Annihilate Me (Vol. 4) (The Annihilate Me Series) (13 page)

how long do we wait for that?”

tomorrow morning,” she said.
“If any
of them were waiting for you to leave today, they will have gone through all of
their photographs by then.
If we
don’t hear from them, it

s at
that point that I

ll start
calling each of them to see who was there and what they might have in their




six that evening, Alex, Tank, and I were to meet Peachy Van Prout at her
mansion on Park.

should be interesting,” Alex said when we walked into his office.
“I haven’t seen or heard from her in

leaned against his desk and looked at me in such a way that I could sense an
emotional scar lurking behind his stoic facade.

don’t know what your issues are with Peachy, but I

m sure you have a good reason for them.
What I can tell you is that when Tank
and I went to her party to meet Henri Dufort, she was nothing if not kind to
What has she done to you,

be honest?
Nothing directly.
This is on me.
I told you that when I was young, my
mother didn

t give a
damn about
I took any relationship she
cherished more than ours as an offense.
That was the case with Peachy and with others.
In my family, our cooks and my nanny
raised me, not my mother.
My mother
was either warring with my father, elevating her position in society, or
spending time with friends like Peachy when I was wishing she was spending time
with me.”


m sorry that happened to you.”

is what it is.”

But it

s also unfortunate.”

just shrugged at me.

had her last party in October.
what Blackwell tells me, it

unusual for someone of her class to have a major event so soon after the last
Peachy is breaking the rules
for us.

s putting her social standing on the line
because of you and her relationship with your mother.
I think she has deeper feelings for you
than you know.

m sure of this, Alex—she

s not having this party and putting cameras
all over her house for me.
barely knows me.

s doing this for you.”

I said earlier, I

misjudged her.

just wanted more from your mother.
Many can relate to that.
know I can.”

could tell he was uncomfortable talking about any of this.
He checked his watch.
“Ready to go?”

went over and kissed him on the lips.
“I love you,” I said.

love you, too.”

Peachy, of all people, will be the one who cracks this for us.
’s possible.

smiled at me.
“How did I get so

ask myself the same thing every day.”


s do this,” he said, curling his arm around
my waist.
“Adrianna Bomba is
confirmed for tomorrow night. Tank will be watching the monitors and getting
the party on video.

ll be interesting to see what

s revealed when we make our move and go over
to talk with her.”




we arrived at Peachy

mansion on Park and Sixty-Eighth, Tank and two of his men exited the limousine
The sun had set and it was
dark now, but the streets were nevertheless thick with traffic, and the
sidewalks were filled with people moving at a quick clip.
The men checked the area the best they
could, and when they felt that we were reasonably safe, they nodded for us to
come out.


left the car, and went straight for Peachy

s door, and God knows if she wasn

t there waiting for us, which said
everything I needed to know about her.
She was taking this seriously.
She loved Alex more than he knew.

she said.
“My God, it

s been years.
Look how handsome you are.
You have your mother

s eyes.”

closed my own eyes at that statement, but I could tell from her tone that she
meant him no harm.
I looked at her
with fondness.
She was wearing
black pants, a close-fitting white cashmere sweater that accentuated how thin
she was, and very little jewelry.
Her blonde hair was worn in an upward lift just above her narrow
I knew she had to be
somewhere in her seventies, but plastic surgery be damned, the woman looked and
behaved as if she was in her early fifties.

took Alex

s hand and led him into
her massive, wood-paneled foyer, saying over her shoulder, “All of you come
Please, please.
Jennifer, it

s lovely to see you again.
So tan.
So beautiful.
So chic.
Just shut the door behind you.
And please—lock it.”

are you, Peachy?” Alex asked.

reached up and held his face in her hands.

m well,” she said.
“And I

m eager to help you.
Your men have been here the past three
days, and I think things are in good shape.
There are cameras everywhere.
Can you see them?
Up there?
In the corners of the ceiling?

hard to see them, isn

But I suppose that

s the point.
Still, they

re there, and I hope they do what they

re meant to do.
You don

t know how worried I

ve been about you and Jennifer.
Or how much I

ve missed you.
Why don

t you call on me?
You know how much you meant to me when
you were a boy.

ve missed you!
And now here you are at last with this
beautiful woman.
Jennifer, come

s right.
Look at you two together.

so happy for you.
You don

t know how happy.
When is the wedding?
I must know.”

haven’t set a date yet,”
Alex said.


s stopping you?”

what we

re going through.”

But once all of this is behind you,
please don

t forget about me.
Robert and I would love to see you walk
down the aisle with Jennifer, Alex.
Now, look.
I want to say something.
Your mother was a good friend to me, but
I know that she wasn

t a good
mother to you.
She had her

m fully aware of them.
And I can only imagine how you came to
view her friends as you grew up.
So,” she said.
This is a new day.
Let me show you what your men have done,
where all of the cameras are, and what you can expect to happen tomorrow night.
We have two hundred coming for
The place will be

they moved forward, I hung back a bit and walked next to Tank.
Even in my heels, I was dwarfed by him,
and I was far from short.
I nudged
his arm.
“How do you feel about
this?” I asked in a low voice.


s gone out of her way to be accommodating.”

think she

s great.
But you knew I felt that way when we
came here the first time.
She was
nothing if not kind to us.”


are you?”

looked at me out of the corner of his eye as if the question was

m fine.

asked for you today.”

caught his attention.
“She did?”


he said.

that surprise you?”

a little.”

thinks a lot of you.”

She does?
I can

t tell.

s a tough read.”

think she

d say the same about you.”

caught him off guard.
“Would she?”

she already has.
But enough of my
meddling in your relationship, because you know that I’m meddling.
And if I

m meddling?

going to be honest with you and tell you that I’m meddling.
I hope you also know that I only want
the best for each of you.
it goes is how it goes.
But I

m leaning in a certain direction, because
when it comes to my best friend?

d like to think that one day she

ll seriously be dating you.

re a good man, Tank.
I like you a lot.
Lisa is a good woman.
I love her deeply, and I

m very protective of her.
I hope it works out between you
I really do.
And that

s all I

m going to say on this matter because it

s really none of my business.”

shot me a conflicted look.
I knew
Lisa had her guard up—but was it up too much?
Was it up so high that he was unable to
penetrate it?
Or was it just the
I decided I

d ask her when we talked next.
For now, I hooked my arm around his, and
we continued to follow Alex and Peachy up the grand staircase to the second
floor where most of the cameras were in place, and where the party would be
held tomorrow night.




following evening at seven-thirty, when Blackwell and Bernie had finished
pulling me together, I stood in front of the mirror set up for me in our
makeshift changing room at Wenn and looked at myself.

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