Read ArousingMemories Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

ArousingMemories (14 page)

Snug in his arms, she took a deep breath and it shuddered
out again before she responded to his confession. “I still love you, too, Sev.”

Her admission released a tension deep inside. Pushing her
away from his embrace, he pulled her back again for a kiss. His demanding lips
met soft, wet, willing ones. She melted into his arms as her tongue welcomed
his inside her mouth. He poured all his love and fear into the kiss, holding
her tight to his body. He emptied his mind to all but the pleasure of the warm
embrace, a warmth that turned hot very quickly. A new type of tension hummed
inside. His cock sprang to life and he moaned as the hardening length met the
soft curve of Haley’s body. She moaned too and deepened the kiss. Her hands
cupped his ass and pressed his body more firmly against hers.

Suddenly she released him, moved away. He groaned in
frustration. “No.”

“Yes,” she replied. “Look at me, Sev.” With great
reluctance, he did as she commanded. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips
swollen. Her eyes were still sad. Now it was she who held his chin in her hand.
Her voice was incredibly gentle as she smashed his heart. “It’s over between us,
Sev. It has to be. I understand what you’re saying about how you felt, how you
feel. I have those same feelings. I hadn’t quite gotten to the part about being
home with the kids, about having to tell them their father was dead, but I
worry about you all the same. I would worry about you every day of our lives
together. I’ll probably worry about you every day of our lives apart. I
understand, though, that you are who you are, and I can’t expect you to change
for me. You’d hate me for it eventually and I’d hate you if you did it to me.
Living with the fear would be a necessary part of our lives together. If you
can’t do it, we can’t be together.”

Sev closed his eyes. Her words made sense. He knew they did,
and he knew she was right that she couldn’t seal herself up in bubble wrap
simply to allay his fears. He was the one who kept them apart. He had to
change, yet he couldn’t. There was no hope.

Opening his eyes, he looked at her and nodded. “You’re
right. I’m sorry. I should have kept my hands off you.”

She smiled at him wanly and dropping her hand away, stepped
back. The loss of even that bit of contact left him cold. “It’s not your fault.
I would have fallen in love with you even if you had kept your distance.”

His ego preened, he couldn’t help it, so did his cock, but
it was a waste of energy. It and he were going to have to get used to the idea
they couldn’t have Haley anymore. Shit, it would take the rest of his life to
accept that. But she was right. He couldn’t see changing and didn’t want her to
change herself even if she thought she could. He loved the whole package as she
was. He sighed and nodded his head. “Yeah, I would have loved you no matter
what, too. God, what a mess.”

“Yes, it is that,” she agreed, her mouth set in a hard line.
“What are we going to do about Noah?”

Sev winced. “Apologize?”

“Ah,” she shook her head. “I don’t think words are going to
do it. He’s mad, but worse, he’s hurt. As vulnerable as he is right now, the
idea that the two of us were taking advantage of him is more than he can probably

“You’re right,” Sev agreed. “And, he was not so far off the
mark when he accused me of using him to get to you. Part of me was jealous of
your relationship with him.”

Haley grimaced. “Me, too.”



He knew it was wrong, yet he was glad to hear it. Man, what
a screwed-up pair they were. Make that a screwed-up threesome, except poor Noah
didn’t deserve to be stuck in the middle of Sev and Haley’s messed-up love
life. “We have to make this right with him.”

“I know.” She paused and took a deep breath. He knew
something was percolating inside her mind. He wasn’t sure he was going to like
it. “Words won’t be enough. We need to show him how much he means to us, not as
a conduit to each other, but for himself.”

Sev’s cock started to rouse again. It understood the
implication of Haley’s words apparently a split second before his mind did.
“Show him together, as in the three of us getting naked together?”

“Why not? We both care about him. Mission or no mission, he
matters to us and I for one am willing to do anything to help him. Right now he
needs to know how important he is as a person. His memories may never return,
but I still want him to be happy.”

“So do I,” he confessed, and it was true. He cared about
Noah, and the look on the guy’s face when he accused them of using him had been
heartbreaking. Sev was willing to do whatever it took to make it right, too. If
it meant watching Noah, another man, make love to Haley, then so be it. It was
little enough sacrifice for a friend. “Okay,” he agreed. “After this is all
over, we go to him and fix it.”

Haley shook her head. “We go now, or we may never work up
the nerve to do it.”

“You’re exhausted and we still have a terrorist attack to
worry about.”

“I’m not that tired.” When he stared down her obvious lie,
she conceded. “Okay, I am that tired, but this is more important, and there’s
nothing more for me to do about tomorrow. Everything that can be done, has been
done, and I’ve got people everywhere on the lookout. Knocking off early today
won’t make any difference. Let’s do it now.”

He knew a losing argument when he was in one. Without
another word, Sev waved her on and with a little trepidation and a lot of
arousal, he followed her down the hall.

* * * * *

Noah was back to pacing his room again. What else was there
to do? He could turn on the tube, although it would only serve to remind him
how many people might die tomorrow because of him. Maybe it wouldn’t happen.
Both Haley and Sev said they believed the Sons would continue with their plan,
but that was supposition. They could have abandoned the plan, thinking Noah had
survived and ratted them out. Wishful thinking, yet it was all he had. He
didn’t even have the two people who had been his lifeline this week. Whether he
had been right about their uncaring manipulation of him, it didn’t matter now.
After the way he had lit into them, they wouldn’t be giving him the pleasure of
their touch again. He was truly alone. The thought made his eyes prick with
tears. He was beating them back as a useless gesture when there was a knock on
his door.

He groaned. He wasn’t up for a visit from the doctor or the
nurse. Maybe if he ignored them… There was another knock, firmer this time.
Apparently not. “Come in,” he called out in weary tone. He lacked the energy to
hide his sadness. But it wasn’t either of the people he expected. It was the
two he hadn’t. First Haley, then Sev entered. They looked grim.

“May we still come in now that you know it’s us?” Haley

He opened his mouth to say no from pride alone. “Yes.” Fuck

Sev closed the door, and the two of them stepped up to
within a few feet of him. The looks on their faces were now those of two little
kids confessing to the crotchety neighbor that yes, they were the ones who had
lobbed a baseball through his window. Their expressions were part apprehension,
part determination and with a bit of hope mixed in as well. It gave him hope,
too. Maybe he wasn’t so alone after all. Haley stepped closer. He didn’t flinch
or back away when she reached up to stroke his cheek. The touch was wonderful.
Her words even more so.

“We’re so sorry, Noah. Truly sorry. We never meant to hurt
you. You mean too much to both of us.” Leaning forward, she pressed a soft kiss
against his lips. “When I’m with you,” she continued in a low, seductive voice,
“I think of only you. I love your tongue lapping up my clit. Your cock fills my
pussy to perfection.”

His eyes closed, pictures of what she had said popped into
his mind. His cock hardened at the memories. Another kiss landed on his lips,
this time with teeth nipping at his flesh. A hand, one too large for Haley,
cupped his backside.

“I love your ass,” a masculine voice growled in his ear.
“Seeing it makes me hard. Sliding into it makes me harder.”

Noah’s cock stiffened inside his jeans even more. A low moan
escaped him before a more rational part of his brain intervened. This was
madness. He was angry at them, and they had jobs to do. Opening his eyes, he
looked right into Haley’s. Her pupils were dilated, her lids at half-mast. Her
lips were parted in invitation. Out of the corner of his eye, Noah glimpsed Sev
staring at him.

“What are you doing?” He managed to push past his own
growing arousal. When Haley merely grinned, he turned his head to look at Sev.
“What?” he started to say again and was silenced by a swift, hard kiss, his
question swallowed up by the other man’s lips. Sev’s tongue invaded Noah’s
mouth, stopping all protest. Still, Noah tried to resist the craziness. He
brought his hands up to push Sev away and ended up grabbing a fistful of the
guy’s shirt and clinging instead. Small, sure fingers cupped his cock and
squeezed. He groaned at the dual assault, helpless against it.

Sev broke off the kiss abruptly and tugged at his hair.
“We’re going to fuck you.” His tone brooked no dissent, and the look in his eye
was the one Sev used when issuing a command.

“The mission.” Noah tried for sanity one more time, amazed
his head was clear enough for any rational thought given how aroused his body
was. “Fucking me hasn’t worked so far. You don’t have time to keep trying.”

A hand cupped his chin and turned it to the left. Haley
shook her head at him. “We’re not doing this for the mission, Noah. We’re doing
this because we want you and because it matters to us that you understand how
much we want you. As for the mission, that’s for me to worry about. Your job is
to lie back and enjoy the ride.”

Although her tone was softer than Sev’s, she was still
giving an order. One of the things Noah could remember was how to follow
orders, and the bottom line was he trusted both of these people. “Yes ma’am,”
he breathed and closed his eyes, reveling in two sets of hands, one large, one
small, caressing his body and stripping him of his clothes.

Chapter Nine


Haley breathed a silent sigh of relief at Noah’s
acquiescence. Her eyes met Sev’s and saw the same reaction. They hadn’t
discussed what they were going to do or how they were going to do it, stopping
on their way to Noah’s bedroom only to pick up some lube from Sev’s room. Yet,
somehow they knew. It was all about showing this young man how important he was
to them. Their own feelings for each other were buried in their common task.
While it might have seemed difficult if she had stopped to think about it,
Noah’s body, his obvious arousal at their touch, pushed aside everything but

Sev nibbled on one side of Noah’s face, planting kisses
along the man’s jaw and worked his way up to the earlobe. There was a flash of
white teeth as Sev latched on to the lobe and tugged gently. The sight called
up vivid memories for Haley’s body, and her nipples and clit throbbed. Her
fingers tightened instinctively on Noah’s cock. He grunted in response. A good
start, but not nearly enough. There was too much fabric between them. Dropping
to her knees, Haley unfastened the button on his jeans and eased the zipper
open. The hard ridge of his arousal forced her to go slowly when all she wanted
to do was yank the pants off. When they were open, she hooked her thumbs on the
waist of both pants and shorts and slid them down his legs. His cock sprang
free and waved hello.

Sev tugged Noah’s shirt up and over his head and twisted the
guy’s naked arms back. He held him steady while Haley pulled the other clothes
free of Noah’s legs and bare feet. Now the object of their desire was fully
naked, fully aroused and at their mercy. She caught the wicked gleam in Sev’s
eyes as he sank his teeth into Noah’s flesh where neck met shoulders. The
younger man shuddered. Wetness seeped into the folds between Haley’s legs. How
had she never realized how hot the sight of two men together could be? The fact
that each of the men was her lover caused her blood to sing in her veins. She
had to join the fun or die from longing.

Noah’s cock stood right in front of her, a feast for the
taking. With a greedy mouth, she sucked it down in one swallow. The smooth heat
of his flesh slid easily into her throat. With one hand, she clasped his thigh
to give herself leverage to suck and lave. With the other, she cupped his
tightened balls, her fingers fondling the soft, small globes. Her own body went
white hot with desire. Her skin felt too tight. She ached and longed to rub her
breasts and clit against his leg. But it wasn’t about her. It was about Noah,
only Noah. She could hear Sev murmuring something to the other man. The mere
sound of her old lover’s voice kicked her arousal up even more.


The sight of the woman he loved going down on another man
should have made Sev’s blood boil, and it did, but not in the way he would have
expected. His cock, already straining painfully against his fly, became harder
and pulsed with need. He was holding Noah’s wrists together in back while his
other hand tweaked the guy’s nipples into hard nubs. He was sucking and nipping
at Noah’s shoulders and neck. To satisfy his own need, he pressed closer to the
other man and moaned in pleasure as his hard cock rubbed against Noah’s body.
They both shuddered at the contact, and the way the kid’s breath hitched, Sev
knew things were going to end too fast if he and Haley didn’t slow their pace a

Looking down, he saw Noah’s cock disappear once more into
the wet, welcoming home of Haley’s luscious mouth. Sev clenched his teeth
against the groan fighting to get out. He knew firsthand how great Noah’s cock
felt at the moment, and his own cock wanted in on that action. But no, this was
about Noah. “Hold up, sugar,” he managed to grind out. “We don’t want him
coming too soon.”

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