Asher: Heartless Devils MC (6 page)

Read Asher: Heartless Devils MC Online

Authors: Kathryn Thomas


He placed his hands on her hips, to keep her rhythm, and sat up so his face was level with hers. He kissed her quickly before moving his hands up to her lower ribcage, supporting her as he leaned her back, bringing her breasts closer to his face. He greedily took one of her nipples into his mouth and played with it softly for a while, gently sucking until he suddenly surprised her with a sharp nip that made her cry out.


“Shit! That hurt!”


He said nothing, but kissed away the sting, his tongue soothing the gentle bite that had hurt so


She kept her rhythm, but with each nip and tweak of her nipple, gentler now that he had found her limit, she began to move faster. Her thrusts were becoming more deliberate, as her passions swelled. He swapped his lips to her other nipple, moving one of his hands to tickle and play with the previous—still wet and swollen from his machinations. Her breaths were coming in quick sharp gasps, as she neared her climax—still thrusting her hips against him.


He didn’t know how long much longer he would last either, her tight pussy massaging his cock and sending him toward the point of no return. He started teasing her nipples harder, being careful to not cross the line. She obviously liked a little manhandling of her breasts, but he had found her limit and didn’t want to cross the line again. He began scraping her point across his teeth, remembering her reaction from their previous encounter, and once again felt the effects of it through her sopping wet channel, as pleasure snaked through her.


One last tweak with his hand was enough to send her gasping into orgasm, her pussy squeezing him tighter than any had before. As she shivered in rapture, holding him tight as she moaned softly, he could hold out no longer and clamped his arms tight around her, holding her close and tight as he filled her with his essence.


Jenny could feel his cum filling her and she relished it, squeezing him tight to wring every drop from him. They held each other close, as they came down from their high. Their sweat intermingled as they kissed deeply, almost lovingly.


For a long moment, they sat there with him still inside her, time standing still, until he began to deflate. She began to ease herself off of him, as she kissed him softly, not wanting to lose the closeness she felt for him. She flopped to the bed, and he turned with her, holding her, kissing her, making her feel warm and protected.


For many long moments, they kissed, saying nothing, until she pushed him to his back so she could curl up in his embrace. With a deep and contented sigh, she kissed his broad chest then became still, as her eyes grew heavy and darkness claimed her.




Jenny woke with a start, and she felt Asher jump under her.


“What?” he asked in alarm.


“Nothing,” she sighed, as she rested her head against his shoulder again. “I must have gone to sleep.”


“You did.” He took a deep breath and stretched. “So did I.” He twisted his head so he could see her clock. It had only been three hours since they had arrived back at her apartment, so they hadn’t slept that long. They had missed lunch, and now it was time for dinner. No wonder he was hungry.


“We need to get up. I’m starving,” he said, as he kissed her on the head.


“Yeah. Me too.”


He rolled away from her and helped her redress herself. Then, he quickly got his own clothes back on and daringly scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the kitchen.


They set about preparing something simple for dinner. As they worked, he was barely able to focus. The hormones racing through him were telling him to take her back to bed, enjoy her again, then curl up beside her and go back to sleep, then rinse and repeat for the rest of the night. But he persevered, forcing his mind solely on the task in hand.


Jenny’s mind was whirring. Her father was seriously going to sit back and do nothing? Just leave it to the hands of fate for now? She couldn’t accept that. She needed to come up with a better solution.


As he set the plates out, he could see that Jenny had something on her mind. Her brow was furrowed, and she was nibbling feverishly at her lower lip, as she pushed the chicken breasts around the pan with a fork. As he pulled the steamed vegetables from the microwave, she glanced up briefly in thanks, but then went back to staring at the chicken, obviously trying to solve some riddle only she knew. He watched her cautiously, concerned she might be angry about what they’d done—though she seemed to have enjoyed it as much as he did. She forked the chicken onto the plates beside the vegetables then looked at him. The intense look on her face was almost scary—if it weren’t for her also looking quite sweetly determined.


“You have to help me, Asher,” she stated, rinsing then holding the pan as if she might bash him over the head with it if he refused.


“Help you with what?”


“Finding and ending the man who killed my mother.”


He blinked at her a moment. “No.”


Asher couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What Jenny was asking of him—this went precisely against what John said in his office less than four hours ago. John was right. Action like this could spell big trouble for the club. The last thing they needed was to get mixed up in a war. How could Jenny ask this of him? How could she expect him to put his career, the people he called family—his own life—on the line like that? He looked her dead in the eye, his seriousness clear on his face. She was gazing back at him beseechingly, and also somewhat put out, as if she couldn’t believe that he was even thinking about defying her intentions. Her eyes narrowed, as his face remained unchanged.


“Fine. Don’t help me then. But this means you have to get out of my house.”


“It’s an apartment.”


“Shut the fuck up and get out, or I will call security and have you thrown out. Your choice.”


“The rent a cop?” he asked dubiously.


“Backed by laws against trespass. Do you really want to add assault?”


“And what will your father say? He’s the one that told me to guard you.”


“Oh, you’re gonna tell him? Fine. Tell him. What’s he gonna do? I’ll have his ass thrown out, too. I’m not leaving here, but you are. Now. Go!” She tried physically move him in the direction of the door by pushing at his chest. She might have as well been trying to shove a bull. He grabbed hold of her hands before she managed to retract them and held them close to his chest, leaning in close.


“You don’t mean any of this. This is just going to lead to trouble. You’re going to get hurt if you carry on like this,” he told her softly.


She ripped her hands away from his grip. “Get...out.”


He nodded slowly as his mouth hardened. Leaving his plate untouched, he began collecting the few things he had there, picked up his bag, and headed toward the door. He paused there and looked back at her.


“You can call me if you need me. Any time.”


All Jenny could do in response was snicker. “Yeah. Be sure to wait by the phone.”


With a nod he turned and left, closing the door gently behind him.



Chapter 5


Jenny had a lot to do. She has spent hours the night before googling Trifecta. After she waded through all the horse racing and betting bullshit, she finally found a few tidbits of information about the club… or gang as some of the articles called them. Using Google maps, she plotted all the places where they were mentioned and soon she had worked up a pretty good idea of where in Miami she needed to be, the Little Haiti area. But where? That was the problem. She had a general area, but she needed a location or an address. Before she went to bed last night, she had decided that she would just cruise the area until she found a lot of bikes and start there. Little Haiti wasn’t so big an area that she couldn’t do it.


The first place she stopped was a total bust. Nobody knew anything, or they weren’t talking. The second place was a little better. The Trifecta weren’t there, but the bartender knew of them and sent her to the Blue Fox Bar on the corner of 934 and NW 2nd, near the center of the district.  


It had taken most of the day to track them down, but she was confident she was in the right place this time. She eased her bike in a parking space among all the riced out imports, each with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in a deep blue, woven together and stenciled somewhere on the car. She was slightly surprised the Trifecta wasn’t a motorcycle club like the Devils. She could hear a dull thudding beat of some repetitive trance music blasting away inside. She dismounted and applied another coat of red lip gloss, using the mirror of her bike, before she made her way into the bar. It was smoky inside with very modern decorating, including purple strip lights lining the base of the furniture. The bass was throbbing through her, as she slipped her jacket off and flung it over her shoulder, walking to the bar with an accentuated hip swing that she knew drew men’s attention.


She perched herself on a bar stool, arching her back to help get her noticed. The bartender was busy serving some men in suits at the far end of the bar, so while she waited, she used the mirrors opposite her to get a good look at the place. It was murky, but she could make out it was full of sharply dressed men and trashy looking women. Other women were dancing in the middle of the room—though it looked more like they were striking different poses for a low-class magazine. The bartender finally noticed her and leered a smile when she asked for a dirty martini. When her drink arrived, Jenny spun on her stool to peruse the room. As far she could tell from the dark blue, almost black, vests the men wore, all of these men must be part of the Trifecta.


Before long an inebriated man came and sat down beside her. He looked her over drunkenly for a moment. “Hey, babe. You new around here?” he slurred and smiled in what Jenny assumed was meant to be a charming way.


She smiled back, leaning her elbows back on the bar to accentuate her assets. His moving gaze told her this position worked for him. “Yeah, I just moved in nearby. Trying to see what the local scene is like, you know?” she smiled, keeping her tone cute and ditzy.


“Well you came to the right place. What’s your name?”


“Becci. With an ‘i’,” she giggled. “What’s yours?”


“Graham. Graham Beckler. It’s nice to meet you, Becci with an i,” he smiled, leaning in closer for a moment. She wasn’t sure if this was on purpose or because of the liquor. She swatted him playfully, which was enough to get him to move back a touch.


“And what do you do, Graham?” she asked, pouring on the sex.


“I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you.” He guffawed at his own joke before looking at her seriously for a moment. “I probably would have to kill you so, no, I can’t tell you,” he said then leaned his elbow on the bar, still facing her. “What do you do Becci with an i?”


“Not a lot right now. Looking for a job, you know? But what do you really do? You’ve got me all intrigued now,” she asked, leaning in close to whisper the question. “I’m not gonna tell anyone.”


“You wouldn’t believe me if I did tell you, sweetheart.”


Jenny laughed and swatted him again, her hand lingering slightly on his chest. “Try me,” she giggled.
This is getting tedious. Maybe I should buy him a stronger drink.


“I’m part of a crime syndicate called the Trifecta,” he whispered.


Jenny widened her eyes in a perfect performance of surprise. “Really?” she gasped, her hand going to his chest again and staying there. His gaze moved down to her hand, placed delicately on his chest. She paused a moment. “Oh, you’re shitting me! That’s not nice; I was only asking.” She drew her hand away and picked up her drink to take a sip.


He considered her a moment, swaying ever so slightly, before leaning in to her ear, close enough that she could feel his breath.


“What if I weren’t kidding?” he asked, placing his hand on her thigh. “Would that turn you on?”


She gazed into his eyes, as he moved his hand steadily up her leg. She placed her hand on his to stop him before he got too far. “You’d have to tell me more to find out,” she whispered back.


Try as she might, she couldn’t get much more information out of him. He was drunker than she realized and kept repeating the same things over and over. But this was definitely the hangout, the place everyone came to chill. She did find out that Graham wasn’t very high up, that the Trifecta were going to run all of Miami one day, and she was the sexiest woman he had ever seen. She tried asking about the leader of the Trifecta, what he knew about him, but all he knew was that it was some Asian guy whom no one ever saw apart from a trusted few. Apparently, the leader lived on North Bay Island, and he owned a big boat.


As he spoke, he gradually leaned in closer and closer until he was resting his arm against hers. His hand was still on her thigh, clamped under her own, but his thumb was free and gently stroking her… and it was making her skin crawl. Near the end of his winding, repetitive speech he broke off mid-sentence, leaned in close, and licked her ear. It wasn’t
as seductive as he thought, reminding her of preschool when boys would lick their fingers and poke it in her ear to give her a wet willie. Disgusted, she leaned away slightly, figuring she had gathered all the information she could about the Trifecta. Which wasn’t a lot. She smiled coyly at him.


“Can you wait here for two seconds? I just need to get something from my car,” she winked at him and stroked his face with her finger, softly grazing his lip before standing up.


He smiled back up at her knowingly, and she dreaded to think what he thought she was getting. She moved casually to the door, purposefully skipping a step to make her seem tipsy. She smiled back at him, as she opened the door and slipped out into the warm night air. Quick as she could, she donned her jacket, slipped her keys out of her pocket, and headed for her bike.


“Skipping out on me, girl?” came a shout from behind her.


She whipped her head around to see that Graham had followed her and was stumbling across the parking lot towards her. She turned back toward her goal, picking up her pace and kicking herself for not parking the bike closer. She didn’t want to show fear by running though when she heard his pounding feet she tried to sprint for her Harley, but it was too late. He slammed into her back, knocking her down and causing her face to crash into the pavement. She could feel Graham’s full weight pressing down on her, compressing her chest until could barely breathe, and with each heaving breath, she felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her ribs. Grimacing against the pain and struggling to breathe, she hoped she hadn’t broken a rib in her fall.


One of her hands was crushed beneath her, pressing into the sore spot in ribs, but the other was free. “Get off me, you fuck!” she screamed as she tried to reach the phone in her jacket pocket.


“Thought we were going to head out to your car for a little fun, baby girl,” he grunted, thrusting his hips against her. “Well, I guess we can still do that. I bet you’ll love it,” he chuckled a bit to himself, before sitting up on her back.


She felt one of his hands press down on her neck and heard his other go for his belt buckle. Her heart was pounding in her throat, as she desperately scrabbled for her phone. She couldn’t work up the breath to scream again, and her vision was starting to darken.


He was just starting to tug at the back of her pants when his weight was suddenly gone. She heard a heavy thump, the meaty sound of a flesh meeting flesh, then a thud. She quickly rolled over, preparing to run, only to find Asher standing above her. Graham was on the ground, but starting to slowly rise.


Asher kicked him hard in the ribs with the same meaty sound, the force of the impact nearly lifting Graham off the ground and tumbling him onto his side. “Stay down, you dirty sonofabitch!” he snarled in a deep southern drawl, then spat on him for good measure, as the would-be-rapist curled into a fetal position. “Where I come from, we don’t treat ladies like that!”


He bent to help Jenny to her feet, shaking his head at her when she started to speak, and nodded to her bike. “Go, I’ll catch up. Then follow me,” he muttered under his breath.


She nodded, shaken by what had happened, and staggered to bike, bent over slightly as her ribs sang. She secured her helmet.  Then, gritting her teeth as she reached for the handlebars, she thumbed the Harley to life and eased by.


As soon as she was past, Asher gave Graham another hard kick. “No sick bastard is going to screw around with my girl, you got it?” he said low and dangerous but laying on the accent. He kicked Graham one last time for good measure before moving to his bike. He dropped into the saddle, quickly donned his helmet, and started the bike as he stood it upright. He kicked the bike into first, and with a firm twist of his right hand, rocketed away in pursuit of Jenny.


He soon caught her and pulled in beside her. She was hunched over to the right slightly, but didn’t seem to be in any excessive stress or pain. As she looked at him, he gestured for her to follow him. They rumbled through the darkness, keeping the speeds low so Jenny didn’t have to work too hard until Asher turned into a small house set well back from the street. He eased his bike to a stop in the carport, and Jenny followed.


“Where are we?” she asked, as she gingerly dismounted, baring her teeth in pain. Then, she looked around.


“My place,” he said, as he led the way through the carport door.


The house itself was small but cozy and warm with simple dark furniture. He flipped on the lights and the kitchen blazed, the glow spilling into the living area. It was a typical bachelor pad, complete with comfortable looking furniture and a giant television. The house was obviously older, but it had been well-maintained. Asher indicated for her take a seat, as he opened the refrigerator.




“Lovely, thanks,” she replied, as she wandered into the living room, her eyes still roaming the house.


He joined her in the room and handed her an open bottle before taking a seat opposite her. “What in the hell were you thinking?” he demanded. His face was stern and his voice was iron, but not without concern.


She looked away. “I was just trying to find some more information. No one else was doing anything,” she mumbled.


“Apart from me. You’re lucky I was there.” She looked up at him blankly. “What? Did you think I just happened to wander up? We know where the Trifecta hang out. I was in there trying to find out what I could when you arrived. I saw you come in. I had to blow my cover when that fuck followed you out. You realize you nearly got raped by some Trifecta bastard, right? What if I hadn’t been there?”


She felt a blush rise up her face and became aware again of the sharp pain in her side. She tried to stretch it out and winced. “I know. Thank you for saving me.”


His facing softened to concern, as she winced. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah. I think I just banged up my ribs a little when I fell. I’ll be fine,” she shifted slightly to set her bottle on the table and winced sharply again.


He set down his own bottle before as he rose to his feet and knelt down on the floor beside her. “Let me look at those ribs.”


“You’re a doctor now?”


“No, but I’ve had a few banged up ribs in my time. I know what I’m doing,” he murmured. He carefully eased her tight fitting shirt up, just enough to expose the bruise that was forming. He started to gently manipulate the area with his fingers, carefully pressing and smoothing, searching for a break.

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