Assassin Treasure (Assassins Book 4) (24 page)

“Damn, I sure hope not, sweetheart. You’ll still have fun, I promise. Tyr will keep you safe,” Dirk said, noting her pained expression.

“Please come back to me.”

Dirk took her into his arms. He knew that was Candy’s biggest fear, of him never returning. He brushed a lock of curls from her forehead. The fact she wanted him to return, not because she wondered at her fate, but because she loved him, caused him a deep feeling of joy within his heart.

“I’ll always come back to you.”

Candy nestled her head onto his powerful chest, pulling him tightly to her. “Make love to me, please. I need you. I need you close to me.”

Dirk lifted her into his arms wanting her, thrilled she wanted him. Every time she asked for his touch, he felt exhilarated. He claimed her lips hungrily. She responded just as eagerly. Candy tugged at his shirt, begging him to fill her.

Dirk pulled at his clothing, sensing her desire to be engulfed by him. He would give her what she wanted, but not before making her ready for him. His large hands settled onto her slim shoulders as he pushed her down to kneel in front of him. His hand tangled in her hair as he guided his thickened cock into her mouth. Candy clasped him within both hands, she licked at the tip, her lips kissed him. Dirk groaned as she closed her mouth over him sensuously. She took him deeper and deeper. He could feel the heat of her tongue slide under him. Her warm expelled breath made him harden further. When he looked down at her, he grinned when she offered him a saucy look. He loved the way she accepted every sexual desire he taught her, and he had been pleasantly surprised when she had mentioned giving him oral sex stimulated her.

Her hands and mouth were working together with purpose and he knew the little minx was trying to get him to come. He would, but not until he had her where he wanted her. He decided her brief rein of control was over. The next time Candy released him to kiss teasingly, Dirk grasped her roughly under her arms. She gasped when she hit the bed. He was on top of her, pinning her beneath him.

“Let’s see how you like to be tormented,” he declared and climbed over her, his head facing her feet.

Candy cried out as his mouth trailed a path down her. His lips nipped her inner thigh. He blew a warm breath onto her folds, right before his tongue invaded her. Candy was thrashing, but Dirk lowered, offering her no choice but to accept his long, hard length back into her mouth while he plundered her. Her wrists were pinned beneath his legs not giving her the opportunity to hold onto him. He pushed down into her mouth and rose up. Her mouth was delightfully warm as she sucked him eagerly. Before each of their partings, she wanted him this way. He knew she feared for him. Dirk strove to overwhelm her fears. He became wild, primitive in his taking of her, working his tongue and fingers within her. Hoping to soothe her distress by showing her he was a force to be reckoned with.

When he could taste her, feeling her surrender with her violent shudder he turned. He captured her wrists high above her head. Her eyes were glazed with passion and want. Her legs spread before him and she whispered his name. He knew she was ready for him.

* * * *

Candy cried out when Dirk entered her forcefully, though she was more than ready for him. She knew he would be without mercy, she wanted none. He was proving his dominance, his power and prowess. He feared nothing, no one. Candy was eager to feel his strength. He gripped her to him with force. He growled into her ear that he was invincible, not one single force on earth would be able to stop his return to her. She was his, no one else’s; no other would ever possess something belonging to him.

“Dirk,” she cried out.

Dirk pinned her wrists above her head easily with one hand. She struggled wildly knowing that was what he wanted. He wanted her to fight him, to resist as hard as she could. He snarled at her to defy him, to thwart his efforts as he continued to thrust almost viciously within her. Candy panted breathlessly. Slowly her struggles eased until her stamina was completely spent. Her husband was too powerful. She was helpless, a captive beneath him; she whimpered her acceptance of defeat up at him.

Dirk slowed his powerful thrusts as Candy settled. She continued to gasp in pants for air as she stilled and became unmoving, allowing him the control he wanted and commanded. His angered grunts changed to soft soothing words while she lay quiet. He released her wrists, and her hands reached for him, clinging to his broad back. Her pinned legs, once released, wrapped themselves around him.

“Dirk,” she whispered. Her tears continued to fall to the pillow. “I love you, Dirk, please.”

“I’ll come back to you, Candy. You’re mine, only mine,” Dirk soothed. He stroked a gentle hand down her cheek and kissed at her tears.


“I promise. I’ll never abandon you,” Dirk swore. His powerful form pinned her to the bed possessively.

The two lay pressed as closely as two humans could. Candy’s sobs eased, until tired, she drifted into sleep, comforted by his weight and presence. She knew when she woke he’d be gone as always. She believed in him, she trusted him, she loved him. Dirk would return to her, he had promised.

Chapter 16

The tiny little cough followed by a wheeze rang throughout the large wooden hut they occupied. An ominous sound from one so tiny. Carrie cuddled her son closely to her breast, her frightened, worried gaze fleeing to her husband. Tyr was looking just as anxious from the kitchen table. The baby boy had been up all night with both parents hovering anxiously over him, their tired eyes bathed in fear and worry. Tyr had slipped into Candy’s room in the middle of the night asking her to sleep with Sammy in her room. He fretted she would be exposed to TJ’s ailment if not separated from her brother. Candy complied immediately, feeling anxious for both children.

“Any change?” Candy asked worriedly. She emerged, feeling exhausted, glancing from one to the other, also having no sleep, from her bedroom carrying a bright eyed Sammy within her arms.

“He feels so hot,” Carrie said with concern. She placed a gentle kiss on her son’s fevered brow.

“Maybe it would be best if you took him to a hospital,” Candy suggested.

“I can’t go alone. I don’t know my way around here,” Carrie sobbed in anguish.

“Why don’t both you and Tyr go,” Candy said. She moved to place a hand on Carrie’s shoulder in a comforting gesture. “I’ll stay and watch Sammy.”

“We should all go,” Tyr said striding toward them.

“But Tyr, you know what the hospitals here are like. Sammy could be exposed to anything. You know what her immune system is like. TJ has always been stronger. I know he’s sick but he’s already five pounds heavier than her,” Carrie said distressed.

Tyr ran a frustrated hand over his face, Candy knew Carrie was right. Tyr looked over at her. She knew he trusted her with his child. He had grown to care for her and knew she cared for him as well. He had been sweet and kind and gentle. He knew she loved Dirk beyond belief. He also knew she and Carrie had grown to be the best of friends.

“You’ll be fine here, Candy. Just don’t leave the hut, stay inside. No one knows we’re here; you’ll be safe,” Tyr said with assurance.

“I won’t leave the hut. Sammy is safe with me. I’ll make certain she is spoiled rotten until you return,” Candy said grinning widely.

Tyr groaned and rolled his eyes at her. “Of that, I have no doubt.”

“We shouldn’t be long,” Carrie said, handing TJ into Tyr’s arms while she packed one of the diaper bags with haste.

“Everything will be fine, Care Bear,” Candy said fondly, using the sweet nickname she loved for her special daughter-in-law, who was her closest friend aside from Dirk.

Carrie cast her a grateful smile. She then claimed her small son and she and Tyr left hurriedly, leaving Candy and Sammy alone.

* * * *

Candy hummed softly. She showered and changed and was brushing her hair. It had taken a wee bit of rocking to coax Sammy back into slumber after feeding her. Thankfully, Carrie had a few bottles on hand already filled for when Candy and Dirk were supposed to be watching the twins.

Candy rose from her seated position at a small sound, wondering if Sammy had awakened already. She made her way toward the back of the hut but stopped suddenly, her breast filled with horror. Smiling evilly at her, Taylor was making his way down the hall. She sensed impending doom.

“Oh no,” she whispered. Slowly she began to back up, but stopped abruptly. Taylor would pass by Sammy’s room. She needed to protect the baby.

“Go ahead, bitch, run,” Taylor said, while smiling cruelly in anticipation.

“Please Taylor, don’t hurt the baby,” Candy pleaded, hoping he would possess more compassion than his brother would.

Taylor chuckled and paused at the baby’s doorway, casually glancing within. Candy felt the blood drain from her face. She moved toward him with an agonizing slowness, her nightmare from before where the hallway never ended flashed into her mind, she felt like lead. She held her arms wide in supplication.

“I don’t want the kid, you know what I want. You saw the assassin, didn’t you, bitch? You saw who murdered my brother. You know why he was there and can identify him. I’ll spare the brat, if, if you come willingly with me,” Taylor said, his tone menacing.

“Please Taylor, don’t kill me,” Candy sobbed. Her mind was thinking frantically. She was horrified with the thought that if he killed her, he would vindictively murder Sammy if he knew she was related to his brother’s killer.

“I plan on more than just killing you, you little whore,” Taylor sneered. He advanced on her, his sinister intent obvious from the gleam in his eyes.

Candy was sobbing hysterically when Taylor reached her. He pulled her viciously to his chest.

“What, no frantic race for safety? Too bad, I would’ve enjoyed a chase of cat and terrified mouse.”

“No please,” Candy sobbed. “Please spare the child.”

“I might, I might not,” Taylor said. His grip tightened on her arms to move upward slowly and Candy knew she was about to die unless she did something drastic. Her mind raced frantically as his hands crept toward her throat.

“Don’t kill her, Taylor, please have mercy for your own niece,” Candy begged suddenly when his hands tightened painfully on her neck and she choked.

Taylor stilled. His vicious grip loosened, shock an open book on his face. “What do you mean

“The baby, she’s your brother’s,” Candy sobbed in desperation, her mind screaming out a story to appease him.

“You lie,” he snapped.

“No,” she cried. “The baby is your brother’s. Yes I was with Tyler the night he died. He hid me under a desk to protect me when the assassin showed. I love...loved him. I’m from a poor background and unimportant, he said your father would never accept me. But your brother cared for me, loved me. When he found out I was carrying his child he set me up in an apartment. He said he could never marry me but he wanted the baby, he wanted me. Please Taylor, have mercy on your dead twin brother’s only child.”

Taylor released Candy and strode with purpose into Sammy’s room. Candy trailed him screaming desperately for some type of compassion. Taylor lifted the now wide awake and howling child within his arms. He studied her critically, fending off Candy’s frightened attempts to shield her. She could see he took note of her blue-black hair, her brilliant, vibrant blue eyes. She hoped he thought they looked like his own, like his brother’s own.

“Taylor, please kill me if you must, but I beg you, spare the baby,” Candy cried, her tears flowed down her cheeks. She tugged on his powerful arms.

Taylor was studying her intently; she hoped he was taking in her agonized expression, the way she handed her life over to him willingly, the way she pulled on his strong arms, oblivious to her own fate while seeking to defend the child, as any mother would to defend her own child. She had to convince him this baby was hers.

“Pack the brat a bag,” Taylor said.

Candy stood back confused for a moment until she realized he wanted a diaper bag with necessary items. Elated, she realized he was sparing the baby, she must have convinced him. She raced to comply. Even if he killed her, Sammy would have a chance, Dirk would find her.

Once finished, Candy stood docilely before the huge man. She reached out and brushed a lock of Sammy’s hair from her forehead before kissing the now sleeping child. Though evil and cruel, she noted Taylor was able to calm the baby by rocking her and speaking calmly.

“She’ll need to be fed in an hour,” Candy said tearfully while waiting for the inevitable. Taylor would most assuredly kill her now. “And changed, she needs to be changed. She likes her blankie at bedtime tucked up under her chin. You may need to rub her back for a while until she settles, sometimes she cries, she’s so stubborn, so strong willed she....” Candy broke down and fell to her knees. Her head bowed within her hands covering over her face. Her broken sobs filled the room. “Be good to her, Taylor, she’s only a baby; she is helpless and at your mercy.”

Taylor’s gaze settled onto her when she looked imploringly up at him. She knew she was also helpless and at his mercy. His face twisted with evil intent.

“Get up. I’m not going to kill my brother’s lover. I have more important plans for you. If this is really my niece, you’ll both prove to be invaluable to me.”

Candy shuddered at the sudden gleam in Taylor’s cold calculating eyes. He was planning something, she was certain. Her heart screamed for Dirk to save them, she was terrified; she needed him. She was viciously jerked to her feet by a ruthless hand. Candy tried to reach for the baby but Taylor held her off.

“Please, let me have her.”

“Beg me,” he said chuckling.

“I do beg you, please Taylor, please.”

“You best get used to begging. I’ve lived in my brother’s shadow for too long, always the oldest, by two damned minutes, always the more responsible, always more loved and wanted, the one to inherit
family fortune. Now it would seem I have what he valued.

“I have a secret for you, bitch, I know the baby isn’t really
,” Taylor said almost on a whisper. Candy shuddered as his eyes went wild.

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