Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (16 page)

They arrested him for assault since Breccan was adamant about charges being pressed. The police questioned us, they have taken all of our statements and said they would be in touch with any information and as soon as they find out what the man’s name is.

I don’t see that providing any true clarity for any of us though. I am now officially freaking the fuck out inside. Something is very wrong.

First Mya and now Beth? My gut instincts are setting off all the sirens and warning lights in my system for me to get the hell out of dodge. I am afraid that Stevie may have finally found me and with Breccan and Nikko still giving each other long looks I know they have come to the same conclusion as me.

My protective instincts coincide with my flight response and I am trying so hard not to leave, pack my shit and move across the world just to keep everyone safe. All of these people have become even closer to me in the past weeks. I know a lot of that has to do with opening up to Breccan and I am scared shitless.

I am scared that he is next and that they will reach him. I am scared that
am next and they will take me and force me back into that life. Of course they only way I will step foot into that world is if they are dragging my lifeless corpse with them.


My worst nightmare… that they threaten Breccan.

My dream from Sunday morning comes back and Breccan being shot plays over and over in my mind. Stevie could get me to do anything to protect those that I love. And I’m afraid he may know that now. I’m not the same scared and meek girl I
once was around him. I am antagonistic and a bitch. If he pushes me, I’ll push back. And that could be very dangerous for those around me.

Hell, maybe I
get the hell out of here

I look up at my Adonis who is still waiting for my response. I have been able to keep a blank look on my face this whole time but looking into those cerulean blue eyes shatters all my defenses and I feel the fear that is suffocating me begin to shine through my eyes.

Breccan’s jaw clenches, drawing my attention to the fact that he didn’t shave today. My clit spasms at the mental image of his rough jaw between my legs.

“You figured it out didn’t you?” he asks
quietly, still cupping my face. “You’re afraid of what the big picture is with all of this.”

Breccan’s eyes are guarded and his voice is quiet. My heart melts and breaks all at the same time because I can
see it in his eyes that he is terrified I am going to run.

This man loves me with his entire being. With every touch… every kiss… and every look he shows me how much I mean to him. I have become his world just as quickly as
he has become mine. He didn’t tell me his suspicions about my past coming to find me because he knew how I would react.

Which is why my heart is breaking.

I am choosing to be selfish. I am choosing to keep him… and allow him to keep me. I am choosing a life of happiness and hope… over the purgatory I have sentenced myself to for the past decade.

I choose him…

I choose life…

My Adonis…

The man that I love...

I take a deep breath and lift my hands into his hair; my eyes following my fingers as they run through the dark golden locks. My eyes
travel to his face and trace the perfect planes until they come back to his own eyes.

“Harper… don’t…” he chokes out, shaking his head slowly and gripping my face a bit tighter; his eyes filling with moisture.

I cup my hands around his face and shake my head. My own tears filling mine.

“I’m not, Brecc…” I whisper.

I reach up on my toes, close my eyes and press my mouth to his, lingering.

“I can’t give you up again,” I murmur against his mouth; mostly to myself.

His hands move to my hair and he anchors my mouth to his. His tongue slowly teases my lips, requesting access. I part my lips to grant him entrance. He gently caresses my lips with his tongue before entering my mouth where it twines and dances with mine.

Someone coughing stops the kiss and we look to my left
, dropping our hands, to see Nikko standing there with a half-smile on his face.

“Maybe we should head out and let everyone get back to work?” he asks still grinning. “Business is picking up and I’ve got a few more guys here for security.” He gestures to a man standing at the door.

“Where did they come from?” I ask trying to see around Breccan, whose back is to the door.

“I know a guy,” Nikko states shrugging one shoulder.

“Of course you do,” I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles.

Breccan takes my hand in his
, calls for Bane and leads us out the front door straight to his car.

“I have to take my car home,” I tell him trying to pull my hand back.

“Nikko is taking it,” he tells me.

“What about Nikko’s car?” I ask as Breccan opens the car door for me.

“He came with me.” He whistles for Bane to get in the car who squeezes his massive body into the small back seat.

“Oh.” I slide into the car and Breccan closes the door behind me.

He gets behind the wheel and buckles his seatbelt; I turn to him after buckling my own.

“You two have been spending a lot of time together
,” I note.

“I know.” He starts the car and looks at me.

He reaches his hand out and brushes my hair back tenderly behind my shoulder then cups the side of my face with his hand.

“Did you mean it, dove? You’re not going to walk away?”
his voice is gentle and his eyes are imploring.

I nod my head and turn my mouth to the palm of his hand kissing it, then look back at him.

“I…” I whisper, close my eyes and take a deep breath, “I can’t, Brecc. I just can’t walk away. No matter what my instincts are telling me to do.”

“Good.” He leans over the console and tenderly kisses me
, keeping his palm on my face. “Then we will talk about everything tonight.” He smiles at me as his eyes roam over my features affectionately. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out tonight.” He traces my cheek with his thumb. “Let’s go to my place and I’ll make dinner. We’ll stop by your place to get you some clothes. Okay?”

“Okay,” I say quietly nodding my head.

He smiles at me lovingly, turns back to the steering wheel and puts the car in gear…

Chapter 12


We enter Breccan’s underground garage about an hour later
, after packing up my clothes and taking Bane to Nikko’s for the night. He was obviously very excited to have the sleepover at his second home, since he ran through Nikko’s apartment and jumped on the couch. Well, on top of Kara really. I felt kind of bad since he weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds, but she didn’t seem to mind.

Breccan gets out of the car, comes around to open my door for me and gets my bag out of the trunk. We head to the elevators where Breccan enters his code. After the doors close behind us
, and we are standing with his arm around me, pressing me into his side, he drops somewhat of a bomb on me.

“How would you feel about leaving some clothes here?
And me leaving some clothes at your place?”

My heart rate kicks up a notch and I feel a fine sheen of perspiration cover my skin.

“Uh…” I stall to think of how the hell I
feel about that.

My response is
totally involuntary, really, because once I think about sharing space with him and having him there all the time… it really doesn’t freak me out. I actually kind of like the thought. Having Breccan with me more would solve the problem of worrying so much, now that it is possible Stevie is back.

The elevator
; Breccan leads us out into his apartment, giving me time to think. I absentmindedly re-familiarize myself with his apartment while I think about us sharing a space which leads to thinking about our future.

I haven’t been here since before we split up. Or as he likes to say: ‘gave me time to think’.


The whole place is open. Standing at the door you can see almost every inch of the place.
The entire space has white walls and dark wood floors. The living room is directly in front of us and is furnished with black couches, a white rug, and glass coffee table and end tables.

The kitchen is to the left
with all modern appliances and an island counter with bar stools. The door to the hallway that leads to the front of the building for visitors is by the kitchen. There are a few doors off to the right, by the living room, which lead to a bathroom and the two bedrooms.

back wall across from the kitchen is glass that is covered by a black screen that opens with a remote. The glass shows a beautiful view from the north side of town. There is no balcony; it just leads straight down off the building. It is breathtaking to look out.

It really would be nice to share a place with Breccan. He seems to be tidy; I’ve never had to pick up after him at my place. My understanding is that
it is a miracle for a man to clean up after himself.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad

“Dove.” Breccan stands in front of me, filling my field of vision and pulling my lip from between my teeth with his thumb.

His magnificence always manages to astound me. I love him so much, even if I can’t tell him yet. My breath hitches as he pulls me close to him and presses his erection into me. He brushes my hair back with both of his hands and descends his mouth onto mine. My tongue immediately seeks out his as my hands fist into his suit jacket.

e moves his hands down to my neck, around and up the back of my head, grasping tightly onto my hair. He pulls my head back so that he can thoroughly devour me. I moan into his mouth while trying to get my body closer to his.

He begins to walk forward, directing me backwards into the living room until the back of my legs hit the sofa. He moves his hands down and begins to unbutton my white silk blouse to reveal my pale pink bra. He reaches in, cups my breasts and his thumbs graze over my nipples. The move sends
tingles through my body all the way until it settles on my clit, which is throbbing and begging for contact. I grind hard against his erection.

Our mouths break and he begins to trail opened mouth kisses along my neck and behind my ear
; his tongue darting and flicking as it goes. My skin is electric to his touch making my breath become more shallow as I move to take off his jacket. It slides off his shoulders onto the floor.

His pale blue shirt forms to the contours of his torso, begg
ing me to release his sculpted chest, hiding beneath it. My hands move to the buttons and I undo each one slowly as Breccan continues to graze his fingers over my nipples and kiss my neck.

I slide
his shirt off, letting it join his jacket on the floor then move my hands to his belt. Breccan’s hands move to untuck my blouse from my black slacks. I just get the top button of his pants undone when he slides my shirt off, stopping at my elbows to confine my arms behind me.

“Brecc…” I whine on a whisper.

I need him... I need contact... I need him to fill me.

“Shh… dove
,” he whispers back, then lifts me up by my legs forcing me to wrap them around him while he balances my torso.

He then proceeds to carry me to his bedroom while he kisses my chest and
around my dove pendent hanging around my neck. My arms are still bound behind me with Breccan supporting me as I give myself willingly over to him. I arc against him, giving him better access; trying to get as much of him as he will give me.

He sits down on the edge of
the bed with me on his lap. His hard cock slides against my hot pussy through our slacks causing a moan to escape from both of our throats. I continue to swirl my hips unmercifully onto his still encased erection unsure of who I am teasing more… him or me…

“Breccan… please… fuck me
,” I beg shamelessly.

He loves it when I beg. He loves that he can do this to me. Make me need him

And honestly, I love it too. I love everything about
my Adonis.

” he growls and shakes his head. “No… I’m taking my time with you.”

He stands up and sets me on my feet where he makes me watch as strips out of his clothes. I can feel my eyes widen with hunger and lust as the goosebumps break across my skin from my nerves going crazy. I stand there in front of him,
my shirt still confining me, squeezing my thighs together trying to relieve the pressure he is causing by doing this.

I could easily slip my arms out of my blouse but I leave it be and let him lead tonight
… gladly relinquishing control over to him. We have enough to deal with in our lives at the moment, without me fighting him tonight.

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