Angels Blood (96 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

I doubt it would work here.  The circumstances are very different.  They for one are not being starved out nor are they caged in a castle.  They will have to consider a major breakout at some stage.” 

Which is all the more reason to talk to them.  Even if they do break out, where would they hope to go? It would simply delay the inevitable.”

The generals could see the reasoning behind Wollfen’s words but some doubted the Isogorrean leaders would think that way. 

So what do you propose?”

I will go to them at first light and announce my presence.  That seemed to have an immediate affect last time.  I will then have a talk with their general and give him till midday to decide his fate. In the meantime you can get a messenger into Oceania and coordinate a potential attack at midday. Prince Fitzgerald will not hesitate on that.”

Agreed, we will do as you order my Lord, it shall be so.” Wollfen thanked them for their cooperation and left the tent. 

The next morning found General Pallas standing before Wollfen on no man’s land, that vacant area between the two armies that were squared off to each other.  The morning air was crisp with a slight breeze, pleasant enough for a quiet chat. 

You tell me that General Marcellus would surrender all his men? That is just not like him.”

Wollfen pulled out the scroll of General Marcellus’ last words and handed it to him. Pallas unrolled it and read it carefully.  There was a sigh from his lips as he recognized the man’s own handwriting.  The fool had given up. Wollfen watched on while Pallas was thinking and decided to add his own observations. 

If you are thinking that resistance and a glorious death would be a better option, consider the situation.  Last night at dusk the battle fought cost you half your army, twenty thousand men. Do you want to know what our losses are?” Pallas looked at Wollfen and waited. “Eight hundred soldiers General.  Think about that, we are now organized around you from all sides.  This time Oceania will be able to enter the field of battle with at least twenty thousand of their own.  It wouldn’t be a glorious death and no history books would sing your praises.  It would be a slaughter of even more Isogorrean soldiers and you will be remembered as the General too proud to save the lives of so many.”

The General had been quiet for quite sometime.  He hadn’t spoken nearly as much as Marcellus and Wollfen was having trouble gauging him. Then finally the man spoke. 

You offer the same terms to my men that you did Marcellus?” Wollfen nodded. 

The very same yes. Your men will be interred for a time until ships can be organized.”

Pallas gave a rueful smile,

You don’t know enough of Isogorr do you? If I returned after surrendering our men I would immediately be put to death, no question.”

Wollfen considered the options for this General.  He really didn’t have any, die fighting or die at the end of the rope or die on his own dagger.  Wollfen decided to offer one more. 

I can offer you sanctuary.  I have need of good army officers. I happen to know that our troubles won’t end here for us.  We have an orc problem to the east. Your experience and skills would be welcome there.”

The General’s eyes widened a little and again he stood there in silent contemplation.  Damn he was a quiet one. 

I would like to make a counter offer to you,” Wollfen agreed to listen, “I by myself would not find it worth living in a foreign land.  In fact I think death would be preferable. If I conceded to you, then my immediate subordinates would take over and still resist, they too would be facing the same options I do with regards to Isogorr, a painful death upon return. But if you were to allow me to take any number of my own men who would be also willing to stay and swear allegiance then I will seriously consider the offer further. Also, I cannot swear allegiance in totality.  If for any reason your Kingdom should come into conflict with Isogorr in the future, we for obvious reasons could not be called upon to bear arms against it or any of it’s men.”

Wollfen was taken aback by the offer.  It had never occurred to him to think of such a possibility.  It was very welcome indeed.  The war had cost the lives of so many thousands of Kingdom soldiers.

I agree to those terms.  But you must realize that here on this battlefield right now, if we are to move forward then all and I mean all must lay down their arms.  The details can be worked out afterward, do you understand?” The General nodded  and stuck out his hand. 

Wollfen took it and they shook. 

I will talk to my men and see what the outcome is.  I will inform you before midday, the deadline.”

Then the General let go of Wollfen's hand and returned to his own lines. This was some turn around if it all fell into place Wollfen thought to himself.

About an hour before midday Wollfen and his officers noticed there was an incident within the Isogorrean ranks.  They could hear a clash of arms, screaming and then some shouts before it all went quiet again. Then just before midday as Wollfen waited at the edge of his front line the General came out again. This time Wollfen approached with a couple of elven archers for cover. General Pallas looked up at the two elves and gave them a look over before speaking. 

You know they look even more intimidating up close.  You would wonder why some of my men wanted to fight on eh?” Wollfen felt something like that might happen. 

I take it you dealt with the difference of opinion?” The General nodded. 

Yes, those few officers will no longer be making any objections ever again.” 

I am sorry to hear that.” This time Pallas shook his head. 

You shouldn’t be.  They were animals even by Isogorrean standards. Anyway, we have agreed to your terms. All my men will lay down their arms upon a signal from you.  Then they will separate into two groups.  One will wish to be escorted with me back inland, the others to go to Isogorr.” 

Tell me General, how many wish to stay?” 

I was surprised actually, fully fifteen thousand of them.” Wollfen was surprised. 

That many?”

Is that too much?” 

No, no, I just wasn’t expecting so many to give up their own homelands. They are welcome certainly. If you wish you may come with me to meet the other Generals.” 

No, I will stay with my men for now, they are more important.”

Wollfen liked the General’s decision.  It reflected on him as a person and Wollfen had sensed this man had good in him when they had first met.

The surrender went off without a hitch and Wollfen left the collection of arms and separation of men to the Generals.  He had been called to Oceania by the new King.  Now he made his way there with his companions and a small guard of Elven warriors. At the gates he announced his presence and a small contingent of the King’s guard attached themselves to the front of Wollfen’s group then led them through the streets of the city to the palace sitting near it’s center.

The King sat on a throne at the top of a tier of large steps leading to the entrance of the palace.  On either side of the courtyard measuring a couple of hundred feet long, there were throngs of people lined up. The bustle and mumble of the crowd rose as Wollfen dismounted.  Then he took the lead of his entourage and the people let out a cheer. 

Hail Wollfen! Hail our savior!”

The people were shouting as he walked along.  This was more attention than he had ever gotten before in his life and he wasn’t sure what to do.  He gave a little wave every now and again but he felt quite lame about doing it. Wollfen kept looking to Dark by his side as they walked along.  She too looked uncomfortable so he held her hand, it helped both of them. It seemed like an eternity to the bottom step though.

Wollfen looked up at the King who was smiling down to them.  From this distance Alard certainly was the spitting image of his brother.  He wondered where Prince Fitzgerald was? He would have to ask the King once they got to speak. The King stood and motioned for them to come up.  Still the crowds were cheering as he ascended.   Wollfen checked that Dark was still by his side.  As he approached the King, Wollfen gave a small gasp of surprise. 

Prince Fitzgerald? You are King?” he nodded. 

Yes, you have to call me King Fitzgerald now.  My brother loves the sea more than being King.  He passed the mantle to me.” Wollfen knelt before the King and bowed his head in homage. 

My Liege.” Darkling followed suit as did the others at the bottom of the steps.

Arise Wollfen and turn to your grateful countrymen.”

Wollfen did as he was told and the King took his hand then raised it to the crowd.  There was an almighty cheer from them and to Wollfen it seemed like they were close to rioting. While the King kept his hand up he talked in Wollfen's ear. 

I remember the speech you gave me about taking what steps were necessary for the good of the Kingdom.  Well you are the people’s champion.  Your exploits are spoken all the country over and as such I intend on giving them even more to talk about.  You have given us our country back and the people look to you for inspiration.” 

I’m not sure I’m cut out for this your highness.”

Nonsense! Look at them! They love you! And when I make you a Knight of the realm in a minute they will be in raptures.  You are the best thing for morale right now.  They need a hero and we still have a long way to go, you know that.”

Wollfen couldn’t argue, they may have taken back the northern cities but it would be many months before Isogorr could be called truly defeated.

Now turn and kneel my good man, your destiny awaits.”

Wollfen turned about and bent down to his knee, a little reluctant at this but there was nothing he could do. 

I King Fitzgerald of the Kingdom hereby dub you Lord Wollfen of the realm.”

He felt the blade tap him on each shoulder.  He had always cherished his anonymity through the ages, what was he going to do about this?

Arise Lord Wollfen.”

He stood up and once more turned to the crowd, if it was possible their cheers sounded even louder now.

Later that evening there was a banquet put on with all of the local dignitaries and officers of the army present. Wollfen sat to the King’s side and when Wollfen wasn’t engaged in some inane conversation involving his exploits he was staring off into space.  How long could this go on? He was feeling very trapped.  Looking back Wollfen supposed he did have a greater influence on events than he had given himself credit for, but damned if he wanted acknowledgment for it.

Certainly not being in the limelight and having girls  hanging around cooing in his ear, that just wasn’t his thing.  He would rather be out under the stars sharing some quality time with his closest friends, even Dark was getting put out. 

Later when the gathering broke up the King called Wollfen aside. 

I haven’t thanked you personally for what you have done for everyone.” 

There is no need your highness.  I did what was necessary for the good of all.” 

That may be true but that doesn’t stop me from giving you a reward for your deeds.” 

Please your highness, I could ask for only one thing.” 

Just ask and it is yours.” 

Let me take back my anonymity?” The King laughed. 

Fat chance of that now! No Wollfen, you are stuck with it.  Don’t worry it will serve you well in the short term and that’s just what I need right now.” Wollfen looked at him carefully. 

There is a task you wish of me?”

Yes, I am placing you in charge of all Kingdom armies answerable only to me.  You are supreme commander of all armies of the Kingdom.  I hope that doesn’t clash with your responsibilities to the elven King.” 

I should think not.  Once things have stabilized in the north here, I expect the elves will return to the enchanted lands again.”

Well then, all the more reason you must be the one to orchestrate the assault on Port Cholandra, no one else has your skills.” Wollfen nodded. 

It was the most logical thing to do and then there was the question of Madeira.  He really wanted to find out what had happened to her. 

A couple of days later Wollfen went to the enchanted lands and sought counsel with King Elyssur.  The elf welcomed him as per usual. 

Hello Aerassis, I understand you are a man of great standing now?” Wollfen shook his head. 

Please, don’t remind me of it, it is like a lead weight hanging around my neck.” The King chuckled ever so slightly, he was enjoying seeing Wollfen so uncomfortable. 

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