Ashwood Falls Volume Two (34 page)

Christa clenched her jaw. “They most likely had orders to kill the innocents, and when they found none, they retreated.”

Luna nodded. “I agree. Either way, we got the message. It’s time to deliver ours.”

Christa couldn’t have agreed more with the Alpha. She scanned the area around her, and her heart broke. About sixty percent of the homes and buildings around them were burning, and another ten percent were nothing but piles of stone and wood. It was going to take months to repair the damage.

Blaine let out a low growl, drawing Christa’s attention back to the group. “Ana, can you do something with the fire?”

Ana peered around and gave a short nod before raising her arms. She speared them wide then brought them together slowly until her palms pressed together. The flames seemed to react to her motion and extinguished when her palms met.

“Nice,” Christa said.

Ana shrugged. “I’m an elemental. I can control the major four elements.”

“Ana wasn’t allowed to use her gifts when she lived in the Onyx Pack. Rather, she didn’t want Felix to know about her gifts,” Blaine growled out.

Luna started walking toward the Medical Center. “Let’s see how much damage there is to our communications system and call a meeting. I’m sick of sitting by because of old laws that need to be updated. I’m going to motion to search for and capture anyone involved in rogue activity.”

Chapter 19

ayden followed his mother into the Medical Center with Blaine, Keegan, Kieran, and Alec following behind. Ana, Christa, and Dane went to assess the damage to the den since Ana and Christa weren’t a part of the Pack hierarchy. Dane just opted to sit out.

It was no surprise to Hayden that Dane didn’t want to sit in on the meeting. As the Beta wolf, he had every right to offer his opinion and listen in. However, Dane didn’t like tight places or being around too many people at once. He managed within the Pack on a daily basis, but he took every opportunity to sneak off to be alone.

If Dane had been an alpha male, Hayden would be concerned that his brother would leave the Pack to be a lone wolf. But Dane was a beta, both in his birthright and his nature.

When they entered the office Dani and Sasha shared, Alec moved to the computer and the comm. After a few moments, he had the computer screen on and a message sent to the Elders to join an emergency meeting.

Micaela Callahan from the Evers Creek Pride in the mountains of Virginia was the first to dial in. Her straight black hair was down, cascading over her shoulders. She didn’t appear happy to be called into the meeting. Her dark brown eyes stared at them through the monitor, her lips pursed into a thin line.

“Blaine, Luna,” Micaela said with no emotion.

Luna didn’t bother with a formal greeting. “We’ll give the others another five minutes before we explain.”

Micaela lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Very well.”

A moment later, Ryker Stone from the puma Pride, Crimson Stone, and Donovan Parker from the bear den, Blackrock, joined the video conference. Both the puma and the bear looked puzzled, but not as annoyed as the tiger.

Hayden didn’t know Micaela well, but figured the scowl was a personality trait.

Luna tapped her fingernails on the table to get everyone’s attention before she spoke. “About an hour ago, we had to evacuate Ashwood Falls. Just as we were getting the last of the Pack through the tunnels, we were attacked.”

The three Elders on the screen burst out in curses and started talking at once. Blaine placed his forefinger and thumb in his mouth and blew out a whistle. Everyone instantly quieted. “We need to amend some laws and put into place some kind of police force to hunt down the rogues and end them. I’m tired of sitting here and waiting for the next attack. We need to take action.”

Micaela was the first to speak up. “I agree. Felix has to be stopped, along with his followers. It needs to be done soon before copycats start popping up.”

Ryker spoke next. “I motion for an enforcement agency, but who will head it up?”

Kieran put his bid in. “I can. Ashwood Falls has a damn good tracker that could be my first.”

Donavon made a noise deep in his throat. “I can ask for a volunteer or two. Our Alpha will not make them do it.”

Keegan growled. “Neither will we, but I’m sure our enforcers will fight for the chance to legally hunt them down with a kill order.”

“As will the Pride,” Micaela agreed. “We have a couple of Trackers who would love to sink their fangs into the rogue scum.”

Hayden held in his amusement at the tigress’s statement. That was one female who held a grudge against Felix and the rogues.

Luna sat back in her chair with a satisfied smirk on her face. “Hayden, you and Alec get with Travis and form a team. I think it’s best that each Pack, Pride, and Den have their own small team that can cover their territories and surrounding areas. However, all the teams must be able to work together without question and at a moment’s notice.”

Blaine finished a text and laid his cell on the table. “Jared’s going to draw up a treaty and work with each of the Alphas to allow the teams entry into their territories.”

They all gave a short nod. Hayden took the brief silence to speak about the issue at hand. “I have someone who might know where Vance is hiding, or at least can find out.”

Luna turned her gaze to him. “Your mate is human.”

“My mate will know how to get in touch with him, make the phone call, and will stay safe with the Pack,” Hayden growled out.

Luna laughed. “My dear son. Christa will not stay with the Pack and hide. I saw her fighting out there. She was born to hunt rogues, and you can’t stop her.”

Hayden ground his molars to keep from arguing with his mother in front of the Council of Elders. Christa would help, he had no doubt about that, but he would not allow her to risk her life by following a kill order.


ou are not going.”

Christa crossed her arms and pinned Hayden with a hard stare. “If you think you can just throw around orders like I’m one of your soldiers, you are mistaken. I’m your mate, and you need to trust in me.”

She was beyond pissed. Hayden had come to her and asked if there was a way she could find out where Vance was hiding. After thinking about who might be still alive that she could call, she jumped at the chance to bring the rogue bastard down.

Once Hayden said she wouldn’t be going into the field, she was seriously wondering why she was thinking about completing the mating bond.

And she was thinking about it. Right after he answered a few questions.

Yet, how could she mate him if he didn’t trust her to fight by his side?

She turned away from him with every intention of going to MoonRiver, grabbing Brenna and Bryce, and leaving, forgetting she’d ever fallen in love with the stubborn wolf. Let them fight their own damned war.

Hayden wrapped his arms around her from behind and held her close. “You admitted you are my mate. You’ve accepted it.”

“It doesn’t change the fact that you don’t trust me.”

He let out a soft growl and nipped at her earlobe. “I trust you. That’s not the issue.”

She twisted out of his arms and turned to face him. “Then what is the issue?”

He stepped forward, closing in the distance between them. Running his knuckles down her cheek, he said softly, “I can’t bear the thought of losing you. This is a kill order. Vance will know that when he sees the Trackers. It will become a battle to the death. I can’t...don’t... want you to be a part of it.” He leaned his head down so their lips brushed. “I love you, Christa. Bond or no bond, you are already a part of my heart.”

She froze and blinked at him. Tears stung the backs of her eyes as glee rose up in her chest and, with it, hope for a future with a man she’d grown to love over the last few days. Twining her fingers in his hair, she tugged him closer so their lips pressed together.

Hayden snaked his arms around her and deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned and tightened her grip in his hair, wanting more.

Hayden broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. Closing her eyes, Christa savored the moment because, in less than an hour, they were going after Vance. And she was going.

She had to see for herself that he was taken care of once and for all.

“I love you too,” she admitted softly. She’d been unsure until he said the words. It was as though something inside her had clicked, or just woken up. Some would say it was crazy to love someone after just a few days. Yet, there was a solid connection between her and Hayden. She felt it when she was near him and when they made love.

She’d never been so close to anyone since her sister died.

Meeting his gaze, she smiled and said, “I’m still going.”

“Christa,” he growled out in warning.

She stood her ground. “I need to do this. I need to help the Pack, show them that I can be trusted, that I’ll put my life on the line for them.”

He stared at her for several moments before finally letting out a heavy sigh. “You will wear Kevlar.”

Her smile turned into a grin, and she rose up on her toes to kiss him. “Deal.”

Hayden pulled out his cell and handed it to her. “They can’t trace mine.”

She took it and nodded. It made sense. If Shield suspected her of lying, they’d trace the number. Hell, they were going to trace the number regardless.

Unsure if any of her old contacts were human, or even alive any more, she dialed the hotline they used for emergencies. She held Hayden’s stare as she listened to the ring tone, her heart racing.

“State your ID and emergency.”

Without a second thought, Christa gave the information as though she was still in their system. “5643. I need to speak to Vance. I have information on the rogue shifter pack, Ashwood Falls.”

Hayden raised a brow, and she almost smiled.

“Hold please.”

A moment later a male voice, one that made her heart skip, spoke. It must have shown in her facial features because Hayden straightened. “Christa. It is good to hear from you. I have to admit, I’m a little shocked you are alive.”

Shit. He knew.

Damn it. He wasn’t supposed to take the call.
Think, Chris

“I escaped. The attack on the den took them by surprise, and I was able to get away.”

Her gaze still on Hayden, she shrugged. It was the best she could think of at the spur of the moment. Not giving him too much time to respond, she steeled her back and said, “I need a pickup.”

“Of course.”

Damn him. He was being too quiet and too calm. She shook her head at Hayden and hoped he understood that she was trying to tell him Vance wasn’t buying it.

“I’m not far from the Blue Ridge checkpoint. I could meet you there.”

Vance was silent for a few moments before responding. “Very well. See you soon, Christa.”

Cold dread crept up her spine as the call disconnected. She handed the phone back to Hayden with a shaky hand. “He won’t be there.”

Movement at the doorway made Christa shift her gaze to Luna. The Alpha had her arms folded over her chest and her lips were pressed into a hard line. “Then you will have to allow whoever picks you up take you to him.”

“Hell no!” Hayden whirled around to face his mother, his body tensed for a fight.

Luna unfolded her arms and walked toward them. “What choice do we have? If we had something personal that belonged to Vance, we could have Addyson or Will read the object.”

“I’ll do it.” Christa pushed past Hayden to stand in front of his mother. If she was going to gain respect from the rest of the pack members, she had to do this. After all, this was her Pack now too. At least it would be once she completed the bond with Hayden and became his bonded mate.

Ten minutes later, Christa was in Hayden’s Range Rover heading to the pick-up location that was a mile from the checkpoint Shield used for emergencies. It was a small cabin about a half-mile off the main road and used to store supplies and serve as a pickup location.

Hayden hadn’t spoken to her since they’d left Ashwood Falls. Instead, he just growled as Dane fitted her with the wire and tiny GPS they’d use to track her.

“This is the only way to get close enough to Vance,” she said softly, hating the silence between them.

Hayden let out a sigh. “I don’t have to like it.”

“If it make you feel better, I’m scared too.”

He took his hand from the steering wheel and reached over to cover her hand. Giving a gentle squeeze, he glanced at her briefly. “Promise me you’ll come back.”

She linked her fingers with his. “Promise. I’ve trained for this.”

There was silence again as Hayden pulled off the road and parked the SUV. He turned to her, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her hard. When he pulled back, he ran his thumb over her lips. “Just say the word, and I’m there. Don’t take any risks.”

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Promise.” She wanted Vance and the rest of the rogues stopped just as much he did, but she wasn’t stupid. “This is a team operation. Once they take me to Vance, I’ll give the signal.”

He gave her one last quick kiss before releasing her. “Now go before I drag you back to the den.”

Christa opened the door and hopped out of the Range Rover then jogged off into the forest. A few yards in, she tested the two-way wire system. “Dane?”

“Gotcha. Everything’s good.”

Here goes
. She took off to the east toward the cabin.

It was a thirty-minute hike to the checkpoint, and when she spotted the small cabin, her heart started thumping in rapid beats, and her palms became clammy. She stopped a few feet from it, still hidden by the trees that surrounded it, and took calming breaths to slow her heart rate.

When she was in control of her emotions again, she walked up the three steps to the porch and knocked on the door.

A moment later, Jonathan, a solider she’d worked with a number of times over the years, answered. He frowned when he saw her and stepped aside to allow her to enter the cabin. He didn’t say anything until the door was shut behind him.

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