Arranged (Arranged Trilogy Book 1) (12 page)

Chapter Twenty-Two
Two Weeks Later

y mother strode
into the kitchen, a look of satisfaction on her face. “It’s time.”

I didn’t have to ask what she meant. I knew. Closing my eyes, I tried to fight back the anxiety that rose from deep within me. She grabbed my hand, and laced a calming energy into my auric field before leading me with haste down the hall. I swear each step was filled with trepidation. I had no idea what to expect.

Our pace was nearly a run. My mother’s grip on my hand was tight. I could feel the excitement coursing through her. I did not allow myself to feel excited. I was curious, of course, but also unsure of what to expect. Internally I was steeling myself for the worst even though I had no idea what that would be.

As soon as we entered the laboratory I gasped. Before me stood a huge cylinder of liquid with over a dozen babies floating around in the tank. They were each attached by some sort of cord. They were fully formed infants and they were gorgeous. How could this be possible?

“It’s better than we could have expected,” Henrek spoke quickly, his voice filling the room and bringing me back into focus. “They are marvelous.”

I was so stunned I didn’t know what to say. I’d been expecting one, maybe two or three babies, but nothing like this. I also didn’t expect them to develop so quickly. Just then one of the little ones opened its eyes and stared straight into my own. My heart froze.

“What do you think?” my mother asked, moving to stand beside me. “They are almost as beautiful as you were when you were born.”

Unconsciously, I made a small grimace, trying to swallow down my apprehension. Why didn’t I feel the elation that my mother felt? I looked at the little beings and my heart hurt. How was I supposed to know they were in this world and not be a part of their lives? And how could one woman take care of so many at once? The task seemed daunting.

The one with the opened eyes swam to the edge of the tank and placed its tiny little hand on the glass. Instinctively, I reached up and placed my own next to hers. The little being’s lips tilted. She smiled at me! I felt a tear run down the side of my face. I loved her. I love them all. My heart was so expanded I wondered if it would burst in my chest.

Without turning I asked, “Henrek, how quickly will they grow? Will they grow slowly like my kind or quickly like the humans?”

He scratched the side of his head. “I honestly have no idea. They are already growing quicker than I expected. As you know this is all very experimental. Yesterday they were just forming eyes and today they are fully formed.”

“I should tell Michael,” I said quietly, not wanting to move from my spot.

“Not yet,” my mother stated firmly.

My head snapped in her direction. “Why not? He has just as much right as we do.”

She shook her head. “We must wait a while longer. I want to make sure they are safe and can live on their own without the help of the cords and machines. We don’t even know if they will make it yet.”

I let her words sink in and my heart clenched. My eyes finally left the little girl before me and darted around, taking in the rest of their beautiful little faces. Their hair was little more than fuzz but I could already see a vast array of colors amongst them. Most of them had pale skin like Michael but a few of them were tinged green like my mother and me. I wondered if they would have more fae than human. Would their magick be stronger or weaker than my own? Would their life spans be longer or shorter than the other humans? I had so many questions and no answers. No one knew how their lives would turn out. Maybe they wouldn’t even make it past today. Just the thought was like a jab through my heart.

I couldn’t believe that to be true. I knew deep in my heart they would live and they would thrive. They had to or I would shatter into a million pieces.

My mother wanted me not to feel for these creatures, yet I knew as I watched them float around that I already loved them, each and every one of them. And there was no way I was going to be able to walk away from their lives. For the first time in my life I might have to go against my mother’s wishes.

“What are you thinking, my dear?”

I gazed back at their little faces, changing my thought process because my mother would know if I weren’t telling the truth. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”

She nodded in agreement. “That they are. And they are the future. This is just the start. We can keep populating. Henrek says once we find out which ones are the strongest we can use them to produce more. We just have to find more matches for them. And of course you and Michael can have many more batches since it does no harm to your body.”

I took a deep breath. It might not do harm to my body, but what about my soul? I looked at her, my gaze unwavering. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First we must make sure they survive,” I said flatly.

“Yes, you’re correct. I am getting ahead of myself. It’s just so exciting.”

“Mother, don’t you look at them and see your grandchildren?”

She placed her arm around my shoulder and squeezed. “More so than I expected. But we can’t think of them in such a way. They are not ours to keep and to raise. They are children of the Earth, you must not forget this.”

My body stiffened. I could feel my heart thud like a hammer in my chest.

“Tulupea. Do not make this harder than it has to be.”

I bit off my reply, the anger plain on my face, and gestured toward the babies. “They can hear and they can sense what is in our hearts.” I didn’t want them to hear about my mother’s plans of leaving these children to fend for themselves. “We have to teach them our ways. We will be a part of their lives,” I stated firmly.

“Of course. But once the Earth is able to stand on its own we must return to our realm. You know this is how it has to be.”

I nodded curtly. Deep down I knew she was speaking the truth. However, I was not ready to concede this truth to her. Right now all I wanted to do was lift one of these little beings from the water and hold them in my arms.

“How are they being fed?”

In his element, Henrek stepped forward and spent the next hour informing me how the babies were being kept alive. It was interesting but also way over my head. All I wanted to know was if they would survive. That he could not confirm.

“What are we to name them?” I asked while I watched three of the little ones float around each other. Their eyes were not yet open so I couldn’t tell the color or see their intelligence, but I could have sworn some of them smiled when they passed each other. A couple of them were even holding hands.

“I don’t think we should think about names until they have proven they can live outside the tank, and even then I think we should keep their names generic. Perhaps use the human number system.”

“No. They will have real names,” I practically hissed. How dare she mention such a thing? Naming children numbers? As if they were nothing more than objects.

“We’ll talk about it later,” she said firmly.

Yes, we would
, I thought while trying to contain my anger. Never in my life had I disagreed with my mother so strongly. We’d had our differences but I always knew my place as princess. I was to obey her wishes. It was as simple as that. This was the first time we really did not see eye to eye, and I knew it would be the first time I would disobey her. When she looked at the little bodies she saw Mother Earth’s children. When I looked, I saw my flesh and blood. I would stand for them and I would fight for them even if it meant my mother’s disapproval.

Turning, I ignored my mother’s quizzical stare and asked Henrek, “Can we hold them?”

His eyes darted to my mother as if seeking her permission to answer.

“I don’t think that is wise,” she answered for him.

I didn’t bother to look at her. “I’ll take that as a yes, they can be held. Henrek, grab me one of them. It doesn’t matter which one.”

My mother gave him a slight nod. My shoulders relaxed. I had hoped it would not turn into a full-blown argument.

Henrek slid a large ladder over to the tank and nimbly climbed to the top. Reaching in, he grabbed one of the cords and drew it out of the tank.

I hurried over to be by his side; my mother stayed where she was. He grabbed the slippery naked baby. Reaching down he handed the little creature to me. It was a boy. His skin was pale and his hair was blue. There was slimy film covering him and the cord hooked into his belly button. He was absolutely the most stunning creature I’d ever laid my eyes on. As my hand ran down the side of his face, his eyes opened and I nearly dropped the poor little guy. One of his eyes was purple and the other amber. The same birth defect I myself had. I kissed his forehead and silently promised I would keep him safe.

“We cannot keep them out long,” Henrek warned. I nodded in understanding. I wouldn’t want to risk the babies’ lives.

His cheeks were so chubby and his little fingers and hands were tiny. His lips were perfectly bow shaped. He would be handsome, that much was obvious.
I am your mother,
I said telepathically to the little one and a small smile slid across his face. I knew without a doubt—in that moment—I could not be separated from them. Henrek reached out his hands. Reluctantly I handed the baby back to him. As soon as the baby was put back in the tank it swam over to the glass wall where I stood and stared at me. My heart exploded in joy. Now I knew how my mother must have felt when she saw me. It was an overwhelming feeling.

“We need to go.” My mother gently grabbed me by the elbow.

I nodded and glanced at all the babies—there were actually seventeen of them. I waved and followed my mother out the door.

“They are precious,” I said, glancing back over my shoulder. I couldn’t wait to show Michael. I know she wanted us to wait, but that would not happen. He had just as much right as we did to see them. Just like he had the right to grieve if they did not survive. As soon as I got the chance I would sneak him down.

“Daughter, I know it’s hard but do not get attached. We have no idea how this is going to turn out.” Her voice was gentle but also firm.

Easy for her to say
, I thought. A feeling of unease caused my skin to go cold. Had my mother seen their futures? The gift of sight ran deep in her.

I grabbed her by the arm. “Do you know how this is going to turn out?”

She shook her head, and a look of sadness crossed her features. “They are a blind spot for me. Just like yourself.”

“Because they are
Mother.” Why was she refusing to see what was right in front of her?

“No, they are not. I wish they were but they do not belong to us. They belong to Earth. You’ll see. What we are doing is very important, and I hope you will be proud of what they become. I believe they will bring peace to this realm. And this is only the beginning.”

With a heavy heart I followed her up the stairs.

Betrayed #2


ust when things
start to look up for Mother Earth, the Faery realm is in chaos. Betrayed by their own kind, the Queen finds herself fighting for her crown while Princess Tulupea has to step up her role on Earth to hold the planet together.

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