want to see this.”

But Dark leaned down and had a close look, it was the body of a child half eaten and frozen.  She got up and with tears in her eyes she ran off. Wollfen nodded to Night for her to follow.  He looked back down at the small body and begun inspecting it.  It was well chewed and he looked closer at the bite marks, then he looked up at the two men.


There was nothing else to say. Vaughn and Burkhard looked on with grim faces.  It was bad enough when an adult died even in battle, but to see a young child dead and mutilated, it was something beyond reasonable expectation.

I don’t understand. If orcs are such a problem why is it that these people live here out in the wild without any protection?”

Burkhard was searching for answers. Wollfen got up  and looked at him. 

This isn’t normal at all. I have never heard of orcs being in this region.  We shouldn’t be seeing any until we are well past Windere and that town is still almost a week from here.”

He shook his head, something was going on and Wollfen couldn’t work it out. They found the other bodies during their search.  There were eight in the family in all and it proved difficult to give them a decent service. The ground was too hard and they couldn’t dig graves. Wollfen ordered that they be covered in similar fashion to the bear cub with rocks.

We will notify the authorities of what we have found here. In the spring thaw the town may send out a small detachment to give them a decent burial, it’s the best we can do.”

They all stood around the eight rock cairns and bowed their heads.  It would prove to be a somber time for the rest of the day and Wollfen was impatient to move on. He wanted to put all of this behind them.

It was another four days later when they caught sight of Windere off in the distance.  They were all looking forward to getting there.  Seeing it lifted the spirits of all of them except Nightwing.  She was dreading seeing any of those that had raped her so long ago and all those memories were flooding back now. Dark placed her hand on Night’s thigh as they rode slowly towards the town, it was little comfort but Night appreciated it. In another hour they were before the defensive walls of the town.  On approaching the gates they were challenged by the guards. 

Who goes there?”

Wollfen spoke on behalf of all of them. 

I am Wollfen and I have with me Darkling Bruadar of the Nightclan Berengah.  That is Vaughn of Port Cholandra and beside him is Sergeant Burkhard of Port Volarus,” Wollfen had deliberately left Night till last. “And this is Nightwing, daughter to the Earl of Windere and special consul to the Queen of the Kingdom.”

There was a commotion behind the walls as the officer in charge argued with a subordinate. 

Open the gates now!”

No we should notify the Earl first surely?”

Just open the damned gates and we can notify the Earl in the meantime!”

They could hear the gates being unlocked and they swung open. As they passed through, Nightwing watched them all carefully to see if she could recognize them. She was on edge at the possibility. None there were old enough to be one of her attackers from so many years ago. Wollfen addressed the man in charge. 

We seek audience immediately with the Earl.  Could you be so kind as to arrange that for us?”

The man nodded readily knowing the Earl wouldn't want any delay in news of his daughters return. 

But of course, I am sure the Earl will be very excited to know his daughter has returned after all these years. I’ll have my sergeant escort you to the Earl’s offices.”

The man turned and looked about but the sergeant wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Wollfen noticed this and coughed.  The man turned back,

Tell me sir, what is the sergeants name?”

It would be Sergeant Savas sir, do you know of him?”

Wollfen turned to Nightwing and he saw all he needed to know. 

You will need to find him and have him report to the Earl immediately on a serious matter, do you understand?” The officer nodded. 

It will be done. In the meantime please let one of my other men escort you.”

He motioned to another soldier standing by and he mounted a horse then began leading the group through town.

Dark watched Nightwing as they rode along.  She could see the stress of the situation getting to her.  It wasn’t pleasant at all but it was necessary.

Upon arrival at the great hall they all dismounted. The soldier led them up the stairs and into the foyer.  Inside there was an attendant at a desk with which the soldier conferred.  The adjutant immediately got up. 

Yes, yes come through, come through, we just got word a minute ago you were here, please go right in.”

He waved at them to enter the inner doors. They were met by a wave of warm air as they did. It was a welcome relief to the cold they had been enduring for over a week. The last of the five closed the doors again immediately behind him.

Wollfen flanked by Night stood still as they saw the Earl Gerlach on his throne looking at them. The Earl wondered why they weren’t approaching.  He got up and moved towards them.  His eyes were for Nightwing alone.  He extended his arms as he drew close and Night was overcome with emotion.  She ran to him now and flew into his arms holding him tight.

I have missed you so father,” she whispered while in his arms. 

I too have missed you Night, I have yearned to have you back my child.”

The Earl couldn’t help it when tears started to form, Nightwing was his only child and after Night’s mother died his heart had been broken. Now he pulled away a little and looked down.

Let me look at you. I haven’t seen you in years.”

The Earl cast loving eyes over his daughter, he couldn’t have been a prouder parent.

I have so many questions and I don’t even know where to start let alone how come you are back?” Night looked up into her father’s eyes. 

I am on a quest with Wollfen here, but also I need to tell you something of grave importance.” The Earl looked at her quizzically. 

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