Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8) (35 page)

“I’m going to miss you,” he breathed as he plundered the softness of her mouth and claimed what he knew was his.

Arielle groaned, surrendering to his intoxicating passion. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her.

“Show me that you love only me,” she gasped, her skin scorching with need for him. She needed reassurance that his desire was only for her, no other woman on this earth.

Sebastian’s moved over her with unspoken hunger. “What do you want, baby?”

“I want you,” she gasped. She couldn’t hold back a growl as he thrust vigorously in and felt the hard length of fire deep inside leaving her breathless, struggling to keep her sanity for a little while longer. She wanted to make every last shattering pleasure to last for as long as possible.

Sebastian’s muscles clenched at the sensation her body heat was spreading across every fiber of his body. She was his, body and soul and he plundered every inch of her body as if there was no tomorrow. Her body arched beneath him, matching him stroke for stroke with the same desire, the same passion until they sensed the thundering climax that was about to invade their senses and release them into the universe of oblivion.

Her name was on his lips, and his name on hers, as they rode the waves of ecstasy and the bliss of the aftermath.

Sebastian shifted, tugging the bedspread over them. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her protectively into his embrace. He closed his eyes and felt a sense of possession. Arielle pressed a kiss at the base of his throat. Sebastian growled with pleasure and nuzzled her hair.

“You’re mine, Arielle. Sleep, my angel. I’m right here,” he said, tightening his arms around her possessively.

Arielle smiled blissfully; she could still feel his gaze. She cushioned her cheek on his chest and sighed. Every bit of worry slipped away, leaving her warm and secure. She was sure he was ready to satisfy every craving she ever had and provide a perfect
. “And
are mine, Darcy,” she murmured.

Sebastian cleared his throat. “Mmmm…yes, I am, my beautiful Lizzy,” he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek. He gave her a soft squeeze, but she was already asleep.

Sebastian stayed awake a while longer just watching her in an undisturbed state of slumber, and soon surrendered to sleep.


Sebastian woke to daylight slipping through the window shutters and brushing across his face. Arielle was still asleep in his arms. Her hair spread like a silky waterfall across the pillow. Her lush lips pink and pouty asking to be kissed. He inhaled deeply the freesia fragrance that seeped through every pore in his body and left him spellbound. He decided he had to have her one more time before he left their bed.

He bent his head and brushed his lips over hers. Her breath was warm, alluring, and his body shifted closer.

Arielle’s eyes flickered open and fell into his intense emerald gaze. “Good morning, Darcy,” she murmured against his mouth.

“Good morning, my Lizzy,” he breathed, his pulse pounding. “I know it’s early, but I need you. I can’t go away without showing you how much I love you.”

“I’m not stopping you,” she murmured and moved suggestively against the solid wall of muscles.

His lips curved, and a heated sensation made his pulse race. His fingers tangled in her hair and tilting her head back, he buried his face in the soft curve of her throat. A groan surged from his lips when he sensed the elevated pulse beneath her skin. He drew her even closer. The heat of her skin sent waves of scorching fire through his veins. The passion intensified and the desire for Arielle was mind-blowing. He wanted her like he‘d never wanted another person in his long life through the centuries. His lips moved up the length of her throat, across her jaw and settled on her mouth. He plundered with a savage craving until sizzling pleasure spread and burned every inch of their bodies. Drawing back he gazed into the dark passion that burned inside the blue ocean of her eyes and was lost.

“Oh, God, Arielle, you have no idea what you do to me,” his voice a low growl.

Arielle leaned in, her breasts softly pressing into his chest and he gasped. His hands moved over the curves of her body tracing the line of her hips and the inside of her thighs. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss stilling her breath away. Every stroke of his burning finger sent a sizzling sensation deep into the core of her bone marrow.

His hands slid slowly upward until he cupped her breasts. She gasped as he squeezed softly and let his thumbs brush over the hard nipples. Sensation slammed fast and hard into his brain and he growled. She arched her body and pushed herself against his hands. He squeezed harder, bringing waves of pleasure across her skin and settling below her belly.

His mesmerizing lips moved again and sliding down the bed he kissed and licked every spot along the length of her body. The taste of her silky skin drove him senseless, sending him to a suspended space of time. Reining in his wits he moved up her body until he reached her breast. He took one hard nipple into the heat of his mouth and suckled hard, bringing Arielle to a shuddering whimper.

Frantically he rolled taking her with him and pinned her beneath him. His erection was hard, pressing against the soft flesh of her abdomen. He wedged his knee between her thighs and pressed them apart. He lowered his head and set his mouth on hers, teeth nipping her bottom lip. The sensation was heady, intoxicating. His hands moved lower and gripped her thighs firmly, keeping her still. He moved fast and plunged deep and hard into her body, sending unfathomed pleasure crashing through her and she immediately fractured into a million shards. Her nails dug deep into his back and his name left her lips with a sob. Her body throbbed around him and Sebastian followed with a guttural growl of gratification falling off of the edge of ecstasy, propelling them both into oblivion.

He rolled onto his back and pulled her against his side and she snuggled into his embrace. He gave her a soft squeeze, nuzzled her hair and pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head. “I don’t want to go,” he murmured.

Arielle giggled a wicked glint in her eyes. “But you have to go, love. Your friends are in town for your bachelor party. In fact, they should be here in less than an hour,” she said looking at the digital clock on the nightstand.

He groaned and, propping himself on one elbow, he lifted over her. He bent down and drew a nipple into his mouth and suckled hard. Arielle nearly came off the bed.

“Sebastian!” she gasped, “you need to get up.” She set her hands flat on his chest and pushed gently. “Get up.”

He lifted his head reluctantly and pouted. He looked like a little boy. Arielle burst out into a hearty laugh. “What are you, twelve?”

He just pinned her with his emerald gaze and shook his head with disappointment. “There's nothing funny about me leaving you for a whole week. I hate the thought of it.” He leaned back down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

Arielle just stared back; she just didn’t know what to say. He was acting like a small stubborn child.

“All right, all right, I am getting up.” He flung the bedcovers back and jumped out of bed. “Are you sure you don’t want to take a shower with me?” he called as he reached the bathroom door.

“No!” she yelled back chuckling. “Go take a shower, for God’s sake.”

“Just don’t say I didn’t give you a chance,” he muttered amusement in his voice.

Soon she heard the water running. She rolled over, drew his pillow into her arms and buried her face in it. She inhaled deeply his sweet immortal scent and sighed.


Chapter 20

the bathroom shirtless. His eyes fell on her perfect luscious body and a muscled ticked in his jaw. He didn’t want to leave her.

Arielle pushed herself up on her elbow and focused on the man who'd turned her world upside down. The sight of his jeans low on his narrow hips showing perfectly defined muscles, created a wild pulsation on the nerves between her thighs. She bit back a groan. “Are you ready?”

“Almost.” He approached the bed and bent over to kiss her. “Go to sleep and dream only about me.”

She wrinkled her nose, her face heated as she recalled the last encounter. She pulled him down and deepened the kiss.

“Stop this,” he growled against her mouth. “I’m already struggling with having to leave you for a whole week.”

She released him immediately and flipped back on the pillows with a loud groan.

“You're not this making easy,” he muttered, his eyes whirling with passion.

“Sorry, baby, I just can’t get enough of you.”

“You’re using my words now,” he chuckled and turned away from her bedside to retrieve a shirt from the closed.

“Don’t you have to pack any clothes?”

“No, we manifest everything we need.”

“Right. I don’t even know why I asked such a stupid question.” She buried her face once again in his pillow and inhaled deeply.

“What are you doing?” he asked curiously.

“I hug your pillow and pretend that you're here.”

“Arielle, I don’t think I can be without you for a whole week.”

“You’ll survive,” she chuckled.

“I’m not sure about that. I may not.”

Arielle giggled. “Well then I may have to find another gorgeous immortal to take your place.”

Sebastian pouted. “Stop it, Arielle. I don’t want you talking or looking at any other man while I’m gone. Is that clear?”

Arielle burst out into a hearty laugh. “Darcy, I don’t want anyone else in my bed but you. Is that clear?”

Sebastian groaned at her words. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He walked out of the bedroom feeling her eyes on him all the way until he turned at the end of the hallway.

It wasn't long before the immortals gathered in their study. She heard them laughing and having a good time. They were debating enthusiastically over which activity should come first, and which part of the planet they would visit today. The digital clock on her nightstand read 9:30.

Arielle palmed her face and breathed hard. She exhaled and something tightened in the pit of her stomach. She winced anxiously, knowing she would never be part of their world. She would never experience that sort of existence.

Immortality was so beyond her reality, she couldn’t possibly grasp the meaning of it. She recoiled at the thought that Sebastian had been able to share that type of excitement with other women, but she wasn't one of them.

Unwanted thoughts invaded her mind. What if he met some of those women in their weeklong celebration? She bit her lower lip hard enough to make her jerk her head back in pain. She was truly happy for Sebastian and his friends, but she really didn’t want to let him go.

She got out of bed and decided to start packing. She pulled out a small suitcase and placed it open on the bed. She was going to move back into her parent’s home while Sebastian was away partying with his friends. She ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head, trying to clear her silly thoughts. She retrieved her iPod from the dresser, plugged in the earbuds and after choosing the music she wanted to listen to, she placed the iPod in her jean pocket to free her hands, and continued packing, singing along to an Adele tune.

She never heard Sebastian enter the room, and she didn’t see him approach like a wild cat on prowl. She sensed him before he reached her, and whirling around, she fell into the magic emerald world in his eyes. Her breath held in her throat and she swallowed hard. The raw desire in his eyes took her breath away.

“What are you doing?” she asked, taking a step back.

His eyebrows shut up and his lips parted in a wide smile. He let silence be his reply, as he neared her.

“I know that look,” she muttered, pointing at his face. “Remember your friends are here. And aren’t you leaving anyway?” she asked, still backing up.

Arielle was babbling, captivated by his slow panther-like approach. Suddenly her back hit the dresser and she stopped moving. He stood in front of her and cradled her face, tilting it up to meet his gaze. He pulled the earbuds from her ears and let them fall. Then he took her mouth in a hot kiss and she stopped breathing. His hands left her face, and his arms snaked around her back, pulling her into his body. Her lips parted instantly, as if replying to Sebastian’s silent comment, and her eyelids fell closed. His tongue slipped into the softness of her mouth, hot and demanding and plundered. Time stopped and sensation poured into her veins, making her knees buckle and her body sway. Before she could collect her wits that were scattered all over the floor, he pulled back; his heat was gone, leaving her empty and needing more,
much more
. “Mmm!” she groaned.

“I’m going to miss you,” he murmured, his voice rasping. “I don’t want to leave you,” he added, and took her mouth one more time. “I want you to think of no one but me,” he whispered against her lips.

“Sebastian, how can I do anything but think of you?” she snorted.

“Tell me you love me,” he murmured.

“I love you,” she replied. Still feeling the effect of his kiss, she gasped for air.

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