Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin) (12 page)

Chapter Nineteen

Cassie removed the young man that was dangling from her fangs, shoving him to the floor. The smell of blood and lust whirled in the room as she stood up in her throne room. Legions of vampires, demons and creatures bowed before her. She glanced down at herself, a scarlet corset dress adorned her body; her already pale skin had become almost translucent. Her hair had returned to its natural colour, a stark contrast against her skin.

This is what you become, Cassandra. You are queen, deadly and beautiful and everything you never wanted to be... believe it, accept it.

Cassie looked around the full room and realised she was in Luka's old viewing room. But it was hers now. Her skin itched from the power burning inside her veins. And she loved it. The party was in full swing, the blood was flowing, music was playing and everyone was indulging in lust and hunger; she fed from them, their pleasure becoming hers. She had memories of things that were not hers, but this Cassie didn't feel right either. She moved with the grace of a dancer down the steps and walked through the crowds. Murmurs of “my queen” and “your majesty” came from her subjects. Some she acknowledged, other bottom feeders, she ignored. Her appetite had been sated for now, but her lust for pain still prowled beneath the surface. She had inherited the madness she dreaded.

Coming to stand by the edge of the room, she raised a well-manicured hand, silence falling upon the room. Her audience waited with bated breath, the ones that still had any she guessed.

“My loyal subjects, once again we celebrate a fine victory. We have taken over the final sector on this island. It now belongs to me, so it belongs to all of you as well. We will rule this place as a superior race; the humans exist purely for our pleasure, our amusement and our food. So as the saying goes, eat, drink and be merry... But be careful not to make a mess.”

She giggled slightly and nervous laughter broke out. Fear leaked out from them and she devoured it with greed. Their mad queen was well known for her temper, and many a monster had lo
st a head from her outbursts. The vampires guarding the door regarded her with equal amounts of respect and dread as they opened the door for her.

“Are we to escort you to your chamber, my queen?” one of them asked her, his voice shaking slightly.
Cassie inclined her head right, then left as she appreciated the good looks of her soldiers. If she didn't have other things on her mind, she would have taken the vampire to her bedroom and made sure that when he left her in the morning, he found it extremely difficult to walk.

“Not just now, my pet. I wish to spend some quality time with our little guest.” She shiv
ered in anticipation.

“Yes, my queen.”

The soldiers flanked her as she walked down the corridors that once housed the old her. The art she had once loved had been torn down and replaced with blood and bodies. She ran her fingers over the corpses remembering the kills, replaying them in her mind.

This is not you, Cassie... you did not become this...

“I am this, this is me.” Vampire Cassie answered herself drawing a puzzled look from her companions. With the raise of an eyebrow, they returned their gazes forward, knowing what happened to those who fell out of favour with the mad queen. Lifting her skirt as she went down the narrow stairs, the hairs on her arms rose as she sensed him waiting for her. She felt him tense; he knew she was coming too. They played this little game now for months and she never grew tired or bored. But she was frustrated they had yet to locate the other traitor, the one that could have saved her. Taking the key that hung from her neck, she unlocked the door and stepped inside. There he was, her most prized possession, her angel. He was exactly how she had left him, pinned to the wall, his wings and arms out straight, his head hanging down into his chest. She had offered him the world to join her, to succumb to the evil just like her, yet he declined. Even when she set her hands alight and brushed them gently over those wings, her angel refused to scream, refused to bend. Which made her want him even more.

He lifted his head and peaked out at her, his hair had long since grown out. The spark that had always
shone in those beautiful brown eyes had diminished over time. The door closed behind her, leaving them all alone. Cassie skipped over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. She swirled round and came to lounge on the chair that sat in front of him. Placing her hand above the table, she summoned a glass of blood, took a sip and licked her lips, all under the watchful eye of Archer.

“How are you tonight, my love? I don't suppose you've changed your mind, so we can put you out of your misery? You know how much it pains me to have to hurt you, Archer. It hurts me in here.”
Cassandra pointed to her chest where her heart used to beat.

“You no longer have a heart, Cassandra; it died the day the real Cassie was stolen from us. I will never change my mind.” The angel’s words were defiant, his voice a little croaky since she had refused him
water almost a week now. Calmly placing the glass on the table, she rose, gliding toward him. She ran her finger over his bare chest and licked his throat.

“But you want me, don't you, my angel? I can smell it on you like a perfume. I feel it when I touch you. Just tell me you want me and be done with this, Archie.”

The use of his pet name was a low blow and she knew it. The old Cassie was the only one that called him that. His head snapped back, hitting the wall so hard she was sure he must have cracked it. He spat the words out, his own frustration now apparent.

“I do not want you, you stupid bitch. I want her, the C
assie you were before you became this bitch. The funny, beautiful Cassie whose body you invaded. You may look like her and my body responds to that, but you never will be half the person she was, or should have been, you mad psycho whore.”

The slap was thunderous, her claws raking his cheek as she finished. She flung the chair across the room and screamed. The mad queen went off on a rant.

“I’m not her. I never was. I am me, me is who I am... She was always me, always evil, not good, never loved... evil bitch... evil fucking bitch.”

Grabbing a whip, she turned, lashing out at Archer’s already marred chest. The angel didn't move, just held her gaze,
infuriating her further.

This is what you could be, Cassandra. Just come with me.

A loud banging brought her back to herself and she shouted “

One of her guards came into the room, his walk and demur full of caution. “Forgive me, my Queen, but I was sent by Daniel to come get you. He says he has acquired your other gift and will await yo
u in the throne room.”

Could it be? Had they found him? If she had a heart, it would have rejoiced. “Clear the room. I want him to myself when I get there. Anybody refuses to leave or touches him before I do, kill them. He
is mine and mine alone.”

“Yes, my Queen.” And he was gone. She turned back to the angel almost sorry that their time was up. She pulled her sword from the sheath in the wall and almost felt sorry for herself. She kissed the angel on the lips and felt his inner conflict. She studied him for just a moment longer before a smile crept over her lips. “It’s been fun, my angel, but parting is such sweet sorrow.” Raising the sword she swung with power and turned. The mad queen was gone before the angel’s
head hit the floor.

She fought the urge to run; she had waited too long for this, to see him, to touch him. When she had been converted, he had tried to stay with her, but somewhere in the mist of madness and blood, things had changed. Before he fled with the angel, he tried to kill her, but he failed and ran from her. Now he was back, and she
convince him to stay, because none of it mattered without him. Her hands began to shake as she fumbled with the door handle. When she entered the throne room, she saw him, hands cuffed behind his back kneeling on the floor, his head bowed. The guards pulled him to his feet and he sagged slightly. Head held high, she marched to face him, her resolve fading when those once intense green eyes looked back at her, filled with nothing but emptiness.

“Leave us!” she demanded and they scattered. She put her hands on his arms and rubbed them, just to check that her mind was not playing tricks on her and that he was real. He was. Luka's muscles tensed and he remained still. She leaned in and inhaled the calming scent of lavender, a welcoming stroke on her skin. Cassie pulled him in close and sighed in relief. “Oh, Luka, Oh, baby, I've missed you. You've come home to me final
ly; we can be a family again!”

Luka's face was a mask. No emotion flickered as he stepped back from her embrace and stared her down. “Cassie, I came back under duress, not because I had a choice. So can you make this quick,
my queen,
I have an afterlife to get to.”

Anger boiled her skin, frustration rocked her body and she conjured fire. It bounced in her hand ready to explode, but she quenched it. She looked at her former lover and memories of the girl she used to be flashed in her mind’s eye. She dragged her fingernails down her face, drawing blood. “It’s not supposed to be like this. It’s not. We were supposed to be happy, Luka, you and me. I dreamt it! When I changed, we were meant to live forever, while the world changed around us, we would stay the same. Don't you love me anymore?
Please, please,
I can't do this without you.”

She fell to her knees and hugged his legs crying, droplets of red tears staining his jeans. He said nothing, the room as cold and icy as the sea. She usually felt suffocated in this room, but now she thought she would get swept away in
the enormity and emptiness. Rising to her feet again, she shoved Luka who stood firmly rooted to the spot. “Come on, say something, anything. Luka...”

Her lover gazed deeply into her black eyes, and she saw a glimpse of the strong, powerful vampire she fell in love with.

“What would you like me to say,
my queen?
The Cassie I loved is dead. Murdered by madness and bloodlust. For a while, I thought I could pretend, love the monster that inhabits her body. She would have asked me to kill her herself if she was anywhere inside of you. I trained her to kill exactly what you have become, and I promised her I would die trying to set her free.”

He swiftly proceeded to kick her in the stomach with such force she flew across the room and crumpled against her throne. She heard the crunch of metal as Luka pulled apart the handcuffs. Cassie leapt to her feet and braced herself for attack, when strong
arms ensnared her from behind.

“Didn't think you could kill me that easily, did you, Cassandra?” Archer sneered at her and she
gasped in disbelief. She felt it in her bones that this was it for her, and she couldn't help but feel a little at ease. The madness was exhausting and she feared that one day, if she lived, she would end up in a world where she was alone because she had killed every single person in it. She stopped struggling.

“I always knew it would be one of you that killed me, my boys, so strong and deadly. You know she tells me things sometimes, your Cassie. She loved you both and she tried to fight me to begin with, but you can't fight the likes of me. She gave up when you left, Luka. Sure that if she had nothing to fight for, then what was the point. Just
do it fast before they get here.”

Frantic shouts sounded from outside. Luka stepped up to look at her. “I
sorry I didn’t get to you in time, Cassie. I truly am.” He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to her lips. She closed her eyes as she felt the tip of the stake on her skin. She felt it as it pierced her skin, as it cracked through bone and plunged into her dead heart. She opened her eyes and smiled. “Thank you.” And then her body dissipated to ash in front of her throne.

screamed, a sharp sorrowful scream as the edges of the world darkened. Her breathing was heavy and her pulse rapid. It was fake, it had to be. She didn't want to believe that she could become the monster from her nightmares. Cole would never know that by showing her what she could have become, or may still become, made her more determined to stay exactly how she was. She had to trust that she had some spark of goodness in her bones, or so help the Goddess, she would make sure she didn't lean any further into the dark.

So you’re still alive, Cassandra. I guess you are stronger than I thought. So you get your wish, face-to-face with me. And a few of your friends that you sent to live here, how about that? I may just have to tear the flesh from your bones myself since my visions weren't enough to finish you off. I'll send someone to collect you and bring you to me. I look forward to our chat...
his voice drifted away before returning.
By the way, if you think your friends will come to help you, then don't. You are well and truly alone, my dear. 'Cause they are all dead.

Chapter Twenty

Cassie blinked open her eyes, groaning as she turned on her side. Her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth and she coughed a few times. There was a small drumming band playing in her head and her stomach lurched. Taking in her surroundings, she realised that she was still in that damn basement, and probably had been the whole time. She reached her hand up to her neck and felt two small puncture marks on her skin.
So at least I know that much happened.

Pulling herself up, she looked around, but Luka was no longer in the room with her.

“Son of a bitch!” She groaned in frustration. She heard footsteps approach and unsuccessfully felt round for a weapon. It was no use, she was unarmed with nothing but her sharp tongue to protect her. Slowly rising to her feet, she leaned against the cage bars for support and waited. The basement door opened, a giant lycan striding in. It took Cassie a second to catch on that she had captured him about two years ago for turning young girls without permission from his alpha. He was ugly as hell, gifted with crooked teeth and a face only his mother could have loved. He sneered at her as he approached, but Cassie knew that the bigger they were the harder she had to hit ‘em. Simple.

“Remember me, mongrel?” he grunted, his smile widening, flashing Cassie a full set
a yellow-black teeth.

“You ever hear of dental flos
s, dog? Works wonders.”

Growling, he edged closer, but Cassie refused to move. “You’re going to wish you were nicer to me when Cole gets his hands on you. ‘Cause when he's used you, I get ya, and then you'll
wish you were dead.”

She folded her arms across her chest and gave him her best grin. “All I have to do is get a whiff of your breath and I wish I was dead, dude. You should ask Cole to pay you in mints...
Dude, that’s rank.”

He lunged for her, but she sidestepped him and he crashed head first into the bars. She could only jest to herself that he was probably seeing stars, but to add some more insult, she kicked his ass so his knees
thunked down on the concrete. He clambered to his feet; face flush with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

“Come on, dog, I could kick your ass all day long and not be out of breath.” Cassie beckoned him forward, but the wolf froze, nodded and pa
used before her answered her.

“I’m to bring you straight to Cole and he doesn't want you harmed, so get your ass in gear, bitch, and move.”

The poor boy looked so disappointed that Cassie felt a little sorry for him. Well not that much. She needed the energy for when she saw Cole next.              She indicated for him to lead the way, but he grabbed her arm, forcing her forward. Cassie scoped out the rooms as they shuffled through the warehouse, plotting her escape, but the blade that pricked her spine gave her second thoughts. Plus, she really had no intentions of leaving dead or alive until she made Cole suffer. A lot.

Familiar scents assaulted her nose as they came to a standstill outside a door at the very end of the corridor. Cassie guessed by the smells that three demons, a witch and a vampire were inside. The witch was the wildcard because she might have powers that rivalled Cassie's, which at the moment were MIA. The lycan thrust through the open door and Cassie did her best to stand, hands on hip and as cocky and d
efiant as she used to be.

Ahh, Cassandra my dear, good of you to join us. Did you have a nice nap?”  Cole’s smug demeanour grated on Cassie; she looked forward to smashing his face in more. Running her hand through her hair, she shrugged aiming for nonchalance.

“Oh, yeah, it was peachy, riveting stuff I must say... just a bit pr
edictable, don't you think?”

Ignoring her sarcasm, he gestured to the seat beside his and told her to sit down. When she opened her mouth to tell him to fuck himself, he spoke again. “And before you decline my offer in that elegant ladylike manner, i
t was not a request. Sit.”

“Well since you asked so nicely,” she grumbled, taking the seat. She plucked a strawberry from one of the overflowing bowls and popped it into her mouth. All the monsters at the table stared at her. She
propped her feet up on the table leaning back in the chair, hoping to piss off Cole enough that he did something stupid. And it was working, if the reddening of his ears was anything to go by. He turned to address his fellow dinner guests, trying his best to ignore the insolent woman at his table.

“If you would excuse us, Cassandra and I ha
ve a few things to hash out.”

All but one of the demons scampered from the room. The demon glared at Cassie, steam almost pouring from his ears as she refused to glance in his direction. His voice was shaky, as if he was struggling for control, his gills flapping. “My liege,” he stared at Cassie and snorted, “
that half-breed sent me here under the keeper’s orders and she killed my partner. I want nothing more than to tear her ribs from her chest and use them to clean my teeth.”

Cassie couldn’t resist. “Do fish demons have teeth? ‘Cause they certainly don't have any balls the way you cried like a baby when I chopp
ed your partner into sushi.”

The demon roared so loudly it almost shattered the windows; he flung himself at Cassie. He froze mid-leap as Cole held up his hand, and with the flick of his wrist, the demon flew through the air, coming to a stop only w
hen the door met his face.

Cole screamed, the demon immediately obeying, his fists clenched by his side, glaring at Cassie as she waved goodbye. When he shut the door behind him, Cole sat down in his own chair, filled his glass with wine, and took a sip before he looked Cassie dead in the eyes.

“So you survived my realm of dreams my dear? I'm impressed. Stronger men have faltered and lost themselves in their h
eads... Just ask Luka.”

He was trying to bait her, make her lose her cool and strike first, but Cassie could wait. She would have her vengeance and Cole would arrive back to his mother in an assortment of pretty little boxes if Cassie had her way.

“Can we get on with this Cole? I'm getting bored now.”

“I’m aware that my mother sent you to fetch me, Cassandra, and what Lilith wants, she usually gets. But I will not be dragged back to hell when I can rule a kingdom myself. It’s your last chance to join me, Cassandra. Be my queen and we can be
a force to be reckoned with.”

“What is it with demons and vampires wanting me to be their queen? Did you guys never hear of women’s liberation? I'm a killer, not a queen and I have no interest in crawling into bed with you, Cole, literally or figuratively. One way or the other, I
bring you to Lilith. It’s what I do.”

Cole studied her, and then rose, the cocky little shit turning his back
on her like she was no threat.

“My mother wants nothing more than to show Lucifer that she spawned a son for him, one of power and grace, with the ability to rule beside him. I do not wish to be anybody’s second, and I certainly do not need an
y favours from Lucifer.”

“So the reason why you stormed off in a temper tantrum is because you have daddy issues? Are you serious? Cole, get some balls, man. We all have daddy issues, but you don't see me spitting the dummy out of the pram because I don't know who mine is? For the love of the Goddess, dud
e, grow the fuck up.”

Continuing to gaze out the window, he showed no emotion, but the tension in his shoulders was obvious. She heard him sigh and place his hands on the windowsill. She waited for what seemed like an age before he turned to speak to her. “That is a gift you know, not knowing, at least you can pretend. But I
Lucifer’s son. There are pressures and expectations that I do not want or need. Lilith thinks that Lucifer does not know I exist, but I assure you that man knows all. He came to me you see, when I was a child, and told me he hoped someday I would be of some use to him, or else he would kill me, because none of Lucifer’s children could be weak. But I will not bow down to him or anyone else. I was born to rule.”

Cassie unfolded her arms and stood; the stupidity of the boy now a serious irritation. She tried to see if she could summon up even a smidge of power, but nothing.
Okay, so I'm going to have to fight my way out... let’s get this done.

“I made a deal with your bitch-of-a-mother, Cole, and I don't break deals, no matter what. So you can make this easy or hard on yourself, but I ain’t listening to y
our childish bullshit anymore.”

“But you are powerless, Cassandra, and weak. How can you even think you can defeat me? Your friends are dead
. You have nothing left.”

“Then I have nothing left to lose, and you know what they say
about desperate people, hey?”

Without hesitation, she picked up the knife on the table and flicked it at Cole, but the bastard moved at the last second. She had just missed his eye. They circled each other, waiting for someone to strike. He had his fists up, but he lacked training, so he was twisted into pure shock as she punched him so hard in the fa
ce she heard bones crunch.

“You broke my nose, you bitch,” he cried out and Cassie laughed at the ridiculousness of his response. Cole wiped the blood from his face, his eyes darkening. He waved his hand sending her through the air, but she rolled with it and landed on her feet. He tried again, but she ducked, judging that she had to be in direct line of his gestures for them to work. She was right. So she had a fighting chance at le
ast. That was something.

Cole leaned back against the wall, his breathing was rapid. Cassie knew he was no fighter. Being attached to mommy’s apron str
ings had done him no good.

What about poor Luka, Cassie? Have you forgotten that I tortured him until he begged me on his knees for death? Or that I burnt your angel from the inside out, over and over until he disappeared? Don't you want to kill me as much as I want to kill you?

Cole's voice was nothing more than an itch she wished she could scratch, but Cassie was a hunter: solid, focused and never missing her prey. Emotions and grief could wait for later.

Back to
trying to irritate my brain, Cole? Or are you afraid that this little girl is going to hand your mother your ass on a plate? Does she have your balls in a glass jar in the cupboard in hell, or does she let you play with them sometimes?

“Someday that mouth of yours will piss off the wrong person, Cassandra, and then they will pull out your tongue and teach you to have some respect.”

Smirking, she shrugged. “But I'm guessing by your tone that today
will not
be that day. So what you got up your well-tailored sleeves, Cole? Come on, let’s dance.”

Cole lengthened his arms and a rumble began under Cassie's feet. The floor cracked, splitting open to reveal a pit of hell. Soulless eyes stared back at her, hands reached up to grab her. She balanced on one foot almost falling over and into certain death. Throwing herself to the side, her eyes fell on a sword that was attached to the wall. Placing her leg against the wall, she pulled it free and twirled it in her hand to work out ho
w useful it would be to her. She could hear Cole begin to mutter spell words; it was now or never. She jumped up on the table and slid in his direction. She swung the sword, narrowly missing his head. Cole yelped a high-pitched cry. She smiled sadistically at him and poised herself to strike again. Suddenly, she was knocked off her feet, the sword scooting across the floor as a massive paw landed square on her chest.
Damn, that thing needs a freaking bell!
She tried to push herself up, but the weight of the hellhound was too much.

“You see now, Cassandra, powerful men have powerful allies. You should have chosen your
battle more carefully, and then maybe, you would have had a chance to survive under my rule. Do you know what’s worth fighting for, when it’s not worth dying for?”

His ego seemed genuinely bruised when Cassie laughed. “For the love of the Goddess, Cole.
Green Day
? In your hour of triumph and victory, you quote
Green Day
? Now don't get me wrong, that is an awesome song, but where is the poetry? The flamboyance? It’s hardly going to go down as one of the greatest speeches of all time, if you ask me.” She moaned slightly as the hound pushed harder down on her chest. Cassie wiggled her arms free, and waited.

“It’s too bad you have to die, half-breed, because you could have amused me here for an age. Good riddance, you mouthy little bitch...
maybe I'll see you in hell!”

Quick as lightning, she put her hands on the hound’s neck and twisted, shifting out of the way before the beast fell on her, crushing her. She kip-upped off the floor, grabbed the sword and pounced on the annoying little shit. He tried to squirm away, but she held the blade across his neck a
nd pressed down deep, drawing blood.

“Now, you self-obsessed Langer, you’re going to be a good little demon and do as you’re told.” She peered down at him, trying to make out why he had a self-satisfied grin plastered on his face. Then she heard the battle cries emerging from all over the warehouse, and no longer needed to guess.
Fuck. Think, Cassie, think!!
There was only one thing she could do. Taking a deep breath, she pressed harder on Cole's skin, increasing the blood flow.
Bottoms up,
she thought grimly as she leaned into Cole's neck and bit him.

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