April, Dani - Raven's Ranch (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme) (18 page)

“You most definitely are not safe.”

“So I guess you’ll just have to come up here and get me.”

Bran started walking out of the water toward her. She squealed and stepped back.

“You have no idea how much trouble you’re in, sexy lady.”

“I think I’m about to find out,” her voice dropped to a hushed whisper as he rose up out of the water. Now that he was fully erect, she was afraid of him once again. He was a monster. Yet her legs turned to jelly as she watched him approach, and she could not move a muscle. He was definitely the biggest man she had ever seen, and she had no idea how she was going to fit all of him inside of her. Suddenly there was so much more of him.

When he reached her on the shore, he was dripping wet with the lake water. His hard body repelled the water and it rolled off him in waves, and his hair was slicked back from his handsome brow. He did not touch her yet. He reached up and adjusted her hair beneath the hat. She felt his enormous cock thud up against her belly in the dark.

“I like your hat,” he told her, and they both broke out laughing.

She reached up to kiss him for the first time, loving the way he made her feel. He returned her kiss, and soon his tongue was invading her mouth and his arms had gone around her back. Again she had that feeling of being no more than a dwarf in his huge arms, but she gave herself away in total trust.

Then he bent down to her and aggressively took one of her engorged nipples in his mouth. She held onto his broad shoulders to steady herself. Her heart was about to beat out of her chest, and her breathing had almost stopped completely.

He was greedy with his need for her. He handled her body roughly but with a controlled passion that brought her nothing but pleasure, with just a hint of danger that made her adrenaline pump and the tension build tighter.

She had closed her eyes to him and was giving herself over to total feeling as he brought alive every nerve ending in her body. Before she even knew what was happening she felt one of his large hands slide between her thighs, and a finger enter her, testing and probing. She knew she was sopping wet and was ready for penetration, maybe not by all of him, but as ready as she ever could be.

He was in no hurry to remove his hand from her, and soon she felt two of his fingers sliding in and out of her pussy, and then three. She began to move her hips to the rhythm of his probing fingers. He was demanding of her, and she couldn’t hold herself back. Within another minute the first orgasm of the night had hit her and she grinded down against his fingers, savoring every glorious moment.

He caught her in his arms. She was about to fall over when the third muscle spasm rocked her body and her legs would no longer support her weight. Taking her in his arms as if she weighed no more than a kitten, he carried her to their blanket on the ground and laid her out on top of it. She gratefully clung to his hard, naked body and didn’t think she could ever let him go.

“Bran, darling…” she called to him through labored breathing and pulled his head down to her face, loving his touch as one hand was playing with her nipple and the other with her pussy. “I know I don’t have to say this, but…but…when you go in me, please take it easy. I’m only a human girl and I don’t want to break for you…”

He kissed her on the lips to reassure her. “Don’t worry about a thing, my beautiful lady. I know some ways. Leave it to me.”

“I will,” she whimpered as he brought her to the verge of another orgasm with his fingers. She pulled his mouth down to her and their lips touched as he forced her over the orgasmic precipice yet again.

“Come here, my lady love,” he whispered into her ear, and she felt his hands slide up her body as he was helping her to sit up. Her boots helped her weakened body to gain traction under her feet and then she was into a kneeling position on the ground. He was also kneeling before her, and he had brought his cock around to bob in her face. It was pretty clear what he wanted, and she wanted to give it to him.

“Don’t be afraid.” His deep, confident voice soothed her as he brushed a long strand of hair behind her ear and pushed the hat back on her head, placing his giant cock into the palm of her hand.

She took his cock out of his hand, its head flirting with her chin. Her entire hand was enfolding his thick muscle, and her fingers could just touch at its base. She massaged him with her fingers and caressed his cockhead along her cheek. Then she opened her lips and let him slide inside, her tongue licking along his underside.

Raven had never been much for blow jobs, practically making her boyfriend in the city beg before she would consent to give one, but this was different. The night air, the mountain peak towering over them, the moonlight on the placid lake, and the Norse god with his giant cock swallowed halfway down her throat. Yes, this was very different.

She sucked on him and tasted his salty essence. She could only get him halfway into her mouth, his head tickling her tonsils in back. She gagged at first, but he was gentle and not demanding. After a few attempts she lost her gag reflex and was sliding him in and out of her hungry mouth with ease. She brought her hands up underneath him and cupped his tightly packed balls jiggling between his thighs.

He moaned above her. “Oh, my God, lady, you do that like a pro.”

“Only for you, big guy,” she said in a husky voice.

“Okay, we’re going to take this real slow and easy now. Are you ready?”

She nodded, losing her voice.

“Good. I want you on your knees over here.” He beckoned to her. Doing exactly as he commanded, she fell to her knees, her butt waving up in the moonlight toward him. She had never felt more vulnerable in her life, and yet at the same time she had never felt so alive. Her body energy was already drained by the manual climax he had given her with his fingers, and she couldn’t see what was happening behind her and could only feel his big weight shift on the towel as he positioned himself behind her for entrance.

She threw her head back and stared up from beneath her hat at the mountain peak. It was now illuminated by the moonlight and was beautiful. She had never seen such a beautiful and awe-inspiring sight. A cool breeze blew down through the valley and hit her face, bringing peace to her soul.

Then she felt her pussy lips spread wide and a great bulk push inside her. “Just relax,” he told her.

“I am relaxed, baby.” She purred back over her shoulder at him.

“I’m just going to take you slow. All you have to do is relax and enjoy.” His voice was soothing, flooding the quiet of the night with the deep baritone commands.

He pushed deeper. She braced herself against the blanket beneath her and let out a gasp. Then he withdrew and almost left her, only staying inside by a few inches. When he withdrew it was like a part of herself was being taken out of her, and all she could think was how much she wanted him back inside her.

Soon enough she had her wish, as he thrust back in her again, this time his exploration taking him slightly deeper than the last. Another withdrawal, another feeling of loss, and then another thrust and he was driving inside her once more. Each thrust brought him deeper and deeper and filled her more and more.

The night was cool, but she was sweating and felt a heat building inside her body like nothing she had ever felt before. She didn’t think she could breathe. Every time he ploughed into her body her breath was taken completely away.

Not knowing what she was doing any longer, she had pulled up the blanket completely in her balled fists, and now the damp ground was beneath her, leaving her with nothing more to grab hold of than earth, prairie grass, and bugs. Her nails dug into the soil. Every muscle in her body started to tense. Her hips began to sway. Although this was the last thing she wanted because it brought him more deeply into her womb. Her mouth fell open, her eyelids squeezed tightly shut and opened in shock with the next thrust, and her tongue came out of her mouth.

The sound of his naked flesh hitting her butt as he pounded her was all that could be heard until she started to scream. The echo of the canyon picked up her sound and carried it back out to her ten times over. This was pure ecstasy. She almost felt as if his thrusts were lifting her up into the night sky and as if she was starting to soar.

She fell down to the ground. The last thing she heard was his tortured cry above, and then he fell on top of her, and she welcomed the blackness that overtook her.

Sometime during the night, Raven was not sure when, he had brought out the sleeping bag and placed her gently inside of it, removing her boots so she could be comfortable as she slept, but leaving her hat still on top of her head. When she awoke she was cradled in his arms, her head resting against his chest and her legs wrapped securely around him.

He was already awake, perhaps had never been to sleep, and as she roused herself against him he quietly stroked her shoulders and back. She smiled at him, feeling absolute security lying there in his arms under the sky.

“Good morning.” His deep voice greeted her.

“Am I dead?” she asked, still able to joke.

He kissed her forehead. “Very much alive,” he reassured.

“Guess we have to be getting back soon, huh?”

“Probably should.”

“Just give me five more minutes in your arms.”

He pulled her in closer, and she wrapped her arms around him, his body so warm to snuggle up to against the cool of the early morning air.

“You think you’re going to be ready to let all of us enjoy you together?” he asked her after a few minutes of quiet.

“No,” she told him. “I just don’t know how I would handle all five of you at the same time. Until a little while ago I never thought it was possible to have five lovers. I’m still getting used to that idea. Thinking about having you all at the same time is a little much for me still.”

She roused herself into a sitting position. “We have to get back, darling,” she told him.

“You’re right. This is Tyler’s day with you.”

She smiled and closed her eyes, thinking of Tyler’s handsome face. “That’s wonderful. I can hardly wait for my next date. There are certain advantages to having five boyfriends. I think every girl should try it.”

“Tyler’s the nicest guy in the west. I’m sure you’ll have a good time with him today,” he said, massaging her shoulders in his big palm, easing all of the tension out of her.

She thought how strange her situation was. Here she was lying in a sleeping bag with one man, talking about a date and possible seduction of another man. Her life had taken a weird twist somewhere along the way.

“I feel so sorry for Tyler. I can’t imagine losing someone you love like he did.”

“That’s the thing about him. He’s still hung up on his wife. She’s been dead for over three years now, but he can’t get her out of his system.”

“I want to try and help him.”

“Perhaps, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t end up in bed with him tonight.”

“After the sex I’ve had for the past few days I think I
feel disappointed.” She laughed at her own wantonness and kissed his thick chest under the sleeping bag.

“You’ve seen him. You know how cold and distant he is. He’s still a nice guy, but he’s just changed. He’s even distant to you, even as sexy as your cute little butt is.” He reached down below and gave her a loving pat on her naked rear end. “I think it may take more than that to turn him around.”

“I’m just going to take it easy on him tonight,” she said. “If he just wants to be my friend and not my lover, then I will try and be the best friend to him I can be.”

“And, hell, you’ve got four other lovers.”

She laughed and playfully swatted his chest. “You’re right about that, darling.”

Chapter Thirteen

The sun was just rising in the east as Raven grabbed a quick shower with Bran. Then, in front of her trailer he gave her a passionate good-bye kiss and he was gone, getting back in his truck to tackle the duties of a new day.

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