Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (100 page)

awrite, Morgan. You have a life, as do I.” His words didn't
help to ease her embarrassment. “Well...,” he took
another sip and licked his bottom lip to catch a few drops that tried
to escape, “yer life isn't as exciting as mine, seeing as I'm
likely the keeper of the largest sheep farm on the planet.”
Morgan made the mistake of attempting to drink when he spoke, and
beer landed on the bar in front of her as she laughed every bit of it
all over the smooth counter. “Aye, I'm better at drinkin' as
well.” He took a flawless sip, and nodded towards her wet side
of bar. Morgan wiped her mess with a small square napkin and laughed
to the point of having to move her drink out of fear of spilling the
whole thing.

“Okay,'re a world class sheep herder.. but I can do things with
my mouth that would leave even you...,” her index finger tapped
against the end of his nose gently, “speechless.”

My girlfriend wants to see yer office. Is it open, mate?” The
old man who stood close to the front door nodded as he smiled, and
Morgan could practically see the twinkle in the owner's sky blue
eyes. “Right then.” Sean took Morgan's arm and helped
her from the bar stool, then led her around a small row of tables,
then down a narrow, dark wood hallway. They stopped at the last
small door on the left, and Sean pushed it open with the toe of his
boot. Morgan laughed, and didn't even have time for a mock protest.
She knew exactly what she offered, and what Sean was all too willing
to accept. Nonetheless, she still had to ask when they were safely
locked inside the small office.

is it you want?” Morgan's head tilted to the side as her hands
ran from his stomach to his chest. Sean took a deep breath as his
eyes closed for several seconds. Opening them, he looked down into
Morgan's face, his expression leaving no doubt as to what his body
was feeling.

I want,” he opened the button to his jeans and lowered the
zipper, “is for you,” with a quick tug, his jeans fell to
the floor, his belt clinging loudly against the wood, “to make
me,” he put his hands on her neck, then up, his fingers
gripping her long hair, “speechless.”

body fell forward and she leaned against him completely. She didn't
need to look to know that he was aroused, she could feel his warm,
hard cock against her stomach as he pressed against her as well. “My
pleasure.” Morgan's smile nearly melted the man and it was all
he could to not scoop her up and take her home, where he could show
how much he cared for her, in a proper bed. He wanted to take his
time, to explore her body in every way possible. But he knew that
their brief visits were just that, a fun week now and then, and it
would be all that would ever be between them.

want all of you, Morgan.
His mind raced as he lifted her chin and
pressed his lips against hers. He wouldn't speak the words, and he
would continue to simply enjoy her, but his heart broke as his body
wanted to explode.

head fell back and his eyes closed again as Morgan dropped slowly to
the ground, still pressing against his hard body. She sat eye level
with his middle, and her hand moved over and gripped his erection
firmly. His body tensed as he jerked in her hand, and he moaned
loudly as she moved her cheek the entire length of his shaft.
“Mhmmmm.” Morgan's mouth opened slightly, her tongue
taking the place of her cheek. She licked his satin skin, slowly
until she reached his engorged tip, and taking it gently into her
mouth, her hand moved further up to stroke him in a perfectly slow

fell back a few inches until his legs were against the one desk in
the center of the dimly lit room. He watched Morgan's tongue slowly
move in dangerous circles, and the light from the small window over
his shoulder showed him enough of her face to add fuel to a growing

hands moved from her hair to her face, cupping her warming cheeks as
her head slowly moved. Her soft moans as she moved vibrated against
his flesh. He pulled away briefly. Morgan moved forward and took
him into her mouth again. The delicious torture went on for much
longer than he thought he ever could have endured.

fingers gripped him tightly as she took him further. His loud moan
filled the small space and Morgan's lips curled in a small smile as
her hand moved quickly with her lips. Sean's fingers slid from her
cheeks to her neck and back. He wanted more. He needed more. Morgan's
lips pulled him in harder.
Feels so fookin' good.

mind raced. His body ached. He had to let go. “Love...I...”
The words wouldn't come, but his body did. Morgan moved back and
watched his desire spill from his body as her hand helped milk the
very last of the passion from his cock.

and not so quiet breathing was all that could be heard between them
for several moments until Morgan finally began to stand. Sean
quickly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to her feet, and
flat against his still trembling body. She looked into his face and

were saying?”

nodded in defeat, and with both of his hands gently holding her neck,
he kissed her deeply with a passion that left Morgan with a raging
fire of her own.


afternoon, just one day before leaving for Peru, turned out to be the
last chance Morgan had to help Sean's mom. Days of playful banter
about Gael's needs, along with long days and nights of enjoying one
another, and the day had come when Sean had to return to work with
his crew.

loved having ya here, Morgan.” Sean and Morgan were having an
early dinner before his flight that evening, and Morgan was already
sad to see the end of their week together.

have as well. We have to do it again soon.” Sean nodded and
smiled, but Morgan could see the sadness in his eyes that she too was
feeling. “Sean?” His head tilted as he listened.
“Can...can you take me to your mom's house? I'd like to see
her before I leave tomorrow.” She wasn't sure if bringing up
Gael was such a good idea, since she and Sean hadn't spoken since
that awkward morning, but Morgan had to see her before she left.

I'll take ye. If we leave now, I haven't much time.” Morgan
smiled and leaned across the table and kissed her favorite Irishman
on the cheek.


minutes later, Sean pulled up in front of Gael's home, and Morgan
jumped out before he even had the car in park. Sean laughed and
leaned back in his seat, watching Morgan run to the porch.

Morgan knocked on the front door and tried to look through the
nearly sheer sheep curtains covering the three small windows. She
wasn't home, Sean knew as soon as he pulled up and saw that her car
was gone, but he knew that telling Morgan that information wouldn't
have stopped her.

walked to the side of the house, then to the back. She stopped in her
tracks at what she saw as she rounded the corner. Gael's yard was at
least an acre in size, and backed up to a wide stream that looked
much like a Rockwell painting. “This is beautiful!” She
had no idea that Sean had caught up with her, and his voice startled

She used to have a nice garden at the old house, I wish she would
'ave one here, ya know, to keep her busy.” Sean looked around
at the potential of the entire property. Morgan nodded and dropped
her head back slightly at the cool breeze that lifted her hair. When
the moment passed, she looked to Sean.

really is beautiful. I hate that she's alone.” Knowing how
much Gael had to give, and losing the man that she gave it all to,
was heartbreaking. Sean agreed, and wrapped his arm around Morgan's

done all I can do, Morgan. But I can't lose muh home to this
madness.” Morgan leaned her cheek against his chest and
squeezed him closer. She had to talk to Gael, to find out what would
help her, but it looked to be too late for that trip to Ireland.

she nuzzled close to his neck and giggled when he began to laugh,
“won't you please let her take care of you? I know it gets
annoying sometimes, but...”

can't do it anymore, Morgan. I've tried, I really 'ave, but I just
can't.” Morgan nodded into his warm skin, wishing again that
she could change his mind. It seemed to be the only thing that could
help his mom.

hours later, Morgan sat in Sean's home, alone, after seeing him off
at the airport. She would go to bed soon, and leave early for her
flight to Peru, and the feeling of hopelessness over Gael had her
nearly in tears. “I wish I knew what to do.” Morgan
looked around the house, at the fluffy cries for help that littered
every square inch of the one time family home. The tears finally
fell, and Morgan allowed the sadness to take over.

night, she removed her ugly yellow shirt from her bag, and held it
tightly as she slept. It wouldn't help the situation, but it helped
Morgan deal with the fact that she had somehow let Gael down.


shuffled her oversized slippers to the kitchen the following morning
to start a cup of tea. She smiled at the horrible foot wear when she
slipped them on each day, as her husband had bought them for her a
few months before he'd passed. The man never could remember her shoe
size, nor dress size, but he never missed an opportunity to get her
something when he thought she'd like it. He was one in a million,
and her heart broke daily at her loss.

the other side of town, Morgan had just taken her scrapbook out, as
she began her flight to Peru, to add her latest adventures in
Ireland. It didn't require a page in the client section, but it did
deserve a page. She removed her pen from her bag as well, and began
to write.

I don't know if I did the right thing, but it's what my heart told me
to do when I woke this morning. I hope your heart agrees.
stopped writing and thought for a moment.

tea was ready, and she made her way to the breakfast nook that
overlooked her beautiful yard. It was when she sat down that
something caught her attention. “What in the name of all
that's holy....”

put her pen to the scrapbook again, and began to write.

been where you are. I've been lonely, and alone. I lost the one
person that meant the most to me, and I didn't know what to do. I
could have collected sheep, or anything else, but I chose to wait
tables and hide my feelings. You're strong, and it's time that you
remember that.

stood from her chair and left her tea behind. She opened the back
door and slowly shuffled onto the back porch, closing her pink and
white flowered cotton robe against the morning chill. She saw
nothing. Then...

a lot alike. My grandmother told me that I had a lot of love to give,
and I see that you do as well. I think we're both a bit lost on where
to put that love. I hope, with all of my heart, that I've found a
place for you. A place to put it all, until you figure it out.

closed her scrapbook and looked out the window. It was all she could
do, and Ireland slowly began to fade from view.

heard something that took her breath away. She knew the sound, but
couldn't understand why she could hear it. Her steps creaked as she
took them, one by one, slowly to the yard. She turned to the left,
and looked beyond her thick shrubs. Then to the right, beyond the
stone path that circled her home. Nothing. She shook her head and
laughed. “An old woman's wishes, I 'spose.” She had
turned to tackle the steps when she heard the sound again.

turned, and brought her hands to her mouth in complete shock. Before
her, stood a small lamb, wearing a red sweater with the name, GAVIN
on its back. The little lamb approached her, and nudged her hand
with his head. Gael reached out and touched him, and tears began to
fall at the beauty of the small animal. She reached out, her vision
blurred with tears, and touched his head, then his back. It was then
that she noticed the note that was pinned to his sweater. She took
it off gently, and opened it, looking back at the lamb several times
as if he would offer her a clue.

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